Chapter Nine

A/N: Sorry this chapter took so long to come out, I've been pretty wrapped up in the writing of my novel recently (which is infinitely more time consuming than fanfictions unfortunately) and my sister just had her first baby so it's been hectic around here. But anyhow, here's the last chapter, guys. I hope you enjoy it!

Anonymous The Nobody: Yes he is! Yay!

Gabrielle Talia: Yep :D

Guest: Yay! I'm glad you like it!

Katz4: Lol XD

cherryflowerblossom: Well I'm glad what you hoped for came true! :D Here be fluff!

Velcoity kneels down without moving his foot. If anything, the pressure gets heavier. Cat Noir realizes with a hot pang of terror that his vision is starting to go dark again. His side feels abnormally warm. His bleeding must be getting worse.

"Ladybug will be better off without you."

"Partnered akumas have only ever been defeated with...with...the sacrifice of Cat Noir's life. It's the only way Ladybug is able to take the akumas by surprise and defeat them at the same time."

I hope you're right, Master Fu...

The blade comes faster than he expected but, oddly enough, there's almost no pain. Just a quick pressure in his chest and then...everything disappears. The pain, the akuma, everything.

I'm sorry, Marinette...




"Uhhn..." Adrien forces his eyes open at the familiar voice. His vision is blurry but even so, he knows who it is that's speaking to him, even if he can't see her correctly. "Ladybug..." The weakness of his voice startles him and he blinks owlishly, trying to remember what happened.

His Lady is kneeling beside him, her eyes glassy and a bit bloodshot. Has she been crying? He can't tell, the smile on her face is too brilliant to see past. "Adrien!" she cries, her gloved hands finding either side of his face. One cupping his cheek, the other running through his hair. She sniffles and that's when he decides that, yes, Ladybug had been crying. But...over what? Over him? Did something happen? Is that...why he's laying on his back on the ground? Speaking of which...

"Where are we...?"

Ladybug smiles softly and goes back to caressing his hair. "I'm not sure..." she admits. "As soon as you started to wake up, I just sort of...grabbed you and ran. There were too many people around. I didn't want anyone to see who you were."

Adrien nods and is left surprised when the movement doesn't cause his injured side to spike with pain. He's still disoriented and can't remember much beyond leaving Master Fu's house. The battle is a dark blur in the corners of his memory and he can't reach it yet, not while he's still so drowsy. But he does remember getting injured before that. So why doesn't it hurt? Craning his neck past Marinette, he raises his eyebrows when he finds that his shirt is no longer blood stained and his ribs don't ache anymore. He's healed?

Oh, wait. That's right. Ladybug must have used her healing light after the battle with the akumas. Her magic fixed him, like it fixes everything.

But...if they defeated the akumas, wouldn't be remember?


Unless he wasn't there.



Adrien clasps his side, mostly out of habit, and sits up as Ladybug fawns over him, telling him not to move, that he needs to rest. "I'm fine, Ladybug," he says. "You saved me. Like always."

Marinette sits back slightly, a little surprised at the shortness of his tone. Is he...mad at her? "Adrien...? Is something...wrong?" She touches his hand and, to her relief, he doesn't reject the contact. Instead, he deflates with a deep sigh.

"I'm alright..." he says again, this time softer than before. "I'm...sorry."

"For what...?"

"We said we'd do it as a team but I still failed you. You had to fight them on your own, anyway." Adrien looks away, staring at the ground between his knees. He doesn't say it, but Velocity's words are echoing in his head, each word sending a guilty pang through his heart.

Ladybug would be better off without you.

Marinette's hand tightens over his and when he looks up, she's frowning. "We both did all we could," she reminds him in a stiff voice. Of course she doesn't mention the crippling guilt she'd felt at knowing she'd failed to keep him safe. Now isn't the time for that. "I'm just glad you're okay."

For a moment, he doesn't react and Ladybug fears that he's still doubting himself. But then he finally looks up and there's a gentle smile on his face, a grateful one. "As am I, My Lady." He takes her hand in his and presses a kiss to her gloved fingertips. Ladybug ignores the sudden beep of her earrings as she lowers her hand and replaces their spot against his lips with her own. Heat rises in her cheeks and in her stomach and she threads her fingers into his hair, holding him close.

God, she thought she'd lost him. She thought she'd never see him again.

"Okay, Ladybug, the street's clear, we can-AH!"

The lovers yank apart at the startled yell. Alya, whose presence Marinette had entirely forgotten about, is standing at the mouth of their little alleyway, staring at them with wide, horrified eyes. She feels Adrien shrink back, as if trying to hide himself behind her.

Alya stares for another agonizing moment before she jabs a thumb at the street behind them. "The way is clear for now," she says, her voice oddly stiff. "But we need to go now if you don't want to be seen." Her eyes have narrowed at Adrien, who is gaping quizzically at Ladybug.

Unfortunately, Marinette hasn't the slightest idea why her friend would be glaring at Adrien... but that's something to address at another time. But for now, she rises to her feet, helping Adrien up alongside her. What she can explain, however, is how Alya is so unsurprised at Adrien's identity.

"Sorry, Adrien," she begins quietly. "Alya...found you before I did. She made sure no one else saw you though."

Adrien just stares for a second and then nods jerkily. "Okay..." Okay so someone knows his identity now...that's...that's awesome... Alright, maybe not awesome but... It's...something. Turning to Alya, he forces a smile. It could be worse. It could have been Chloe. Or a complete stranger. At least he knows Alya, knows she's a decent human being. "Thanks, Alya."

His classmate's scowl finally lightens a little and she nods in return. "It's the least I could do for one of the heros of Paris." Despite the compliment, her tone is still ice cold. What's gotten into her? He doesn't get a chance to ask her because Alya turns and strides right out onto the sidewalk, checking one last time to make the way is clear before they leave. Which they do shortly after.

"You're going to tell her?" Adrien is walking on his own now. They've nearly reached his house and he doesn't want to make a scene of showing up held in Ladybug's arms...despite how tempting that is. Besides, her magic really worked...well magic. He feels perfectly fine.

"Well...why not? She already knows who you are..." Marinette says feebly, toying nervously with the fringe of her jacket. "And she's my friend!"

"She only found out about me by accident," he reminds her. "And I know she's your friend but she's also Ladybug's most avid fan. I'm not trying to talk you out of it do you think she'll react? Do you think she'd post anything on her blog?"

"No of course not! Not if she knew...I mean...I don't think so...I...I hope not!" Marinette groans and shakes her head. They've reached the massive, white gate leading to the Agreste mansion and she knows Adrien doesn't like to keep his father waiting. "I don't know anymore...what should I do, Adrien?"

He smiles gently and gives her shoulder a comforting squeeze. "I can't make that call for you," he says. "But I know whatever you decide to do will be the right choice. I have confidence in you, M'L-I mean...Marinette." He smiles bashfully, with an ornery glint in his eyes before bowing and kissing her hand. "I'll see you at school tomorrow."

"See you tomorrow..." Marinette watches him trot up the steps until he disappears behind the massive double doors. She sags with a deflating sigh and rubs the back of her neck. Turning away, she slowly makes her way back home, following the delightful smell of warm croissants all the way to the bakery doors, where her parents greet her happily.

"Oh there you are, sweetie!" Sabine kisses the top of her daughter's head. "Did you have a good time at Alya's house?"

"Yeah, it was great..." she lies with a fake smile. "But I'm really tired. Do you mind if I go take a nap?"

"Of course not, sweetheart."

Marinette trudges up the steps and has only just reached her bed when she feels her phone buzzing in her pocket. Flopping down onto the heavenly matress, she fishes it out of her bag and swipes the screen. It's a text from Alya.

We've gotta talk, girl. Can I come over?

Talk? Talk about what?

Marinette taps out a quick affirmative and drops the phone onto her bedside table, chewing her knuckles. Could Alya have figured it out? Maybe she saw the way she and Adrien were acting and-OH GOD they KISSED in front of her! Of course she knows! Oh no, oh no, oh no...oh god she thought she'd have more time! She thought she'd be able to tell her on her own terms! But Alya KNOWS! Oh she feels like such an idiot!

Only moments later, she hears the bakery door bell jingle and her mother greets Alya in her usual cheerful tone. Marinette jumps to her feet and waits with adrenaline making her heart thunder until the trapdoor has opened and closed again before grabbing her friend's shoulders and blurting out the first thing that comes to mind.


Alya is stunned. Obviously. She blinks at her friend a few times before smirking and raising an eyebrow. "Hate you? Why would I hate you?"

Marinette pauses. "Because I didn' about...wait...what is it, exactly, that we need to talk about?"

Alya removes her friend's hands from her shoulders and folds her arms over her chest. By the uncertainty and sadness that comes over her face, Marinette is suddenly unsure if they're talking about the same thing, here. "Marinette...I'm...I'm sorry to have to tell you this but..."

Marinette leans in at the pause.

"...Adrien is cheating on you."


"Wait, what?"

"I'm so sorry, girl. I just found out today and...listen, I can't really say who it is he's cheating with for really important reasons but-"

"It wouldn't happen to be Ladybug, would it?"

"Wha-how did you know?"

Marinette sighs and takes her friend's hands. Suppose she has no choice. "Alya...there's something I need to talk to you about."

"So...what you're saying is..."

Marinette nods encouragingly, trying not to get impatient with all the ways Alya seems to try to convince herself she didn't heat her correctly. No, she's not Ladybug's friend. She's not her family member. She's Ladybug.

"You're Ladybug..."

Thank god. "Yes..."

"And...Adrien isn't cheating on you...because he's Cat Noir..."


"And you're Ladybug...who he was kissing..."


It takes Alya a moment to register all this. But when she does, the biggest smile Marinette has ever seen bursts across her face and...and she...laughs? Laughs hysterically, actually. Doubled over, clutching her ribs, tearing up laughter.

Marinette flushes red. "I'm not joking, Alya!"

"I know!" Her friend wheezes out. "I know! I'm-I'm sorry!" And yet the hysterics continue. Maybe she's in shock. "It's just-it's just so obvious! How-how did I never see it?!"

"Huh?" Marinette blinks. "Obvious?"

"Yes it is! I don't know how I didn't piece it together! I mean you have the same hair, the same eyes, even your voice! And it's not just that..." Alya finally overcomes her fit of giggles and softens up a little. "There's only one girl in the entire city as brave and smart and resourceful as Ladybug...and that's you, girl."

Marinette swallows, a little choked up. "Really...?"


"'re not mad I didn't tell you?"

"A little disappointed you didn't think to trust me, I'm not mad. I mean, how could I be? My BFF is Ladybug!"

Marinette shushes her amid a huge grin and points to the floor. After all, her parents are still downstairs. "You're the best, Alya," she whispers, throwing her arms around her neck. "I don't know why I was ever scared to tell you."

Adrien is laying in bed, one hand draped over his stomach, his eyes closed. Someone knows his identity now... Marinette might tell Alya her identity as well... How is this going to affect things? It could be great, having one more ally. Or it could be a nightmare... There's no way to know until it's done.

"Say, Adrien, what do you suppose candle wax tastes like?"

Adrien moans quietly at Plagg's incessant food craving. "Not like cheese."

"Well, sure that's a given. But I mean, do you think it's sweet? Salty?" The kwami is hovering thoughtfully above a white candle in a glass jar perched on a high shelf in his master's room.

"I think it tastes like candle wax. Plagg, can't you...I don't know, take a nap or something? Play with some yarn? I'm exhausted, I need to sleep."

But his kwami only flies in close, floating right above his face. "Aww, is someone a grumpy cat?"

Adrien swats at him and rolls onto his stomach, burying his face in his pillow. "You're a pest."

"And you're a grouch. I'm gonna go-"

Knock, knock, knock.

Adrien bolts upright in bed. "Plagg, hide!" The door slides open seconds after the kwami hides himself. Adrien gets out of bed and stands awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck as Gabriel Agreste strides into the room. "Father? Is...something wrong?"

His father is clearly distressed. His posture, always upright and perfect, is even more stiff than usual and there's a pinch between his eyes and a deep frown set on his face. "Adrien," He steps closer and for some reason, Adrien has the urge to back away. But he doesn't. His father's hand closes around his shoulder.

"I know what happened to your mother."

A/N: Okay, a few things:

Yes, this is the end. Sorry about the cliffhanger.

Yes, I plan to write a sequel (obviously) but I don't know when that will happen. Like I said, I've been working on my book really hard lately and I'm very focused on it right now.

Sorry if this sounded rushed, as previously stated, I've been kind of fitting this in amid writing all day trying to get some actual work done.

I hope you guys enjoyed!