Chapter 7! Hope you enjoy! Once again sorry, for any typos!

Daryl stormed back into the ward and to the bed he was staying in and braced himself against the counter, sucking the air deeply through his teeth. He didn't even know why he was mad. The confusion of everything and the upset of losing Carol and leaving the group was a lot to bare and he was finally channelling out the emotion as anger. Daryl heard footsteps behind him knowing full well who it was. "A fucking tiger? This place has got to be a joke right?" Daryl turned to face Cassie who was standing with her hands on her hips smirking at him.

"She's gorgeous isn't she?" she said shooting him a grin which made him clench is fists which began to turn white. "So you gonna stay?" she asked. Daryl looked at her and frowned slightly, he didn't know what to do anymore, he needed The Kingdom's help to find his way home and to help him recover, his injury was no way near healed.

Daryl gave a gentle nod before saying "until I'm healed, then I'm going home," he said simply, and then walking towards to bed and collapsing. Cassie didn't respond she just watched him, he was an odd character and she was amused and fascinated by him at the same time.


A week passed, Daryl didn't leave the ward, only stood up to stretch his legs and use the showers and the toilet. His shoulder was healing well and he felt much stronger in himself.

"Checkmate," said Cassie looking up at him with a smug look on her face.

"You cheated," mumbled Daryl crossing his arms.

"I ain't cheating. You're just pissed that you lost... Again," she said laughing at him.

"Fuck you," responded Daryl, annoyed at yet again another loss.

The pair had grown closer over the past week, they were still weary of each other but a friendship was beginning to form. Cassie had spent a lot of time looking after him, helping Polly change his dressings when she was busy with other patients and Cassie would bring him food and keep him company even when he wanted her to go away. Daryl still didn't trust her entirely but she was decent enough that he put up with her.

Cassie packed away the chess set and stacked it on the shelf along with some other games and lots of books. "So Daryl," she started, Daryl rolled his eyes, more questions were about to be fired and he'd just about had enough "is there a woman in your life?" she wiggled her eyebrows at him and sat in the chair next to his bed. Her question made him feel as if someone had pulled his heart out of his chest. Yes. But he didn't know where the hell she was or if she's alive. Thoughts of Carol overpowered him and he glared at Cassie.

"Ain't none of your business," said Daryl harshly, wanting to drop the subject.

"So there is," she said sensing that he was lying and leaning forward to rest her elbows on her knees. "Isn't she gonna be worried sick? Like you've been gone for weeks..." Cassie trailed off realising what she was saying, then it hit her. The missing person he was looking for was the one woman who has his heart. Cassie's expression softened and she twiddled her fingers. "I'm sorry," she said feeling guilty she had brought it up. "Is she the one you were out there searching for?" she wanted to be sure. Daryl simply nodded and looked down, he didn't want to talk about Carol to Cassie, it was hard for him, losing Carol had destroyed him and the not knowing if she was alive ate away at him every minute of everyday.

Polly entered at the right moment before Daryl lost it. "Cassie, I could use your help. Our patient in the next ward is ready to get up and move about, may need you as a support." Cassie nodded and stood, looking at Daryl apologetically before following Polly out of the men's ward, towards the woman's. Daryl stifled back a tear and lay back staring at the blank ceiling above him.


"Hey," said Polly pulling back the curtain and smiling "this is my goddaughter Cassie, she's going to help you up and get you moving if that's alright? I am much too old and am not much use, Cassie is strong," she said laughing a little. The woman nodded and sat up, pulling the blankets off her legs and sliding to the edge of the bed.

Cassie bent down and put her arm around the woman's back and guided her to her feet. Her legs were shaky and felt like jelly, she hadn't left the hospital bed in weeks and this was the first time she had attempted to walk on her own. She stood with Cassie steadying her slightly.

"That's it. You're stronger than I thought you were Carol, well done!" said Polly, pleased with the sight before her. Carol looked up to smile at her. Polly had been her carer since she and Morgan had been brought to The Kingdom, she had become close with Polly and she had helped her to overcome some of her personal demons, not all, Carol still had a long way to go but she had been given hope and was beginning to heal. The Kingdom would be a new start for Carol, a way to overcome her problems and set herself back on track.

"You good?" Cassie released Carol, as she adjusted to using her legs again, the pain from the gunshot wound in her leg was almost non existent and was nearly fully healed. Cassie's words reminded her of Daryl after she and Maggie had been captured by The Saviors. She thought of Daryl, the one person she loved most in this world, the one person she'd do anything for was gone from her life, she couldn't kill anymore and loving Daryl meant she'd had to kill and she just couldn't. That was partly her reason for leaving, the guilt inside her was just building and having to watch Daryl turn into what she had become killed her inside. He had remained good during all the shit they'd been through and it hurt her to see him admit that he shouldn't have spared a man's life. "Carol?" Cassie asked. Carol snapped back into reality, noticing that her mind had been wondering.

"Yeah, think I've got this," said Carol, sounding genuine. Her legs were still shaking her muscles already ached but it felt good to be mobile again. Carol took a few steps, Cassie close by her side and Polly's face beamed with happiness.

"Look at you, up and about," said a voice from the door. It was Morgan, he held his staff in one hand and watched Carol as she took tiny steps around the room. "How you feeling?"

"Shaky but it feels good," replied Carol smiling at him. She'd seen a change in Morgan since they arrived. He came to see her everyday to tell her about what he's been up to and to keep her company. Morgan had been spending a lot of time with Ezekiel, who Carol had met the night they arrived, the tiger was an odd sight but it fascinated her. Ezekiel had been teaching Morgan about The Kingdom way of doing things and what their philosophy is. The Kingdom was against violence unless it is required to protect the community or the people they love. Morgan had repeated this back to Carol, knowing that it'd affect her and would mean something to her. Carol was starting to understand that she does have to kill sometimes but she learning about when she doesn't have to. As well talking with Polly about things, was helping to get her mind back on track.

Carol lifted her arms and stretched, enjoying the feeling of movement. She felt much better, she'd been stuck in the hospital bed for weeks but now she could actually get out and see The Kingdom. Morgan said he had been appointed a job of Ezekiel's personal advisor and assistant, which Polly had said was an honour because Ezekiel had never had an assistant before. "Can I go shower?" asked Carol turning to Polly, she hadn't had a proper shower since she left Alexandria, she'd cleaned up with a cloth but she wasn't allowed to get her dressings wet.

Cassie fetched her a towel and a fresh change of clothes and showed her to the showers. "Holler if you need anything, you're still weak, I'll be right outside," said Cassie sounding soft. Carol liked Cassie, she reminded her of Daryl, heart of gold with a tough and rough exterior. Carol also saw a bit of Sophia in Cassie, they had similar features and she kind. She'd only met her as of about 15 minutes ago but so far, her impression was good.

"Thank you."

Carol stepped into the shower and switched on the hot water, the water poured over her giving her the sense of freedom and relief, she ran her fingers through her hair and she lingered in the hot stream of water for what seemed like forever. She stepped out and wrapped the towel around her body. Carol wiped the condensation off the mirror and looked at herself, she looked well. Healthy even, well rested and younger. Her gaze drifted to her arm where the scar of her gunshot wound was healing, she took a deep breath and released it out slowly.

"You ready?" said Cassie to Carol has she stepped out of the bathroom.


"Wanna see The Kingdom?" asked Cassie, sensing that Carol was closed off slightly.

"That'd be great," she said smiling at her. Cassie lead her back towards the women's ward where Carol dumped her old clothes and put her boots on. Cassie lead her out of the women's ward and passed the men's ward, she peered in as they passed and noticed Polly changing the dressing on a man's shoulder but she didn't stop to get a better look. Morgan joined them at the door of the school and the trio began walking. Cassie told Carol all about The Kingdom, she'd heard it from Morgan but it was nice to hear it from someone else.

"We've got cattle, sheep and pigs, so if you ever fancy a burger or anything, let me know and I can see what I can do. I have contacts," said Cassie winking at Carol. The Kingdom was much larger than it looked, surrounded by walls similar to that of Alexandria and the guards and 'Warriors' as they were know as carried spears and wore body armour. "During the winter, everybody moves into the school and takes camp in the old classrooms because it's warmer in there but during the summer, we are out here," she gestured to the sight before here, there were rows of tents and campfires dotted about. Someone was roasting a pig over a fire pit and Cassie smiled to Carol "Hog roast for dinner," Carol smiled back and they continued walking. The Kingdom was extraordinary, well put together and organised, everyone got along and it was a peaceful place.

"Ezekiel said that when you're ready, he'll get you a job if you'd be up for?" questioned Morgan as they walked side by side behind Cassie. Carol just nodded, she wasn't even sure if she wanted to stay, another group meant that she would get attached to people and she'd have to kill for them, she didn't know if she'd ever be able to do it again. "Whenever you're ready though, you take your time."

Cassie took them in a loop around The Kingdom and they returned to the front of the school. "Cassandra!" said Ezekiel exiting the building with Shiva by his side.

"Ezekiel," she responded, nodding to him.

"How are you feeling Carol? You look much better than when I first saw you."

"I feel better, it's good to be out of that bed," she laughed a little. A real laugh, one which she hadn't experienced in a long time.

"Cassie, Polly needs your help in the men's ward. His temper has gotten the better of him again, she said you can snap him out of it," said Ezekiel.

"Son of a bitch!" said Cassie, obviously frustrated. "I'll catch you later Carol," she turned and ran up the steps into the school and out of sight.

"What's wrong with him?" asked Carol wanting to be nosy.

"Gunshot wound through the shoulder, I'd say he is just fed up, probably a bit like you of being stuck inside, he's feisty and a survivor just like you," Ezekiel laughed it off. "Now, we're off for hog roast, will you be joining?" He said looking from Shiva to Morgan to Carol.

"I think I'm going to head back and get some rest, I'm feeling a bit tired," she wasn't lying, it'd been the busiest day she'd had since her arrival. Ezekiel nodded to her and he and Morgan started off in the direction of the camp. Carol sat down on the bottom of the steps, the sun was just starting to go down and the sky was turning orange but it was still bright out.

"He's just winding you up and can you fucking calm down, stop being a jackass!" she heard Cassie shout from inside, this was a side to Cassie she hadn't heard before, sharp and assertive.

"Fuck this, fuck you, I'm out," the voice sounded like a man who was clearly frustrated. More words were exchanged and the voices came closer to the door. Carol stood off the steps and looked up at the doors.

"You know what? Screw you Daryl! Ezekiel offered for you to stay here with us, he was winding you up, you need to let it go," Cassie sounded pissed. Cassie stormed out the front doors and hopped down the steps shaking her head. Carol was frozen, at the sound of Daryl's name, whether it was her Daryl or not, she couldn't help but wonder.

"Hey, this fight ain't over! I have-" Daryl stopped at the top of the steps. Carol.

"You have what Daryl? Things to sort out before you repay us?" Cassie mocked him slightly. She turned to look at him. He was frozen still at the top of the steps. He was staring at Carol who was staring right back at him. Cassie raised an eyebrow. Today had been a very weird day.

Daryl's lower lip began to shiver, and his hands were trembling, he started slowly down the steps taking the sight of her in, wanting to be sure it was her. Carol's fists knotted into the hem of her shirt and her legs felt like were about to collapse. Daryl then rushed to her and engulfed her squeezing her tight and cradling the back of her head. Carol had her arms firmly locked around his neck and rested her forehead against his shoulder breathing in the scent of him. He smelt like Daryl and she had missed him. Daryl couldn't stop the tears that fell, he cried into the curve of her neck. He never wanted to let her go ever again. He pulled back and moved his hands to cup her face between his palms and then rested him forehead against hers. "I thought you were dead," he said sniffing as he stood close to her, cupping her face. She rested her hands on his chest and breathed deeply.

"I'm not," replied Carol closing her eyes.

"You okay?" he asked.

"I am now," she responded, opening her eyes to look at him and then wiping a tear from his cheek with her thumb. Daryl felt relief wash over him at her response, and he lifted her face to meet his and he kissed her gently. She returned the favour and wrapped her arms around his neck whilst he snaked his arms around her waist pulling her close. They broke away and he pulled her into a hug, not willing to let her go.

"This your woman Daryl?" asked Cassie, a wide smile on her face, standing with her hands on her hips. Daryl looked up and glared at her.

"Piss off," he responded. Cassie just laughed at him.

"We have lots of room if you two wanted to go get a room? Room 121 is free, you can take that one," she said teasing him knowing how easy it was to wind him up.

"What did I just say to you?" he snapped back. She raised her hands in submission and laughed again before walking off.

"Don't forget we've got hog roast, but I take it you two won't be hungry after you're done." she said walking away quickly knowing full well that he may kill her for her distasteful joke. Carol felt Daryl's arms tense around her, Cassie knew exactly how to agitate him and she was good at it, hats off to her thought Carol. Carol giggled into his chest and he hugged her tighter. Carol knew that there were going to be hundreds of questions he was going to be asking her. She knew she would have to confess and tell him everything, about Lizzie, Terminus, Morgan and the Wolves. But for now, she savoured the moment, it was the first time she felt at ease in a long time.