Set straight after the encounter with Negan. Daryl finally finds out that Carol has gone and he sets out on his long journey to find her. I will add in some of my own characters at some point and characters from the comics. Hope you enjoy! I'm open to suggestions so leave a review or send me a message.

"You work for me now Rick, no more shit games," Negan growled, stepping over the body that was lying limp on the floor. Negan, held Lucille, his barb wired bat, under Rick's chin, lifting it so he looked him in the eye. "Go. Get out of here. I'll be seeing you around Rick." Negan turned on his heel and whistled to his men, who climbed in the vehicles and drove off.

A tear rolled down Rick's cheek as he shuffled over to the body who's skull had been smashed. Maggie was hysterical, tears streaming down her face and her body shaking. Michonne held her whilst she cried. Glenn's lifeless body lay in the shadows. Daryl sniffed and the tears fell, the rest of the group all following close behind.

"No no no," cried Rick rolling onto his back and crying some more. Daryl patted him on the shoulder, using whatever little energy he had left to comfort his friend and brother. Daryl stood and removed the blanket that was wrapped around his shoulders, he winced at the pain from his gunshot wound. He laid the blanket down over Glenn's body while Abraham wrapped Glenn in it. Aaron and Abraham lifted Glenn's body and carried him to the RV, lying him down on the small couch.

"Come on," said Michonne taking Maggie's hand and helping her to her feet. "Rick, we've got to get to the Hilltop, Maggie is getting worse and Daryl is bleeding out," she explained to Rick calmly, trying to remain strong as a tear rolled down her cheek. Rick stood, his knees wobbling, he didn't know how to process what had just happened, all he knew what they he'd made a mistake trying to take on the saviours, Negan was something else, powerful and dangerous, something to fear.

The group piled into the RV and collapsed, Maggie coughed, her fever getting higher by the second. Michonne held Maggie's head on her shoulder, trying to avoid letting her look at Glenn covered by the blanket, blood already beginning to stain it. Abraham took the wheel, Rick and Daryl sat upfront with him. Daryl leant his head against the window and all the colour was draining out of his face, his shoulder was bleeding badly, his hands covered in his blood where he had tried to stop the bleeding. No one said a word the entire journey. Rick felt as if he had failed the group, there was nothing he could have done to stop Negan doing what he did but he still felt to blame.

"It's my fault," croaked Daryl, his eyes shut and forehead against the window.

"Nah, it ain't," responded Rick wiping his nose on his sleeve.

"It is. I shouldn't have left Alexandria. If I hadn't left, Glenn wouldn't have caught. He would still be alive," said Daryl as he wiped the tear from his cheek. Rick was sitting there blaming himself but turns out Daryl was also blaming himself.

"Negan would've found us eventually. And it isn't your fault." Rick placed his hand on Daryl's forearm. Daryl drifted in and out of consciousness during the entire journey to the hilltop, he was convicted they stopped for gas but he couldn't remember.

Daryl's eyes flickered open and a ray of light shone against his chest, warming him slightly. He stirred, looking around, his gaze shifting from the bookshelf in the corner, to the surgical equipment on the table and the figure sat in the chair next to him. It was Rick.

"Hey, said Rick leaning forward, resting his elbows on his knees.

"How long have I been out?" queried Daryl sitting upright, avoiding putting too much pressure on his shoulder. A clean white bandage was tied neatly over where he had been shot.

"About 72 hours, you're a tough son of a bitch, you know." said Rick stroking his beard and then running a hand through his hair.

"I ain't shit," Daryl mumbled. Then an image of Glenn and Negan flashed through his head and he blinked hard trying to clear it from his mind. "How's Maggie?" he asked trying to change the subject slightly.

"Better, still weak but she's ok, so is the baby." Daryl nodded and looked down at his hands and twirled his thumbs. The look of sorrow was still flooded on Rick's face, his breathing was soft but fast. He rubbed his face and then passed Daryl the glass of water that was on his bedside. Daryl took it from him and drank.

"The others?" asked Daryl, wanting to avoid the awkward silence. Daryl didn't look at Rick, he wanted to avoid all unnecessary pain and sadness. Daryl's eyelids were heavy and his brow was relaxed but beads of sweat pooled under his fringe.

"They've gone home. Maggie is still here obviously, Aaron stayed behind to keep an eye on her."

Daryl just nodded his head again not really knowing what to say or how to respond. All he could feel was a guilt pooling in his lower stomach making him feel sick. "Is Carol ok?" asked Daryl, looking up at Rick from under his fringe. Daryl sensed from the expression on his face that something was very wrong. He knew that Rick was still feeling the aftershock of Negan but the mention of Carol's name caused Rick to tense up and start sweating. "Rick?" Daryl said again, his head leaning back against the pillow, facing Rick.

"She's gone Daryl."

Daryl felt has if he had been hit by a bus. His heart quickened and his breathing became erratic, lots of emotions overcame him at once, it was a mixture of anger, sadness, regret and guilt all mixed together to form a feeling of something awful. "Where.." Daryl started before choking slightly on his words.

"She left Alexandria. She left a note for Tobin saying that she was leaving and that she didn't want anyone to come looking for her. Morgan and I went looking for her, Morgan continued on her trail.." Rick's voice trailed off. Daryl was pissed, he could see it in his body language, biceps were tensed and his fist very balled up tight, the colour draining from his knuckles. "Neither of them have returned yet," said Rick looking at Daryl.

"She..? She left? And who the fuck is Tobin?" Daryl snapped, he was so worried, and panicked, he didn't know what to do. Daryl leapt out of the bed, unhooking himself from the drip in his arm and placed a clean shirt over his head, and putting his belt back on.

"Daryl wait-"

"You didn't think to tell me she'd gone?!" he demanded, standing very close to Rick who was now standing. Daryl's chest was heavy, his breathing forceful and the artery in his neck was pulsing strongly.

"You had left to go looking for Dwight before we found out she was gone," Rick explained, trying to calm Daryl's rage. Rick knew that Daryl would throw a fit when he found out so he had prepared himself for it. Rick knew that Daryl loved Carol, whether or not he cared to admit it but he did and it was obvious. Any mention of Carol and Daryl is watching like a hawk and becomes very protective of her.

Daryl turned on his heel and shoved his boots on and started tying up his laces, avoiding the throbbing pain from his shoulder. There was a polite knock at the door and Jesus entered carrying a small tray of food. He paused in the doorway, taking in the sight before him. Daryl had been out cold for days, he didn't know whether or not he'd wake up and now he was on his feet, already dressed and his face was red with rage. "You need to stay in bed, you'll rip out your stitches," said Jesus in a calm voice trying not to anger him further.

"Screw you," said Daryl shoving passed Jesus, nearly knocking him off his feet.

"Daryl!" shouted Rick chasing after him.

Daryl marched out of the mansion of the hilltop, placing his leather vest on. Daryl grabbed whatever weapons he could find, 2 knives and a hand gun. Dwight had his crossbow and that made his blood boil. Carol and his crossbow were two things of Daryl's that you should never touch, as well as his bike. Not that Carol was his but he was so protective over her.

Daryl walked hastily towards the gates of the Hilltop before Rick stopped in front of him, placing a hand on his chest trying to hold him back.

"Look, I know there is no way of stopping you, because I know you'd do anything for her, but let me help," said Rick, Daryl blushed slightly when he realised that Rick was aware of how close him and Carol were. Daryl calmed a little and was shifting his weight from one foot to the other.

Rick gave Daryl the location of where they had last suspected Carol to be before handing him a bag with some more ammo, fresh bandages and some food. Daryl gave Rick a thankful look and brushed the hair out of his face.

"Thanks," said Daryl, walking round Rick and out the gates of the Hilltop. Rick sighed and watched him leave, he thought it was a stupid idea for him to leave and go search for her on his own but Rick knew that when it came to Carol, Daryl would never give up.