I'm so sorry for doing this, but Hidden In Lies, Silent Goodbyes, Et Mutaverunt, Kintsugi, and Change of Heart are ALL going into rewrite. Please, before you get mad at me, let me explain my reasons.

While I love all of these stories, I hate some scenes from them. Sometimes I felt rushed, or maybe even got a little overzealous with my planning. Sometimes I had a plot in mind and second guessed myself and changed it, and ended up hating what I posted more. There are so many loose ends in these stories as well.

Plus, some events in my life made me struggle to find inspiration and I was grabbing at straws for plenty of the chapters. Please, let me explain the rewrites I plan to make in detail.

For Et Mutaverunt:

This is the story where I got pretty overzealous as chapters went on. I want to figure out shipping, change some outcomes from the older chapters, update chapter one, and make the plot work a little better.

I also might change the title, but I would like the readers' opinion on this.

For Hidden In Lies, Silent Goodbyes:

This story, I just…. Ugh. Plot Bunny gone wrong, it needs a COMPLETE reboot.


Same thing, way too many loose ends. Plot needs better explaining. How they come to meet again may be changed a bit too, but most everything else will remain the same. I also want the cure to be less Ex-Machina and to explain Izaya's sickness more.

Change of Heart:

Although this is my most popular story, I still want to fix some things. The first three chapters? I absolutely loved them and pretty much everything about them. But, everything else is from me trying to make a super-mystery plot. It was just too convoluted, too coincidental. I need to change everything past chapter three.

Once again, I'm so sorry to those of you who were looking forward to a new chapter. If you have any suggestions for any of these stories, I would love to hear them. :)

My less popular DRR! stories will be getting updated as I work on fixing up these ones; that way you guys still have entertainment and I can stop staring guiltily at one chapter stories.

Thank you for understand, and see you soon!