Izaya couldn't believe it was going to end like this. Everything had been going according to plan, until that damn girl showed up. Now, surrounded by witnesses and Slasher victims, with two broken arms, a knife in his stomach, and a gun on his head. This wasn't how everything was supposed to go, Izaya had it planned perfectly. If anything were to go wrong, Shizuo was supposed to be the one to kill him, even if it was a disgrace to be killed by the monster. But being killed by the Russian girl was even worse, this wasn't how things were supposed to go.

He looked up at her, staring defiantly. Even if this wasn't the way he wanted to die, he wasn't going to show any fear. He wasn't scared. He wouldn't give them the satisfaction of seeing him break. A facade to the end. Locking eyes with her, he saw the look in her eyes. "Do it," He said firmly,"You monster" Varona didn't seemed scared or shocked at his words. The reason why, was because she already knew his words were the truth. She was a monster, she didn't need to have some slimy informant tell her what she already knew. However, despite what Izaya claimed, Shizuo was not a monster, and she was not going to let him turn into one.

There was no hesitance, she moved to pull the trigger, Izaya deserved this, so of course she wouldn't hesitate. Then, a sudden white light enveloped them all, with a loud bang accompanying it. It was so loud, that Varona didn't even realize she still had pulled the trigger until afterward. Izaya now had a hole in his head, his eyes wide open, and his body flopped to the floor. She did it, he was dead, she killed him. At the same time, the others had started to force their way out of Russian Sushi, and she and Shizuo joined them in fighting the Slasher's victims.

In their haste to stop anyone else from getting slashed, they did not notice Kine and Manami moving toward the informants body. Kine had sighed, lifting up Izaya's bloody body. "That was not how I expected that fight to go.." Manami said softly, she felt kind of relieved that Izaya was dead, but her mind felt empty now, what purpose did she have now? Kine frowned, he had a feeling.. It wasn't a big one, but being a detective, he was usually right about his hunches.

He reached forward, moving his left hand to Izaya's wrist and the other to his neck, feeling for a pulse. There was one, but it was faint. "Izaya isn't dead," He said softly. There was noise around him, and he looked up in shock, as there was black shadows everywhere, surrounding and trapping everyone around them, wounds being surrounded by the black stuff. "The headless rider?" Manami questioned. Kine nodded, seeing black smoke coming from Izaya's knife wound, and his head. He maneuvered the somehow living body, so that he could pick him up bridal style.

"What are you doing?" Manami asked, feeling slightly uncomfortable at how limp and lifeless the informant's body was. "I'm taking him to a hospital," Kine told her firmly,"I owe him that much" Manami scoffed, but followed his quickened pace. "I say just let him die, not only would you be doing the world a favor, but he doesn't have much of a chance surviving a head wound like that anyways.." Kine looked at her, after laying Izaya down in the back of the car, and firmly replied,"We have to try"

They took off, driving to the hospital nearest to the edge of the city, with the headless rider's magic stopping the bleeding, they could get somewhere safer. Despite all the things he had done, Kine hoped that Izaya would somehow survive this..

Meanwhile, life returned for the city of Ikebukuro. Varona left, Shizuo and Tom went back to what they did best. Namie started working for Shinra's father, after Celty had delivered the head to them. Celty and Shinra were now able to spend time together as a couple, and Shinra was even more thankful for her company.

Mikado awoke in the hospital, surrounded by his friends, and was instantly caught up on the news. "Orihara-san is dead?" He asked in shock. Kida chuckled and nodded, saying,"Yeah! Good riddance I say! Shizuo beat the shit out of him and then Varaona shot him in the head, all while we were up on that roof" Anri didn't say anything to Kida's loud declaration, other than nodding in agreement.

"Ah, I bet Simon didn't enjoy that though.." He said softly,"Even if it was Izaya, Simon never liked violence.." He didn't either, with all the chaos in the city, Mikado hadn't wanted this to happen to anyone, even a sadistic person such as Izaya shouldn't have died, especially in all the chaos that had happened.. Whenever that fight was, he had been out for a while.

Anri shook her head to his question. "No.. Simon-san was devastated, he saw Izaya's body.. He had a very firm argument with Heiwajima-san and Varona-chan before she left.. But Orihara-kun kind of deserved what he got.."

Kida was busy digging into the chocolates that Erika had left for Mikado, as he said,"Karma" Before stuffing his face once more. Mikado frowned, before shyly saying,"It was still a human life.." Kida scoffed and said,"A human life that knew exactly what he was doing when he started that fight with Shizuo-san, it's his fault" Mikado supposed he couldn't argue with that.. At least for now. He smiled and said,"Well, I guess that's true, maybe we can all go get sushi together once I'm released"

The blonde teen scoffed and said,"Idiot, we could go get some now if you weren't so impulsive" He started to go on a long and boisterous speech of how he would have been able to taken the man, despite the fact he wasn't in good shape either. Mikado chuckled, glad to see his friend's usual behavior, and while pretending to listen to his friend's speech, he opened his phone.

On the dollar's website, he wrote a short but sweet little message. Rest in Peace Orihara Izaya, may the next life be more merciful than you were.