Chapter 9

Quinn looked at herself once more in the mirror. Judy came up from behind her and smiled at her daughter's reflection.

"Darling, you look beautiful."

"You sure this top isn't too much? Maybe I should wear a dress?"

"You always wear dresses. This is a nice change. You look great, Lucy, really."

Just then, the doorbell rang.

"Coming!" Judy yelled as she carefully walked toward the door. The cancer had made her body so weak. Quinn finally convinced her to use a walker. She hated feeling like an invalid in her own home. She yanked open the door to find a nervous, fidgeting, Santana. Judy smiled brightly at the woman who she secretly hoped would one day be her daughter-in-law.

"These are for you, Judy," Santana says, handing over one of the bouquets of flowers.

"Why, thank you, Santana. What a lovely gesture. You know, first impressions are important," Judy saying, winking at her.

"Come inside. Quinn should only be another moment."

Santana sits in the sitting room, a ball of nerves. After placing the flowers in water, Judy sits down next to Santana, placing her hand on top of hers.

"Don't be nervous. It's just Quinn. You've already done all the hard stuff. This "date" should be a piece of cake."

"I know you are right, Judy. Gosh, we sure are doing things so backwards."

At that, Quinn descends the stairs, taking the sight of her mother and Santana. It makes her smile to see Santana so comfortable with her.

"Sorry I took so long, San."

"No worries, Quinn. These are for you," Santana hands her the bouquet and places a kiss on her cheek.

"They are beautiful, Santana. You remembered my favorite flower, peonies," Quinn says, handing off the flowers to Judy.

"Quinn, I remember everything about you."

That statement makes Quinn blush.

"We better get going, I made 7:30 pm reservations."

"At Breadsticks?"

"I guess it got upscale since the last time we've dined there."

Quinn gives her mother a hug, as does Santana.

"Don't wait up, mom. Call me if you need anything. Doris should be here soon."

"Stop worrying. Lucy. You kids have a wonderful time," Judy says walking her to them to the door.

Quinn gives her mother a kiss on the cheek. "Bye, mom."

Santana opened the car door for Quinn and she chuckled.

"What's so funny?"

"I guess I'm not used to being treated with chivalry."

"Well, you better start getting used to it, Miss Quinn Fabray."

The car ride over was in relative silence, except for the "oldies" radio station playing songs from their high school days. Quinn reached over the console to interlace her fingers with Santana's hand. "I could get used to this, " Quinn thought to herself as her mind was consumed by thoughts of the woman to her left. After Santana parked the car, she went over to Quinn's side of the car to open her door. This time, Quinn gave her a quick peck on the lips. Santana was being so sweet. She also opened the door to Breadsticks for her. Once they were settled at their table, drinks ordered, silence again settled between them. Quinn had so many questions to ask. She explained a lot of herself and her disappearance over the past couple of days. Santana was still a mystery to her. Quinn decided on asking about her job first, figuring that would naturally lead to more of Santana's past.

As if reading her mind, Santana tells Quinn, "Ask me anything."

"Ok. I want to hear all about your job and your life in NYC."

"Well, I live in Greenwich Village and I have my own practice, mostly LGTBQ clients. I share the practice with Elliot, my colleague and friend since we went to grad school together. I volunteer at NYU's Counseling Center. They helped me a lot when I was dealing with you leaving and transitioning to living as an out lesbian in New York City. It was my experiences with them that led me to my career. So, you see, you were instrumental in me finding my calling. I wish it wasn't because you left me but, in seeking the help I needed, it helped get to where I am now. Obviously, I have gotten closer to Rachel. We see each other when our schedules allow it. She has come to mean so much to me, helping me through many dark times," Santana says, as Quinn seeks out her hand to hold.

"I'm in a good place, Quinn. I have a profession I love. I own my practice. I have a great condo close to Washington Square Park. I know that I am doing really important work. The only thing missing is someone to share my life with."

Quinn gulped as she asked, "So, any serious relationships?"

"Well, after my college years of hoaring in up," Santana says with a laugh, "I settled down in a serious relationship. Her name was Dani. We lived together and everything. I broke up with her because I knew I was still hanging onto you. She couldn't compete with the ghost of you. I wasn't being fair to either of us. Since then, I've had a couple of girlfriends but Dani was the most serious."

"Am I really that memorable? One roll in the hay?"

"Well, correct me if I am wrong but it was a two-time roll in the hay."

Quinn blushed at Santana's statement. It was a fact.

"If you count last night, then it was a five-time roll in the hay," Quinn admits. "I hope there is more to come."

Dinner conversation flowed freely after Santana's update. The big things were out of the way: job, past relationships, family. Santana was curious about Beth, so she decided to ask.

"How is Beth?"

Quinn reaches into her purse for her wallet, to show Santana her daughter's picture. She hands over her graduation picture with pride. Santana smiles at the resemblance between mother and daughter.

"She will be 22 in May. Beth will graduating from Yale with a BA in Theater Studies. She will be going for her MFA in Acting at Yale School of Drama. Obviously, Shelby and Rachel were big inspirations for her. I know that Rachel is a very important person in my daughter's life. She loves her big sister. She also loves you. I didn't expect you be in her life and it was a welcome surprise."

"Me being in Beth's life was through Rachel. She reached out to Shelby when she first got to New York. By then, Beth was 2 and she was so inquisitive. Since I was living with Rachel, I got to see Beth a lot. Every time I saw her, I saw you. It made me feel close to you and loving Beth was easy. She really does have the best qualities of you and Puck. So, I made it a point to be there for her when I could because I know you couldn't be. She has grown-up into a remarkable woman."

"Thanks to Shelby, she has. Giving Beth up was the most difficult and best decision I ever made."

"Quinn, you do know that Beth understands, right? She doesn't hate you for giving her up. I think Rachel helped her to understand that part of it."

Tears fall from Quinn's eyes as she nods to Santana. "I guess it's just a mother's guilt."

"Listen, I didn't mean to make you cry. I just wanted to know if you have seen Beth since you are back now."

"Yes, I have. She was the first person who greeted me when I landed home here in Lima. God, Santana. All the pictures, videos, and FaceTime calls couldn't capture what I saw and felt that day. My daughter is a grown woman. I feel like I missed so much of her life. Of your life."

"You are here now, Quinn. That is what matters most. And, I'm not letting you out of my sight!"

The rest of dinner was blissfully boring in a wonderful way. Santana couldn't believe that sitting across from her was Lucy Quinn Fabray, in the flesh. Quinn Fabray, who was playing footsie under the table with her. Could they really do this? Be like this, after all this time? Isn't this what Santana was dreaming about, these past twenty years? Could it be this simple?

"Santana… a penny for your thoughts?"

"It's just that I have been dreaming for a night like this one for twenty years. I cannot believe you are here with me."

"I've had the same dream, San. Since that night I kept on dreaming about you, dreaming about us. Pinch me, Santana. I need to know this is real."

Instead of pinching her, Santana got up in the middle of dinner and pulled Quinn to the middle of the dance floor. Yes, Breadsticks had definitely gotten and upscale makeover, with a band in the corner.

"Dancing is kind of our thing, isn't it Quinn?" Santana asks as she pulls her in by her waist. Automatically, Quinn wraps her arms around her neck, swaying to the music.

"It sure is, San. It sure is."

The surreal night goes by too fast. Quinn and Santana close down the restuarant. There was so much for them to learn about each other. Twenty years is a long time. At Quinn's front door, they could feel anticipation building.

"Thank you, Santana, for a wonderful first date."

Quinn leans in and captures Santana's lips in a spellbinding kiss. A kiss that leaves both of them breathless.

"Well, aren't you going to invite me in?"

"Santana, I'm not that kind of girl and this is my mother's home!"

"I know. You can't blame a girl for trying."

"Tomorrow night, after the dinner at Mr. Schue's. Book our room at the hotel, ok? Can you wait until then?"

"Yes, Quinn. I can keep it in my pants until then. I can't promise we will stay for the whole dinner, however."

"Yeah, I don't think I'll be able to think of much else."

They kiss one more time and Santana begins to walk to her car.

"Good night, Miss Quinn Fabray. Sweet dreams."

"Of you," Quinn responds. "I'll be having sweet dreams of you."

She blows Santana a kiss, then unlocks her door and enters inside. Santana just stares at the door, still in awe of the magical night they just had. There were still many questions Santana had for Quinn, but those would be answered later. For now, Santana was content, knowing that Quinn wasn't going to leave her again.

Doris, her mother's night nurse, greets Quinn in the sitting room.

"Have a good date, Quinn? Judy told me all about it."

"Of course she did. Yes, I did. How has she been?"

"She fell asleep about 2 hours ago. I have to leave earlier in the morning tomorrow, if that is ok with you?"

"No worries, Doris. Everything ok?"

"Oh yes, Miss Quinn. My daughter has a early morning cheer practice with Sue. You remember how she is."

Quinn smiled fondly at Doris' words.

"She still has the Cheerios doing two-a-days?"

"Well, she can't have them slacking. They are the 10-time National champions for a reason."

"Very true, Doris. Good night! Just wake me before you go."

"Ok, Miss Quinn. I will have all of her medications out before I leave."

"Sounds good! Good night, Doris"

Quinn retires to her room, washing her face and brushing her teeth. Snuggled in her sheets, she reaches for her iPhone. Waiting there is a message.

Santana: Good night, Quinn. I'll be dreaming of you tonight…and that perfect butt of yours.

Quinn chuckled heartily.

Quinn: Good night, Santana. I'll be dreaming about your rambuncous twins. Sleep tight, San. Xx

Both ladies had the best sleep they've had in a very long time.

The next night, the wine is flowing freely and the laughter is loud around the Schuester dinner table. Everyone is there: Rachel, Jesse, Mercedes, Sam, Brittany, Artie, Tina, Mike, Kurt, Blaine, and Puck. They knew going in that they, Quinn and Santana would be the topic of conversation.

Emma says, "So, let me get this straight. You two hooked up the night of my non-wedding?"

"In our defense, we weren't the only ones hooking up!" Santana says, looking at all the guilty parties.

"Yeah, Santana, but all of us were an understood pairing. Rachel and Finn. Blaine and I. You and Quinn? I never saw that one coming."

"I get it. San and Q make much more sense than San and I. Think about it. They are two ends of the same spectrum. They argue and push each other. They say things no one else would dare to about each other to their face. They don't back down. They always had this competition between them. I knew there was something always there, even if they didn't see it until that night," Brittany, ever the unicorn, explains.

"Emma, the open bar also helped the situation, really," Quinn responds.

"So now what, guys? What happens next? Tina asks.

"That, we don't know. We need to talk about that. All I know is that I cannot and I will not let her out of my sight ever again, Santana answers, kissing Quinn on the lips, to the roar of the table.

Thankfully, Quinn and Santana don't have to make an obvious early exit from dinner. Rachel had to go home early to her dads because she was exhausted. It was a wonderful weekend catching up with all their friends but they had more private plans involving Room #316 at the Lima Grand Hotel. Quinn made sure to hang the "Do not disturb" sign on the door knob.