I don't know what to say, people. I don't know if you're aware but my OC's brother - the real life Chris Cornell died this week. I wasn't planning on him making an appearance in the fic again until the planned show and he is a prominent part of what I had planned but it doesn't seem right now that I've lost a man that meant so much to my real life life.

His music was so integral in previous chapters that I don't think a re-write would work and I'm at a loss of what to do now. Either way I am too depressed to do shit in regards to my writing at this moment (even though I have a chapter completed for my AJ fic). I can finish up the chapters that have nothing to do with Chris but then I'm stuck. I think it would be disrespectful to include him in anymore even though it was in a positive light.

I guess I'll leave that up to you guys if you want to comment on it. In the meantime, RIP, my friend, brother from another mother and former kind of boss.

In memorium