I do not own any series at any time or ever will.


Three TIE Interceptors flew through the air of the Batarian homeworld before they turn upside down and pulled up, causing them to fly downward towards a facility as mass accelerator rounds flew past them.

As the guns fired, the TIEs spun around getting back up right before firing their laser cannons which struck only a few AA guns before one of the TIE's solar panels was struck.

"I'm hit! Systems are operational but I lost firing control in my top right laser." Said the TIE Pilot.

"Our strafing run is done. Bombers are on their way." Said the lead pilot who was had green lines going up and down from his helmets eye pieces.

Four TIE Bombers fly in and began their bombing run, decimating the Batarian defenses with ease before pulling out.

"The Batarians are sure arrogant." Another pilot said as he shot down a Batarian fighter.

"These slavers have never fought us and soon, they'll suffer." The lead pilot said as he shot down three Batarian fighters.

"Shuttles coming in." A TIE pilot said as five Sentinel-class landing craft and two Gozanti-class cruisers flew in.

The cruisers were carrying four AT-DPs each.

Inside lead shuttle

Stormtroopers stood at attention, anticipating the coming battle as the shuttle shook from turbulence.

"You know your orders! Terminate all hostiles with extreme prejudice and get the droid into the command center to upload target data. Once that is done we blow this thing sky high." Said a Stormtrooper Commander.

"Yes sir!" The Stormtroopers shouted in response while Dante just sat in a chair with his helmet in the chair next to him and prepping his rifle.

"Trooper + gun = ready?" The astromech droid beeped as it rolled up in front of the helmetless soldier.

"Of course, little buddy." The trooper nodded slipping his helmet on while he brought up his rifle. "I'm always ready."

"Trooper + battle = problem." The droid started, "Trooper + friends = victory."

Dante nodded. "Hell yeah." He finished before looking over at the Stormtroopers. "All right, boys! Who's ready to kick some ass?"

"We are, sir!" Every Stormtrooper replied at once while standing at attention.

"Landing zone in sight. ETA three minutes." Said the pilot.

"Time to lock and load!" Dante called out, charging his blaster.

The other Stormtroopers charge up their blasters as the shuttle continued to shake.

"What should we do if we find any slaves, sir?" Asked a Stormtrooper armed with a DLT-19 Heavy Blaster Rifle.

"Keep them out of harm's way. We don't want any unnecessary casualties." Dante ordered.

"One minute." The pilot said before the shuttle shook.

The Stormtroopers rechecked their gear while the astromech stayed behind.

Seconds later the shuttle came in for a landing before the ramp drops.

"Move, move!" Shouted the Stormtrooper Commander as he runs out with the other troopers following.

The Stormtroopers ran and shoot with some falling to the ground with bullet wounds either injured or dead.

The AT-DP fired its cannon at a Batarian emplacement and turned it into a small crater as the two cruisers flew away.

"Sir, there should be a doorway you can use." A Stormtrooper said over the gunfire.

"Affirmative! Place a waypoint on my HUD." Dante replied to the trooper, priming a thermal detonator before throwing it on a Batarian auto turret which exploded in less than three seconds.

"Sending it now! We'll draw their attention while you get inside!" The Stormtrooper Commander informed.

"Alright boys. On my mark… Engage!" The commander shouted and every Stormtrooper popped out of cover and opened fire at the Batarians while Dante and R7 made their way to the door.

Dante walked down a hall with his rifle at the ready before the facility shook.

"Batarians + Facility = Dangerous." R7 beeped.

"Dante, our probe droids just detected a Batarian fleet exiting the Mass Relay. Three carriers, two dreadnoughts, five cruisers, eight frigates, and ten corvettes. They are holding position but we are unsure if they are waiting for more ships or if they are waiting for our fleet to be weakened." Daniel said over the radio.

"Roger, we're inside the facility and will soon be at the control terminal." Dante said as he walked through the hall while R7 rolled next to him.

Is there an access port near by? They must have access ports for mechs." Daniel said.

"Port = R7/ found = working." R7 beeped before rolling towards an access port which had two destroyed LOKI mechs that were crushed under a bar.

R7 accessed the device and three seconds later turned its head and produced a holographic image of the base with their location and the control room.

"Let's get to work buddy." Dante said before he engaged his helmet's onboard lights since the hallway was dark and runs through with the astromech following with its own light on.

(Cue Mind as Judgment by Faylan)

(Instruments) Shows an armored figure watching the sunset

(Kizuna wo mizukara) The camera pulls back to show the armored figure to be Dexter in his Battle armor minus his helmet with his hair and cape swaying in the wind

(A judgment tsuriagete) Shifts to show his face with his eyes close before they open showing grey eyes before the eyes started to turn a sickly yellow

(Eight) Scene shifts to show Dante with his helmet off

(Seven) Scene shifts to show Ayane looking down the scope of her rifle

(Six) Scene shifts to show Luna stabbing a Batarian

(Five) Scene shifts to show Daniel sending a group of Cerberus troopers flying

(Four) Scene shifts to show John as he fired a wrist rocket

(Three) Scene shifts to show Thexan's face

(Two) Scene shifts to show Dexter as he crushed a Mantis gunship

(One) Scene shifts to show Chris as he stood over the remains of Reaper soldiers as a Reaper lies on its side destroyed in front of him

(Overdrive) Scene changes to reveal the title

(Instruments) Scene changes as fighter fly past the scene

(Yamunaku kuuna torabito no yami wo kakare share the beat) Scene opens to show Dante as he runs through a battlefield with bodies on the floor and bullets flying past him before he rolled forward and as he got to a knee he tosses a thermal detonator

(Yumigaeru ma no mure) Scene shifts to show Ayane aiming down the sights of her sniper at a person and pulls the trigger

(Yodomu sekai no temaneite toki no hate sore ga utau) Scene shifts to show John falling to the ground with his jet pack softening his fall before he pulls his blasters out and shoots two thugs before the scene shifts to show Luna as she was panting from training and held her saber tightly in hand

(Shinigami no waraigoe) Scene shifts to show Daniel as he walked towards a waiting drop ship

(Aganatteru tsugumattemo karadashi sutekiru wa) Scene shifts to show Chris as he meditated before opening his eyes and standing up with lightsabers in hand before the scene shifts to show Dexter in his chambers looking at his helmet as he ran his thumb across it before putting it on

(Did you see?) Scene shifts to show a robed and armored hand before it is covered in blue flames and the flames vanish to reveal a new armored arm

(Did you say?) Scene shifts to show another robed arm before it is covered in grey fire which vanished to reveal an armored arm

(Hi de tobu no) Scene shifts to show the bridge of a ship before vanishing

(Instruments) Scene shifts to show a hyperspace tunnel before vanishing and a planet comes into sight

(Mamorubeki inochi idaite) Scene shifts to show Daniel as he charged into battle with his shield blocking the bullets as he grits his teeth behind his helmet

(Omosaga aidato shinjiteta) Scene shifts to show Ayane as she runs across a rooftop before she jumps into a speeder and zoomed off as a Cerberus cruiser explodes

(Daraku he no kakehiki demo uragiri datta) Scene shifts to show John in his ship as he chased after a Batatian interceptor before it shifts to show Luna cutting down Batarian soldiers left and right before it shifts to show Dante as he fired a rocket that struck a fleeing Cerberus shuttle

(Trust over hell Daiji na sekai) Scene shifts to show Chris as he cuts down another Cerberus soldier while saving civilians

(Fureru youni) Scene shifts to show Dexter standing over the remains of Cerberus soldiers before he walked off with his saber still ignited

(Mind as Judgment) Scene shifts to show a lightsaber slash through the screen

(Give up "Give up") Scene shifts to show the Finalizer exit hyperspace with the Gravestone and the Imperial fleet

(You know "You know") Scene shifts to show a Reaper fleet

(Get up) Scene shifts to show the Gravestone firing its Omni-Cannon

(Instruments) Scene shifts to show Dexter, Chris, John, Ayane, Luna, Dante, and Daniel standing in front of the First Empires banner with smiles on their faces and weapons in hand

Khar'shan orbit

The Imperial fleet was floating in space eliminating the last remnants of the Batarian fleet that was protecting Khar'shan.

Well the remnants that were fighting them at least.

"Losses?" Dexter asked a Lieutenant.

"We have lost three TIE Interceptors, four TIE Bombers, and six TIE Fighters, sir. Our ships are still able but the missiles from the silos are doing damage to our shields and hull." The LT answered.

"Has Ayane done well against the enemy?" Dexter asked.

"Yes sir, she took down twenty seven Batarian Interceptors and a Batarian frigate." Answered the LT.

"That's impressive. What about ground assault?" Dexter asked.

"They are ready to launch to the planet but we still need to deal with the missile silos first.

"Dante will get it done." Dexter muttered before he turned and said, " Anymore ships?"

"Two frigates and a cruiser sir." Said a crewman.

Batarian missile silo


Two bodies hit the ground before Dante walked to the door they were guarding and kicked it open to reveal five more Batarians and four slaves.

There were three human girls and one Asari all with little to nothing to wear and had looks of terror.

The Batarians turned and moved to draw their pistols but Dante was quicker and gave each Batarian a shot to the head or heart, killing them.

"Disgusting Batarians." Dante hissed, holstering his rifle as he called in a few Stormtroopers.

"You called sir?" Asked a Stormtrooper and from the tone Dante could tell the trooper was a woman along with the thinner armor as were three other Stormtroopers.

"Terminal/found." R7 beeped as it rolled and inserted into an access port.

"Escort these girls to the shuttles and take them to the Finalizer." Dante ordered.

"Yes sir!" The lead trooper salutes.

The troopers began escorting the girls to safety, leaving Dante and R7 in the command room.

"Dante the Batarian fleet just jumped and are closing in on us, are those missiles ready?" Dexter asked.

"Missiles/ ready+to=destroy." R7 beeped after turning his head to look at Dante.

"Ready to fire." Dante answered.

"They'll be here in two minutes. Once the missiles are fired we'll target the facility and await your green light." Dexter said before cutting the connection.

"Well it's about time to start the party." Dante said with a grin.


"Enemy fleet exiting FTL!" Shouted an Imperial crewman.

"Dante they are in range. You may fire when ready." Dexter said with a serious expression as he saw that the Batarian fleet grew to four carriers, two dreadnoughts, nine cruisers, and twelve frigates.

"Missiles are away." Dante said.

Missile silo

Stormtroopers were walking around collecting their dead and wounded as well as guiding freed slaves to shuttles with all of them female and wearing blankets to cover their modesty before explosions drew their attention to see that the explosions were actually missile engines igniting and twelve missiles shot towards the sky.

"Sir, missiles have launched." The Stormtrooper commander said with a bit of worry into his helmets com link.

"Don't worry. That's the gift for the Batarians." Dante said calming the commander down.


The Batarian carriers deploy fights with each carrier launching fifteen and with four carriers each they deployed sixty fighters.

"TIE Fighters and Interceptors have launched and bombers are being rearmed sir." Said a crewman.

"Missiles detected!" Shouted another crewman.

"Hold fire and raise shields. Once the missiles hit, launch all fighters and open fire." Dexter ordered.

Batarian dreadnought Fury of the Hegemony

"What is the status?" Barked the Batarian admiral.

"Sir, our fleet outnumbers them but we are unsure how we'll do with those dreadnoughts and that super dreadnought." Said a Batarian crewman pointing to the Finalizer.

"Do not worry. Once we find their home world and enslave them we'll know everything. And who knows, maybe their females will be easy to control." The admiral said with a sick smile on his face.

"Missiles have launched and are heading to the enemy fleet. They are also turning to face us." Said a crewman.

"An insolent tactic. Once the Eezo tipped warheads strike we'll wipe them out. Once that is done we'll secure any life pods and kill the men. Do as you please with the women." The admiral said making the crew smirk in sick glee.

The watched as the missiles flew but to their surprise the missiles flew past the enemy fleet but to their horror… the missiles were fired at them.

The missiles impact on the Batarian fleet, with one missile hitting the location of a reactor of one dreadnought and causing it to explode.

Another struck a carrier on its port side causing a large explosion and allowing it to vent atmosphere.

The third missile struck the second carrier in its hangar where it ignites the the ammo for the fighters and bombers and causing it all to explode and destroy the carrier from the inside out.

The nine remaining missiles struck one carrier three cruisers and five frigates, hitting the carrier in the bridge, causing it to float lifelessly. The cruisers stood little chance against Eezo warheads because of the Element Zero as it atomized the metal and destroyed three cruisers while the other two floated aimlessly in space while for the frigates they were all obliterated because of their small size and because of where the missiles struck.

"Have the remaining ships fire at will! Show these fools the power of the Hegemony!" Shouted the admiral in fury.

Finalizer bridge

"Sir the missiles have struck. Enemy fleet is down to one dreadnought, two carriers, four cruisers, and seven frigates. One of the carriers is also venting atmosphere." Said a crewman.

"All ships open fire!" Dexter ordered.


The Imperial fleet opens fire with the turbo lasers striking the Batarian fleet and punched through their barriers like a hot knife through butter before two minutes later, the entire Batarian fleet was destroyed.

"Sir we're picking up life pods." Said a crewman.

"Have Ayane destroy them. Show the Batarians no ounce of kindness or mercy." Dexter ordered as he walked off.

Missile silo

"Alright buddy, let's go." Dante said patting the droid on its some.

"Data=found." R7 beeped.

"What?" Dante asked curiously.

"Warn/fleet=now! Fleet=danger!" R7 beeped in alarm.

"Sir!" A male Stormtrooper shouted as he ran in.

"You need to look at this right now!" The Stormtrooper shouted in alarm.

The two soldiers run out with the droid rolling with them before they look to see a green glow before a beam of green light shot into the air.

"Warn the fleet!" Dante shouted.


"Large energy reading detected! Incoming laser!" Shouted a crewman on every ship before a green beam came and engulfed three Harrower cruisers and two Arquitens light cruisers, vaporizing them.

"What the fuck was that?!" Dexter demanded.

"It was some kind of weapon from the surface of Khar'shan sir." A crew member answered.

"How the hell did the Batarians get a laser?" Ayane growled after blasting away the Batarian escape pods.

""Data/found." R7 said on a communicator.

"Wait, what data?" Dexter asked.

"That laser was fired by a Prothean weapon. It seems the Batarians had this weapon and have it aimed at the Mass Relay should any Council fleets enter to stop them." Dante said into his radio.

"Damn those Batarians!" Daniel growled.

"That weapon might be the reasons the Reapers struck the Batarians first." Luna theorized.

"Dante, do you have a schematic of the weapon?" Dexter asked.

"R7 is sending them now." Dante said before two seconds later a hologram pops up to reveal our towers and it looked like the Excalibur from Ace Combat.

"So that's the weapon? It looks like Excalibur from Ace Combat except for there only being three smaller towers and and they all had green lines that looked like you would find them on a circuit board." Dexter said as he looked at the weapon.

"Any way to destroy it then?" Chris asked.

"Weaknesses/and:defenses=found." R7 beeped as it highlighted the weak points… as well as the defenses.

"That's a lot of guns, and it's radar systems have us pinged. If we send our fighters they will be wiped out." Chris said.

"Sorry I'm late to the party." John's voice is heard as a hologram of him appears in a sitting position.

"John, the Batarians have a Prothean laser weapon. It destroyed five ships. We need your help to destroy it." Dexter said.

"Well it's a good thing I came in this with help. We'll come out of hyperspace in the atmosphere. Send us any data you have." John said as he grins under his helmet.

"We?" Dexter, Chris, Ayane, Daniel, Dante, and Luna said at once.

To answer their question, thirteen Mandalorian Fag Fighters come out of hyperspace with the lead fighter being colored black with red Jaig eyes.

"Good luck Mandalorians." Dexter said with a smirk as he watched the fighters fly down.

The thirteen Mandalorian fighters flew past a mountain and got into sight of the Prothean weapon.

"Almost in range. Hit the target with as many runs as we can make." John said as he took the lead.

"Approaching target." Fenn Rau said.

"Ready for target lock." Said a Mandalorian pilot.

The Mandalorians drew close but in one of the towers was the control room with Batarian soldiers all over it.

"Fighters incoming!" Shouted a Batarian.

"Launch our fighters and destroy these inferior life forms!" Shouted the Batarian General in charge.

"Let's light it up!" John shouted as he was the first to fire a proton torpedo from his fighters hidden proton torpedo tube, sending a torpedo which flew and struck the side of the tower with the twelve other fighters launching torpedoes of their own with each shot hitting the tower before they flew past it.

"Direct hit!" A black armored Mandalorian pilot said.

"But there's barely any damage." A Mandalorian pilot in green armor said and he was right as the damage was minor.

"What do the Protheans make these things from?" Fenn growled.

"Yeah we gotta keep hitting it. Another bombing run. Data from what R7 said was that when the circuits turn green it will fire so we need to destroy it before then." John said before he noticed something out of the corner of his eye to see twenty one approaching Batarian interceptors.

"Interceptors incoming!" John as the Fang Fighters were forced to engage the Batarian interceptors.

The Batarian fighters weren't doing well against the Mandalorians and not even the Batarian built defenses were going anything against warriors who were trained to fight to the best of their ability.

Mandalorians fought against Batarian interceptors and at some times got a shot at the weapon.


"This isn't working. The exterior armor of that thing is too tough." Chris muttered, watching the battle from a holoscreen. "But if it's tough on the inside…" He quickly left for the hangar. "Prepare a starfighter for me!" He radioed the hangar bay.

"Hold on… there's seems to be a barrel at the top of the tower. It opens when it's building up energy but that's only if a power conduit is damaged. If John can destroy these conduits then you should be able to attack the build up energy and cause the cannon to self destruct but in order for that to work you need to strike the two conduits at the same time." Dexter said as he pointed to two small bumps on the ground next to the main tower and a blip on the top of the tower and stopping Chris to tell him.

"Sir, we have a fighter waiting for you the hangar. One T-65 X-Wing and the Finalizer is prepping its own T-65 X-Wing." Said a crewman.

"Good then I got my target." Chris turned to Dexter. "See if you can find any fighter squadrons to spare to assist me. That thing likely has a lot of anti-ship defenses."

"Isn't Ayane still in space with a squad of fighters?" Dexter asked and the answer came in the form of Ayane chasing four Batarian interceptors with four TIE Fighters and destroying them.

"Yeah, they'll do." Chris confirmed then bolted out of the bridge to head to the hangar.


"Dammit!" John growled when a Fang Fighter was shot down by a Batarian interceptor while trying to evade missiles.

"John don't worry. Help is on the way." Dexter said over the com before several Batarian interceptors were blown out of the sky by red and green lasers.

John looks to see two X-Wings along with Ayane's TIE Interceptor and four TIE Fighters.

"This is Wolf Leader, sorry that I'm late for the party." Chris joked over the radio as the X-Wing barrel rolled past the mass-accelerated rounds of a Batarian dreadnought then fired its Proton Torpedoes that struck the hangar area. "I'm going to destroy that weapon."

"John, there are two weak points in near the base of the tower. We destroy those at the same time and we'll give Chris a quick shot at the power when it charges." Dexter said.

"Right." John said after blasting away a Batarian interceptor.

"Then get in formation because we're going for that Prothean gun." Chris remarked as his fighter along with the others closed in together.

"Roger that but we'll have to fly in fast while you hold back. You'll only have a ten second window to hit the energy." Dexter said as he flew up to Chris's right while John flew up to Chris's left.

"We'll keep your front and rear guard up as well." Ayane informed as she and two of her squadron flew to the front while the other two went behind Chris's fighter.

"When I say now, fly down and fire every torpedo you have down this mech one's barrel." Dexter said before he and John turn to fly down towards the tower flying down its length as they evades bullets and missiles.

'3,000, 2,800, 2,600, 2,400, 2,200…" Dexter thought as they drew closer to the ground.

"Bombs away!" Dexter shouted as he fired four proton torpedoes while John fired two and the torpedoes struck the generators which caused them both to explode with the two fighters flying through the fire and smoke.

"Now!" Dexter shouted as the barrel opened up to reveal a light blue glow that was slowly turning green.

Chris's X-Wing engaged its excess thrusters for increased speed. "Target locked!" He sets up his Proton Torpedoes then pulls the trigger. "Firing!" Two of the plasma explosives shot towards the core then struck the power source. "The core's history! All fighters, get away from the weapon!"

Every fighter flew away while the Batarians were in disarray before the entire weapon goes up in a green fireball.

"Alright boys and girls… it's time to begin the attack." Dexter said as multiple shuttles, transports, and fighters flew overhead with the roar of engines being heard all over the planet.

"There's got to be a palace on this planet, right? Like those jackass bat-like people that profits from slavery?" Chris questioned as his slightly singed X-Wing soars over the skies.

"Well since R7 was in the computer we can probably find its location by asking him." Ayane said as her TIE Interceptor flew up next to the two X-Wings and one Fang Fighter.

"Glad we sent them in before blowing that place up." Dexter said as they flew through the air.

"Good, I need to kill something with my lightsabers." Chris remarked as he flexed his right hand then fired his X-Wing's blasters on a straggler Batarian fighter, destroying it in a fiery blaze.

"Well you won't have to wait long because we just found it. Sending you the coordinates now. We are also leading a full assault. The entire palace is a fortress." Daniel said over the com before they hear an explosion.

"The bastards have the entire place fortified! Kinetic barriers keeping out ground troopers, vehicles, weapons, and transports, AA guns and missiles, even sentry mechs!" Luna growled before screaming in pain as the com went dead.

"Guys! What's wrong?" Dexter said but all he got was static.

"All communication is being jammed too and from the palace. Slaver scum!" Growled a TIE pilot.

"They have kinetic barriers keeping ground troops out but…" A crazy idea went through Chris's head as he piloted his X-Wing towards the palace, avoiding the GUARDIANs and the missiles that were fired at him.

"Are you crazy! They even said transports and vehicles won't get through but that doesn't mean the same for torpedoes." Dexter said as he flew down next to Chris.

"Well that wasn't what I was getting at but…" Chris fired his Photon Torpedoes at the kinetic barriers then popped the top of his cockpit.

"Keep in the air and wait for further instructions." Dexter told his astromech as he popped his cockpit.

Both Sith and Jedi jump off to fall into the opening before it closed as they landed behind a few Stormtroopers and Zakuul Knights, who were either in cover or using their shields to block bullets.

"Guys! Glad you are here." Daniel said as he stood next to Dante who had some scorch marks on his armor but Luna was missing.

"Incoming!" A Stormtrooper shouted as a Batarian fired a rocket at both Chris and Dexter.

"All yours." Dexter said to Chris.

Using the Force, the Jedi redirected the rocket back at the one who shot it. The explosive obliterates the Batarian along with his comrades in a shower of blood and gore.

"Where's Luna?" Dexter asked.

"She went into the palace with a squad of Zakuul Knights but we heard screaming over the radio." A Stormtrooper answered.

"The Batarians might have booby trapped the palace. Might be best if the three of us go in. Dante, do you think you can lead the charge?" Dexter asked.

The trooper brings up a gatling blaster. "You really want to ask that question?"

"Let's just go kill these four-eyed fucks." Chris shook his head as he charged into the fray with Dante following behind, firing his weapon along the way as he laughed like a madman.

Dexter raised his arm towards one of the auto cannons and ripped it out of the ground before crumbling it into a ball and threw it at the door, smashing it to pieces.

Dexter walked but stops when he saw a Batarian still alive but barely due to a piece of metal in his chest.

"Please, mercy." The Batarian begged.

"Sorry." Dexter started as a sick smile slid across his face, Dexter used the force to slowly pull the metal centimeter by centimeter out of the Batarian's chest before bending the top to face the Batarian's face, "There will be no mercy for scum like you."

Dexter threw his hand downward and as of obeying his command the metal slam downward, stabbing the bent piece of metal right into the Batarian's face as he screams in terror, stabbing through his mouth and out the back of his skull. Spilling brain matter all over the ground.

Dexter still smiled as he walked over the corpse and sliced the head off a Batarian that was hiding behind some rubble while Chris was fighting his way through.

The Jedi was a flurry of white and black blades. Deflecting bullets or cutting down Batarians and mechs that get in his way.

"He's a monster!" A Batarian shouted only for a red blade of energy to stab through his chest.

"You should look in a mirror." Dexter growled as he ripped his saber out of the Batarian before cutting his head off.

Dexter runs past Chris as he stabs a Batarian before stopping at a door.

"Why are you stopping?" The Jedi questioned, breaking a Batarian's neck with his bare hands.

Dexter walked to the door and used the Force to rip it open and inside he saw another hallway with the remains of several Zakuul Knights with their corpses still bleeding on the ground along with several Batarian corpses.

"Nevermind." Chris muttered as he holstered his lightsabers and retrieved a lightsaber spear.

A cough drew their attention, they all turn to see a Zakuul Knight sitting against a wall with bullet holes in his armor and his helmet off to reveal a pale faced man with black hair and green eyes… and he was still breathing.

"Hey, what the hell happened here?" Chris questioned, kneeling in front of the wounded Knight.

"We were ambushed. Luna wanted to get to the leaders but they had cameras all over the place. They are probably watching us right now." The Zakuul Knight said as he pointed to a camera which Dexter ripped out with the force.

"Where's Luna now?" Chris asked, kicking a dead Batarian's head.

"They took her away… believed that if they turned her into a slave they could make more powerful soldiers to serve the Hegemony." The Knight said before he held up a transmitter, "Gave me a transmitter. Use it to find her… if you find her, you'll find the leaders." The Knight said as Dexter took the transmitter and slapped it onto his gauntlet.

"Your sacrifice will not be forgotten." Dexter said as he placed a hand onto the dying Knights shoulder.

"Tell… Alex, James, Alice, and Miranda Soran… that Frederick… is sorry for not coming back…" The Knight released his last breath as the light left his eyes and his body went limp.

"May you find comfort in another life, Frederick Soran." Dexter whispered as he shuts the Knight's eyes.

Chris bypasses Dexter, picking up a Lancer in his left hand while activating the lightsaber spear in his right hand. "Let's go. Luna still needs our help."

"And when we find their leader… I am going to make his death painful." Dexter growled as he activated his Crossguard lightsaber.

"Get in line, I'm going to disembowel that filthy pig." The Jedi stated then swipes his right arm that held the spear. As he continued walking, a Batarian soldier falls to the ground with his head removed.

"Or she is free and is slaughtering everyone." Dexter muttered before stabbing a Batarian as he runs past the corner.

"I'm still gonna kill them all though." Chris remarked as he hoisted his lightsaber spear like a javelin then threw it, piercing a Batarian's chest.

"If there is more than one we'll split them up. Deal?" Dexter asked as he cuts down two Batarian soldiers.

"Deal." The Jedi nodded, firing the Lancer in his hands to plant bullets in the heads of separate Batarian guards.

They all reach a large room to find the bodies of Batarian soldiers and officers but being held against the wall were nine Batarian high ranking officials and pinning them to the wall was Luna who looked better for wear but her armor was damaged with her left arm holding up what remained of her chest piece while the other hand held outwards towards the Batarians.

"Okay guess we split them up three ways?" Dexter muttered as he kicked a corpse in the head.

"Suppose so but…" Chris cracked his neck, a dark look in his eyes. "I want to do this first." Using the Force, he broke the Batarian leaders' legs slowly by grinding their knee joints to dust.

The Batarians scream in pain before Luna used the Force to reduce three Batarians… let's just say that it was gruesome and painted the entire room red.

"Glad I grabbed this." Dexter muttered as he tossed away the remains of a Batarian table which he, Chris, and Dante used as a shield to shield them from the blood, guts, and bones.

"Yep, I don't want to get blood on my robes." Chris remarked as he removed the top of his robes, replacing his armor back on. He hands the clothing to Luna. "Here, to cover your chest."

"Thank you." Luna said a she turns so her back was facing them before she puts the robe on without sticking her arms through the sleeves and used said sleeves as a way to tie a nought to create a makeshift top.

"Now how should we kill them?" Dexter asked as he hovered his blade in front of a Batarian who was literally shitting and pissing in his pants.

"Oh, how about we gouge out their eyes one at a time, cut out their tongues, and gut them until their innards spill all over the floor?" Chris suggested.

"And how about electrocution as we do it before setting them all on fire?" Dexter said with an evil smile.

"Now that's just too quick." Chris shook his head.

"Then how about splashing some Thresher Maw acid on them?" Dexter asked pointing to a container full of acid.

"Perfect but let's put it on their crotch." The Jedi stated.

"Why not slowly sink them in it?" Dexter asked as he picked up one of the Batarians.

Screams of agonizing pain could be heard all the way to orbit as Imperial forces invaded the Batarian homeworld.


The Citadel Council were reviewing data they found on Vasir proved that she was loyal to the Shadow Broker and a traitor.

"Councilors with so much evidence, this proves Vasir is a traitor. Who else could be a traitor." Sparatus growled as he looked over the data.

"Councilors, we need to deal with another situation. It seems an unknown force has attacked the Batarian homeworld of Khar'shan and not only that but the Batarians have hidden a Prothean weapon from the rest of the galaxy." Valern said as a screen from a Salarian STG drone showed the weapon.

"This was taken two hours ago, this is now." Valern said as the screen changed to show a crater.

"How was it destroyed?" Sparatus asked curiously.

"The attackers destroyed two generators near the base of the main tower before shooting down the barrel when the top opened. The chain reaction destroyed the entire facility and the stealth vessel was forced to flee as not to get spotted." Valern said.

"What course of action are we to take? They are in the middle of invading the Batarian homeworld and we have no information on them." Sparatus said.

"I believe sending a diplomat would be the best way to resolve the issue. It seems they are focused only on the Batarians so it would be best to send one." Tevos said calmly.

"Are you insane? The spy drones we sent are destroyed almost instantly after arriving. It would be better to send a fleet." Sparatus said.

"Diplomacy is a better way than military power. They might see the fleet as a threat and attack out of the blue." Tevos tried to reason.

"Both of you are correct." Valern said getting his fellow councilors attention.

"I advise we send both the fleet and the diplomats but keep the fleet at the relay while the diplomats talk to these people." Valern suggested.

"I don't see why. They appear to look like the humans." Sparatus seethed.

"With advanced weapons and shields." Valern pointed out.

"Then are we in agreement?" Tevos asked.



"GAH!" A Batarian soldier hits the ground dead with a smoking hole in his heart from a Stormtrooper as he and four others ran down the hall.

"All clear!" Shouted a Stormtrooper as Dante and Daniel turned the corner.

"You sure it's here?" Dante asked.

"I'm certain." Daniel said before using the force to bend the bulkhead door open to reveal slave pens filled with human girls and Asari.

"Get the cages open and get the slaves out of here!" Daniel ordered.

Imperial FOB

The Imperial FOB was a base that had a similar appearance to a UNSC FOB but colored all grey with red and black.

"Alright so we have ninety percent of the planet under our control. The remaining ten are remnants of the Batarian high council. We find them and we'll show the Galaxy that the Batarian Hegemony can be defeated. And that we mean business." Dexter said as he watched a holographic map as Stormtroopers and walkers moved across the board.

"Their last position is in this mountain, sir. It appears that it serves as a hidden base, possibly used by the Batarians to hide slaves whenever the Council sends agents or a fleet to investigate rumours." Said an Imperial officer.

"But how did the not know about the Prothean weapon?" Daniel asked.

"The weapon might have had a cloaking device and only activates when it's on standby." Ayane theorized.

"Well I say we go in and take them down hard!" Luna growled as she came in wearing a new chest piece and handed Chris his robe back.

"We have already deployed a squad of Commando Droids to infiltrate the facility and open the doors." The officer said as he showed the location of the mountain which revealed seven blips.

"Well let's go. The faster we're ready the faster we'll be to killing these fuckers." Dexter said as he slipped his helmet on with a hiss.

"Then let the hunt begin." Chris declared after putting his robe back on then reattaching his mask.

Batarian mountain base

The entire base was built into the mountain and the only way to verify it was there was the large doors, hangar doors, cannons, and kinetic barriers.

Running behind some rocks and debris were seven BX-series Commando droids all armed with E-5 blaster rifles and some vibroswords.

"Entrance confirmed." Said one of the droids as it stood next to a steam vent.

"Begin infiltration." The lead droid ordered.

"Roger roger." Another droid said before it grabs the vent and rips it off.

"Dammit! When are we going to be done? I have a new slave to break in!" Growled a Batarian.

"Oh give it a rest, when the Council arrives they'll force these infidels to leave our worlds and drop their fleets." Said another Batarian.

"That will be the-" The Batarian was cut off when he hears a sickening snap and turns around, only to widen his eyes as he saw a mech standing behind the Batarian he was talking to and saw his head twisted around, facing backwards.

Before the Batarian could shout, a sword stand out of his chest, blood falling to the ground before the sword was pulled out and his corpse fell to the ground.

"Infiltration successful, now beginning operation." The lead Commando Droid said before they ran down the hallway to the door controls.

The droids continued running and due to their programming, evaded Batarian patrols until they reached the door and found seven Batarians.

The Batarians were caught off guard and subsequently gunned down by the droids.

"Control room this is command! What was that noise?!" A Batarian voice shouted over the radio.

"A newbie was showing us a new gun and it went off. Idiot ended up shooting himself in the foot." The Commando Droid leader said with its voice sounding like a Batarian.

"Tell the shit never to do it again! There's a battle going on!" The Batarian shouted before cutting the link.

"Open all doors and shut down all kinetic barriers." The lead droid ordered with its voice back to normal.

Approaching Imperial forces

Flying through the air were seven Sentinel-class landing craft along with transport shuttles carrying AT-ST's.

"We have a signal!" The pilot of the shuttle carrying Dexter, Chris, Luna, Dante, and Daniel said.

"Ayane, you are cleared for a bombing run." Dexter said into his communicator.

"Affirmative, dropping our gifts in five… four… three… two…" A ring of explosions finishes Ayane's sentence. "Be advised, you've got some stragglers running around."

"Roger that, we'll be on the lookout." Chris replied as he cuts the link and activates his Hunter mask's infrared vision. He could see as few as a dozen heat signatures on the ground but some of them were clutching missing body parts. "I've got eyes on them."

"Hey Dante, why don't you and the boys say hello for us?" Dexter asked as he tossed a heavy blaster to a Stormtrooper.

"Don't mind if I do." Dante grinned deviously as he tapped at the cockpit door. "Open the doors!" He ordered.

"Lowering ramp." The co-pilot said as the ramp dropped to reveal the mountain and some locations which were burning from the bombing run.

"Gentlemen," Dante called out to the Stormtroopers lining up to fire. "All out blitz!"

"Yes sir!" The troopers shouted before they all open fire, killing all of the survivors while the shuttles landed.

Chris scanned the area then radioed the commando droids. "What's the location of the Batarian leaders?"

"From what the droids can find, deep in the mountain but that's also a good thing… there's only one way in and out… unless they flee once the door bursts which I find unlikely as they are arrogant fuckers." Dexter said showing a holographic map of the base.

"Then it seems we'll just have to ring the fucking door bell." Dante smirked as he brought up a rocket launcher.

"Knock knock, anyone home?!" Dexter shouted.

"We're brought presents!" Dante exclaimed as he fired the rocket launcher.

The rocket struck the door as it exploded into thousands of pieces and covered the area in smoke.

"Nice explosion." Dexter said patting Dante on the shoulder.

The trooper nodded then brought up a gatling blaster. "Now let's go shred some four-eyes."

"Attack!" A Stormtrooper shouted before everyone ran out of their transports guns blazing.

Chris hopped out of the dropship, the eyes on his mask flashing as he activates his white lightsaber.

Dexter just strolled out of the shuttle as troopers ran past before he looked up to see some Batarian shuttles flying towards them and Dexter could feel nothing but greed, anger, and lust.

Dexter raised his hands and grasped both shuttles, stopping them in mid air before he clenched both his hands into fists, using the force to compress the shuttles until finally they explode.

"Here's your toys back!" Dexter shouted as he tossed both shuttles into the opening as Batarian soldiers ran out, smashing everything in their path.

"Move! Take them out!" Shouted a Stormtrooper as he shot a Batarian soldier.

Chris leaped ahead, slashing and cutting with his lightsaber as Batarians cried out in agony from severed limbs or burning slash marks on their bodies.

While Chris was slicing through Batarians he didn't notice a Batarian raising a rocket launcher and taking aim at him.

"Die you inferior life form!" The Batarian shouted only for a red blade of pure plasma to stab through his heart.

"You first." Dexter said from behind the Batarian before he takes the weapon out of the corpse's hand as he deactivated the blade and fired it at a closing bulkhead, blasting it to pieces.

"Damn you!" A Batarian growled as he stumbled out of the remains of the bulkhead.

"I won't let you wi-" the Batarian never got to finish his sentence as two three fingered metal hands grabbed his head and twisted it around snapping his neck and killing him almost instantly.

"Area secured my lord." The Commando droid said as the corpse fell to the ground.

"Where are the politicians?" Dexter asked.

"They are gathered in the meeting room as last observed but three left about three minutes ago sir." The Commando droid answered.

"What were they heading to?" Dexter asked.

"The hangar sir. They are planning to try and escape along with several slaves sir." The droid answered.

"Chris, I'm going to the hangar. I leave the rest to you." Dexter said as he began walking off before signaling for six Stormtroopers to follow him.

"Heh, fine." The Jedi scoffed then took to slicing more Batarian soldiers into tiny bits.

"Mechs in bound!" Daniel shouted as LOKI and FENRIS mechs marched in.

"Hostiles detected." One of the mechs stated as it shot at Chris.

With a flick of his wrist, Chris used his lightsaber to deflect the bullets right back at the mech, scoring a headshot which quite literally removed its head.

"Shields up front!" Daniel shouted and all of the Zakuul Knights that came ran up and formed a barrier in front of the LOKI mechs and charging FENRIS.

"Troopers, grenades!" Daniel shouted.

The Stormtroopers primed thermal detonators and lobbed them over the shields and the grenades land on the ground at the feet of the charging mechs before exploding, sending metal all over the place as one LOKI mech's head clattered up to Chris's feet with its red lights dimming.

The Jedi stomps on it, crushing the metal beneath his boot. "Piece of scrap metal." He spat out.

"The doorway as down the hallway on the right sir." The lead Commando droid said as they approached a fork in the road.

When they turn right they were met by what looked like a large door that looked… weak.

The door looked to be made of some fancy metal that had so many weak points that they only need a small fragmentation grenade to blast it open, all that was needed to open it was to get a speeder bike to run it down.

"The Batarians are really stupid." Muttered a Stormtrooper as he had a deadpan expression under his helmet.

"Grenade, sir?" A Stormtrooper asked offering a frag grenade.

Chris takes the explosive then half-heartedly tosses it onto the door. In three seconds, the door explodes which sent shrapnel and smoke all over the area.

When the smoke cleared they were met with the sight of seven Batarians noblemen, six guards, and seven slaves.

The nobleman were mostly fat slobs who stank of greed, lust, and hunger as were the soldiers guarding them while the slaves who were all human girls who didn't look to be over the age of ten were releasing fear but soon… they sensed hope.

"Kill them!" A nobleman shouted.

The Batarian guards each take out a rifle and fire, only for the sand sized bullets to stop before the could leave the barrels as the barrels of their rifles were crushed by an unseen force and the guns explode.

"What the?!" Daniel said and both he and Chris sense the surprise of everyone in the room before all froze except for Dante, Daniel, Luna, and Chris.

"So we're talking with you again?" Daniel said rhetorically.

"What do you want now." Chris hissed with narrowed eyes.

"Can you not feel it?" Valkorian asked as he faded In.

"Feel… wait… I sense it…" Daniel said as he looked around.

Dante blinked. "What the fuck are you'll talking about?"

"It's coming from the slaves." Daniel said looking at the girls who were behind the noblemen.

"Yes, they are going to be the first of a new generation of Jedi and Sith." Valkorian said before looking out through the blasted open door, "Or some of them."

"Dexter's going to find the others, isn't he?" Daniel asked.

"Yes and when he does, expect to find a lot of blood." Valkorian said with an emotionless face.

"Oh, I'm so killing these fuckers in the most painful way." Chris cracked his knuckles in anticipation.

"Don't let your anger control you." A new voice said as Satele faded into existence, "Hold that anger until the children are away. They have been exposed to too much darkness. If they see anymore then they may fear of suffering from a similar fate."

"I thought you accepted the ways of the Dark Side like Marr accepted the Light during the days of the Eternal Empire's war with the Alliance." Chris glanced at the phantom.

"I never said to walk away from anger, all I ask is a little restraint until your soldiers escort the children to safety. What you do to the Batarians might scar them and likely make others fear you." Satele clarified, giving the slaves a sad look.

"Very well, I will hold back until then but no promises if the children get curious. What they see is what they will see and if they are the future Force users then they will feel the Batarians' agonizing deaths." The Jedi stated with folded arms.

"Thank you." Satele said giving him a thankful smile.

"Be wary, the Force is causing more ripples than we expected." Valkorian said as he and Satele vanished and time went back to normal as the remains of the weapons fell to the ground.

"Hands in the air, dirtbags!" Shouted a Stormtrooper as he aimed his blaster at the guards and noblemen.

"Get the children out of here, don't let them see anything. Don't even let them hear anything." Daniel said to a Zakuul Knight.

The Knight nods his head and he along with six other Knights was over and shoved the Batarians aside as they were as frozen as ice.

"Are you okay?" Daniel asked a girl who was eight with olive skin, brown hair, and green eyes.

The girl nods her head frightened.

"It's okay we're going to get you all out of here." Daniel said trying to give them hope.

"You will do no such thing! Those bi-" the Batarian was cut off as he felt his throat tighten up and he grabs his throat, trying to clear the blockage but couldn't.

"You should remain quiet!" Daniel growled as he held up his hand in a familiar gesture using only his index finger and thumb.

"Sir, we can close the doors behind you. They should be able to silence any screaming." Said a Zakuul Knight.

"Close it now." Chris ordered as he brought out both his lightsabers. "Things are about to get…" The white and black blades ignite. "Gory."

"Yes sir." A Knight said as he picked up a girl and walked out last.

Two Knights used the Force to pick up the remains of the door and when the door was reformed… you can barely hear the screams of terror from the Batarians.

"Now what to do with you?" Daniel asked to no one as he used the Force to lift a metal table before snapping the legs off and have them float around the Batarians.

"Shall we gut you like the little pigs you are?" Chris suggested, twirling his lightsabers.

"Or how above heat these poles and slowly stab them into your limbs?" Daniel suggested as he held his saber pike to one of the legs, heating it up.

"So many choices yet so little time." Dante cracks his knuckles then brandishes his combat knife, letting the glare of the blade shine on the Batarians.


"Come on! We need to get out of here!" A Batarian nobleman shouted as he pulled the chain in his hands that connected to a young girl who looked to be twelve with olive skin, brown hair, and blue eyes.

"Move you bitches!" Another noble growled as he roughly pulled the chain of a young eleven year old who had pale skin, black hair, and green eyes.

A guard looks around as he walked with the nobles before he hears running and looks back to see six Stormtroopers running towards them and they were being led by Dexter.

"Watch out!" The guard shouted before his life ended with a blaster bolt to the heart.

The remaining Batarian guards open fire with Dexter igniting his Crossguard saber and blocking bullets.

The six Stormtroopers made short work of the three Batarians guards but the nobleman were already running with one of them dragging his slave.

As they ran Dexter used the Force to jump high in the air then flipped over them before landing in between them and their shuttle.

"Ah!" The nobleman cried out only for a familiar red blade to slice his head clean off.

The two remaining nobleman stopped and looked in fear as Dexter slowly walked towards them before they turn around only to see the Stormtroopers blocking their path.

"Children, close your eyes and cover your ears. You don't want to see what happens next." Dexter said with his voice filters off, making him sound calmer and the children did just that.

Dexter used the Force to shoot towards the two Batarians who screamed.

Dexter swung his lightsaber at one Batarian but he trips and the blade sliced through the arm of a nobleman, causing him to scream before Dexter ends his life by bisecting him.

Dexter walked over to the fallen Batarian who cowers.

"Wait, please! I'll do anything! Just don't kill me!" The Batarian begged.

"Show me where every slave is and I'll consider letting you live." Dexter said with his voice filters back on.

10 minutes later

Dexter stood behind the Batarian with two Stormtroopers as they were still in the hangar but in another area where they find cages… so many cages filled with women and children… Dexter can sense their terror and hopelessness as he stood in the very middle of the assembled cages.

"There, you see? Now you'll let me go right? I can le-GAH!" The Batarian was cut down as Dexter reactivated his saber as he swung upwards, cutting through the Batarians chest and destroying his heart.

All of the slaves looked to the source of the scream and saw the Batarians corpse lying on the ground as Dexter stood over it with his lightsaber ignited before the three glowing blades went back into the hilt.

"Chris, I found the other slaves." Dexter said opening a comm channel and he hears screaming on the other end.

"Little busy at the moment." The Jedi replied then a snapping sound was heard. "Okay, go ahead."

"This facility… there are so many slaves in this base… I'm in the main hangar… and there are so many cages…" Dexter said as he he tried to remain calm despite feeling the many negative emotions in the air.

"Well, deal with it. I'm in the middle of breaking a guy's leg in eight different ways." Chris stated.

"Alright… and my nobles are dead." Dexter said as his voice soon turned emotionless.

Dexter cuts the connection and closes his eyes as he concentrates and stretches his senses with the Force. After ten seconds, Dexter raises his arms to shoulder height before his eyes snap open and he clenches his hands into tight fists where as if obeying him, the cages all burst open, catching the slaves off guard.

All of the slaves slowly crawled out and Dexter saw that they were all human and Asari who ranged from six to eighteen years old.

"Slaves of the Batarian Hegemony, don't fear… your enslavement is over. You are now free." Dexter said as he used the force as the shackles and collars snapped off every slave while the chips that were implanted into them were crushed.

"You show compassion for these slaves." Darth Marr said as he faded in while the slaves were crying tears of joy.

"No one deserves to be slaves to the Batarians." Dexter stated silently.

"The Sith in my time were no different, but I can understand your point. My fellow council member, Darth Nox was also a slave and from the chains of slavery, he turned into a member of the Dark Council." Darth Marr said as he watched the freed slaves cheer.

"Times are changing Lord Marr… if we don't adapt, we will be left behind and die." Dexter said as he looked on.

"Sir we managed to open the hangar door." Said a Stormtrooper as he runs over with two other troopers.

"Get shuttles here with medical units. It's time to help these people." Dexter said as he walked off.

"Remember, be who you can be and not who you believe to be." Darth Marr said as he vanished.

"I know who I am Lord Marr… I am Dexter Walker… and Kylo Revan… and I will free the multiverse from the threat of the Reapers." Dexter stated as he walked on.

1 hour later

The battle was over. The leaders of the Batarian Hegemony were killed. Imperial forces ransacked the houses of Batarian nobles and inside they found documents and slaves with said documents holding info on their deals and pirate bases they supported in both the Terminus Systems and the Attican Traverse.

"Move it!" A Stormtrooper growled as he shoved a Batarian soldier forward.

"Well at least this part is over." John groans as he wipes the sweat off his brow while standing with Chris, Dexter, Daniel, Dante, John, Luna, and Ayane.

"And now we wait for the Citadel Council." Daniel said as he had his helmet in hand and watched as the slaves were guided or carried into shuttles that would taken them to the recently arrived medical frigates.

"Anything on that stealth ship you saw?" Dexter asked an Imperial captain.

"We moved to intercept them but they escaped through the mass relay before we could lock them in our tractor beam." The captain responded.

"It's alright, that at least a speeds up our schedule. Have your ship ready for when the Council fleet arrives." Dexter ordered.

"So Chris how are you doing?" Dexter asked.

"I'm not in the mood to talk right now." Chris grumbled with folded arms.

"Alright." Dexter said before he looked to see a squad of Stormtroopers gun down Batarian POWs.

"I say we send these bastards back to the Eternal Empire and give them a taste of their own medicine." Dante hissed.

"I would agree but how would we do that? We have automated droid factories and shipyards. Unless you plan a large scale public execution." Dexter said.

"No, we put them to work in mines. See how they like being slaves." Dante suggested, sending a dark glare at the corpses of other Batarians.

"And if they survive do we execute them?" Dexter asked.

"Hmm, maybe." Dante shrugged.

"Well let's get these fuckers out of here and onto a transport. I have a good location in mind." Daniel said as he brought up a hologram of an asteroid and another of a planet.

"Okay, boys, load these bastards up!" Dante ordered the Stormtroopers.

"Next stop, Kessel." Daniel said with a smirk.

1 day later

The Imperial fleet flew over Khar'shan as they waited for the Citadel fleet but they didn't wait any longer as a fleet of five Turian cruisers, six Turian frigates, and an Asari cruiser exited the relay and made their way to Khar'shan.

"Citadel fleet detected, sir." Said an Imperial crewman on board the Finalizer.

"And right on time too." Chris muttered, his arms folded as he placed his mask back on. "Keep the comms open. They most likely will try to contact us."

"So just like how rehearsed?" Daniel asked.

"The Asari are trying to hail us." Said an Imperial crewman.

"Of course." Chris answered then gestured to the communications officer. "Onscreen."

"The Finalizer doesn't have a screen." Dexter deadpanned.

"What the…" Chris facepalms. "All this high tech shit and we don't have a fucking screen! Whoever built this is getting an asskicking! Whatever just… forward it right now."

"Why would we need a screen when we have holograms? I mean everything in Mass Effect are holograms." Dexter said pointing to his Omni-tool.

"And that we only use screens for crewman." Daniel said pointing to a control terminal.

"Whatever just fucking get the Asari on!" The Jedi exclaimed in comical annoyance.

"Attention approaching vessels, you have entered First Imperial controlled space, identify yourselves or you will be fired upon. This is your first and only warning." Said the communications officer.

"This is the Citadel diplomatic fleet, we are here to end hostilities between you and the Batarian Hegemony." A female voice said.

"There is no hostilities, only retaliation." Dexter said with his helmet deepening his voice and making it sound like they were speaking to the devil himself.

"The Batarian Hegemony already brought the ire of the First Empire the moment they attacked a human colony. We were simply giving them their punishment." Chris added, his mask deepening his voice.

"Even so we are here prevent any more bloodshed." The female voice said.

"If you wish to continue talking then I suggest you send a shuttle. You may bring how many guards you want. A TIE Fighter squadron will escort you to the Finalizer." Daniel said before cutting the connection.

"Let's go." Dexter said before they walked off the bridge.

Citadel Council diplomatic fleet

A shuttle takes off from the Asari cruiser and flew towards the Imperial fleet.

"Remember we are here to end this diplomatically so don't cause any problems." Said the Asari diplomat.

"We don't know who these people are, they could be a violent species." Said a Turian guard.

"Unlikely, suggests strong military, a strict doctrine." Said the only Salarian.

"But what are they? We know they are likely human from the ships we saw." Said an Asari.

"Attention Citadel shuttle, we are here to escort you to the Finalizer. Should you deviate from your course you will be designated as hostile and dealt with accordingly." Said the lead TIE pilot as four TIE fighters flew in a square formation.

The flight took two minutes before they reached the main hangar where TIE Fighters sat in rotating racks which took the TIE's to a storage area.

The shuttle touched the ground and the hatch opens which allowed the diplomats to see two rows of Stormtroopers, Skytroopers, Mandalorian Warriors, and Zakuul Knights. Standing at the end of the row was were two individuals. One cloaked fully in black with an intimidating helmet and another wearing a brown robe covered in white armor with a black mask covering their face.

The diplomats were intimidated by the masked beings especially since they remember seeing them on Alliance news as Kylo Revan and Sorom Leonid.

"Greetings and welcome to Khar'shan." The man known as Sorom Leonid greeted the diplomats. "The new frontline base for the First Empire."

"Base?" The Asari asked in concern.

"It's only temporary." The man known as Kylo Revan said with a voice that scared everyone minus the Imperial soldiers.

"Now what is it that you wish to discuss?" Sorom questioned.

"We are just here to put an end to hostilities." Said the Asari while the Turians were on edge.

"Oh, believe me, we've ended it." The Jedi chuckled humorously. "For all their talk, the Batarians were too stubborn and cowardly in the end. Plus, they squeal like swine once you stick them."

"I bet." A Turian muttered.

"Our fleet will be returning to the home system and from there we will go to your Citadel to speak with your council." Dexter said.

"But make no mistake, any hostile action taken against us will be met with equal force." Chris added.

"Very well." The Asari said as she looked around at the assembled soldiers, Knights, Warriors, and droids.

They left a minute later and two minutes after that the Council fleet left.

"Alright any stealth ships?" Dexter asked a crewman as he and Chris walked onto the bright of the Finalizer.

"No sight of any STG vessel sir." Said an Imperial crewman.

"Good. Get us into position and charge up all guns." Dexter ordered.

The Harrower-dreadnoughts, Arquintents-class light cruisers, and star destroyers moved into position as their guns take aim at Khar'shan… more specifically the empty cities and military bases.

"All forces are off the planet sir." Said an Imperial crewman.

"Good, let's leave the galaxy a present." Dexter said before every Imperial warship opened fire, raining green lights of death on every Batarian city, base, and installation.

"Are we really going to annihilate an entire planet?" Ayane whispered.

"No just bomb the cities and bases so that the Batarians will be too busy rebuilding to be a threat." Dexter said plainly.

"In that case, let the bastards squirm like the worms they are." Luna hissed.

"It's the least they deserve." Dexter said with a smile as he watched different spots on the planet glow orange.

"Well, I'm tired right now." Chris informed then walked off to his quarters.

"We all need some rest for when we go to the Citadel." Dexter said as he released a yawn.

"Agreed, let's leave it to the command crew. We should get some sleep." Dante stated.

"Night." Daniel said as he walked off the bridge.

"Good night." Ayane waved, leaving as well.

As they return to their quarters, the Finalizer got into position before it entered hyperspace and left the system.

Dexter sat in the middle of his room meditating but felt conflicted for some reason.

"Are you ready for what is to come?" Darth Marr asked as he faded into appearance.

"No one is ready." Dexter answered with a sigh.

"You must have no regrets for what's needed to be done." Marr said as he vanished.

"No regrets… yeah right…" Dexter muttered and stood up before he walked out of his room and made his way down a hallway before stopping in front of Ayane's quarters.

Dexter knocks on the door and waited for the door to open.

Once it opened, it revealed Ayane wearing a bathrobe with a look of irritation on her face. "What is it." She demanded.

Dexter blushes and begins to walk away saying, "Sorry I'll come back some other time!"

"Hold it!" Ayane grabs the Sith's robes before he could leave. "You interrupted me from taking a relaxing bath, so you're going to tell me what you want or else."

"Look I wanted to apologize for what happened several days ago… and for interrupting your bath." Dexter started with his cheeks still red.

"Oh, you mean when you slapped my ass, perv?" Ayane narrowed her eyes at Dexter.

"Yes. It was wrong and I wanted to apologize in any way." Dexter said as he turned his head and looked Ayane in the eye.

"I deserved that damn apology when you did that, asshole! So you're going to have to do better than just a simple sorry." The brown-haired woman stated.

"What do I have to do?" Dexter asked.

Ayane thought about it before smirking. "Well, since you wanted to smack my ass, I get a free hit on you. Deal?"

Dexter gulped before nodding his head and closed his eyes, waiting for the strike.

Before he knew it, a blow struck him between the legs right in his family jewels.

"Again it hurts… but at least it was by a beautiful woman." Dexter groans as he fell to the ground in pain.

"Perv!" Ayane shouted before shutting her door.

"Is it perverted just for saying the truth about you being beautiful?" Dexter asked as he got up after using the force to heal his injuries before he walked away, unaware of Ayane blushing behind her closed door.

Dexter stops and walked back to the door and said, "Good night."

Dexter begins walking off without a second word.

(Play Ending: I'll be your home)

(Instrument) Scene opens to a large room to show Dexter, Chris, Dante, Luna, Ayane, John, and Daniel.

(Don't look back) Scene shifts to show Chris sitting on a crate with a drink in hand as he tossed one of his lightsabers into the air and catches it

(Don't regret) Scene shifts to show Luna as she used the force to balance multiple pieces of junk at once

(Time fallen) Scene shifts to show Ayane as she tinkers with her sniper

(Out of these hands) Scene shifts to show Dante as he took inventory on weapons and gear

(I let you) Scene shifts to show Daniel as he sat in a meditative state with objects floating around him

(Leave me) Scene shifts to show John as he leans against a wall with his helmet on

(Go while you're out) Scene shifts to show Dexter as he sat at a table with his helmet in hand, looking at the visor

(Come on) Scene shifts to show a figure with his back facing the camera and putting a hat on his head

(Is always) Scene shifts to show outside the hanger and the stars

(As time excels) Camera continues to show space as TIEs flew past the camera followed by shuttles and then warships

(Wherever you go) Scene shifts to show John pushing himself off the wall while Ayane straps the rifle to her back

(Whatever you see) Scene shifts to show Dante putting his helmet on before shifting to show Daniel standing up and picking up his weapon

(I'll be a good place) Scene shifts to show Luna setting the pieces down before shifting to show Chris strapping his saber to his belt and downing his drink

(And I'll be your home) Scene shifts to show Dexter stand up, putting his helmet on

(Instruments) Scene shifts to show Dexter, Daniel, Dante, Chris, John, Ayane, and Luna walk out of the hanger as the Gravestone and the Finalizer flew past