Book 3 one shot

Author's Disclaimer: I own nothing belonging to "The Legend of Korra", nothing at all. Only the wistful glances do I own.

Author's Note: I just rewatched the whole series again recently. This is a series you wish could go on for years and years, but the magic of this series is that the creators kept it around long enough to tell a strong concise story. It's always a punch to my heart. Rewatching Book 3 always put this image in my head. Korrasami seems to begin at Book 3, with the usual love triangle crap in the foreground in the first two Books. Book 3 was where it really began to take shape. And by that time, even in the beginning of 3, I think Asami felt more for Korra than she did at that time. The Avatar's got kinda a hard head sometimes.

This is intended to be a one shot story; I intend to write a few more of them for Korra but I'm already doing an alternate storyline series. This one is set during the beginning of Book 3 before Team Avatar gets to Ba Sing Se via Awesome Asami Airship. This would be around the middle of their ventures, when they failed to get Ryu to come with.

And just for the record, I know not one thing about anything engineering. So for some of those parts, I'll definitely be winging it.


"A Legend of Korra" one-shot

Everything she did was more captivating now than it had ever been.

Asami watched Korra walk off the airship's gangplank through a nearby window, flanked by Mako and Bolin. She intended to catch up at their newest location in search of airbenders, but her captain had asked her to stay back for a minor engineering snafu. Biting her lip, Asami had agreed, and went over a binder with her team of mechanics, comparing notes with a control panel the captain was concerned about.

Just looking at Korra's strong back as she walked away wasn't enough. Asami growled in her head as she went over the details of the Avatar's dark ponytail, the taut muscles of her shoulders and arms, her legs encased in baggy Water Tribe slacks. The Team was all back together, even Mako for Spirits' sake, and she was tied up with a maintenance issue. Asami willed herself to count to ten mentally and finished the task.

"Okay! Finish it up for here and log the time," Asami said, forcing a cheery tone. Her father had instilled in her to always maintain an air of positivity to her staff and as much as she disliked him now, he did have a point. The young men straightened and grinned at her. One even snapped a quick salute as they walked off, binder and tools in hand.

After she rounded the corner from the control room, Asami forced herself to a jog, making good time to the main room. She made for the open door and was just coming down the gangplank when she was greeted by Korra's surly frown. She was positively fuming, and while her stubborn anger was becoming readily adorable to her, it struck Asami that she was coming BACK and way too soon.

"It's over already?" she asked in surprise, halting in the middle of the gangplank. Korra stalked past her, fairly snarling.

Mako and Bolin brought up the rear, slouching behind the Avatar's anger.

"You bet it's over already! The kid's a punk and even his mom couldn't get him out the door with us," Bolin winced. He gave Asami a sympathetic look as they all rounded back up to follow Korra inside the airship.

"Spirits help me, why are idiots and fools being granted airbending?" Korra yelled. Asami gestured to a nearby worker to close the door of the airship and lock up. You could never be too careful these days.

As if on cue, Tenzin hurried into the room at the word 'airbender', Bumi on his heels. At Korra's insistence, he had stayed out of this last try. He looked quickly around. When he didn't note anyone new having entered the ship, his stolid stance deflated. He sighed as they moved into the sitting room. Plush sofas and armchairs flanked tall bookcases. The Air Nomad sank into one of the sofas, his face pinched with worry.

"What are we going to do if NO ONE comes with us? We're rebuilding a nation here," he complained.

"It's okay, Tenzin, we'll get someone! A lot of these people have things they don't want to leave," Bumi said, sounding pragmatic for once. Jinora walked into the room and regarded her downed father ruefully.

"It'll be okay, Dad," she said. Tenzin opened an eye at her and tried to smile.

Korra punched a fist into one hand, her brows drawn low.

"Well I think we need to rethink our strategy because we're coming up zero here."

"Korra, Korra," Bolin nudged her arm, a ready grin on his face. "I think we need to take this brain session elsewhere."

From anyone else it might have sounded like a pickup line, but this was Bolin. He regarded Korra as more of a sister now. Asami was pleased to see Korra uncoil from anger to curiosity.

"The only place where we can really think," she agreed, a slow grin spreading across her face.

"Gym?" Bolin made the destination sound like a question.

"Gym," Korra agreed. She punched his shoulder and nudged Mako. "Let's get going!"

"I don't know, I could use some…."

"Don't you dare say you need rest! Tenzin and I are doing most of the work," Korra complained. She and Bolin forced Mako to come with and Asami watched them go, a flush in her gaze.

Tenzin watched the young engineer's gaze, unsure of who that solid look was for. All three could be fair game as far as he was concerned.

"Go ahead, Asami. I'll be fine," he offered. Asami flashed a quick smile and darted after her friends.

Tenzin leaned back and closed his eyes. "I was young once too….."

"Come on, Tenzin," Bumi threw himself into an armchair, boots arching high. When his limbs settled, he crossed his feet at the ankles and leaned back. "Sixty's the new thirty. We're not that old."

Tenzin opened one wrinkled-lined eye and peered a cautious look at his grinning brother.

When Asami had the airships designed for her company, she definitely had her friends in mind when she made the gym a perquisite to the floorplans. It was a huge room, mats stretched across the hard wood floors, and a wall composed of a flame retardant material she had invented to absorb firebending. By the time she made it in, the brothers and Avatar were already working out in various forms. Mako was throwing blasts of fire at the specially made material wall, and Korra moved beside him, both springing lightly on the balls of their feet as they punched and kicked enthusiastically.

Asami watched both of them, feeling a warm flush stain her cheeks. Firebending was a lot more involved than the other forms of bending and streams of sweat poured from Mako's brow. Korra was sweating heavily as well but she had a fierce grin on her face.

Bolin was content on lifting huge stacks of earth rings. Asami had made sure her gym was filled with tools of the pro bending arena and she watched him raise more stacks on top of his leaning tower kept in place by his bending. He laughed, muscles in his arms straining.

Mako and Bolin had both stripped their over tunics off, muscles flexing beneath their white tanktops. Korra always wore a tank top as part of her usual outfit, but she had stripped her fur wrap, so she was free to move faster. It lay in a puddled heap next to the brother's tunics. Her perspiration was making the blue top cling to her breasts and taut stomach in interesting ways.

"Hey. Asami!" Bolin dropped his earth rings to the mats suddenly. Asami tried not to leap out of her skin. "Wanna see who can do the most push-ups?"

"I'd love to see that," Asami said readily and it was the truth. Mako ran a hand through his dampening hair and turned to Korra.

"You can take Bo," he offered. Korra laughed, flexing her shoulders and Asami tried not to flush too hard. Mako was far more subtle than anyone gave him credit for; was he pushing Korra forward because he had the feeling Asami was interested? It was food for thought but watching the Avatar saunter up to Bolin banished the interesting notion. Korra was all sleek muscle and the way her arms moved captivated her gaze.

"I got this," she said. She pointed to Bolin. "You're going down!"

"Oh I will. And up. And down," Bolin laughed. He and Korra knelt on the mats. "Three, two, one….go! No fair!"

Asami watched the play of muscles straining against their tanktops. Bolin was more bulky, but had a lot of muscle packed into his arms. He was a nice guy and she honestly didn't know why he didn't have a steady girlfriend. Her gaze swept where it wanted to most, eyeing the dip of Korra's back and the play of muscles working along her shoulder blades. Korra was rather wiry, but she had her own muscle packed into her short body. Asami tried not to swoon as her eyes flicked over those strong arms and shoulders. Korra's ponytail flopped over one shoulder and she grunted as she paced through her push-ups quickly. Bolin was moving faster too, counting out loud as they went.

"Thirty…thirty-five…..forty…..going on fifty? Wait up!" Bolin huffed as Korra's pace even increased. He finally grunted and collapsed on his stomach, arms straight out in front of him. "You….win!"

"Ha!" Korra pushed up into a crouch and posed like a ridiculous gladiator, arms flexed. Fresh sweat made her neck shine. "The Avatar is winner!"

"Like always….. and that's horrible grammar, Korra," Bolin complained jokingly from the mat. Korra helped him rise and Mako laughed, coming forward to punch his brother's shoulder.

Asami sat on a nearby bench, watching her old sponsored team banter and flex. Bolin flashed her a ready grin and trotted over.

"This can't be too exciting for you. How about some tea and Pai Sho?" Bolin offered. Asami smiled up at him. Why DIDN'T he have a girlfriend? He was always concerned for everyone else.

"That sounds amazing," Mako agreed. Asami felt herself relax. Even Fuddy Duddy Cop Mako was letting his guard down. "Sorry for rushing your gym like this."

"It's nothing," Asami laughed. She stood up and removed her red and black jacket, folding it over her arm. Her dress beneath was smartly tailored, and she knew it clung to all the right curves. "I had it built with you guys in mind."

"It's great for blowing off steam," Korra agreed. The three athletes picked up their discarded clothing and a clean towel from the stack by the door. The four made their way to the sitting room located off the bedchambers. It was smaller and far more intimate than the main one and it became a nightly ritual to soothe bruised egos with their inability to recruit even one new airbender with tea and games. Mako and Bolin shrugged into their tunics but didn't fasten up the clasps. They scrubbed sweaty necks and brows with the towels and Korra mopped her own around her neck beneath her ponytail.

Asami pushed the Pai Sho board opposite Korra, silently indicating that's who was playing her first. Korra sat down opposite and slung the towel around her shoulders. Asami calmly pushed the rest of the tiles across the board, and watched Korra nimbly set them into place with clever fingers. Being the Avatar's friend was rewarding in its own way, but developing feelings for one was harder work than she realized. She knew Korra saw her as a good friend, and nursing deeper feelings felt more like a curse. She felt like she was trying not to scare away a skittish kitten everytime she was close to her now.

Asami swallowed as Korra grinned across the table at her, teeth showing happily. Her lopsided smiles made her heart race. Korra seemed so relaxed and happy near these small moments in the evening. Even surrounded by Mako and Bolin, the surge of emotions kept cropping up. They were unsettling to say the least.

"Can I play the winner?" Mako asked quietly as he watched their game. Korra nodded, her brows furrowed in concentration. Asami tried not to smile. Korra definitely let her emotions play across her face. That's why she knew she didn't feel anything deeper for her. That was okay. It was going to have to be. Asami settled her expression into a poker face as she made her own move. Korra bit her lip, seeing the gambit play on the board.

She would know if Korra felt something more. She wasn't good at hiding her emotions.

"Sure you can. Looks like Asami's winning," Korra laughed. Asami felt her heart twitch.

'I wish that were really so…..' she thought. A servant brought in a tray of tea cups and kettle and Bolin carefully poured for everyone. He yelped when a small stream hit the tray instead of a cup and Korra laughed.

"It's okay, Bolin," Asami offered. They all accepted a cup and drank quietly. Korra rapidly lost and groaned defeat.


"You may win one day, Avatar," Asami couldn't help teasing. Korra regarded her with a hooded look. It was only for an instant but it was something. Her heart doubled in time. "That is…."

"Oh I'll win," Korra said haughtily. She stood and switched chairs with Mako. She pressed her knees against the edge of the table and balanced the chair back off two legs. Mako raised his eyes to meet Asami's eyes. There was a serious stillness in his gaze, but it wasn't sensual. He seemed to be questioning her silently. Asami shrugged one shoulder, a slow desperation watching him back. Mako swallowed and nodded, spreading his gaze to the tiles below him.

Asami's heart pounded hard in appreciation. Mako might understand. She felt a deeper appreciation for him spread throughout her core.

'Thank you,' she thought silently, feeling happy all of a sudden. Bolin leaned close, watching their game and Korra silently watched over the rim of her cup. Seeing her balanced back effortlessly, bent knees keeping her chair precariously tipped, one strong hand cradling her cup to her lips made her want to want to reach across the table and grab her. Steady, girl.

As Asami and Mako's game wound down, a servant poked his head in to announce dinner was ready. The friends packed up the Pai Sho set and followed him out to the dining hall. Bumi was already waiting, pouring a dollop of brandy into several small cups for everyone. Jinora watched him curiously.

"Can I have one, Uncle Bumi?" she asked.

"Uhm, ask your dad," Bumi backpedaled safely.

"Where's Tenzin?" Korra asked. Bumi gave her a wide grin and handed her one of the cups.

"He's radioing Pema goodnight. They're such a cute couple, huh?" Bumi said. He dolted back his cup of brandy and poured himself some more.

"And he wouldn't let you talk to her first?" Mako guessed. Bumi shrugged.

"I guess I take up all the time. But Pema likes talking to me, too!" he protested.

"He just wants to talk to his family," Asami said smoothly. They all sat down and she smiled at Mako when he moved to sit opposite the table, freeing the seat next to her. Bolin sat across next to Mako, leaving Korra to sit beside her by default. The Avatar tightened the ties of her fur wrap around her waist and threw herself into the chair. Asami watched the play of muscles along her shoulders as she got comfortable and forced herself to look away. Bolin was watching her now, catching up on Mako's silent looks. He looked confused but Mako was watching her with a kind of understanding.

"Be careful," his look said. Asami knew Korra would be worth loving, and he had already had his shot. He didn't want anyone to fail her the way he felt he had. Asami's eyes narrowed and she all but nodded her chin at him.

'Oh, I'll be careful….I don't even know if she will ever feel the same way,' she thought. It was a sobering thought. But Asami refused to dwell on the negativity of her swirling emotions. Tenzin had rejoined them and everyone was giving suggestions about what to do at the next stop.

Jinora was up for being the main attraction which Bumi thought was a great idea. Tenzin gently tried to talk her down but Jinora set her jaw in a stubborn frown.

The servants set down the platters of meat and rice and everyone dug in. Bumi poured his brother a cup of brandy but Tenzin waved it away. Finally, after several opposing shouts, he relented and took the cup from his forceful brother. Bumi laughed when spots of red dotted Tenzin's cheeks.

"Now that's more like it, soldier!" Bumi crowed. Tenzin coughed and picked up his glass of water.

"And that's all I'm taking!" he insisted. Bumi guffawed.

"Can I pleeeease have one now, Dad?" Jinora asked. Bumi made to pour her one but Tenzin grabbed the cup and downed it.

"No!" he scowled. Jinora crossed her arms.

"I just wanted to see what it tastes like!" she said.

"Aren't you too young for the booze?" Bolin wondered. Jinora sighed.

"You guys aren't that much older," she pointed out. Korra sipped her cup of brandy carefully. Asami sipped hers as well and when her cheeks flushed, she noted Korra was watching the subtle red spread across her pale complexion. It made her feel good. She straightened her back, allowing her breasts to strain against the fabric of her dress. Mako looked down when he saw Korra follow that movement on instinct. Korra coughed and looked rapidly away, politeness warring across her features.

Interesting. Asami tucked that reaction away to analyze later.

After dinner, everyone piled back into the main sitting room, in varied positions of relaxation. Bumi sprawled along one sofa, leaving his brother and Jinora in their own armchairs. Bolin took the floor with Mako, leaving one small loveseat to hold Asami. When Korra made to flop next to her, Asami tried not to cuddle closer. To resist her natural instinct to get closer to her friend was downright hard. Instead she focused on the back of Mako's head. It was enough to deflate her at least.

Asami smiled her thanks at the servant who came in to build them a fire in the sitting room's hearth. Mako and Korra both made to get up to help him, but the nonbender insisted.

"Miss Sato doesn't give me enough to do on the airship," he explained. Asami's fingers were curled around Korra's arm before she could stop herself. The confusion on the Avatar's face as she held her back in the loveseat was overwhelming to see. Asami's fingers drifted back from the taut bicep and she smiled.

"Let them work, Korra. Just relax for once."

"Thank you, Miss Sato," the servant said cheerily. He had a fire going within five minutes and Jinora scooted close to it. He bowed and left the sitting room.

The atmosphere was downright cozy and everyone talked in widening circles. Tenzin finally yawned and stood up to take his daughter's hand.

"We won't know what will happen until we get to the next location. Good night, everyone. Please get some rest, Korra," Tenzin turned to his erstwhile pupil. Korra, somewhat lounging on her side of the loveseat, nodded and waved at him.

"Goodnight!" Bumi called. He picked himself up from the sofa and stretched. His jacket was unclasped and he ran a hand over his tunic underneath. "Well, kids, that's it for me. See you in the morning."

"Goodnight, Bumi," Bolin called. Bumi waved a hand as he walked off down the hallway.

"Well….." Mako sat up from the floor, running a hand through his hair. "I guess we should all turn in."

"Unless anyone wants to play me in Pai Sho?" Bolin asked eagerly. Mako got him in a headlock and out of the sitting room.

"Goodnight, ladies!" Bolin called instead. Asami stood up and stretched. Korra eyed the dying fire and made to kill the rest with waterbending. Asami stopped her.

"The crew will take care of it."

"Ok….." Korra looked around the sitting room. "Did Bumi take the brandy with him?"

Asami gave her a wry look and pulled the bottle from behind her jacket. "He wishes he did."

A sly smile crept across Korra's lips. "Asami. You sneak."

"Not too much; we have an early start."

"I'm gonna get changed into pajamas. Meet me at my room?" Korra asked casually. Asami's heart beat double time until she was sure Korra could hear the palpitations.

'She doesn't mean it like that….. two friends can drink together!'

"Sure. Want to share with Mako and Bolin?" she dared to ask.

'Please say no, please say no, please say no….'

"Nah," Korra rolled her shoulders, and clasped her arms behind her head as they moved toward the bedchambers. "They snooze, they lose."

Korra went into the bedchamber opposite hers and Asami took the time to strip her dress and get her long negligee on. She put on a silky robe over it and padded across the hall to Korra's room. She knocked once to be sure and Korra called to her to come in.

Korra held out two small cups and grinned cheekily. She was dressed down in blue pajama pants and a white tanktop. The white material contrasted with her darker skin gorgeously. Asami poured for both of them and she regarded the casual Avatar over the top of her cup.

Korra let out a happy sigh as she finished her cup. She made to undo her ponytail and wolftails, as part of her evening ritual. Asami saw an opportunity to touch her without seeming weird and picked up Korra's comb.

"Can I help?" she offered. Korra nodded, smiling and turned her back, sitting cross-legged on the bed.

"Thanks, Asami," she said. Asami climbed onto the bed. She allowed her fingers to casually slide through Korra's touseled locks, under the pretense of organizing her hair. She noted Korra going still beneath her. Asami swallowed, then picked up the comb, gently tugging it through the Avatar's loose hair.

Asami hummed under her breath, to put Korra at ease.

"What is that?" Korra asked, throwing a soft smile over her shoulder. "It sounds nice."

"An old Fire Nation lullaby," Asami admitted. She swept Korra's hair to one side and worked the comb in again. "My mom used to sing it to me."

Korra nodded, feeling ridiculously at ease. "Well, it's really pretty."

Asami felt a flush stain her cheeks at the easy words. 'Stop it, Asami. It's not like she said YOU'RE really pretty!'

She hummed instead. Korra almost leaned back against her. Wow, this was really nice. Asami eyed Korra's bare shoulders. Her fingers longed to run along those lean lines…..Korra straightened after several moments and stood up. She tossed her hair back. Asami tried not to keep eyeballing her, but there was no one around she had to put a show on for. Yet again, she didn't want to weird Korra out when their friendship was going so well.

'Yeah….your friendship….'

"Thanks, Asami," Korra grinned. Asami poured them both another cup of brandy and Korra accepted.

"This will have to be it for tonight," Korra suggested. Asami nodded and sipped. The flush wouldn't leave her cheeks, but at least Korra would only think it the effects of the brandy.

Finally, Asami rose to bid her goodnight.

"Night, Korra," she said at the door. Korra grinned and turned back the covers on the bed.

"Night, Asami."

It would have to be enough for now. She would have to be content with merely watching.

End Notes: Yeah, two friends can drink together…..while "Careless Whisper" plays in the background! Teehee. This was fun to write. While I'm not a huge fan of Makorra, I still don't think Mako is a bad guy. He makes a great friend.

Sincerely, penpaninu
