A/N Thank you to all the wonderful people who reviewed, favourited and followed this story! You guys are the best! Please tell your friends about the story and I hope you enjoy the chapter!

Tobias/Four P.O.V

I hope Tris is okay. I am a coward. A filthy, selfish, disgusting coward. I ran, as soon as I saw Marcus I ran. Even if she told me too I still sprinted away. I should have stood up for her, I am Dauntless, I am stronger than Marcus, so why was I scared? I should have taken her back to Dauntless with me, fed her, rested her. Yes, that's what she needed, food and rest. I should have taken her to the Dauntless Infirmary, they would have taken care of her burns, knife wounds, belt slashes, bruises, all of her many wounds but I didn't do any of that, I just ran. Marcus is a filthy, inhumane, disgusting human being and if ever get half a chance, I will kill him. I think all this while waiting for the first initiate to jump. Then a dark thought came into my mind, what if Tris is forced to stay in Abnegation by Marcus? What if she doesn't transfer?

Suddenly, as if on cue I see a bundle of blurred grey clothing in the net and a hear a laugh, not a nervous one but one of sheer enjoyment. I have waited what seems like a million years to hear that laugh! That's my Tris! Wait, what am I thinking? She isn't my Tris, yet. But now she is in Dauntless I can make a move! I step forward to help her out the net and am met by her piercing blue eyes staring into mine, confused! I let out a chuckle, I forgot I was still grinning like a maniac! I know what she wants her name to be so turn into instructor Four and make the announcement I have waited to make for a long time.

"First Jumper-Tris!" I then turn to her, tuck her blonde hair behind her ear and whisper, "My name is not Tobias and you don't know me." She gives me a confused and almost hurt look, my heart aches so I give her a reassuring smile as if to say, 'i love you, don't take this personally' at least, that's what I hope she thinks I said. I think she maybe did because her confused look disappeared and a smile replaced it!

After all of the initiates jumped I gave my opening speech I give them a tour of the compound. I examine Tris' beautiful face as she sees the pit. She is clearly in awe, I imagine mine was much the same when I transferred. We then have dinner and they go to their dorms.

As I lye in bed that night I finally realise that Tris transferred and she is in Dauntless! Her father can't hurt her anymore...can he? I move on from that thought and think my initiates. I think I remember the names of all the transfers, their old factions, features and their personalities. My initiates are:

Tris-Abnegation-Kind, beautiful, brave, my Tris

Christina-Candor-Friends with Tris, seems nice enough, checking out Will

Will-Erudite-Friends with Tris, checking out Christina

Peter-Erudite-Keeps making fun of Tris and her friends, horrible, forming a gang, looks strong

Al-Candor-Friends with Tris, doesn't really fit into Dauntless, seems alright though

Drew-Candor-In Peter's gang, horrible, but looks strong

Molly-Candor-Horrible, strong, in Peter's gang

Edward-Erudite-Nice, kind, Myra's boyfriend, looks strong, strong contender for ranking first

Myra-Erudite-Edward's girlfriend, kind of weak, hope she doesn't get cut for Edward's sake, kind, polite

And they are my transfers. I really hope Tris and her friends get in. Tris will have to work even harder than everyone else as she is extremely weak and tired at the moment but I know she will put in every effort to get ranked first. I close my eyes and try to get some sleep when suddenly I hear a girls scream coming from near the dorms. I recognise that screams, they are the same as the girl I saw being beaten by her father back in Abnegation 10 years ago. They could only have come from one person. Oh no. Tris...

A/N Hope you all enjoyed the chapter! Sorry it is short, just a filler chapter. Next one will be longer than the last two! Please tell me any ideas for the story via PM or review! Please tell me anything I should improve or anything you would change! Also, if I missed out any of the transfers from the book or made a mistake about them! Also, free Dauntless cookies, (: :) , and a shout out for anyone who can answer the following trivia question correctly, winners will be announced in the next chapter, please feel free to answer even if the winners have already been announced! I will mention you in the chapter after I receive your answer! I will also give a shout out to anyone close or probably just anyone who participates! Here is the question:

What is the colour/s of each faction?

Good luck to all who enter! Also, I have a poll on my profile about when Tobias should ask Tris to be his girlfriend! Winner will be announced in the next chapter or in 2 chapters time!