III. The Criminal

He sat on the desk and read some of the papers Erwin got, Erwin is scribbling some report in his clean cursive.

Theodore clicked his tongue. Helping Erwin with his papers had somehow became a habit when he needs to avoid the rest of Erwin's squad. He did the solo drills much earlier than the military, and then join the team drills on the evening. The rest of the time spent with Erwin in his office, or accompanying Mike as the training overseer, and if unlucky, Erwin's squad would drag him down to town.

Theodore rearranged the papers, separate it into different envelopes before tucking it into the drawer.

Erwin is still writing something.

Theodore belatedly remembers that he just filed the reports.

Curious he leaned on the desk, Erwin moved his hand to the side so Theodore can see what is on the paper.


Analysis of how far human sight goes and how sharp the hearing is, followed by comparison of Titan's speed with horse, cargo, and human speed. And the range of Titan's sensory, followed by the prediction of the most effective number in a team and calculations of the survival rate.

All of them used to draft a battle formation.

"Long Distance Enemy Detection?" Theodore hummed. This is the formation. "I don't know, I'm not the tactician here."

Theodore may be a genius in weaponry, but he's the type of people that will just charge forward. Politics and long term planning had never been his forte.

Erwin's hand moved back to the paper, circling a word -

"All I need left is to device a long range quick communication. Perhaps a colored smoke gun. Do you think you can make it?"

"Just by asking that, you've insulted me." This world's technology is nothing compared to the standard he is used to. "Spare me a few days and I'll go search for available parts."

He can design the flare gun and Hange will be assembling the parts to a prototype - he doesn't want to waste his time on something so simple. Hange will be ecstatic - one of the good things about having Hange as a slave -a very enthusiastic slave.


It was dark out, but Theo remained in Erwin's office - he's still free loading in Erwin's office since his rank is not high enough to warrant a personal room - with a lantern to finish a few design addition to the flare gun.

He'll give the design sheet and the parts to Hange tomorrow to assemble it.

The door suddenly banged open, and Erwin entered the door, followed by Mike who is holding someone inside a bag -

"You should've asked my help if you are kidnapping someone," Theo said.

Erwin scoffed, not at all surprised that Theo is in his office - he expected it - and a nod to Mike is all he needs for Mike to throw whoever inside the bag to the room.

"We found a spy," Erwin said.

A smile tugged Theo's lips when he realized just what it is that Erwin is asking from him.

"Tie him to a chair while I collect some…" god, Theo can't stop smiling even further at the thought of those things "tools."

There are a lot of reasons why he chose Scouting Legion over other factions, but this is one of the reason he loves Erwin the best.

Theo returned with a bag, proceeded to align the items from the bag before he clasped his hands together in glee.

"We still need him whole and functional, Theo," Mike said.

Theo scoffed. Doesn't matter since this guy - captive? - looks like he is already about to break. It wouldn't take too long. There won't be too much damage -

"Let's begin," Theo said as he took one of the syringe - the one with dangerous acidic content coming from his Titan form, only diluted - and twirled the thing.


"Fucker," Theo scoffed as he returned the tools to the bag, "That's disappointing. Didn't take even half an hour to get the names out."

"Perhaps using that poison," Theo inwardly shouted that that syringe content is acid not poison, "is a little excessive," Mike said as he looked at the captive.

The captive looks otherwise fine - no wounds, no gashes - but a closer look will reveal something black, dark, decomposing along the arms and legs, and that the captive seems to be screaming for the pain and the burn -

"But there won't be blood spilt," Theo said simply. "I don't want to clean the mess."

"He still need to be in working order, Theo," Erwin said. "I need him to spy for Lobov."


That's the name of the one who sent the spy to sabotage Scouting Legion. Lobov should've been smarter than to use a recent trainee - someone who had just graduated - as a spy among professional ranks.

"He can move just fine." Theo answered, "I'm careful enough to use an extremely weak version of the poison."

An extremely diluted version of the acid. So that when he inject it to the blood stream, it will harm the blood stream but it will be too weak to reach the heart.

Theo kicked the chair, pulling along another syringe. "Oi, move, if you don't I'll test the full power of the poison on you. Doesn't matter either way."

The captive raised his head and struggled against his bindings for a bit, before slumping down and heaving in air.

"See?" Theo said smugly.


"Hange Zoe!"

Breakfast in the Scouting Legion Mess Hall quieted down when Theodore entered the room hollering the name. Hange immediately broke apart from her group of friends - how someone crazy and dysfunctional like her have a lot of friends, Theodore will never know - and bounded towards him with a huge smile on her face.

"Master!" Hange exclaimed in happy surprise, "What brought you here?"

Hange had taken to calling him Master some when within the two months she was apprenticed. To his horror, he can find himself feeling pleased. He kept on reminding himself that Hange isn't as simple as he'd like to think.

Hange knows how to stroke someone's ego.

"I have something you might be interested in doing," Theodore said as he pulled a small leather satchel and a scroll.

Hange - greedy pig that she is - immediately snatch the items from his hands before he could even pull the whole item from his bag. She bounded to the nearest table and swiped her hands across the table, causing all the plates and bowls and food of the other soldiers to fall to the ground in waste. She kicked the leg of the bench, causing it to be overturned, along with the soldiers sitting on it.

Vicious, Theo thought, that woman is.

He didn't know if he should be happy or go into a murder spree when this kind of woman placed him in high regard.

The soldiers on the table Hange had taken over decided to move into another table. Those who seems like they want to teach Hange a lesson were waiting until he is done discussing some things with her.

Hange opened the scroll on the table. Reading whatever in it quickly before she squealed in delight, jumped to the air, snatched the satchel and emptied whatever content from inside the satchel. Gears and pipes and plates and screws of different size and shape poured out.

Hange looks like she is ready to hyperventilate.

"I need you to-"

Hange stomped her foot on top of the table, her body leaning forward as she pulled his collar to her. He leaned back as far as possible, surprised at Hange's show of joy - violence?

"You can rely on me for this, Master," Hange said feverishly, maniacal joy can be seen dancing in her eyes, "I'll finish this by sunset. No later than that."

"Actually," he needs to deliver some 'Elixir of Youth' to the brothels, "I have something to do by afternoon-"

"Then by afternoon I'll be done!" Hange declared, "I'll join you wherever you are going this afternoon!"

What the heck - how should he explain that he is going to a brothel and not a super secret excursion?

"I'll be back after dinner, so just take your time - "

"No!" Hange pulled his collar even closer. "Afternoon."

"Okay," Theo said "Afternoon."

Theo heaved a sigh of relieve when Hange released him. He adjusted his collar and exited the mess hall. Dealing with Hange had always - always - been mentally exhausting. That's why he usually resorts to petty tricks and lies. It's a miracle it is still working by now.

Ha! As if he is going to return there by afternoon.


"So Lobov," Theo asked, wondering, "Again?"

"Scouting Legion's funds is in danger of being cut off. It will be discussed in the Military - Noble meeting," Erwin said, "Lobov has a hand in this, and Commander trusted me to handle him."

Theodore nodded uncaringly.

"Mike and I will go to the Underground City to hire an old contact. Theodore will stay in Wall Sina and spread some rumors about Lobov's illegal dealings."

"Cruel rumors?" Theodore smiled. He may not know many people well, but he is quite well known - the words he say held great weight.

And the brothel - good thing it coincides with his 'Elixir of Youth' delivery batch. He won't need to go back and forth. Brothels are gossip centers which craters all sorts of illegal dealings. Spreading rumors are easy when he have good connection with the brothels.


To save humanity, strip himself from humanity.

This isn't exactly the first time he went against the law, but this is the first time someone is aware of what he is doing.

It's a good thing Commander Shadis is quite open minded if it will keep Scouting Legion running. Erwin didn't want to enter the Central Dungeons because his lapse in judgement.

He never had to worry about Mike's loyalty, and Theo has always been himself - as long as there's an easy chance to see the downfall of something, he'll take it.

Theo has never been a people person, but he hears rumors, so much of them, so accurate. Spreading some should be easy.

Theo himself seem to be having fun with the rumors circulating around that causes people to flinch away in his presence.

Strip away from humanity.

His plan was simple. Lobov is a noble of high standing and connected to the Military Police. His goal is to destroy Scouting Legion and give the funds to Military Police. But he is a noble - he have dark contacts somewhere - assassinations, rape, murder - there should be plenty. His goal is to hire someone to steal those documents and keep it. Make him paranoid.

And meanwhile rumors will circulate about his crimes. Lobov's usual contact will cut their alliance and he will fall.

He will take that chance to offer the documents to Zacklay. He will be trialed, and no one will support his claims.

Simple, but no room for mistakes.

He and Mike are just successful in hiring someone - the documents will be delivered tomorrow night to his office. They were about to walk back to the surface when there are ruckuss.

Someone was wailing about broken bones - Erwin knows that is a fake - and the man, along with his followers, demanded reparations. There was annoyance painted on the opposing side - 3 cloaked teens - and there was a man trying to warn about something dangerou -

Too late. There was a flurry of movement. Mike was about to go and stop the fight, but Erwin stopped him.

The three teens are winning the fight, but under the cloak, hanging on their hips, are -


They expertly maneuvered to the air, and back down before disappearing among the run down buildings -

"Mike," Erwin called as he eyes the man that had tried and failed to stop the fight, Mike stiffened in attention, "I need that man for questioning."

Mike nodded.

He'll need to ask Zacklay if criminals are allowed in the military.


When Mike and Erwin got down from the carriage, they were greeted by a bang, and there was a flare of black smoke aimed to the ground in front of them.

Theodore can be seen opening the window from Erwin's office as he twirled a gun like device in his hands. His smile is as irritating and as demeaning as always, but there was a smug undertone to mark his win.

"So Erwin, how does the party go?" he asked. "Just so you know this hardworking soldier has completed all my task. I even went through an enraged berserker just to get this." He continued with a stroke to the flare gun.

Erwin scoffed. Typical.

He ignored Theo and walked into the building - to his office - to have a private discussion. After a brief explanation of what transpired, Theo hummed.

"I think Erwin got a thing for criminals, and he is pulling the whole Scouting Legion into business."

Theo's reward is a punch to the gut from Mike.

"We've got news from the spy we sent to Lobov." Erwin said as he raised a piece of folded paper from a small crack on the window.

"Eh," Theo hummed, "I'm surprised he turned out to be useful."

Erwin opened the piece of paper. There's a smirk playing on his lips. "It seems Lobov came to our criminal targets and asked for their assistance to gain a certain document from me."

"So perhaps we need to change our plan?" Mike asked.

"No, let it be."


Theo scowled. "When this ends, I want a 3 days vacation."

"Oh shut it baby," Liska - another member of Erwin's squad - said. "It's just getting a little dirty, what are you so scared off?"

It's exactly because he is getting dirty that he does not want to join this mission. The smell, the humidity, the rotten roden corpses, spiders crawling, houses in ruins, sewage water leaking from pipes -

He avoided stepping into a puddle of water - black and filled with lumps and there's something wriggling -

Never in his previous world did he enter a place as disgusting as this.

This… this is one of the reasons he cancelled his plans to opening a business in the underground city. He can't stand this place.

Edward laughed and hit his back, causing Theo to almost lose his balance and almost coming into contact with the stone wall of a house which is smeared with something brown and decomposing.

Theo paid him back by tripping Edward's feet.

"Didn't peg you as the clean type, Theo," Peter, another part of Erwin's direct squad, gruffly said, "With how you practically drench yourself in blood."

"I have no fondness over decomposing items."

"Target sighted," Mike interrupted, his hands pressed as close as possible to his nose. "3 cloaks. 2 men and a girl. 9 o'clock. Complete with 3DMG."

Theo took a curious look at the target. Ah…

Levi, isn't it? That haircut is recognizable anywhere.

"I'll take the girl," Liska said.

"I'll handle one of the men. Edward will function as back up to the both of us."

"I will be handling their leader - the black hair. Mike as my backup, Theo will be back up for the whole squad." Erwin decided.

"I'll follow from afar and decide which idiot makes the blunder," Theo said.

"In your dreams," Edward retorted.

"They are starting to notice us."


Theo stood back, hands slipped to his belt as the others lunged forward. He took the further road, taking advantage of the stalactites and stalagmites to rest on the roofs of the cave to have a better view of the chase.

He didn't know about the two other people beside Levi - but Levi -

It's years before the story even started, looking at his condition, it is unlikely that he have someone to teach him -

He's a bloody genius on 3DMG. Not up to par to what he remembered, but the potential is there.

He clicked his tongue because he is jealous. He quickly dropped down - Peter is doing fine and Lista is being backed up by Edward, but Mike had joined the scuffle with Levi - and shot to the direction he last saw Mike and Erwin.

The scene he came to wasn't pleasing. Levi managed to release himself from Mike's hold as is making a run.

Theo darted to the building Levi is about to pass - there's some barrel up here - and shot his 3DMG, one to one of the barrels, and the other to the edge of the building and jump down and -

Stop. He skidded down the wall as he let the barrel he pulled drop down on top of Levi. Whatever liquid inside there - alcohol? Beer? - bursted out with the impact.

And Levi is still able to stand - albeit he seems pained and heavier. Theo dropped to the ground and slid his legs across Levi's - Theo scowled when he realized the barrel's content is not alcohol, but oil, funny thing, Levi seems to be scowling for the same thing - and he placed his whole weight in pinning Levi down.

Levi threw him off, kicking Theo in his abdomen. Theo managed to find his balance and splashed onto sewage water.

Now his hands are dirty.

When his mind return back to the chase, Mike was already pining Levi down - that's not fair, Mike is much heavier and stronger than he is - and Levi struggled - but he is succeeding -

And Lista and Peter came, bringing their own respective targets while Edward followed behind, ready any moment for an escape attempt.

Levi was silenced the moment the both of them are threatened. Eyes filled with hate hate hate aimed to Erwin because he clearly is the mastermind -

"You snake! You're practically hanging on top of us without any effort to chase them!" Edward smacked his back.

He twisted away before Edward can secure a hold on his shoulder. Theo smeared his hand - enveloped in sewage water - on Edward's face for even attempting to do a noogie, shoulder squeezing, or whatever it is in Edward's mind.

"I told you I'll be following from afar," Theo said, ignoring Edward's protests, "I am ready the moment one of you idiots make a blunder."

Theo sent a questioning glance at Erwin, waiting for orders now that Levi is being held by Mike, and his two followers is being held by Lista and Peter.

"Where did you learn how to use 3DMG?"

Levi stayed strong, glaring daggers at Erwin until Erwin gave a twitch of his chin and Mike followed the cue. He slammed Levi's head to the sewage water that Theo had just landed into - revenge feels so very sweet, that's wonderfully done, Mike - and Erwin demanded once more.

"Let me ask you one more time. Where did you learn 3DMG?"

There such intense emotion swirling in Levi's eyes that screamed hate hate hate -

"Get off your high horse mister public servant!" the girl finally screamed. "We didn't learn it from anyone!"

"We picked up the skills to survive here," the blonde boy said, "Someone like you wouldn't understand."

Erwin took a moment to decide if he should believe them, finally, he introduced himself, "My name is Erwin Smith. What's your's?"

Theo scoffed. Not that Erwin needed their names. It's quite famous around the Underground City. At least, he thinks their names are quite well known and Erwin is just asking for politeness.

"Farlan Church," the blonde boy answered. He sent a desperate glance to his accomplices to go along their demands.

The brunette relented, but there's still some fight in her, but her worry for Levi is stronger, "Isabel Magnolia."

Erwin stared at Levi, but Levi is still strong and fighting -

Theo released the daggers hidden in his sleeves and tapped the sharp edge to Levi's followers. The smug, superior grin painted on his face - goodness, being superior to someone who is much much stronger feels sooo good - served to anger Levi.

Theo pressed the daggers deeper into their necks. Blood trickled.

"Levi," he relented.

"So, Levi," Erwin tested the name, "how about a deal?"

Join the Scouting Legion and be free of your crimes, or go to the dungeons and be guarded by Military Police.

After a momentary glance at his two accomplices - still threatened by Theo's dagger - Levi answered. "I'll take it. I'll join the Scouting Legion."

Theo quirked his brow when he noticed there's still the spirit to fight in Levi's eyes, and also the two accomplices' eyes - Theo knew when a person is plotting to kill someone - so he quirked a questioning brow at Erwin, but Erwin is as unreadable as ever -

Right, Erwin is the craftiest among humanity. He'd have some sort of plan - this might be part of the plan -


"Damn that Erwin." Theo said as he slumped into the seat in the carriage. Three pair of eyes blinked in surprise at the sudden intrusion.

"Why the hell are you here?" The twin-tail girl - Isabel, was it? - exclaimed as she stood up, shaking the whole carriage with her.

"Half of the reason I'm here is because of you." Theo ended the sentence while glaring accusingly at Levi. Disdain were clearly written in his face, but there's a small confusion in his eyes -

"I smeared Erwin's face and Mike's nose with sewage water." Theo elaborated, "And suddenly he decided that I should be the one to keep watch on you."

Isabel broke down into laughter, while Levi scowled - not quite getting what Theo is talking about.

"You are the one who threw me into sewage water." Theo said, "I am only here to kill, not scuffling into sewage water. If I come into contact with any of that, then I'll be bringing the rest of the squad with me."

A chuckle escaped Farlan's lips before he hid it with his hands.

The window of the carriage slid up and Edward leaned in, a wide grin on his face as he said, "Hey, hey, that's what you got for smearing the Captain's face and Mike's nose. Poor Mike, you know his nose is sensitive."

This coming from the person who also got smeared with sewage water.

Theo reached his hand to the opened window and slammed it down against Edward's arms. The resulting yelp is very satisfying. He slid the window up once more - letting Edward's hands to escape - before shouting, "Oi Pete, Lista! Which one of you is driving the carriage because I am going to kill Edward if he is!"

"Oh!" Lista exclaimed in glee, "Little baby is throwing a big tantrum because brother Eddy is being naughty?"

"I am!" Peter shouted back, "Edward is just there to bug you!"

With that, he shut the window and lock it, before slumping back to his seat.

It was Farlan's turn to laugh aloud. "You are practically the version of Isabel from the Scouting Legion!"

"Watch it blondie," Theo warned, "I still have the daggers up my sleeve."

There was a neigh of the horse up front, and the carriage started moving.

"Doesn't 3DMG complete set comes with blades?" Farlan questioned. "Why bring another set of dagger? It's not like the surface is dangerous."

"3DMG cuts are too recognizable. Too clean. I brought the daggers to prepare if Erwin needs someone dead or something. Turns out to be capture mission." Theo scowled.

The rest of the ride continued so, with Farlan and Theo discussing various of things while Isabel guffawed at whatever she saw on the street.

Levi kept his silence for the whole trip.



Theodore only love dystopia themes or horror, or thriller and maybe action. So while he is an avid follower of the main SnK storyline, he is not interested in the spin offs where it is more focused on comedy or drama. He don't know about 'SnK Gaiden: Kuinaki Sentaku.' The story about Levi's admittance to Scouting Legion.

Therefore, he is almost entirely clueless in this chapter.

SnK Gaiden: Kuinaki Sentaku will be a major part in the next chapter.