They woke the next morning to gifts crowding the downstairs living area of the manor. Hermione was taken back by the amount of things that arrived in such a short time. She dug through the boxes and letters slowly, reading the name of each sender carefully. She was expecting some of the packages to explode upon her touching them, but every one of the hundreds of gifts were happy and congratulatory.

Draco watched her carefully, admiring the way she seemed to be amazed by every small gift she opened.

"Who are all these people?" She finally asked.

Draco laughed, "I'm not entirely sure. Family friends, long lost relatives, people none of us have ever met. Your guess is as good as mine."

Hermione stopped rummaging through the gifts and allowed Peeky and a few other elves to begin putting things away, "What will it be like after the wedding if this is how it is for an engagement? Or after a child? Merlin…"

Draco snorted and sat on the floor beside her, "If you hadn't noticed, my love, everything is a bit extravagant around here."

Hermione smiled at him, "I'm more of a simple woman. I like sentimental things. I don't even know these people."

Draco kissed her forehead, "Don't worry, you won't ever have to meet them. I'll make sure there's not another huge fuss."

Hermione kissed him softly, "I want a small wedding."

"I figured as much," he stroked her hair behind her ear, "and a simple home, yes?"

She nodded.

"Then I think we should start looking."

Hermione smiled at him, "No elves."

Draco nodded, "Peeky might not like that."

"She's welcome to visit, but it will be as a guest, not a servant."

Draco took her hand in his and kissed her fingers gently, "Your wish is my command, darling."

They rummaged through the remaining packages together, only recognizing a few names of the senders. When they were finished, they visited Narcissa who was already over her head with wedding plans. Hermione was able to talk her into a small, simple gathering and they came up with a few things in the couple of hours they spent together.

Draco enjoyed the sight of his mother and Hermione getting along so well, and he was happy to see them compromising on something as important to women as weddings. He knew his mother would've preferred to have every pureblooded witch and wizard in London attend the event, but she sacrificed that for Hermione's sake.

Draco and Hermione visited small shops in London daily, looking for things to polish off the new home they purchased just weeks after their engagement. It was bigger than Hermione would've liked, but much smaller than Draco's preference with 4 bedrooms, 5 baths, and 2 stories.

Draco was bitter about the size of his home, so Hermione allowed him full reign of the décor. The furniture was nothing less than the best, all genuine wood and leather imported from the most prestigious places across the globe. He didn't hesitate to spoil her with his taste, and she was growing accustomed to it despite her deep rooted humble upbringing.

She returned to work happily, not having to do much explaining as The Daily Prophet had basically plastered her and Draco's engagement across the entire country. Her work load was cut significantly and Kingsley was more than happy to give her more time to spend with her new family.

Narcissa was released from St. Mungo's not too long after the engagement, and she spent most of her time with the couple preparing for the wedding. They were married 6 months after becoming engaged, at a small but elegant ceremony that took place at the Malfoy Manor.

Hermione insisted on a simple dress with minimum embellishments, and that is what she wore. She wore ruby earrings and an emerald necklace to match her ring. She felt beautiful and simple in her wedding attire and Draco's eyes swelled with tears when he saw her walk down the aisle towards him.

They were happily married for 2 years when Hermione announced her first pregnancy. The couple and their friends were elated and even happier to announce the arrival of their first son, Scorpius, to the world.

When Scorpius was 11, he was elated to go to Hogwarts and Hermione shared Draco's pride when she learned he was sorted into Slytherin. She was even happier to learn that he had immediately hit it off with Harry and Ginny's second born, James Severus, who was a Gryffindor.

The night after the sorting, when Draco and Hermione were lying in bed together, Draco turned to his wife of 13 years and admired her beauty as if he was doing it for the first time.

"You're absolutely stunning, my love." He whispered to her as he cradled her cheek gently in his palm.

She smiled to him and kissed him softly, "I want another one."

He smirked at her and she needn't say more. She announced her second pregnancy 2 months later.