Title: With Your Hand in Mine

Summary: Two years since the end of the war, and Naruto is a step closer to her goal of being Hokage. It has also been two years since she has seen Sasuke. As the winter festival approaches and Sasuke returns, Naruto is brought to a realization that her feelings for wayward teammate may be more than platonic. Of course, this happens just in time for the entirety of the Elemental Nations once again being threatened by a powerful force.

Disclaimer/Author's Note: I don't own Naruto or Naruto: The Last. That right belongs to Kishimoto Masashi and Studio Pierot. This is just my version of the events of Naruto: The Last, featuring a gender bent Naruto. Things will obviously be different, and those who have seen the movie will notice the changes right away. The main and end pairing in this fic is Sasuke x Naruto, and this is my vision in how this pairing comes to be with the general plotline of the canon (but not canon to me) movie. I have no intention of bashing any character, so you can rest easy. I will attempt to keep every character in character (seeing as I'm not Kishimoto – and even he has been called into question on his ability for some of his own characters, this will be a challenge I'll enjoy) to the best of my ability. I want this story to be done in about twentyor so chapters at most. Hopefully I'll have this done and posted before the end of 2016.

A life of loneliness was something that no one should wish on another.

Not even their worst enemy, and yet…

He has lived it.

Being the last of his clan, he has had to endure that loneliness all with only the idea that he would fulfill their and his ancestor's final wish. For years he watched as humanity went about their lives, utilizing chakra as a weapon to wage endless war.

He could remember, even after all these years, the certainty in his father's voice. Of how humans would never know true peace. They were a species that were so full of greed, so full of hatred, which would only lead to one end for the entire race: destruction.

Even as those around him died, he watched humans. No one understood why he was fascinated by them, but allowed him this vice. Because they too at some point had done the same thing. They wondered about the race that lived on the thriving planet, and others hoped that those same humans would defy the dismal expectation of their race.

At times there had been moments where that hope was almost realized, but eventually that too had dwindled before being snuffed out completely.

War was a constant, and many in his clan knew that the fault lied with those who perverted the teachings of their ancestor's brother. The man that was known to humans as the "Sage of Six Paths". However, there were those who still held faith in the idea that humanity would eventually learn from their mistakes.

Such differing opinions divided his clan, and war sprung up between the main and branch families of the Ōtsutsuki clan. And being a child, Toneri could only watch in despair as his family slaughtered each other over beings that he soon began to believe weren't worth it.

Toneri, like many branch Ōtsutsuki before him soon came to be disillusioned with the potential of humanity. Even more so after the grief he felt at the death of his clan, until only he and his father remained. On the day his father died, he told Toneri of their ancestor, Hamura Ōtsutsuki's Celestial Decree.

"If mankind were using their chakra for evil after a millennium, then it was their duty to unleash the power that had been collected for a millennium upon them." Those were his father's final words.

With his father's last breath, Toneri knew that this duty would fall upon him. It was clear now that humanity would need to be destroyed. Once that was fulfilled, he was ready to join the rest of his clan in the afterlife.

For years he grew, and trained himself in the abilities afforded to the Ōtsutsuki all in preparation for the day he would fulfill his one and only purpose. But like any youth, Toneri would be led astray by his curiosity. He found himself watching humans once more, and found his convictions growing stronger as the bloodshed and carnage continued to escalate. And just as he was ready to turn his back and return to his training.

It was then that he saw her.

Standing proud before enemies that she had no chance in beating, and yet managing time and time again to defeat all that stood in her way with sheer determination. All with the belief that humanity could defeat the cycle of endless hatred their species had since its creation. Toneri was mesmerized by her; her bright looks, her mannerism, and her conviction to prove that humans had the potential to become better than they were.

Even here in the vast coldness of space, he could feel her chakra that held the vibrancy and warmth of the sun.

For someone that has felt nothing but the chill of loneliness, the dead atmosphere of the moon. It was enchanting and he craved it. He wished to bask in it, and so he continued to watch her. He watched as she advocated for peace, and attracted all that she met with her bright light.

Unfortunately, it was already too late. The end of the millennium was upon them, and despite all efforts humanity still was in turmoil. There were still a majority of humanity that desired nothing more than to continue the cycle. But then her face popped into his mind, and he knew then that there was something that he could do.

He knew that just maybe, he didn't have to meet up with his clan as soon as he had thought. So he plotted, and plotted in order to make sure that everything was perfect. And now after two years, he was ready.

The time had come. He would fulfill his ancestor's wish, and then he would begin everything anew with her by his side.

"I'm coming for you my chosen bride." Closing his eyes, his mind was filled with images of eyes as clear as the blue sky and a smile with the warmth of a summer day.

Chapter One – How You've Grown

"Whenever she turned her steep focus on me, I felt the warmth that flowers must feel when they bloom through the snow, under the first concentrated rays of the sun."

- Janet Fitch, White Oleander

"So you're leaving then?"

Pausing momentarily, Sasuke turned his head to glance over his shoulder. His eyes, one the baring the famed Rinnegan and the other held the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan, narrowed momentarily as they came to rest on the origin of the voice. To any who knew nothing of the former missing-nin, they would see the impenetrable wall that the man had crafted for himself as a shield between him and the world. However, to a select few, they would be surprised (and pleased – depending on the individual) at the significant changes he has gone through.

No longer was his eyes looking upon others with a coldness that would chill you to the bone, nor did he constantly emit a hostile aura that would scorch the very skin off the bones of others. There was a certain air of tranquility that replaced the coldness, a vague sense of contentment that discarded the hostility. Over the past two years since the end of the Fourth Shinobi War, the young man who could've become the shadow hated by the world has become a totally different man.

Leaning against the wall was Suigetsu, smirking toothily with gleaming violet eyes as he watched the leader of Team Taka move to leave their underground base.

"Suigetsu." Sasuke gave the pale-haired swordsman a slight nod of acknowledgement.

Chuckling, Suigetsu pushed himself up from the wall and made walked over with crossed arms.

"I hope you realize that Karin is going to complain about the fact that you're leaving without a word right?" Seeing the shrug of his shoulders, Suigetsu stretched his arms above his head before linking his fingers behind his tilted head.

"Hn. Karin, as well as everyone else, was well aware that I planned on leaving for a while." Snorting, Suigetsu's lips pulled back and up in order to show his shark-like teeth in a toothy smirk.

"You'll still hear quite a bit of bitching when you get back. Especially since you're finally visiting her way hotter baby cousin after doing nothing but exchanging letters these last two years." Sasuke paused and glanced at Suigetsu with a downward tilt of his lips, furrowed brows, and narrowed eyes.

Laughing, Suigetsu raised his hands in surrender at the disapproving glare being sent his way. "Well, just wanted to see you off. Have a good time, and tell the baby Uzumaki that she should send Karin a letter soon."

Turning, the last Uchiha began his trek to his destination. His fingers tightened on the scroll in his hand, as he looked in the direction of the slowly rising sun. In his mind's eye, he saw blue eyes looking up at him from underneath a choppy blonde fringe with a trusting and expectant look. Whiskered cheeks bruised, but despite the swelling it didn't hinder the grin being sent his way.


The wind toyed with his fringe as he closed his eyes and inhaled deeply. Releasing his breath with a sigh, the corners of his lips lifted up the slightest bit.

"I wonder…how much you've grown...Dobe."

She had been sneezing a lot lately, and if it wasn't a known fact that due to her Jinchūriki status it would be near impossible for her to get sick. She would've been extremely worried at the frequency in which she had been sneezing the last few days.

"Wow someone must be really talking about me…" Naruto grumbled a bit under her breath, rubbing her nose.

Weird sneezing patterns aside, the golden-haired teen took in the hustle and bustle of the village of Konohagakure with a bright grin. If she hadn't been involved personally, it would've been hard for her to believe that a war had taken place and ended not long ago. Moseying through the market streets with a skip in her step, she waved at the many people calling out to her with a bright yet reserved smile.

"Good morning Uzumaki-chan!"

"How have you been Uzumaki-sama?"

"Would you like to try some of the strawberries, Uzumaki-san? They're from Iron Country!"

"I hope you have a wonderful day, Uzumaki-sama!"

Now if there was anything that she was still adjusting to, it would be the positive attitude and treatment that she was receiving from the villagers. Sure she had defeated Pein, got him to resurrect the villagers after a talk, and then helped save the world with the help of others by defeating Kaguya. But there was still some part of her, which had the thought that this was all a dream and soon it would return to the way it was for a majority of her life.

Chuckling nervously, Naruto adjusted the hold she had on the crate of strawberries given to her while rubbing the back of her neck.

"Uh, thank you and I hope that you do too!" She could feel a cold sweat building up on her face as the people around her looked at her in such an adoring fashion.

"That's Uzumaki-chan for you!"

"She is so humble! Really, a role model for that troublesome child of mine!"

"I hope you enjoy the strawberries, Uzumaki-san! Let me know if you're interested in getting some more!"

"Ah, Uzumaki-sama wished me a good day!"

Really, she didn't think she would ever get used to this.

"Boss!" Coming to a stop in the middle of the marketplace, Naruto turned her head and tilted it up in time to watch as a muted green, black, and grey blur landed next to her. Grinning widely, blue eyes lit up with happiness as she turned around and placed a free hand on her hip.

"Konohamaru, you're back from your mission early!" Pushing himself up from his crouched position, the grandson of the late Sandaime Hokage stood up to his full height.

The shorter shinobi grinned smugly before pointing at himself with his thumb, "Of course, did you expect anything less big sis? This is me we're talking about!"

Pausing for a moment, he leaned in towards her and wiggled his eyebrows, "Impressed big sis? Don't tell me you've fallen for me now."

Snorting, Naruto smirked and cocked her hip to the side.

"Not in the least Konohamaru, if you're dropping lines like that it's no surprise that Hanabi-chan hasn't accepted any of the date offers you've been giving her."

The younger shinobi's face paled in mortification as she jumped back and pointed at her with a shaking finger. "W-W-What! How do you even know about that?!"

Bringing her bandaged hand up to muffle her snickers, Naruto crossed her arms in front of her chest with a smug smirk of her own, taking care to keep her the box of strawberries in the cage of her arms. "Easy enough, seeing as I'm best friends with Hanabi-chan's older sister, and thus I get to hear all about all the failed pickup lines you've tried on her." Looking down her nose at him, her smirk only widened at the vivid flush on the boy's face.

Sputtering, the boy fumbled for words to say but they were interrupted by the sound of wings. Pausing their conversation, Naruto raised a hand up just in time to catch the scroll dropped to her from the messenger hawk. Regaining his composure – though his cheeks were still a cute shade of pink, Konohamaru looked at the scroll in interest.

"Hmm, is it a new mission from the old hag?" he asked, shoving his hands into the pockets of his warm grey pants.

Naruto hummed, quickly reading its contents before shoving it into the pocket of her muted orange hoodie. "She summoning me to the tower, though I doubt it's for a mission…" this she grumbled with pout, and Konohamaru could only give her sympathetic grimace.

It was no secret to anyone that since the battle with Kaguya, the number of missions that Naruto had been personally requested for had skyrocketed. Everyone wanted the chance to brag about having the Heroine of the Elemental Nations working for them. But that also brought in unknown elements, and Konoha wasn't exactly keen on the idea of putting their next Hokage out there for unknown factions to make an attempt at her.

Anyone would see it as an opportunity if there ever was one. Just as a majority of the people were praising her, there were those who would give anything to take her down if only to be recognized as a person of interest to the rest of the world.

After all, if they could take down the person who saved the Elemental Nations then obviously they were a force to be reckoned with.

Naruto wasn't a big fan of being held back, but she has calmed down a bit from the brash girl she once was. That's not to say that she didn't slip up every now and then, because that would've made her a liar. However, Naruto was making an honest effort into understanding the concerns of those she counted as her precious people in regards to her safety.

Doesn't mean she liked being passed over for some very cool missions though!

Maybe Baa-chan is going to finally give me something worthwhile!

Grinning widely, she pumped her fist.

"Alright, I'm going to go see what the old hag wants. See you later, 'maru! Oh, and how about you try and intice Hanabi-chan with these!" Tossing the box of strawberries in his direction suddenly, she watched as he fumbled around momentarily to catch the box.

Konohamaru's face burned in embarrassment at the affectionate nickname as well as her suggestion, and he groaned. "I told you not to call me that and cut it out with the teasing already!"

Not sticking around to her the boy's protest towards her nickname for him, or his denial of needing her help in wooing his crush. The blonde jumped into the air with a graceful flip and landed on the nearest rooftop of a store. With a grin, she took off in the direction with a wave over her shoulder.

Jumping high, Naruto's eyes took in the village that while it has changed after the war, was very much still the same in the way that counted. Her heart fluttered in her chest at the thought that sometime soon, it would officially be her duty to protect this place that has become precious to her despite the hard times.

'Heh, I wonder if even you'll like how this place is, Bastard' she thought, her bright grin softening into a small but warm smile.

To think that it had only been short while since she had managed to get through to her wayward friend, and save him before he went down a path that held no escape. Even now, she could remember the fear she felt in her heart the moment it seemed as if her bull-headed teammate got it into his head to become the "darkness" for their world. The horror that filled her at the fact that he thought what he was doing would be for the best…

Shaking her head, Naruto's eyes gleamed with triumph.

"Like always, I only had to knock some sense into that head of yours…can't believe it has been two years since then."

Glancing briefly at her bandaged arm, her eyes softened to match her smile.

But seconds later she shook her head. Now wasn't the time to get lost in memories, she needed to get into that office before the Hokage sent some ANBU to round her up. That or Sakura.

A shiver of dread ran up and down her spine, and she grimaced. If there was anyone that she was wary of facing in a straight up fight, it was her pink-haired teammate. The other Kunoichi of Team 7, while proving herself to be a strong shinobi, has only grown even more so as she continued her training under the Godaime Hokage in medical ninjutsu and her fighting style.

With another leap, she unconsciously sent some chakra to her feet to stick to the side of the building. Running up the side, Naruto quickly darted in through the window and landed in a crouch. Just in time to duck the large paper weight that had been thrown in her direction.

"You damn brat! Use the door like everyone else!" the shout rang through the room.

Standing up from her crouch, Naruto rubbed the back of her neck with a large grin.

"Why would I do that, old hag! Besides you sent me a message telling me to get my butt here pronto!" Planting her hands on her hips, Naruto leaned forward slightly and raised a brow at the woman sitting on the other side of the desk.

The two years after the war had been surprisingly well on the older woman. Senju Tsunade, the Godaime Hokage was still alive and kicking despite the best efforts of Uchiha Madara and the other enemies tossed at them during the war. Not even the fact that she was cut in half (oh, the heart attack Naruto almost suffered after hearing about it...) had kept her down for long.

After everything had settled down, there had been rumors that the last of the Senju Clan was going to step down and that her sensei, Hatake Kakashi, would be taking over. Of course, that was soon squashed when the older blonde had made it perfectly clear that she wouldn't be stepping down until Naruto herself was ready to take the position.

Anyone that said otherwise were said to bring their complaints to her.

Needless to say, no one else entertained thoughts of seeing a certain lazy Jōnin taking the hat since.

Much to the relief of said lazy Jōnin.

Sighing, the blonde Hokage looked at her with annoyed but fond brown eyes. Resting her cheek on her knuckles, she frowned.

"I swear, you brats have no respect these days…" mumbling, Tsunade reach over to the side for something, and almost pouted when she realized that it wasn't there. By her side, Shizune, her apprentice and assistant stood there with their pet pig, Tonton, sitting comfortably in her arms. Her face the very picture of calm, as she ignored the obvious habit that her mentor had.

"Don't even think about it Tsunade-sama, I've already removed all of it from the office." With that said, she turned her dark eyes from her darkly grumbling teacher and looked at the young woman standing in front of the desk with a large grin. Even gave her a cheeky little wave when they made eye contact (much to the medic-nin turned secretary's amusement).

"Good timing Naruto-kun, Tsunade just received a special request for you."

Shoving her hands into the pockets of her hoodie, Naruto tilted her head to the side.

"A special assignment?"

Resting her chin on the back of her steepled hands, Tsunade grinned.

"Yes, a special assignment that will be perfect to prepare you for the duties as Hokage."

Blue eyes sparkled with excitement as she Naruto leaned forward placing her hands flat on the desk. "Really? Really?! What kind of mission is it? Guard duty for the Daimyo? Diplomatic duties with the other village? Ooooo! Tell me Baa-chan!"

Closing her eyes, the busty older woman picked up a folder to the right. Placing it down before Naruto, she slid it over to her as she slowly opened her eyes.

"For the next three days, you will be taking over at the Academy for the next graduating class, congratulations…Sensei."

The sound that echoed throughout Konohagakure at that moment was not inhuman.

End of Chapter One: How You've Grown…Not that much I see.

I haven't actually watched Naruto: The Last…yep, I said it. Didn't watch it at all. Never really planned on watching it either.

Reasons for it are varied, though the most important reasons being 1) I was sorely disappointed already in the end pairings of the series (while I can accept NaruHina to an extent now (years and a lot of brooding later), canon SakuSasu is something that I will never see as anything more than an abomination (despite the fact that I love Sarada)), and 2) It would cause problems for me in writing this version of the movie's events.

I want to write this with only vague details of the actual movie, so I don't stick too close to the movie canon. You've seen the movie, and if you haven't then you can always find it somewhere online. I have no intention of having this story be copy/paste of the movie with just some characters' names switched around. That and I can't bring myself to actually watch the movie. I might just watch it after I finish this, just to see how it compares to the storyline in my head. If someone can give me an unbiased (AKA non-NaruHina reason for watching it – besides animation quality, music, etc. then I will).

So with that, don't expect everything in the movie to be in this story. Some stuff will be left out completely, while some stuff will be altered to fit my narrative (though I'll try to stick to the Naruto canon pre-699 and 700 so it could fit in as seamlessly as I am capable of doing…you know besides the change in Naruto's gender).

Start Date: 12/25/2015

End Date: 4/3/2016