Disclaimer: I don't own RWBY they are the rightful property of Rooster Teeth and Monty Oum may his soul is resting in peace.

Italics are thoughts

Bold and Italics are flashbacks

**Communications through scrolls and other devices

Chapter 1 Wish

(Location: alley downtown Vale Remnant the day the four kingdoms have fallen)

"It's over...its all over…."

Lost..hopeless..anguish..sorrow..despair..broken. That was everything that Jaune Arc was feeling right now its like his soul has been ripped from his body and now all that was left was nothing but an empty shell. The blond knight and leader of team JNPR was hugging his knees in a corner of the alley completely ignoring what was going on the city, although he already knew what was happening in his surroundings. Because he saw it all the moment he heard that message after his partner Pyrrha defeated her opponent Penny during the final match of the Vital tournament. After finding out the girl was actually a robot created by the Atlas kingdom the message from the mysterious woman caused a massive uproar of negative emotions it was exactly what the creatures of Grimm fed off.

Eventually a horde of Grimm invaded all of Vale as well as the rest of the kingdoms. This was completely different from the last Grimm invasion caused by a train causing a massive opening in an underground tunnel. But the Breach attack was just a warm up to what was happening now, this attack was too much that not even the Atlas military could take on. The Vale police force and its own military branch were no match for such invasion. Not even the strongest huntsmen or huntress were able to stop so many of the dark creatures. But as things couldn't get any worse they did as an army wasn't enough to topple all of Remnant remaining hope to survive. A dragon known as a Wyvern considered a powerful rare species of Grimm awoke from its slumber on the inside of a mountain. Its ability to create more creatures was the reason that cause the Fall on this once peaceful kingdom.

The damage done by the Wyvern was massive and the damage done by the Grimm it was summoning was worse. Many building crumbled, business were lost, schools were crushed among them the once prestigious academy of Beacon where the best huntsmen and huntresses were born. Lives have been lost from civilians, to those with military power and of course huntsmen alike. Women, children, men, faunus and elderly were caught in the attack no mercy was shed by the evil creatures and with the White Fang running rampant wanting to take their long awaited revenge on the humans they didn't hesitated with this chance. They could care less about the Grimm destroying everything in their path they only wanted to hurt the same species that have forsaken their kind for so long. This was a revenge they were enjoying and seeing their brothers and sisters getting killed by Grimm did little effect on them.

But Jaune, he didn't care about any of that. It sounded cold, it sounded dark and that wasn't the kind of person he was because he already lost the one person that matter the most to him. The blond let the tears fall, the image was still clearly repeating itself in his head. Everyone was able to see from one of the cameras that was filming from the top of Beacon tower. The grand fight between Pyrrha Nikos and the master mind behind this evil plot the amber eyed woman who has proven to possessed great power. But the victory from the four times champion of Sanctum never came as she defeated by the evil woman. Not just defeated, killed and the camera showed it for everyone in the tournament and all of the kingdoms to witnessed. He flinched sobbing remembering the expression she gave and her last words before she was disintegrated to ashes.

"Do you believe in destiny….?"

That was her destiny to die at the hands of the vile woman, it was a cruel destiny. Well destiny sucks it was done, she was gone forever and there wasn't nothing he could do. Anger followed to rise within the blond knight the fact she died such a horrible death hurt him so much but it was the fact that he couldn't do a thing to prevent her fate was the real pain hitting his heart. All that training she gave him was for nothing since he wasn't strong enough to save her, or to protect her. Even when she unlocked his aura it wasn't enough he failed miserably and he cursed a thousand times asking the same questions over and over again. Why was he so damn weak? Why was he so helpless? Why does he has to rely on others? Why was his own strength not enough? He cried thinking of Pyrrha the same girl who stole his first kiss realizing she has had feelings for him for a long time.

"I'm pathetic...I'm truly pathetic. I wasn't strong enough to save her, I couldn't even tell her my feelings either. To think an amazing girl like her fell for me, me! Of all the most pathetic beings in the world she choose me…."

As he let his sorrow out through his tears he wondered why did he chose to become a huntsman? Was it to keep the Arc's family legacy? He comes from a lineage of heroes, all of his ancestors, his great great grandfather, his great grandfather, his grandfather and his father they were famous heroes and he wanted to be one too. But what kind of hero was weak and pitiful? What kind of hero wasn't a good leader of his team? What kind of hero fails to protect the most precious girl in his life? What kind of hero turns to a friend to save her for him? His blue eyes narrowed remembering when he called Ruby the leader of team RWBY asking her, no begging her to save Pyrrha for him. His fists tightened from the rage what the hell was he thinking?! Was he that weak that he needed someone else to help him fight his battles for him?! That he needed someone to help him save the girl he developed feelings?! The same girl who was his partner and a good friend?!

"It was supposed to be me...I should have save her not ask Ruby to save her for me. Damn it I'm not a damsel in distress! Why?! Why did she had to die?! Why couldn't have been me instead?! I'm the weakling who failed at everything in my life and yet here I am alive and still standing! Why?! Pyrrha was amazing...she was strong, she was talented, she was popular, she was kind, she was beautiful, she was fun to hang with...she was everything I wanted to be and she died. I deserve to die not her...I don't even deserve her love or her kindness...I don't deserve to be a leader or a huntsman…."

"You're not strong enough Jaune so I suggest you forget about becoming a huntsman. It will be for the best that you become part of the village's guard patrol. They don't fight Grimm, they just keep watch over the inside of our village. A huntsman's job is not for you."

"I should have listen to my father, why didn't I listen to him? No I have to think because I'm an Arc I can be strong and do anything, I even stole our family treasure weapons. I was never worthy of Crocea Mors to begin with, I was never worthy to be part of this family, I was never worthy to go to Beacon or worthy to become a team leader. What was I thinking getting those fake transcripts? I should have never left home in the first place…."

He had no idea what to do now, he couldn't return to his team not after his biggest failure. He was too ashamed to even look at their faces or even the other teams, he wasn't even planning in trying to defend the city against the horde of Grimm. After Pyrrha's death he lost all the will to fight, he has pretty much given up on what he believes in. Gazing at the dark sky there weren't many stars his eyes focusing on a sign for any of them. It was hard trying to ignore the sound of destruction and the screams from the people he was only asking for a moment of peace. It was impossible with so much noise and commotion coming from outside of the alley his eyes spotted something in the sky. His blue eyes caught the sight passing at high speed it was a shooting star he closed his eyes and did the only thing in his mind.

"I wish I could go back and stop all of this from ever happening…."

Quite honestly he has never believe in those kinds of things. Making a wish upon a shooting start was truly something their parents will tell their kids, he thought the wishes will never come true. But then again what were the chances a shooting star will show up in the middle of this crisis? He thought it couldn't be a coincidence it was just perfect timing or maybe mere luck but he doubt the last part. The blond knight heard growling from near by as his luck couldn't get any worse there stood an Ursai at the entrance to the alley. The Grimm was bigger than the average species so maybe it was an Alpha type, yet he didn't looked scare. After losing Pyrrha and the kingdoms falling to the Grimm and the White Fang nothing was going to scare him. He stood still nothing bothering reaching for Crocea Mors or his shield he chuckled at the beast.

"Go ahead...Do your worst…."

The Ursai seemed to have obeyed his request as it charged at him with the intention to kill. In his last moments the JNPR leader closed his eyes waiting for the attack to come and welcoming death. He wondered if he will meet Pyrrha on the other side maybe she'll be present, waiting for him with that kind gentle smile of hers. The attack however, never came in fact Jaune didn't had a clue when he lost conscious. He never felt the The knight attack of the Ursai or any pain that will lead him to serious injuries that might cause death. Opening his eyes he was shocked noticing he was no longer in the alley and he was pretty sure he was no longer in Vale. The knight stood shocked at the place he was currently in it was very familiar to him because he recognized it anywhere. Taking another glance he couldn't miss this it looked exactly the same from that time.

"No way..This is my old room. It hasn't change one bit. I remember when dad and mom made it for me when I was little, yeah I remember I got it as a gift from my fourth birthday. But how am I here? How is this place still exist….?"

The knight gave a soft sight walking around the room a bit. Everything looked the same as he remembered and it all felt so real, like he was actually there. Many things in the room brought him to memory lane, the nostalgia was hitting him hard. One was his box of toys he opening it he smiled recognizing all of them remembering the times he used to play with them. Another was the book stand where her mom bought his favorite fairy tales, she used to read him bedtime stories every night. On the walls stood posters of his favorite cartoon shows among them X-ray and Vav and Red vs Blue. Of course the first one had its own volume of comics in which he started buying when he turned ten. His bed which it was modeled as a race car, he really love that bed then his stand mirror. Everything in this room brought him many good and some bad memories.

"Maybe I did die after all. I did let an Ursai attacked me without charging my aura to protect myself" he took a glance at himself staring at his small hands.

"Wait a minute...Small hands!" he gasped in shock.

Now that he realized it asides from his miniature hands he noticed he was short, way short. He was 6'1 thought there were plenty of students in Beacon that were taller than him like Cardin of team CRDL and Yatsuhashi of CFVY he was still in a good height for a male teenager of his age. But now he felt like he wasn't himself short and small hands meant nothing good when he went to the mirror of his old room he understood what was going on. His blue eyes widened thinking this wasn't real because it was impossible this was actually happening.

"What the...What in Monty's name?!"

Jaune stared at his reflection, it was a four year old version of himself. His follow up reaction was quite normal.


To be continued

-This is my first Jaune story after reading so many great stories of the blond knight I finally decided to give it a shot to one of my own.

-I would like to thank great authors like The Phantom Scribe, YARN or YouAreRight...NOT, Coeur Al' Aran, Ten Tailed God, Super Saiyan Cyndaquil among many mothers for writing awesome Jaune stories and inspiring me to write one. The Jaune you guys write is way better than RT's Jaune (sadly canon Jaune sucks big time as I previously stated in one of my notes from" Heroes in Remnant").

-Updates for this story I will either write chapters frequently and I might upload one monthly but for that to happen the length of the chapter will have to be short (5000k to 8000k words max not like how I usually write which they passed the 10,000k mark).

-As for pairings I intentional want to make it Arkos but I might change my mind. This could turn into GoldenArkos (Jaune, Pyrrha, Yang) or I might or might not add Ruby, Blake and Weiss or maybe another girl. So maybe this could be an Archarem (however I don't usually like harems especially when they're massive like having ten to twenty girls seriously that's ridiculous, so the chances I might go that route are very low).

-I will appreciate if you mark the story to favs, follows and also some reviews will be nice too.

Next time: Resolve