Jace swung around hitting Alec behind the knees with his staff. He laughed, "Got you again, when are you going to give up?"

Alec grinned up at him. "You forgot to finish me off." Instantly Alec was on his feet and Jace found himself on the floor with Alec's practice blade to his neck. "Who's got who?" Alec said looking down at Jace. Jace laughed as Alec offered him his hand to help him up. "Being cocky is not always the smartest move." He teased.

"You can't kill me anyway." Jace said grinning at him. "We're parabatai, and if you kill me it's like killing part of yourself and I know you're not suicidal."

Alec looked stung, "How can you treat our bond so lightly?"

Jace gasped, he hadn't meant to hurt Alec's feelings. "I'm so sorry."

"You should be," Alec fumed cutting him off. "If that wasn't me they would have slit your throat without a second thought. You're not taking me seriously. I'm just as good as you are."

Jace took a step for Alec reaching out to touch him, Alec shrank away from him. "Alec, I'm so sorry." Jace said sincerely. "I know that you are an exceptional warrior. I always have known that. That was one of the reasons I asked you to be my parabatai. You always had no problem questioning my actions, no one else did. I take that…I take you for granted. I really shouldn't, and I know that. You're my brother, my best friend, the better part of me. Alec, I-I don't know where I'd be without you. I'd probably be dead ten times over." Alec stared at him, his face registering several different emotions. "Alec, say something."

"I forgive you," Alec said quietly then turned and left the room.

Jace sighed and sank down against the wall.