The screen fades out of black, revealing Blossom's smiling face, who said in a cheerful tone "Hey boy, it's us, your girlfriends!"

The boys were surprised of who showed up on their screen. "Blossom?" They all said in union.

"Huh, so it was from the girls." Said Brick.

"So it was something awesome after all!" Said Boomer as he stretched out his hand to Butch. "Pay up!"

Butch glared at Boomer and replied "Since when did we gamble on this?"

Blossom on the video continued to say "I bet you are wondering what is on this DVD we've just sent you."

Butch looked lower to Blossom's bare shoulders, seeing as how she has the camera pointing at her face. "I can probably guess." Butch commented with a smirk.

"Well, we've decided to make a special video which is only for you guys to observe." Said Blossom in a sultry voice as she backs up from the drone to reveal her whole naked body as well as her sisters and the Powerpunk Girls, who were also naked. Seeing that caused the boys to drop their jaws and eyes widened in awe as well as their penises immediately becoming as stiff as carrots.

"That right! We've decided to make a sex video of us having a lesbian orgy. Using some drones which are on autopilot." Blossom exclaimed with glee. "We've also invited our mirror counterparts to join us."

"You better appreciate this, boys!" Said Buttercup with arms crossed.

"And... Without further a due..." Bubbles started by wrapping her arms around Berserk and began to kiss her lips. The other girls wasted no time to do the same thing with their respective girlfriends: Blossom with Brute, and Buttercup with Brat.

The sight of bare female bodies rubbing together and the sound of their moans in the room made the boys male genitals even stiffer.

"Damn! Now I whish I had made a bet with Butch earlier!" Said Boomer.

"Well, it's a good thing you didn't think about it sooner." Said Butch.

"Just shut up and fap, ya morons!" Said Brick as he reached into his pants and began to stroke his own penis.

"It'll be awkward doing that while you're in the same room with your bros. But, oh well." Butch did the same thing, reaching into his own pants for his penis followed by Boomer.

On the video, they saw Brute lower her kisses down Blossom's neck, then to her collarbone, and finally, to her breasts. The gothic girl engulfed each of them; her tongue lapping over the redhead's nipples as she switched between them every thirty seconds as Blossom moaned.

Berserk lowered Bubbles onto the bed. The blonde under the redhead arched her back as she felt Berserk caress her left breast while they kissed.

Buttercup reached a hand for Brat's vagina, rubbing her folds as she continued to kiss the blonde's lips and Brat did the same to the brunette.

"This is without a doubt the best damn seat in the house!" Butch exclaimed as he continued to stroke his own genital at the sight of the girls making love.

"Yeah, we sure are lucky to have some super hot bisexual girlfriends!" Said Boomer in agreement.

After a while, Brute kissed down lower on Blossom's body until she reached her vagina, brushing her lips and tongue against her folds, causing her redhead lover to moan even more with pleasure as she stroke Brute's spiky hair.

Bubbles also moaned as she felt Berserk suck on her breasts. Brat sat on the edge of the bed on the opposite side as Buttercup sucked on her breasts.

Both Berserk and Buttercup then lowered their kisses on each other's blonde sisters until they reached their vaginas. The two blonde girls moaned as they felt their vaginas being brushed by tongue and lips.

After a while, Buttercup stopped and brought her breasts to Brat's vagina, rubbing each of them roughly against it, switching breasts every thirty seconds "Oh yeah...! You know I like it rough, Buttercup...!" Brat spoke, feeling Buttercup's nipples between her folds.

"I like it when Buttercup does it rough myself." Boomer commented. "With my dick between her boobs, I mean."

"You know they can't hear ya, man." Said Butch.

"I know, but I like to imagine that they can." Boomer replied.

Berserk did the same action to Bubbles, only she performed it a bit more gently. "Oh yes, Berserk...! Rub your boobies all over my pussy... Just like that..."

After lapsing her tongue for a few minutes, Brute stood up and kissed Blossom's lips. Blossom then sat Brute on the edge of the bed's center. The redhead then faced away from Brute and sat between the brunette's legs, rubbing her buttocks from side to side against Brute's inner thighs and vagina.

Soon after, Brat and Bubbles each switched places with Berserk and Buttercup and started giving them a lap dance. Both the redhead and brunette enjoyed having the breasts of their blonde girlfriends jiggling up close to their faces.

"Hell yeah! That's the same kind of dance Bubbles would give me!" Brick bragged with a smirk.

After a while, Bubbles and Brat stopped dancing and faced away from their girlfriends. Berserk and Buttercup spread their legs, allowing their respective blonde lovers to stick their buttocks to their crotches and begin to rub them against their vaginas and thighs.

"Yeah! My girlfriend's humpin' that girl's pussy the same way she humps my dick!" Butch exclaimed as he stroke his penis faster, feeling the heat build up to his face.

After a few minutes, Blossom, Bubbles, and Brat stood up straight, feeling the breasts of their respective girlfriends press against their backs. Berserk, Buttercup, and Brute then fondled their lovers' breasts and rubbed their vaginas while laying kisses on their necks and shoulders.

Blossom reached a hand over Brute's head, encouraging the brunette to keep pleasuring her. Bubbles rubbed Berserk's thighs as she moaned, and Brat had her hands on Buttercup's, demanding more pleasure.

A few more minutes have passed before Blossom and the two blondes crawled onto the bed, supported by their knees and elbows, laying flat on their chins as their respective lovers fondled their buttocks and licked their vaginas from behind, causing them to moan.

"Hot damn! Those girls are really into each other!" Butch exclaimed.

"Yeah, no shit! I can hardly keep my sperm in my dick just by watching this!" Said Boomer.

As time passed, the girls then all laid on their sides in the bed creating a circle and they began to lick each other's vaginas, Blossom on Buttercup's, Buttercup on Brat's Brat on Berserk's Berserk on Bubbles', Bubbles on Brute's and Brute on Blossom's.

Muffled moans filled the room on the tape as Butch exclaimed "Oh hell yeah! A ring of pussy licking!"

"Do you think they planned this out before recording, or were they making it up as they go?" Boomer wondered aloud.

"Does it really matter? The fact is they did it right!" Said Brick.

The girls on tape kept licking for a long time until they decided to switch vaginas and lick some more. This went on for about six minutes or so before they broke out of they ring and embraced their appropriate lovers in kisses.

They pulled away and began to rub their breasts together, either up and down or left and right. Their stiff erected nipples flicked with each sway.

"Oh, look at our boobies mashing each other, boys...!" Said Bubbles in a sultry voice.

"You boys wish your dicks were between them, don't ya...?" Buttercup asked rhetorically.

"You bet your sweet thicc asses, we do!" Butch exclaimed.

The girls continued to watch their breasts press and rub together for about seven minutes or more before they turned away from each other, got on all fours and began to press and rub their rear ends together.

"Mmm... Yes...! Your booty feels so amazing, Brute..." Said Blossom.

"Oh... Your rump feels just as incredible, Blossom." Said Brute.

"Oh yes...! Oh, Berserk...! Our booties are slipping and sliding together...!" Said Bubbles.

"Aww, yeah...! You have the best ass ever, Bubbles...!" Berserk complimented.

Buttercup kept rubbing her buttocks against Brat's as she said "Yeah, you like that, Brat...? You like the way my ass feels against your ass...?"

Brat rubbed her buttocks back against Buttercup's as she responded "I do...! I like it a lot...! But I think you like the way my ass rubs your ass a whole lot more...!"

The girls continued to rub their rear ends together for about five minutes or so and then stopped. Afterwards, they faced each other again and sat on their bottoms, leaning on their hands. They spread their legs apart and inched closer to each other until they've closed the gap between their crotches, their moist vaginas pressing amd rubbing slowly against one another. All six girls moaned while they humped each other.

"Finally, they're doing some pussy-to-pussy action! This is best thing next to tits-to-tits and ass-to-ass!" Said Butch as he stroke his own penis even faster.

"Shut the fuck up! I'm trying to hear them moan!" Brick snapped as he kept on stroking his own penis.

After several minutes have passed, the girls slightly sped up the tempo of their humping as they kept on moaning, cursing and saying each other's names.

"Oh, yes, Brute...! Your pussy is so wet and slippery against mine...! Keep going...! " Blossom moaned.

"Yeah, Blossom, yeah...! Let your pussy soak mine...!" Brute moaned back.

Bubbles closed her eyes as she said "Don't stop, Berserk! My pussy wants to feel more of your pussy!"

"Fuck yeah, Bubbles baby! You are amazing at this!" Berserk praised between moans.

"You love it, Brat?! You fucking love it?! Then have some more!" Said Buttercup as she roughly rubbed her vagina against Brat's.

"Oh, yeah, Buttercup! I fucking love it! Our pussies are wrestling with each other!" Brat exclaimed as she roughly humped Buttercup in turn.

The girls then increased the speed of their humping, moaning as loud as they could while feeling the folds of their vaginas slip and slide due to the moisture.

"Damn, what I wouldn't give to have my dick between their pussies!" Said Butch.

"Yeah, me too!" Said Boomer.

The girls on tape were filled with so much pleasure that they began to float a few inches off Tue floor as they kept on humping for what felt like an eternity, which was actually seven minutes before they started feeling their climax getting closer and closer.

"Oh, fuck! Brute... Brute, I'm gonna cum!" Blossom exclaimed.

Brute cringed as she exclaimed back "Me too! Let us cum as one!"

"Oh! Oh my god! Oh my god, Yes! Berserk! Berserk, I'm gonna cum!" Bubbles exclaimed.

"Me too! I'm gonna cum all over your pussy!" Berserk exclaimed back.

Buttercup kept on humping Brat as she asks "You gonna cum for me Brat?! You gonna cum on my pussy?!"

"Oh, fuck yeah, Buttercup! I'm gonna cum! You better cum on my pussy, too!" Brat exclaimed back as she kept on thrusting her hips with Buttercup.

With a few more thrusts, all six girls threw their heads back, arched their backs and screamed as their vaginas erupted large amounts of their juice all over each other's crotches. The boys also ejaculated. Their sperm squirting all over the floor.

In the aftermath, the girls panted for air, exhausted for their love-making-session and landed on the carpet floor. They then embraced respective girlfriends in affectionate kisses which lasted for five minutes before they turned their attention to the recording drones with alluring smiles.

"So, did you boys enjoy our little lesbian-love-making?" Blossom asked.

"We hope all three of you came super hard while watching us." Said Bubbles.

"You better have enjoyed it as much as we did." Said Buttercup. "We'll be fucking your dicks sometime in the future."

"And if you like, you can invite us, the PowerPunk Girls for a threesome." Said Berserk.

"Be sure to call if you're ever interested." Said Brat.

"We'll help your girlfriends fill your throbbing penises with pleasure." Said Brute. "Until then, boys..."

"WE LOVE YOU! BYYYEEE!" All six girls shouted out as they waved at the drones while the scene fades into black.

The boys panted with goofy smiles on their faces as Boomer asked rhetorically "Are we... Are we... a bunch of... lucky bastards... or what?"

"We are... super lucky, dudes...! Our girlfriends are the best..." Said Butch "We oughta fuck 'em sometime as thanks!"

"Yeah... big time...!" Said Brick in agreement before catching his breath. "Now... Who's gonna clean all of this jizz up?!"

Boomer and Butch looked at the wooden floor all soaked in their sperm with eyes widened in discomfort. Silence fell between the three boys until Butch said "Not it!"

This is my last chapter of Naked Summer. Until next summer, anyway. I will be working more on my other summer time stories, so look forward to it.