The Author


Kuroko Tetsuya—a normal high school student who loves basketball. But he has a secret. At a joint training camp with Kaijo, Shutoku, Touo, Yosen, and Rakuzan, he makes the mistake of leaving his laptop open. Akashi, being the curious one he is, finds out that Kuroko is actually a famous fanfiction author for the one thing he never saw coming—smut.

Chapter One

Seirin was at a joint training camp with Kaijo, Shutoku, Touo, Yosen, Rakuzan. The coaches decided it would be a good idea to train by uniting the Generation of Miracles. It was after Winter Cup so they thought their players could improve for InterHigh by being put against their friends/rivals from other schools. They'd be training at the beach for a week, and they'd stay at the hot spring resort owned by Akashi's family nearby. The third years had graduated, but they were on break so they took the time to come back and train with their respective kohais. Heck, even Aida Kagetora and Alex tagged along.

The players had finished their training for the day and were currently laying out their futons for the night. All the coaches would be together in one room, the girls would be separated in another (obviously), and the different teams would be in their rooms. Seirin in one room, Kaijo in another, and so on.

But, due to some of the captains' complaints/requests, the Generation of Miracles would be in a separate room together.

"Now isn't this nostalgic?" Akashi said, looking at the futons they'd laid out in a circle.

"I suppose it is," Midorima said, pushing up his glasses.

"Yay! This'll be fun!" Kise yelled, happily.

"Shut up, idiot!" Aomine said, punching his shoulder. "You're too excited."

"So mean!"

"This is probably the only time I will say that Mine-chin is right," Murasakibara said.

"Kise-kun, do calm down," Kuroko said with a deadpan expression. He was sitting on his futon, typing on his laptop "I'm trying to finish something."

"But I have a reason for being so happy! This is gonna be just like in middle school!" he said.

"Indeed it will be similar, but we're in high school now," Kuroko said. "So you should be more mature."

Kuroko was finishing a chapter of his fanfic. It had quite a lot of views. Well, I guess I mean a lot. If I were to round down, he had about 900k views. He was already late on this update so he wanted to take this time to write. His most popular stories were the smutty ones. Kuroko had to admit, he was quite good at it since he didn't have any experience.

"Ha! Buuuurrrrrn!" Aomine said, not even trying to hold back his laughter for Kise's sake.

"Now, now," Akashi said as if he were calming children, which he was. "Why don't we go to the baths? It'll be a good way to relax after the hard day of training. Besides, we have to wash off the sweat from earlier."

"Okay, Aka-chin," Murasakibara said, munching on his chips.

"Murasakibara! Don't eat in the room! It's unsanitary!" Midorima scolded.


"Atsushi, refrain from it," Akashi ordered, his eye glinting.

"Okay, Aka-chin."

"Daiki, Ryouta, are you coming?" It was said more like an order than a question.

"Yes!" they said in unison.

They all walked out the door and went to the baths. But the Generation of Miracles, other than Akashi, didn't notice that the shadow wasn't with them. Akashi went back for Kuroko to find him furiously typing.



"Let's go."

"Yes, Akashi-kun."

Kuroko quickly put his laptop down and rushed out, but there was his vital mistake: forgetting to close it.

Akashi was curious. He wanted to know what Kuroko was typing so passionately. He stepped over to the space next to Kuroko's futon and looked to the screen. The laptop was opened to a document titled 'Midnight by Kage no Kyou' in which was written:

He pushed me over and had me pinned to the bed, his knee between my legs, dangerously close to a certain area, and arms on both sides of my head. I blushed.

"W-we shouldn't b-be doing this. W-we'll get caught," I stuttered out, weakly trying to push him away.

He grabbed my wrists with one hand and put them above my head, leaving me vulnerable to him. "Does it matter?" he said. The vibrations from his voice sent chills down my spine.

He pressed his lips to mine. I kissed him back as best I could since he had much more experience than I. My heartbeat was erratic. I yelped when he kneaded my growing erection. He used that chance to slip his tongue in and explore my mouth. I moaned. We battled for what seemed like hours. Sounds I didn't even know I could make slipped out of me.

I felt like I could faint. I needed air. It took all my strength to get him to break the kiss. I was panting, gasping for air that was immediately stolen from me when he licked my neck and started sucking.


His mouth made its way down my neck and to my chest. His fingers pinched my nipple.


Blood was rushing in two contrasting directions: up to my face and down to my lower area. My pants were getting tight.


He chuckled. "And who said we shouldn't be doing this?"

He quickly took off my shirt then ravaged my mouth. I let him of course. We've waited so long for this. I felt one of his hands move down. He unbuttoned my pants and slipped his hand into my boxers. After that, nothing was coherent anymore. The pleasure overrode my brain, turning my ability to think into mush.

Akashi's eyes went wide. He quickly closed the laptop then walked calmly out of the room, though, internally, he was anything but calm. He did not know what he just read. Well, I lied. He did know what he just read. But what he really didn't know was that Kuroko wrote that kind of stuff.

When he got to the baths, he stripped down in the changing room and entered, reuniting with the other Miracles. Aomine and Kise were splashing water at each other like the childish teens they are while Midorima and Murasakibara just waded in the water. Midorima did not have his glasses on since they'd just fog up and he wouldn't be able to see, and Murasakibara didn't have his snacks since the employees wouldn't let him take them in. Then he saw Kuroko, covered in water up to his neck, steam surrounding him, with that innocently sweet face of his, which actually hid something within that was so… knowledgeable about the facts of life regarding two males.

I might not have mentioned it previously, but Akashi had feelings for Kuroko. Since middle school, he could never quite get over how the boy always exceeded his expectations. It caught the redhead's attention more than he thought it would. His eyes would follow him whenever he got the chance, and he had to admit Kuroko was awfully cute. His heart would beat fast whenever the boy was close.

Finding out that Kuroko was a smut author was a big shock to Akashi. He never really thought Kuroko was the type of person to write stuff like that. And, put simply, Akashi thought he had more inappropriate thoughts than the blue-haired boy, but his expectations were once again exceeded.

Being in the baths didn't help Akashi calm down or relax at all for his loved one was in the nude. He couldn't stop his imagination from picturing images. He couldn't get that scene that Kuroko had written out of his head, but in his imagination theater, he and Kuroko were in the place of the two characters.

"…kashi. Akashi."

Akashi finally snapped out of his trance to see that Midorima was calling him. "What is it, Shintaro?"

"Don't get the wrong idea. It's not like I'm worried about you, but are you alright? You aren't dizzy, are you?" He asked. He was a tsundere, but he was still concerned though he'd never admit it.

"I'm fine."

"Aka-chin, you don't seem like the usual you," Murasakibara added. "Is something bothering you?"

"It's nothing."

"If you say so."

Ten minutes later, they heard a splash come from the opposite direction of the two idiots (Aomine and Kise). Akashi looked around, but he couldn't find Kuroko.

"Tetsuya?" he asked.

He got no response.


Akashi moved as quickly as he could to where he last saw Kuroko. He located him underwater. Kuroko was unconscious. Akashi wrapped a towel around Kuroko's waist and his own then lifted Kuroko out.

"Shintaro, get a cold compress from the staff."

"On it," he said, standing up.

"I'll bring him to the room."

Midorima nodded.

Akashi brought Kuroko to the changing room. He was relieved that the boy was safe. Akashi dressed him in a yukata, trying his best to not look at Kuroko's bare skin. Sure, he wanted to look, but he was still respectful. He picked up the boy and carried him back to their room.

In the hallway, they ran into Kagami. The taller redhead looked alarmed once he saw Kuroko.

"Kuroko!" He looked to Akashi. "What happened?" he asked, eyes full of concern.

"He fainted in the bath. Don't worry. He'll be alright. But I suggest you tell Aida-san."

Kagami nodded then ran toward the recreation room.

Akashi went back to the room the Generation of Miracles were sharing then lay Kuroko on his futon after moving his laptop. When Midorima came in with the compress, he gave it to Akashi then left. Akashi brushed Kuroko's bangs from his forehead then put the compress on him. Kuroko looked so at ease like there was nothing in the world to worry about. Meanwhile, Akashi couldn't control his heart beat.

You're too unguarded, Tetsuya, he thought.