Dipper and Mabel were now 15 and were doing well in school. Dipper was part of the paranormal club and Mabel was in the arts club. Their Gruncle Stan always came home from his adventures to be there with Dipper and Mabel during the summer like when they were 12. Mabel was very much different though then when she was 12: her hair was long, her braces were gone, She didn't wear sweaters anymore rather she wore shorts and nice shirts, and she didn't awe over every boy she saw. Dipper though, didn't change much: he was less awkward, he was very smart and handsome, and he did his own journals.

"Agh where is my journal?" Dipper said in his head. He was not talking about his documentary journal where he documented everything weird where ever he was in the world. In his secret one though, he had many secrets. If anyone read them, especially Mabel, he would be destroyed. " I know who has it! Mabel. Oh I hope she doesn't read it!" Dipper thought. He raced to their balcony to where Mabel was, watching the sunset.

"Mabel do you have my journal?" he asked.

"Why would I want to see your documentaries?" she asked.

"No, I'm talking about my private one!"

"Oh you're talking about this!" Mabel held up his journal in the air. "Dipper I read it, all of it." Dipper started to panic. If Mabel read it that means she probably knows the feelings has for her. "I..uh..-" "Dipper don't speak. How could you love me like that? We are siblings! Plus what would mom and dad thought if they knew?" Mabel wasn't speaking in a harsh voice but as a interrogating voice. Right then and there Dipper started to cry a little. "Mabel I'm sorry. Its that you are so perfect and there is no one like you! I am so perverted!" Dipper ran inside before Mabel could say anything that could help her brother. "Dipper I love you too! Only if you didn't leave without me explaining."