With One Look


Carlisle and Isabella

A/N: I'm sorry it took me so long to get this out, but I've had real life problems, one being medical. Thanks for your patience...and I hope you enjoy...bigg huggs.

It had been a few months since Carlisle and I took on the responsibility as the new Regents of North America. We closed up the house leaving most of what we had there including most of our clothing, only taking what we would need until we could get away to do more shopping. We knew we'd have to buy more furniture and fixtures and things so we only took what was needed, such as important paintings, pictures and trinkets that meant more to some of us.

Jasper packed Alice's things, knowing more than others what she would want to keep and wear, and Carlisle packed Edward's things and what he would be comfortable with. He did bring his cd's and cd player so he could listen to music, and after we arrived at our destination he bought him a small upright piano so he could play. Carlisle felt that maybe by playing his music he would see the errors of his ways and come to his senses and join us as one of our guard. We would just have to wait and see how that turned out. We also kept them far away from one another; even though we knew Edward could hear her thoughts we hoped that it made some difference.

After settling into Peter and Char's home we sent the two obvious ones to do the shopping, that being Tonya and Rosalie, who loved to shop; they weren't as good as Alice - no one was as good as Alice - but they ran a close second as far as clothes go. For the furniture we would need we sent Esme. With her design skills she would be the best to tackle this endeavor, and I will explain more about that at a later time.

It had been tough in the beginning, but we all worked together and finally got the buildings built. The first building that went up was the containment building. It had something like six feet thick stone walls with 3 inch steel plates in the middle to make sure no vampire (meaning Alice and Edward at the moment) wouldn't be able to break through the walls. It also had six feet thick concrete floors and was buried into the ground against a large hill leaving only the front to enter or exit; it was well guarded once we put Alice and Edward into the cells it produced.

The bars were made of the hardest metal mixed with vampire bones and venom which made the bars stronger and burned any vampire that touched them. The sentries guarding the containment were warned to wear gloves if they had to touch any of the bars in said containment. It was set a good half mile from the houses, and next to it but setting a little ways back stood a larger building (something like what the humans use as a courthouse) where Carlisle and I would meet with other coven member as a greeting or to hear their woes. It also had offices for Carlisle, myself, Peter and Charlotte and it had a reception area as well.

When Carlisle and I walked into the pavilion I was taken aback; it was very lovely with rich colors of gold and reds, from the carpet on the floor to the drapes that lined some of the walls. It had a dais just like in the castle in Italy which was fine with me, but I made it clear that we would not abide jeweled thrones. A comfortable chair was fine for me and Carlisle agreed, so there were set two well defined comfortable chairs that would state exactly who we were without the jewels. We had also put two of the same chairs on each side of the steps that led up to the dais for Peter and Char who would be the head of our guard and our personal advisors.

We had asked Garrett if he would be the third in command, but he refused. You see, once Eleazer arrived Garrett took one look at Kate and was gone. He too had met his true mate. It seems that true mates were not as rare as we had once thought. Anyway, with the Denali clan coming and going and not living permanently with the rest of us Garrett felt he couldn't give his all and felt it wasn't fair to the rest of us so he bowed out gracefully. There was no way he could be away from Kate, at least until she decided to move here with him, but for now he was like the Denali clan only here partially.

The Denali clan were here for the first six months and helped us get settled in. They also helped decorate, which meant Esme was here as well. She stayed pretty much in the background at first while we planned and built, that is until one day she made herself known. She apologised for all she had done and wished Carlisle and me well. She begged us to let her help by designing and helping set up all we had to do once all the buildings were finished, which by the way went up very fast. The men in our group were amazed at just how fast they all went up.

Of course Carlisle and I accepted her apology and set Esme loose to design every detail of not only the pavilion (courthouse) but every house and building on the compound. She said she wanted to do it to show how sorry she was for her actions, and show us she did. Her designs were impeccable, and I was sure no one would ever come close to what she achieved here.

After all was built we decided to build a ballroom for parties or to hold a ball if that is what was called for. It really depended on what we would be celebrating for what we used it for, and we connected it to the reception hall away from the confinement building, and once again Esme's work was second to none.

We decided to build a tall wall around the compound following the Volturi design, keeping the gate we already had. Where we couldn't build over the small pond before we did so with this design, building a large grate into the stone for the water to pass through without trouble.

Char was even building a large garden behind the houses that surround one another so that the back of each house merged into the garden. Rosalie and I helped her with this project and I'd have to say that it was almost like the one in Italy, maybe even better. I enjoyed reading in the garden while in Italy and I hoped I'd find the time to do so here as well.

After all was built and we were finally settling down, Garrett and Kate went out to scout around the area and Carlisle and I were surprised when they came back and informed us that they had found a female vampire that wanted to meet with us on a matter. This was our first ruling as the Regents of the States.

Aro sent some things for us to show that we were an extension of the Volturi, meaning they sent the Volturi crest in necklace form adorned with jewels with the 'V' in the center, and the black cloaks lined with red silk just as they wear. Aro said that we needed to show our stature by dressing accordingly, showing we were an extension of them.

We agreed and Carlisle dressed in a dark suit; he looked sexy as hell and it took everything I had not to jump him right there and then. I wore an empire waist gown that hugged my body and fell to the floor with high heels to match. Carlisle walked over to me and wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me to him. He placed his hand on the back of my neck and pulled me to him in a passionate kiss; the kiss became heated and I pulled away softly placing my forehead to his as we both tried to catch our unneeded breath. "We have someone waiting, my love. We can't keep her waiting. We will pick this up afterward if you wish," I whispered.

"That we will, my love. I'm dying to be buried deep within you, I love you so much, angel," Carlisle whispered and gave me another chaste kiss before releasing me. He took my hand after putting on our cloaks and the Volturi necklaces and led me to the pavilion. Char and Peter were waiting for us as was Emmett, leaving Rosalie guarding the containment.

Jasper was there as well. He was also one of the leaders, only he was in charge of training all those who needed training. We were sure that the guard would begin to grow and we needed Jasper to make sure the new recruits would be trained well.

Our group were all dressed in suits as Char was dressed much as I was and all wearing their necklaces and cloaks. Carlisle, Peter, Char and I took our seats as the others lined up next to Peter and Char. Carlisle nodded to Jasper to bring the female vampire. He left and shortly after he approached holding the arm of a woman I knew very well. I sighed while lowering and shaking my head.

"Are you alright my love?" Carlisle asked. I took his hand and revealed how I knew this vampire, and Carlisle growled deep within his chest when he learned what happened long ago. He stood to face this woman. He was the epitome of a true leader and I was so proud to be his mate. When I looked back at the redhead, I saw on the woman's face that she recognized me. She swallowed hard and I could feel her fear as I was sure Jasper could.

"State your name," Carlisle ordered while standing tall with a firm jaw.

"Victoria, my lord. I didn't realize there were Regents in America," she said skittishly. "Were you one when we met last?" she asked me, ignoring my mate - which Carlisle wasn't having.

"You will refer your questions to me," Carlisle ordered, staring down at this female.

"I'm sorry my lord, but I know her and we kind of got off on the wrong foot when last we met. I only wanted to apologise for what happened," she said.

"What is your complaint?" Carlisle asked, ignoring what this girl had to say. She was looking back and forth between the two of us not knowing what to say. I could see she was afraid if she said the wrong thing it would mean her death.

"Well, your lord, my lady. My mate, James was attacked by a family of vampires and killed, they burned him to ash. I need your help in finding them and making them pay for what they've done," she said.

This was a sticky situation. Although it is against our laws to take a mate from his or her mate it would depend on why this had happened. If they were taunting the other vampires then they deserved to be killed, but if they did it for their own enjoyment, then they deserved to stand trial for their crimes.

"And how did this come about?" Carlisle asked.

"Well, you see James and I were nomads and we were passing this area. We came in contact with this reservation and they had these giant wolves who chased us. When they finally gave up the chase we found ourselves on this property that belonged to these other vampires. They told us we were trespassing on their territory. We told them what had happened and they seemed to understand and told us to be on our way. We complied, but on our way out of the city we came across this human and she started flirting with my mate. Of course, James told her he was taken, but she didn't stop so James pushed her away. She fell and tumbled down this embankment and was hurt, but before we could help the poor girl James was attacked by someone saying that she was his mate and that James was going to die for laying hands on her. Then the rest of the coven showed up and tore him apart. I ran and hid in one of the trees and watched as they burned my James," she said sobbing.

"You are telling me that one of the vampires in this coven has taken a human mate?" Carlisle asked. I knew from everything she said she was lying. I needed to touch her to get the truth out of her, and I would let Carlisle know as soon as he finished questioning her.

"Yes my lord, I hung around to see what had happened to the girl and heard the leader of their coven tell his coven mate that he needed to turn her, but the male mate said he would not damn the girl's soul and she would be his until she died of old age and then he would follow her in his second death. This angered the coven leader, who told him this was unacceptable and if the Volturi ever found out they would kill them all, but the mated boy wouldn't hear of it. It was then that I took off and that's when that guard found me," she said pointing to Garrett.

Carlisle looked at me and I shook my head in the negative, telling him she was lying. He held out his hand for me to take and led me down the few steps. Garrett, knowing what was happening, joined Jasper taking his place on the other side of this girl as Carlisle and I approached to stand in front of this redhead.

"You said that you met my mate; do you know what gifts she holds?" Carlisle asked.

The redhead looked between me and Carlisle once again before speaking. "I know that she can toss someone across the field without touching them although I don't know what that gift is," she said softly afraid of what she was about to hear.

Carlisle nodded, "That would be her shield. That is one of many that she has, and although it is but one gift it holds many. Her gift is called absorption. She is able to pick up and copy any and all gifts other gifted vampires have, and one of those gifts is that she can tell when someone is lying, and you my dear have just lied to the Regents of America. Now, do you wish to tell me the truth or would you rather my mate touch you and let us see what really happened with another gift she has copied?" Carlisle asked.

The redhead stepped back and started to run off, but I put my shield around her even before Garrett and Jasper could stop her she bounced off it and hit the floor. She jumped up and began to feel the bubble that surrounded her. "Please, I just want revenge for my mate's death," she screamed.

I shrunk the shield until she couldn't move and reached in and grabbed her hand. She fought to be released, but I held on as I grabbed Carlisle's hand and began seeing what really happened, but I saw more than that. I saw her and her mate terrorizing many vampires and humans alike throughout the years. They would play with them, torture them, and then kill them for no other reason than to have some sick pleasure. I also saw what James did to the human girl; he chased after her and tried to rape the human until the coven found them - and yes, they did indeed kill him and then burned him to ash. Carlisle gasped when I released his hand and stood steadfast glaring at the girl.

"I have seen what you and your mate have done as nomads and it sickens me. You will be held until we talk with this coven and then you will be judged for your crimes," Carlisle told her.

She let out a insane laugh, "You won't be able to hold me. I am an expert at escaping, it is my gift. I'll be long gone before you even know I've left," she said hysterically. Carlisle looked at me.

"Isabella?" he asked and I knew what he wanted. I looked at the girl and smiled.

"You won't be able to escape us, Vicky. I know this because I have your gift and have analyzed every scenario and I've seen that you won't be able to escape from the containment," I told her as I watched her expression change to one of fear.

"Please gentlemen escort our guest to her new quarters," Carlisle said. He wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me to him as Jasper and Garrett dragged Victoria out of the room kicking and screaming after I dropped my shield from around her.

"The girl is insane," Peter said as he approached us. I nodded my head in agreement.

"That she is and so was her mate, but there was another with her when I first met him. I wonder if he got tired of their way of life and left?" I asked.

"Did you know his name?" Char asked.

"Yes, I think they called him Laurent," I told her.

"I'll look through the files Aro sent and see if I can find him. If he's been on the Volturi radar he would be there," Char said.

"Thank you Char, that would be very helpful," she smiled and wrote down his name as I said it and then turned to my mate. "Carlisle," I said.

"Yes my love," he replied and gave me his attention.

"We need to bring that other coven here and hear their side of things and find out about this human they are harboring. We need to find out if she knows of our world. If so, she needs to be changed or she must die," I told him. Carlisle looked sad at first. I knew he would hate this part of being with the Volturi, but it was a must. "If this girl blabbed to someone else in her world it could cause the destruction of many. I would rather kill one than a whole town full of people," Carlisle nodded finally agreeing but hating the thought of being responsible for the death of so many.

I kissed his lips softly and smiled as I moved close to his ear and whispered. "Let's go home, my love. I need you to care for me," I said too low for others to hear - or so I thought until I heard Peter bark out a loud laugh and saw Char smack him upside his head.

Carlisle and I were heading back to our home when we saw Jasper and Garrett walk out of the containment with a smile on their faces. Emmett had taken over as guard for Rosalie as she took off to feed.

"Carlisle, the Denali clan and I will be leaving now. They were only waiting until we took care of our new guest," he said.

"I see...I wonder if you and Eleazar would do me one last favor before you leave?" Carlisle asked.

"I'm sure he would, what do you need, Carlisle?" Garrett asked.

"I need someone to go to Washington State in a town called Forks and pick up a vampire coven and bring them here. We also wish the presence of the human girl they have in their company," Carlisle said.

Garrett took off to find Eleazar as Isabella and I went to our home and to our room closing the door behind us. Carlisle pinned me to the door and removed my cape and ripped the dress I wore from my body as I removed his cape and jacket. I began popping off buttons on his vest and ripping it and his shirt off his body exposing his sculpted chest, sending shivers down my spine. "Carlisle I need you now," I pleaded and he picked me up and carried me to our bed. He lowered me to the bed placing me in the center. He removed his slacks and I was purring at how he had gone commando. He then tore my bra from my person and ripped my panties off and spread my legs and placed himself between them and lowered himself into me after finding I was dripping wet in want for him. Our lips meet in a fiery kiss as we both moaned in ecstasy.

The moan continued as he inched his way into me. I could tell he was enjoying the feel of my tight center surrounding him causing us both to growl in pleasure. He ended the kiss and with his lips never leaving my body he moved over my cheek and placed soft kisses across and down my neck continuing until he reach collarbone. "Carlisle," I moaned as his lips latched onto one of my pert pink pebbles, nipping and lathering them both with his tongue causing me to arch my back off of the bed. I was in heaven feeling him deep within me as he began to move more forcefully. I wrapped my legs around his waist and scraped my fingernails across his back. Carlisle hissed and began to move faster.

"Isabella," he hissed for when I wrapped my legs around him it caused him to go deeper. He was panting my name with every thrust, and I was panting trying to keep up with him. "Oh God, Carlisle, that feels so good!" I screamed as he placed his hand under my backside and held me in place as he pounded harder.

"Oh, Bella, I love you so much," he panted as he sat back on his heels and pulled me up close to his chest. He grabbed my hips and began pound even harder.

"Oh, Carlisle I'm so close," I yelled.

"Come for me my Angel, come for me now," he demanded and with the tone of his voice I came harder than I ever had come before. My center clamped around his length and he groaned coming right after me and spilling his seed deep with me. We stayed in one place for a few minutes trying to compose ourselves and without pulling out he pulled me into a passionate kiss. "I love you more than I can even explain, Isabella. You are mine for eternity and you've made me the happiest man in the world," he said after ending the kiss and then began kissing me again.

"I love you too, Carlisle. You are my world and I couldn't survive without you in my life," I told him after he once again ended the kiss. He laid me down on the bed as he slowly pulled himself out of me and lay next to me pulling me to his chest. We both lay there happily sated, and before long there came a knock at the front door. I groaned not wanting to move from our bed. Carlisle said it was probably Eleazar. Carlisle kissed the top of my head as we both rose, moving as fast as we could gathering fresh clothes before we could answer the door.

Once we opened the door we were faced by Eleazar and Garrett who both wore a smile. I'm sure they knew what we had been up to. We led them to the living room and sat down. Carlisle grabbed my hand and we faced our guests.

"Garrett said you need us to stop and pick up this other coven who lives in Forks. Garrett told me most of what happened in the pavilion with the redhead. Is it true they have a human?" Eleazar asked. Carlisle nodded.

"Yes, Isabella saw it when she touched Victoria. We need to know what this human knows. If she is aware of our world then she must be turned or killed. I hate the thought of doing this to the girl, but it is better to kill one than an entire town. I understand from what Bella saw from the redhead that the mate refuses to turn her; I only hope they will change their minds and turn her while they are here. " I told him. He nodded his head in understanding.

"Your decisions are hard, my friend, and I don't envy you. Garrett, Jasper, Kate and I will see it done. If you don't mind I will send Carmen and the girls home while we do this; then once it it done I will join them," he said.

"Thank you my friend, the jet awaits you when you are ready. What of Esme; is she not accompanying you?" I asked.

"No, I think she wants to stay here. I told her she could stay in our house here while we are gone if it's alright with you, of course," he said.

"Oh, yes, it's fine with me. If that's what she wants to do," I told him. He nodded at Garrett and they rose and left to ready themselves. They all dressed in the proper attire along with their crest and capes and left to do our bidding. I sighed not wanting to do this but it had to be done. We did decide to become Regents, so this was just part of our duties.

A few minutes later Char knocked on the door. When I answered she said she had some information on the coven Eleazar went to retrieve. I showed her in and led her to Carlisle's office and knocked.

"Come in my love," he said as I led Char to one of two chairs that faced Carlisle's desk. "Hello Charlotte, what can we do for you?" he asked.

"I've got some information on that coven you sent Eleazar after."

"Okay, what do you have?" Carlisle asked cheerfully.

"It seems that the Volturi have been keeping an eye on them. There are five of them. The leader's name is Bill, or William if you prefer, Long. He has a mate and her name is Sue. The other three are males, Mark, Joseph, and Leo. Leo is the one who is mated to the human girl. It says here that the Longs have a treaty with the wolves from the reservation that states as long as they don't bite or cause harm to another human they are free to live in Forks. They are also not allowed to cross over into the wolves' territory and the wolves are not allowed to cross over into the Longs' territory in wolf form. That's all they have on them," she said.

"Are you telling me that these vampires are animal drinkers?" Carlisle asked. Char shrugged her shoulders.

"It doesn't say, but I'm guessing that they are. How else are they to follow the wolves' treaty if they don't?" Char said.

"Interesting...I'll have to think on this. It's not every day that we cross other animal drinkers. I always thought my family were the only ones...most interesting," Carlisle said. I could see the wheels turning in his head.

"Well, you'd better think fast because they will be here soon, Carlisle," Char said.

Carlisle looked over and Char and smiled. "Thank you Charlotte."

"You're welcome, Carlisle," she said and got up and left.

Eleazar and his group weren't gone long before we received news that the plane had landed. They had left the car at the airport when they left and used it to drive them all back here. We had built a house that had six bedrooms just for this kind of situation. We built it not far from the containment building giving them a full view to make them nervous in case they wished to cause any trouble.

We also built a house with the same number of bedrooms for when Aro and his brothers arrived, making room for any guard members that might be traveling with them, and it too backed up to the garden. It was more luxurious than any of the others, but that is what the brothers and their wives were used to.

Bella and I walked over to my office, where Peter and Char joined us as well and waited for Eleazar and the rest. We heard the car pull in and watched through the window as the four of them showed our guests to their rooms. It wasn't long before Eleazar, Jasper, Garrett and Kate joined us.

"How did it go?" I asked as they looked at one another before they spoke.

"She knows. They tried to deny that she knew, but when she saw Garrett's eyes she cringed and asked if we were with the Volturi. How does she not know if she knows of them - us," Jasper said.

I nodded my head, "Yes, I was afraid that was the case. Did you bring the human as well?" I said.

"Yes, she's with them," Kate said. I nodded my head.

"So do they drink from animals like Charlotte suggested?" Carlisle asked.

Jasper smiled. "Yes they do, Carlisle. I was surprised as you are; I've never known another coven to follow our diet," he said.

"Nor I, son, well none other than Eleazar's coven, but we've known you all forever or so it seems," Carlisle said with a chuckle that Eleazar echoed. Carlisle spaced out for a few minutes. I could tell he was thinking hard on something, while the rest of us shared comments on the strange coven. We were interrupted when Carlisle spoke again. "Once they are settled in bring them to the pavilion; we will need to speak with them," he said as he walked over to his closet and pulled out his black cloak. The others left to check on our guests while I went to my own office and got my cloak as well.

When I went back to Carlisle's office he was sitting in his chair staring out the window. "Carlisle, is being Regent becoming too much for you? Because if it is we could alway…" I was cut off with Carlisle jumping from his chair and facing me at vampire speed. He palmed my face with his hands and smiled down at me.

"No my love, it has nothing to do with that. I'm just at a loss of what to do with this coven if they refuse to turn the human girl. I've never come across another coven that fed from animals like we do. I'd hate having to kill their whole coven all because they refuse to do so. That's what's bothering me," he said.

I nodded my head in understanding. "Maybe after we talk them into turning the girl we can ask them to join us. We need more guards especially when Eleazar returns to his home," I told him.

"He smiled and kissed me hard. After releasing me from the kiss he said.

"You, my dear beautiful mate, are a genius. Let's go," he said grabbing my hand and leading me into the main room of the pavilion.

We sat in our chairs overlooking the room. I looked over and smiled at Jasper. He returned the smile as Carlisle asked him and Rose to retrieve our visitors and bring them here. Jasper and Rose lowered their heads to us and left to do our bidding.

It wasn't long before the coven stood before us. All five held their heads up high as if they didn't fear us at all. One of them held the young human girl tightly to his side and somewhat behind him in protection, as did the leader to his mate.

"What are your names?" Carlisle asked.

"Who are you to be asking our names, taking us from our homes and bringing us to this godforsaken place?" the presumed leader asked.

Carlisle stood with a growl that reverberated off the walls causing all but the leader to take a step back. Jasper and Rose stepped forward, close enough to take action if any one of them started something, even knowing that I would take action myself if they even tried. Carlisle put up his hand halting Jasper and Rose and they took a step back at his silent command.

"I am Carlisle Cullen and this is my mate, Isabella Swan. We are the Regents of the Americas, sworn in by the Volturi brothers to rule these lands. You, sir, are in violation of the law. You do know the laws we go by, yes?"

It was quiet for a moment before the leader looked at the one holding the human girl and then back to Carlisle and myself. "Yes, I guess I do," he said quietly, knowing he was facing the Volturi here close to his home, which he didn't expect I'm sure. There were probably a lot of vampires that didn't know the Volturi were this close to their homes.

"Then you know that no humans are supposed to know about our kind, but yet you harbor one," Carlisle said as he pointed to the girl who pressed her head into the young boy's arm.

The leader of the coven sighed and nodded his head before he spoke. "You see, we have this treaty..." was all he got out before I stood up by Carlisle's side. I touched his arm and began to speak

"Before you speak you should know that I have a gift called absorption, which means I pick up any gift I'm in contact with. One of those gifts is that I can tell if you lie. So watch your words. Oh, and we know of the treaty you have with the wolves," I told them as they all stood with their mouth hanging open. I don't know if it was because they'd heard of me or were shocked at the idea of some vampire having that gift.

"My lady, I have heard of you and I thank you for giving us this knowledge beforehand, but if you know of the treaty then you know that we cannot bite a human, so you see we are in quite the conundrum," the leader explained.

I walked over to the group of vampires with Carlisle by my side. I looked at the five of them one at a time, and none looked worried about their situation including the girl's mate. The girl was another story.

"What is your name?" I asked the girl's mate.

"Leo, my lady."

"And why haven't you turned your mate?" I asked.

"Because of the treaty, my lady," he said again and I knew he had just lied to me. Yes that was part of it, but not the total truth.

"You just lied to me, boy! Tell me the truth!" I demanded. He looked around to his brothers, and then back to me knowing they couldn't help him.

"I...I do not want to damn my mate's soul to hell," he stuttered.

"And what makes you so sure she will be damned?" I asked. He swallowed hard and put his arms around his mate and pulled her closer, noticing that she was shaking uncontrollably with fear. When he didn't answer I asked him another question.

"Do you love the girl?"

"Yes, of course I do," he answered truthfully.

"And you girl, do you love him?" I asked. She nodded her head.

"Do you have a voice?" I asked.

"Yes ma'am."

"Then use it. Do you love this boy?" she nodded again, but this time she put words to movement. "Yes, my lady," she said.

"Do you want to become a vampire?" I asked. She nodded her head again and when she began to speak the boy interrupted.

"It doesn't matter what she wants, I will not change her and that's final," he replied fiercely. I looked at him with a smirk.

"So you would let your whole coven die including your mate just to keep her from being a vampire?" I asked. He said nothing but stood tall and firmed his jaw.

"I will turn her," the leader said.

"The hell you will, brother!" the boy said

"We will all die, Leo, and for what? Your stupid idea of keeping her human!?" The leader said.

"Yes, if I have to die to save her soul then so be it," the boy said.

"But it's not just you, Leo. It's all of us," the leader said. Again the boy stood stern.

"The girl will be turned, by yourself, your brother or one of us and you will serve time in our jail. Jasper," I said as he made his way over and grabbed the boy and took him away. He screamed, as did the girl.

The leader of the coven walked over to the girl and pulled her into his arm protectively as did his mate. "The wolves will kill us you realize?" he said sadly.

"You don't have to go back if don't wish to," I told him.

"You can stay here with us," Carlisle suggested.

"I will not work for the Volturi," he growled.

"We are an extension of the Volturi. We are nothing like them. If we were like them you would all be dead including the girl. Instead we offer you a home here with us. The vampire that took your brother away can help you with the girl's newborn years if you wish. He is our trainer to make you better fighters. We need guards for this compound and if you are in agreement we'd like to add you to our guard," Carlisle continued.

The leader just stood there thinking as Joseph, the middle brother, spoke up. "He's right Bill, these vampires are not like the ones in Italy. I've seen what they do to those who break the rule about humans knowing of us. They kill the whole coven and they haven't. They only ask us to change the girl and put Leo in their jail. It won't be the same as the Italian coven," he said.

Bill stood there staring at his brother and looked back at us. "How long will Leo be imprisoned?" Bill asked.

"As long as we see fit to keep him there," Carlisle answered. Bill huffed but understood that because of his little brother they could have all died, so he nodded his head.

"Okay, we are at your service." Bill said.

"Now if you wouldn't mind would you stand back against the wall with Rose," I asked them. They looked at me confused, but did as I asked and we heard the screeching of a female vampire enter the room in Jasper's hold. When she got to the room she saw the male vampires that had killed James and screeched once again.

"You! You killed my mate. You will die for this!" She screamed as she broke loose from Jasper's hold and flew at the vampires at the back of the room. I threw out my shield and wrapped her in it and she bounced of the edges of it. "Let me go...they must die!" she screamed.

"No Victoria, it is you who must die," Carlisle said as I called up the fireballs and rolled them into the palm of my hands. I let loose the fireballs and sent them to Victoria and as they came close to my shield it dropped and the fireballs hit her dead in her chest causing her to burn to ash in seconds.

The male vampires at the back of the room holding the human girl stood with their mouths open, not believing what they just saw. When they were over their shock Bill said, "We killed her mate." I looked over at them and nodded.

"Yes, we know." I said as I turned to Peter. "Clean up that mess, will you sweetie," I asked pointing at Victoria's ashes as I joined Carlisle and sat on his lap.

"Why can't Jasper do it?" Peter asked.

"Because he will be helping Bill turn the girl," I said as I nodded to Jasper and he took the new guards and the girl to be changed. Peter sighed and got up and swept up the ashes as Char giggled and I kissed my mate passionately.

"That was easy," Carlisle said. I raised my eyebrows at his statement.

"Easy for you to say. You didn't have to kill anyone," I told him. He smiled and kissed me again.

So our compound was beginning to grow as was our jail, evidently. Within the next year Aro sent some of his lower guards to supply us and help build bigger and better cells.

Aro was happy to learn that Alice and Edward were still imprisoned and nowhere near ready for parole. I still haven't got the feeling that they wouldn't try something even with them begging to be let out on good behavior.

So yeah, our compound was growing and most of the Americans know we're here now. They're pretty much behaving themselves and those who don't - well, they're being taken care of.

Leo finally learned the error of his ways and is happily with Stacy who was finally through her newborn year, thank the gods. She was a hellion, I'll tell ya. But she's fine now and has a gift. She can tell when someone lies. Yeah, it really doesn't matter seeing I can do the same thing, but hey it keeps Leo in line.

Jasper trained the Long brothers and Sue the leaders mate and of course Stacy and has trained quite a few since. He's also found his true mate in a human Tonya found almost dead and turned. Her name is Daisy and they love each other dearly.

The Denali's finally moved here for good. We had to move the wall further out to make room to build more buildings to house everyone. But all is good. My family just keeps growing. I went from no brothers and sisters to hundred of them and I am ecstatic.

The brothers hardly ever bother us unless they want an update and I'm sure that has to do with Caius keeping Aro off our back, which I am grateful for.

"Are you happy, my angel?" Carlisle asked and he wrapped his arms around me. I smiled and answered.

"Happier than I"ve ever been in my life, my love," I told him as I kissed him hard and passionately.

The Final End…