Chaos in the Mafia

Summary: In a universe where Tsuna already has his own guardians by the time Reborn sets out to tutor the dame-child into the tenth Vongola Boss, The Mafia are left baffled at how they could have missed all the way too obvious signs from the very beginning. Vongola are just left wondering how much the young teen could change the underworld.

Warnings: Cussing? Violence? Come one guys, this is the mafia. When is anything fluffy butterflies and rainbow bunnies? … Or did I mix up that order, because I do that a lot. … I think fluffy butterflies would be cool… you know, the fuzzy- wait... I think those are poisonous… never mind. Rainbow bunnies would be nice.

NOTICE: This was rushed since I've got a friend who requested in the hospital and all... I'm sorry if it's not up to par for some of my other stories, Kanda-Kan, but I wanted to get this out and not fuss over every little detail. Also, unedited. I forgot I had this thing in the Doc... I'm so sorry my little humanoid-plush bunny!

NOTICE: I made Fran (I refuse to use Flan. Fran is much cuter-sounding) the cloud guardian. I made him have primary mist flames (as per canon) and secondary cloud flames (reverse of Hibari, if I recall right). Since my mind (and friend) refuse to allow me anything other than Kyoko being Mist, and Fran being Tsuna's Guardian, I made the fro- I mean… made Fran the cloud guardian because it was unfilled. This is the shortest of all my chapters. Promise. Chapter One is following quickly.

Prologue: How they met

Tsuna had been five when he met his first guardian. The meeting had been entirely by accident, and his guardian had been on a vacation to Japan from England. Tsuna was in the process of being bullied when a young child with a lollipop loosely hanging out of his mouth threw some kind of wrench-looking object at one of the kids (where the wrench came from wasn't a question Tsuna was going to ask- why look a gift horse in the mouth, after all?) and diverted all the attention. Tsuna hadn't waited for any kind of cues, and feeling a little bad about leaving the blond stranger to himself, booked it as if his rear were on fire all the way back to his home where Nana was happily cooking up some stew.

"Oh Tsu-kun?" Nana had blinked at the somewhat disheveled appearance of her only child, "Did you try to climb a tree again and fall into a bush?" That had been the excuse Tsuna had given his mother the last time he had returned home with cuts and bruises. Tsuna was clumsy and everyone knew it. Nana, his own mother, had sometimes mentioned about how clumsy her child was. "Why don't you go get washed and Mama will make sure dinner is ready by then?"

Tsuna nodded and did as asked.

The next time Tsuna met his guardian, it had been while lying down in sand pit after a bullying session. Tsuna had idly wondered if the blond haired, lazy-eyed kid was going to throw a wrench at him or get mad him for high-tailing it away from him a few days before, but the man didn't hold himself as if to attack. The blond haired kid surprised Tsuna when he tossed a first-aid kit at him and went to lie down next to Tsuna and just stared at the somewhat cloud-heavy sky in silence. Tsuna fumbled with the first-aid kit for a little before mumbling a soft thanks and sat up to treat his injuries in the rather peaceful silence that followed.

After that day, the two seemed to have this weird habit of running into each other in the strangest of places, all of which the blond haired boy had a first-aid kit and an almost unending supply of wrenches on him. At first, Tsuna thought it was just plain weird that the kid would turn up whenever his was injured and chase off the bullies (if he arrived to see them) by throwing those god-send wrenches after tossing the first-aid kit to Tsuna's head. At first. Then, by the ninety eighth time, Tsuna was beginning to think he had a stalker.

"You are weird." The child spoke in slightly broken Japanese accent that had him pronouncing some words slightly wonky, but Tsuna could understand what was being said by the blond kid. "You confuse me. I want to protect you and just know where you are." Tsuna had accepted the answer because the child looked highly uncomfortable, and in a surprising move, it was the blond haired kid that ran off. If Tsuna hadn't been so surprised by the action of the normally calm and collected kid, Tsuna would have noticed that the kids face was a bit red.

That night Tsuna's mother told him that some guests from a place from England were going to dropping by for dinner because some man was a friend of his father and they had a child around Tsuna's age. Tsuna didn't really care because the child would just treat him like every other child would once they saw just how pathetic Tsuna was.

Imagine Tsuna's shock and glee at seeing the child who could throw wrenches at people and always made sure he was properly taken of with an elderly man who was apparently Tsuna's father's friend.

The child pointed to Tsuna and said something in a strange language, and the grandfather had a warm look in his eye as he looked at Tsuna with a fond smile.

"Thank you for taking care of my child. He normally doesn't make any friends because of his like for staying inside." With that, Nana had shoved the two kids upstairs where the two kids could play in peace as the grandfather and Nana talked about this or that and giggled over what not and what who's.

Tsuna had learnt about flames that day from the blond haired kid when he accidently lit a wrench on fire. Instead of being scared, like he should have been, Tsuna found himself entranced by the flame and asked about it. The child was confused for a moment before some weird look passed though the kid's eyes and he told Tsuna everything he knew about the 'underground' and how flames worked. The blond kid had told Tsuna that he was very much like a sky and asked if Tsuna could summon his flames. With a frown, Tsuna shook his head and during the duration of the stay, the blond kid helped Tsuna coax out a beautiful and bright, light orange flame that would only spark for a few moments before flickering out.

The blond hair man told Tsuna about how the underground worked in some rather vague terms, but mentioned that people tend to follow people with sky flames. The child then asked if, since Tsuna had a sky flame and he had no one to follow, if Tsuna would accept him as one of his guardians. Tsuna nodded, but said that he wanted friends more than guardians, and as he said this, a warmth filled his chest that felt like he was being wrapped in one of the giant fuzzy blankets that his mother use to have before it had gotten shredded by a lose cat that got into the house.

The blond haired man with lazy eyes and a strange addiction to lollipops was not only his very own rain guardian, but his first ever friend. Spanner was his name, which was kind of funny to both the blond man and Tsuna as it was kind of ironic, and Tsuna knew that the man would drop everything if Tsuna asked.

(Not that Tsuna would ever ask his friend to drop everything in England for him just so they could talk and play together face-to-face).

-Line break do the conga dance!-

Tsuna's second guardian had been met entirely by accident when he was six and it really freaked Tsuna out a lot. He and his mother had been gifted with some sort of 'invite' to this far off kingdom to a lovely little island from his father as a sort of 'I'm sorry I'm not here' sort of thing. Tsuna had been minding his own business in the kingdom while wearing the correct necklace that informed the native people that he was unable to speak the native language, when he stumbled across a graveyard that was making sounds.

Normally, Tsuna would have ignored the graveyard and the noises, but he had not too long ago been forced to sit thought a video about how sometimes, in olden times and in some parts of the world he lived in today, people were buried alive and left to die painfully in their coffin.

Graveyard, human-like noises, and a mind fresh with the possibility of someone being buried alive.

Tsuna hadn't hesitated to investigate the moment he felt a familiar warmth in his chest telling him that he could be alright. What he found was a hastily put-together gravestone with the name 'cockroach' on it and ground that was freshly turned. Tsuna did the only thing logical. He knelt down and began to dig away at the dirt while bracing himself for some kind of retaliation because there was a part of his mind telling him that the person who was buried alive was going to be very pissed. The person also sounded tired, but that didn't stop his mind from trying to inform him of all the ways he could potentially die.

When Tsuna managed to dig enough that he could open a somewhat poorly nailed together coffin lid, he found (yet another) blond haired kid who looked to be a year or so older than him who was bound up in rope and gagged. The kid's eyes were covered by long blond bangs, but Tsuna didn't bother to mess with those as the child stopped moving and kept his head in the direction of Tsuna. Tsuna, after a moment of shock wore off, began working on getting the rope untied after ungagging the blond kid.

The blond kid kept babbling in a strange language, and Tsuna had to eventually speak in his only known language to get the kid to stop jabbering while he was trying to concentrate on getting the ropes off. That silence was only for a moment before the blond kid spoke up in Japanese.

"What do you think you're doing?"

"You want to die a painful death while having been buried alive?" Tsuna raised a brow as he mentally cheered as he got one of the many knots undone. Now he had thirteen more to work on, and his stomach was growling at him. How long had he been working on this, again? Was his mother worried about him or was she assuming that this was a Spanner-thing (after Spanner had visited Tsuna with his grandfather that first time, Tsuna found himself sometimes acting a bit like Spanner did; clam, collected and brave)? "I don't like the idea of leaving someone alive in a graveyard while they are buried… Unless this is some weird custom-thing here? In which case, I do apologize. I arrived here yesterday."

"…It's not normal to be buried alive." The blond kid's mouth was twisted downwards a little in what had to be a sneer (Tsuna wasn't good at reading facial expressions) and he was silent a little before informing Tsuna had he a knife in his pocket that could cut the rope much quicker than the 'twerp' could undo the knots. Tsuna huffed at the double insult, but complied with the request as it was an honest statement. Tsuna had no idea what he was doing, and a knife could cut a thing of rope much better than he could undo the knots.

"You have any place to return to?" Tsuna frowned when the kid went to look at the distant castle on the island with that sneer-look and shook his head.

"The True… I don't." The blond kid seemed upset, so Tsuna did what he did best when around upset people. He gave a weak smile and hugged the kid. Tsuna didn't know, nor did he want to know why, the kid had been buried, but it seemed like he had been betrayed or something. Something like having his entire family watch as he was buried or something like that.

The blond kid stiffened a little before relaxing and warm feeling spread through Tsuna's chest. Warmth that greatly reminded him of the time Spanner had explained about 'harmonization'. One of the things that was explained was how only people with flames could actually harmonize, and no sky could harmonize with two of the same flame unless the previous bond was null or void, so it meant the kid he was hugging had a flame that wasn't the 'tranquil' rain.

"…You're strange…" the kid said. "I'm Rasiel."

"And I'm Tsuna. Would you like to come with me? Mama and I are leaving tomorrow evening and going back to Japan. I think Mama would like having another child in the house."


"Because Mama likes to care for people, and I'm not going to leave you alone."

"Don't think just because we harmonized that I'll let you take me with you!" The kid seemed to struggle with referring to himself in first person, Tsuna's mind informed with a hint of amusement.

"I would have offered even if we hadn't harmonized. I don't know you, you don't me. This is true, but I can't help myself but to care. I didn't even know you had a flame. Besides, Harmonization is a two-way street. You wanted this as much as I did." Rasiel had a genuine frown on his face for a little before nodding and standing up with a huff.

"You're lucky security in this kingdom is terrible. Take me with you, commoner. If you and this mother of yours try to harm me, I'll show you how my knife wasn't for show!" Tsuna didn't feel any hostility coming from Rasiel despite the threat and laughed with a nod.

"Well then! I think I've worried Mama long enough. Let's go!" With that, Tsuna grabbed Rasiel's arm and began to drag the slightly older with him to the small hotel that he and his mother were staying at, and true to his words, Nana had gushed over the child and had been quick to mix up a dinner that had Rasiel quieting him heartless threats and actually thanking the woman ("Please, just call me Mama! Nana sounds off, for me.")

(Tsuna enjoyed the look of hysterics on Spanner's face when his rain and storm guardians met for the first time, despite having to chase after the two just to make sure that Rasiel didn't injure Spanner in a way that would harm him too badly.)

-Another Conga Line!-

Tsuna met his next three guardians by pure sheer dumb luck and accident. Honestly.

The seven year old hadn't intended to drag two of his classmates into being harmonized with him, and the red headed kid that was too much like a coward version of Spanner had harmonized with Tsuna the moment their eyes met (Spanner and Rasiel were still cracking up at how quick the two had harmonized). Nothing had to be explained to the red head ("Shoichi! My name is Shoichi!") Since he already knew about the mafia and about how flames worked ("I'm a sun… with some rain…"). The only thing that became a major obstacle with Shoichi was the fact that the first hints of unease in him sent him having convulsing stomach pains. Tsuna never understood how Shoichi could talk about the mafia without too much trouble, but the moment a yakuza thug walked into the scene, the kid was down for the count on the case of stomach-pains.

Kyoko and Hana were always together and had been walking past the park where Tsuna was trying to climb down a tree and bully had tossed him up into after beating him senseless and taking his small fortune of twenty yen and a bento box. It was Hana who had noticed Tsuna stumble and called out, rushing to the near-useless kid (Hana DID respect Tsuna in the sense that out of every male she knew, Tsuna was just about the only one who treated women with respect, but that didn't mean she didn't know from firsthand accounts just how utterly pathetic the kid was) that looked ready to fall.

Only, Tsuna hadn't noticed Hana and the moment the young girl had shouted his name, he froze and lost his balance. This, according to gravity, meant he was going to plummet into the ground and break some bone in his back or something. Better yet, with Tsuna's luck in not getting injured, the young child was much more likely to snap his neck and die on the spot, forever leaving his friends behind and his mama crying.

Closing his eyes, Tsuna waited for the impact and death.

Except, what he was waiting for never came.

A cool feeling ran through his blood, and when Tsuna peeked open an eye, everything in his world was tinted a light orange and both Hana and Kyoko were staring at him with wide eyes of horror.

Hana, sensible woman that she is, recovered her mind first and finished hurrying over to check Tsuna for injured while muttering things left and right about how what Tsuna had just done was impossible. It was then that two slightly different feelings filled his chest, much like the ones with Spanner and Rasiel, and Tsuna's eyes became brown again as the knowledge of what was going on filtered through his mind and he held back a groan.

How could two of his own classmates, Hana and Kyoko, have flames, lightning and mist, and he NOT know about it?!

(Tsuna was never going to mention to Hana or Kyoko about how grateful he was for the two girls deciding to take a long-way home just so the two could have a little more 'girl time' away from Kyoko's older brother. )

-Conga line! -

Meeting his final guardian at the age of eight was a bit anticlimactic (kind of like Shochi's meeting had been) but it had resulted in the gaining of another brother.

Tsuna had been walking by the shopping district when he heard a young woman talk about some stupid brat and how her life would be so much better now that she left him in a dumpster while drugged, Tsuna let his curiosity and 'mother-like urges', as his mother happily called them, get the better of him and he waited until the woman had left the ally before he dove in like a hawk looking for a male child that was going to be, most liked, unable to respond if he tried to call for him. Besides, Tsuna didn't even have a name to go off of.

Tsuna found a green haired child with weird tattoo's on his face that looked to be about the same age as him, unconscious and in a dumpster, and wasted no time in getting the child out and onto his back. Then, without caring about how some people were staring at him or whispering about him, proceeded to carry the child home while humming a slight tune from some show he had watched about some stranded castaways… Gili Island or something like that… Tsuna couldn't remember. All he knew was that the song's last few words were true and Tsuna always did end up smiling at some point or another when watching the show about the seven stranded people.

Tsuna had made it halfway home before the warmth of a harmonization-bond began tugging at him in his chest, and the young burnet shook his head as the feeling of each and every single bond he had with each person felt like they were literally blooming in his chest. It was warm, left like he as being wrapped in a hug, and it made him feel safe and powerful, powerful enough to protect everyone dear to him. It was a vow to himself; a promise that Tsuna was going to keep.

Rasiel had made an off-hand comment about how the house was becoming a sort of sanctuary for people while Tsuna's mother had dropped everything she was doing in the kitchen to tend to the knocked out child. Tsuna picked up what Nana had been doing in the kitchen and everything went back to normal until the kid woke up and asked if he could stay with his savior, and Nana had hunted down the child's family and demanded custody of the kid since they were incapable of doing so on their own.

Nana became the proud mother of one Fran Sawada, and no one questioned the dry sarcastic wit the young kid had.

(Tsuna later questioned himself on his sanity as he learned that Fran had been dumped because of his ability to mist flames to produce illusion, much like Kyoko could. Kyoko and Fran had quickly teamed up with each other to mentally scare anyone that dared 'abuse' Tsuna. Tsuna quickly shook that question away as the light thrum of his bond to his set of guardians- his closest friends- remained warm and welcoming in his chest.)

( Tsuna did wonder why he had harmonized with a primary mist user as his cloud, but Tsuna didn't question it too far. Shoichi had mentioned that he could use two different flames, so maybe Fran had secondary cloud flames?)

-Conga Line!-

Tsuna loved his family, despite how weird they could be.

Spanner and Shoichi had this weird habit of tinkering with everyday objects and 'modifying' them and turning them into things that would make any sci-fi nerd the happiest dude in any universe if they could get their hands on one and own them. Spanner also seemed to love to use Rasiel as a 'moving wrench-throwing target', a love that was returned in favor from Rasiel involving his knives.

Shoichi and Hana had quickly struck up an odd relationship that involved 'being the sanest' of the group, and the two could often be seen planning together all sorts of 'what-if' cases of anything that could be involved in daily life. They had nearly everything planned out. Anything ranging from a self-exploding water boiler to a meteor strike that was aimed at Namimori. Tsuna had tried to tell the two that if a meteor was going to strike Namimori, the government would evacuate everyone, but Hana waved Tsuna off with a wave of the hand and said 'Goverment is stupid. They are full of monkeys that fail at doing their job.'

Hana got a kick out of Fran's sense of humor and had been quick to ensure that the young child wasn't actually a walking broken machine. Fran, glad to finally find a family that didn't think of how he spoke or act to be weird, took a liking to how cynical and yet happy the lightning could be, and had even asked if it was considered weird for a boy to enjoy the company of a girl.

Kyoko and Fran loved working together to get better at using their illusions, and despite Fran cheating with his cloud flames (allowing him to literally teleport places physically and not just mentally), the two seemed to enjoy each others company when not sparring against each other (Nana had called it a wonderful display of talent when she accidentally saw Fran and Kyoko putting on a puppet show using their illusions).

Spanner had made an interesting side project out of both Shoichi and Fran, with consent, and was watching the effects of having two flames like a hawk would for its prey. Fran commented once saying that 'Curly blond with the sugar addiction' creeped him out, but that 'He gave me a relaxing massage and promised me that he'd take me to the new cake shop that opened not too long ago and order that blackberry forest cake that I really liked'. Tsuna would have laughed if the implications weren't that Spanner was using his rain's 'tranquil' property to coax Fran into doing what he wanted. That, and a bribe. Still, Tsuna wasn't going to stop Spanner unless someone was close to getting hurt. Fran hadn't been hurt and Shoichi hadn't been hurt yet.

When Iemitsu visited for the first time in years, it just so happened to be with his boss and while the whole group was over. Tsuna's father just about had coronary when he saw the sheer number of children he had running back and forth through the home while he was positive he had only one. When Iemitsu saw Kyoko and Fran use their mist flames and illusions, the man had stormed over and tried to remove the two kids from his house while growling out things about he wasn't going to let his little tuna-fish be corrupted by dangerous things, only to be hit by a wrench by Spanner who wore a frown.

"He already knows." Spanner didn't care that the one who spoke next was the elderly man next to the stranger who was still holding onto his friends shirts with a death-grip. When asked to explain, Spanner made sure to get Nana out of the house, along with Fran and Kyoko to give them some time to recover from turning into jelly, and grinned. "I'm Tsuna's rain. He's got a full set of guardians." The elderly man seemed surprised, but not so much as the blond stranger that had come with him that claimed to be Tsuna's father.

That night, Tsuna cowered in his bedroom as he listened to his father who he had thought was dead argue with his boss in some language he couldn't understand while Fran and Rasiel were both blissfully asleep in the cots that Tsuna had in case either sibling of his wanted to sleep in his room for the night.

That night was the last time he or Nana would hear from the man or see him for nearly six years.