Thank you so, so, so much for the lovely reviews! You don't know how happy they make me!

This is the last chapter for this fic but because you all seem to love Pirate!Twelve so much I have decided to write a sequel which I will be posting right now and it's called "The Last Journey".

Chapter 6: A Queen For A King

Clara woke up with a start and sat right back up in bed. In her dream she had been at her wedding, saying her vows without ever meaning to keep them and dancing with the man she despised for the simple reason that he was the husband she had never wanted and for a moment she was afraid she was still there, as if her escape had never happened at all. But when she looked up she stared right into the Doctor's face and felt a sudden and strange ease at the sight of him.

"Good morning," he greeted her with a friendly smile, "Or shall I say good afternoon? How's the head?"

While the Doctor got up from his chair to sit down next to her, she now realized for the first time that she was in his cabin and not her own. And she also noticed a pain at the back of her head and her hand carefully wandered to the hurting spot.

"Looks like a nasty bump, but you'll be fine," the Doctor concluded after having a look at it. She had so many questions, she wasn't quite sure where to begin.

"What happened?" Clara went for the obvious question first, "Why am I in your cabin?"

"Do you remember the storm?"

Clara nodded carefully.

"You got knocked out by a boom," the Doctor explained calmly, "I brought you here to warm up, you were completely soaked. And I'm afraid the storm damaged one of the windows in your cabin. We'll have to fix that, otherwise it'll be like sleeping in the sea."

Again Clara nodded. She remembered the storm all too well and what the Doctor told her made all the sense in the world until she looked down at herself and noticed the distinct lack of something. She was only wearing her undergarments.

"You undressed me!" Clara almost cried out in horror and reached out to punch him.

"Ow!" the Doctor howled immediately, "Like I said. You were soaked. I didn't want you to catch a cold!"

Clara glared at him but her features soon softened again when she looked into his almost innocent face. For a pirate he was actually quite considerate so she failed to see why she should be too mad at him.

"If it makes you feel better, I tried to be a gentleman," the Doctor said after a moment and when Clara knitted her eyebrows at him the Doctor finally sighed. "Yeah, okay, maybe I could have tried harder."

"You also kissed me," she reminded him.

"Yeah," he admitted after a moment, "Seems like I did. But I thought we were all going to die, so-"

Clara smiled when she bent forward and locked their lips a second time for another, longer kiss. The Doctor seemed about as surprised as she was by her own actions but right now kissing the Doctor was what she wanted. Clara remembered the time when she had wanted nothing more than to leave this ship but since then a lot of things had happened, her fiancé, the storm, all the days she had spent here among them, and now she was even a little sad to leave that behind some day. She only hoped that day wouldn't come too soon because she was beginning to enjoy it.

The Doctor brought his hand to her cheek and pulled her even closer to him and when she opened her mouth and he slid his own tongue inside so deliciously slow she thought she might melt away on the spot.

Gently the Doctor pushed her backwards but as her head landed on the pillow she suddenly winced, breaking their kiss, and sat back up.

"The bump?" the Doctor asked her.

"Yeah," she replied, feeling the spot with her fingers, "Still a little tender."

Clara uttered a small noise of surprise when the Doctor suddenly flipped them over in bed and pulled her on top of him to sit right on his lap. Her surprise didn't last long when he cupped her face in his hands and puller her back down to meet him and Clara was more than willing to let it happen. A part of her might have been reluctant and another part blamed it on sailing around with pirates for too long but since there was no one here to tell her what to do Clara was entirely free to make her own decisions. And at this moment she chose to give herself to the Doctor.

Her hands wandered under his shirt and across his chest that she had seen so many times but never touched. It felt so warm, so smooth under her palm and suddenly she was overcome by the urge to be as close to him as humanly possible. No clothes, just skin on skin and so she broke the kiss to pull his shirt over his head. The Doctor understood quickly as he undressed her and before she knew it she had her wish and Clara landed back on top of him, only too aware of all the places their bodies touched. It made her skin tingle when he leaned forward and brought his mouth to her breast and sucked hard on her sensitive nipple. She inhaled sharply, trying to ignore the burning feeling between her thighs that she got from being so close to him. How was she ever going to leave him after this?

Suddenly the Doctor sat up and pulled her closer to him to kiss her once more. He tasted of all the things she knew she should never want but did and she couldn't help but whimper when she felt his hardness brush against her sex. Right now there was nothing in this world that she wanted more than be one with him, to feel him inside of her but instead of giving in to her the Doctor's lips left hers and trailed down her neck, making her groan in frustration. Instead of waiting for him she finally reached between him and took him into her hand. He was rock solid under her palm and the Doctor moaned when she gave him a couple of strokes.

"Mhhhhh, my Clara," he whispered right as she led him to her entrance and began to lower herself on top of him. Of all the things going through her head when he sank deeper into her Clara couldn't find one word to describe what she was feeling. The Doctor closed his arms around her, pulling her against his own chest and kissed her again. She thought she'd never want to stop kissing him as they began to rock together, trying to find a rhythm.

"My Doctor," she murmured in reply, her breathing becoming faster like the speed of his movements as he thrust up to meet her. She closed her eyes and had to refrain from crying out when suddenly he plunged deeper inside of her, filling her up so completely that it was almost painfully sweet. When he brought his hand between them and slid a finger between her folds Clara found herself grinding against it, the pleasure of it soon becoming so delicious that she found it too much to bear.

She opened her eyes to look at him as the sweat ran over his tattooed hearts and his face was flushed in excitement, his lips parted that she couldn't help but bend down and kiss them. The Doctor moaned into her mouth as she tightened her muscles around him and just when she was about to ask him to go harder, he did, his thrusts becoming faster and more shallow while he was closing in on his orgasm. Clara closed her eyes again, dug her nails into his skin, the feeling of him taking over and soon the waves of her own climax came rolling over her while the Doctor was still inside of her, riding it out until the last second when he finally spilled himself inside of her.

They fell into the cushions, panting heavily and neither of them spoke for a long time because there was absolutely nothing to say that they both didn't already know. Clara wanted for this moment to never end and she knew that the Doctor felt the same way. She just knew it. With a sigh she closed her eyes and leaned against his chest.

Clara stepped out onto the deck the next morning, feeling freer than she ever had before but the sensation fell away from her as soon as she spotted the shore in front of them. The Doctor was intending to keep his promise when she didn't even want him to anymore.

She was only vaguely aware that he came to a halt next to her, also staring at the land that was about to separate them – probably forever.

"I'm a pirate," he began, "But I'm also a man of my word. You're free to go."

"Is that Gijón?" she asked him even though she had recognized the chalk cliffs upon sight.

"No, that's Dover. I told my men to turn around and head back to England," the Doctor explained to her in a calm voice and even though she didn't see his face Clara knew that he was sad.

She turned around to face him.

"Can we go? To Gijón?"

For a moment there was nothing but confusion on the Doctor's face as he was trying to grasp the meaning of her words.

"Are you saying what I hope you're saying?" he asked carefully and Clara giggled.

"Well, you made it sound so interesting and I've always wanted to see the world. I want to see the Spanish dance like the devil. Unless you are still wanted by the Spanish Inquisition?"

"You do know I made that all up, right? I've never actually been to Gijón. Spain, yes, not Gijón," the Doctor admitted after a moment, making it sound as if it should have been obvious.

Clara simply shrugged. "Then I guess it's about time you go."

"About the Inquisition-"

Clara stopped him by placing her index finger over his lips and smiled at him. "Shut up and hoist the sails."

The Doctor grinned at her right before he suddenly reached for her hand and pulled her up to the wheel where he turned towards the crew.

"Gentlemen!" he shouted across the deck, "Hoist the sails! We're going to Gijón!"

While the crew cheered the Doctor turned to look at Clara and she smiled back at him, her heart beating fast at the prospect of sailing the seas with the Doctor and she wouldn't stop until she had seen it all. Nothing in this world was ever going to make her leave him.