Frisk currently was contemplating weather to get out of bed or just lay on the floor like complete garbage.

Getting up sounded like torture, and work sounded like some type of punishment. Of course one might think Frisk was over exaggerating, but when you worked for 10 hours and got about three hours of sleep you would not want to get up as well. Frisk was heavily tempted to quit right then and there, and to live on the road.

But some gut feeling just made her get up, something made her want to keep going. Frisk was always told she had an incredible amount of determination, even though she herself could not see it.

Frisk just referred to this feeling as determination.

Filled with determination, Frisk got out of bed. All the while making some type of noise that could only be described as a dying animal. She pulled on a random sweater, and slipped on some leggings and boots.

Unwrapping a Cinnamon bunny and stuffing it in her mouth, Frisk ran out the door unprepared for the day she was about to face.

Nonetheless, she was filled with determination.

Monsters never really bothered Frisk, if anything they made for even better company than most humans she had met. Frisk never understood why people would discriminate a race, and for what?


Humans were so stupid sometimes.

'The outside world is so much more colder than I last remember.' Frisk bitterly thought to herself, trudging through snow was not her favorite past time, and cold was never a fan of Frisk either.

'Probably because I haven't gone IN the outside world in weeks.'

Frisk's job allowed her to work and stay home, truly the dream of everyone. They called her in for a report or some crap: point is that Frisk has to leave her home of solitude and venture into the world.

Okay, no more fanfics at 3 am for her.

Although the thought of the cliche' snow day always enticed Frisk to no end.

The snowy villages and perfect snow, all that cliche crap. Instead Frisk got blizzards, sad and depressing snowmen, ice as far as the eye can see. Like A LOT of ice.

Suddenly a different cliche happened.

In movies two people bump into each other and that's how the story kicks off, and Frisk never believed in that. When she went to a friends house to watch a chick flick, she kept wishing for the character's downfall because they met by bumping into each other.

Who the hell does that?

Apparently Frisk.

She didn't notice her before, Frisk was rushing to get on the subway to go to hell (whoops, I mean work) not really noticing where she was going. So of course she bumped into someone, a monster to be more exact, she appeared to be reptilian.

And she looked terrified as soon as she saw Frisk.

Of course Frisk didn't notice and helped pick up all her papers as to apologize for knocking her down.

"I'm so sorry, I was in a rush and I didn't see where I was going." Frisk apologized as she finished picking up all the monsters papers, she still hadn't gotten up from her place on the floor. So giving her a patient smile, Frisk reached out her hand as to help her up.

"I know this isn't the best way to meet someone," Frisk smile widened as she rested on her knees as to be eye to eye with her. "But I'm Frisk, really nice to meet you."

The monster gave the tiniest of smiles and spoke in a calm and very shy voice.

"H-Hi, I-I-I-I'm um, uh A-Alphys." Alphys spoke barely audible had Frisk not been so close. But Frisk felt an instant liking to Alphys, smiling gently Frisk helped her up and handed her the papers she dropped.

A gasp emitted from Frisk.

"Your shirt."

Alphys looked down, she was wearing her new MEW MEW KISSY CUTIE shit. Alphys felt that the shirt made her feel a small twinge of confidence, now she felt even smaller and seemed to be on the verge of bursting.

"Um, y-y-yeah?"

"I love it."

Now Frisk had always had a soft spot for anime, but only the good ones and MEW MEW was sure as hell on her list, it had been hard to find people who liked the anime. So Frisk had spent so many nights sitting on her bed, laptop handy watching it.

And to find someone else who watched it?

And seems to NOT be an asshole?

Score big time.

"R-Really?" Alphys herself could not believe it, forgetting her anxieties and fears she let a smile embrace her features. Not caring that humans were staring at the two, it happened quite a lot these days.

"Remember when Mew Mew got snail ice cream?"

"Y-Yeah, and she was t-the only one who liked it!"

"That was one of my favorite parts!"

"Mine too! I sent such a good message!"

"OH! Did you read the new Mew Mew manga?"





The two burst into giggles, not really caring the stares they were getting, the morning was really going to a great start.

But of course every good thing just has to end, as life does.

Frisk's train pulled up, and she was seriously considering skipping work and just spending her days talking to Alphysin the subway. Another reason why Frisk prefered monsters company than humans, they seemed so much understand.

"I'm sorry Alphys, this is my trian. Trust me I would rather spend my entire day just talking to you but I have to go." Alphys blushed as the compliment and suddenly sound the floor extremely interesting. But she looked up in time to see Frisk give her a smile that seemed to glow with kindness. Frisk smiled as if she thought that Alphys was the most important person in the world, as if she deserved her kindness.

Alphys had never seen anyone smile so much in her entire life.

Frisk was truly too amazing for her own good.

Grudgingly hopping on the subway, Frisk turned around to look out the window to wave at Alphys. Smiling meekly Alphys felt her little pit of fear shrink ever so much, seeing Frisk's face finally disappear and hearing the mumbles of humans, the pit of fear grew.

Alphys shrank ever so much, mumbling to herself.

"Stop thinking that you will ever have friends."

On the subway, Frisk had plopped herself on a random seat still giddy from her previous encounter. Although many people had known Frisk to be very social and she considered herself a very friendly person. Frisk had never really connected to a lot of people

Frisk had always played by herself in the schoolyard, making up stories in her mind about monsters and worlds untold. Yet people always seemed enticed by Frisk, as if she was what everyone wished they could be. And yet they stayed away from her.

Frisk felt the subway stop and noticed that everyone had gotten off, she smiled a little. It was always so peaceful when there was no one but her, and especially in a subway.

But then the doors opened.

And only two people entered.

Well, actually skeletons but hey doesn't really matter.

Frisk saw that one of them was very tall, taller than her (even though Frisk was a pathetic 5'4) and Frisk assumed that they were both male. The taller one was wearing a scarf that seemed to belong to a hero, and bright red boots. He seemed to be talking the ear (Umm?)off the shorter skeleton.

Frisk giggled at the passionate expression the taller skeleton wore while the shorter one had a lazy and tired one, and looked like he was falling asleep. Unlike the taller skeleton, the shorter one only had a sweatshirt and sweatpants.

And bunny slippers.

That made a giggle escape from Frisk.

She saw that even though there was a vary of seats to choose from, they sat in the seats right in front of her. Which was lucky for Frisk, because had they sat anywhere else she would have moved just to be near them and hear what they were talking about.

"SANS! YOU DIDN'T SLEEP WELL DID YOU?" The shorter skeleton was Sans Frisk found out 'He's cute.' The literal thoughts that ran through Frisk, she immediately tried to shake the thoughts out of her head.

Because seriously thought that someone was cute from just looking at them, which is not something she is known to do.

"wah, 'slept fine bro." Frisk noticed how even though Sans was a skeleton he did seem very tired, as if he were on the verge of sleeping. Frisk wanted to say something, but just couldn't come up with any conversation starters, so she just let them do their thing.


"work is a bitch Pap."


"what? whenever I'm sleepy I just use my phone to download a nap."

Fisk burst out laughing at that joke, she even forgot her plan to keep quiet and just be a creeper. Papyrus and Sans both turned to look at the person behind the laughter, Sans felt a moment of pride at hearing someone find him hilarious.

It only added that said person was very attractive.

"OH!" Papyrus said out loud as he recognized the human, truthfully he had no problem with humans but most that he had encountered with so far weren't the friendliest. He had a slight fear of humans but still believed it could change.

"Sans." Papyrus whispered to his brother, Frisk was still giggling to herself.

She have REALLY had taste in humor.

"yeah bro?"

"That's a, um human right?"

Sans noticed his brothers change in voice and saw how truly terrified he was of her. Papyrus still managed to act confident even though deep down he was more scared than ever. Yet Sans had a feeling that maybe this one was different.



"I'm going to say hi."

"have at it."

Instead it was Frisk who made the first move, which was good because Papyrus wasn't sure if he was even going to say anything to her.

"Hello, sorry to laugh all of a sudden. I'm Frisk, nice to meet you two." And of course she sent them an award winning smile that confused the Hell out of the two brothers. This human, acted as if they weren't skeletons, hell she even smiled at them, she even told them her name.

Okay, yeah she was beyond different than the rest.

"Um, G-GREETINGS HUMAN! I AM THE GREAT PAPYRUS!" Papyrus gestered dramaticly to himself, smiling even wider when Frisk let out a good natured giggle. "AND THIS IS MY DEAR BROTHER SANS!"

"sup?" Sans grinned at Frisk, a light blue hue dusting his face. Frisk smiled at the two, and opened her mouth to say something before the subways came to a stop.

Frisk's stop more specifically.

Life was being a real bitch today.

"Sorry, this is my stop. It was so fun to meet you guys!" Frisk gathered her things and rushed out, not before turning around and looking Sans dead in the eye (sockets?), "Sans, you should really get some rest!"

And with one final smile and a wave, Frisk was gone.

And the two brothers sat in silence as more people and monsters joined in the car.

"See, even the human thinks you need sleep."

"maybe they're right."



"I would too."