Chapter 1 Poor Boomer

Narrator: It was a sunny day in Townsville, there wasn't a cloud in sight and Townsville was as lively as ever. The people of the city were going on with their daily lives and there seems to be any trouble in sight...wait what's that over there? Three familiar colored streaks flying across the sky? But wait those aren't the power puff girls. Its the rowdy ruff boys!

"Hey Brick. Where are we going again? Asked the blonde boy in a dark blue shirt with a black strip across his stomach. "How many times do I have to tell you boomer? We are going to rob a bank so the that those dumb power puff girls will come to us. Then we'll let them have it and destroy them for good!" Replied the boy with a hat with orange hair and in a similar shirt except that it was red. "Careful Brick. You don't want to confuse him. This idiot can't even understand the simplest of plans" snorted the boy with the spiked black hair in green with the same shirt as his brothers. "Shut up! I'm not an idiot!" Screamed boomer. The boys then see the bank and crash through the back ceiling.

"Alright everybody get out this is a robbery!" Demanded Brick! The bank employees and the citizens run out of the door screaming. The alarms starts to go off and the boys then wait for the super hero girls to show up.

At the powerpuff girls house.

"Girls it's lunch time! Said the professor in his white lab coat. "Coming!" Said the girl in a pink top with a black Line across her stomach while putting a red ribbon in her orange hair. "Finally! I'm starving here! Hurry up on putting on the ribbon blossom." Exclaimed the girl in green with a similar shirt with the short raven colored hair. "Hold on Buttercup I'm almost done doing my hair" blossom said back. Blossom turns to her other sister in a light blue top just like her own "Bubbles are you done getting ready?" The blond girl in light blue turns around finishing up her pigtails on each side of her head. "I am now" bubbles said happily. The three sisters fly down to eat what the professor made for them. The hotline then rings. Blossom speeds to the telephone and answers "hello what seems to be the problem?" The mayor on the other line then says "oh it's horrible, the rowdy ruff boys are robbing the bank!" Blossom gives her sisters a look. "We'll handle it mayor!" Blossom hangs up. "Girls trouble!" They then all speed out of the house. "What about lunch girls" the professor yells but they were to far away already to hear him.

Back at the bank.

(Boomers point of view.)

While waiting Boomer starts thinking to himself What's the point in fighting the power puffs anyway. We usually end up beating theming direct combat but then they always find a way to beat us. Plus I'm tried of fighting them. Plus it's kind of hard to beat up my blue rival bubbles. She's always so cheerful and happy, she seems to get along with her sisters too. I wish I could have that luxury. I wish I could be friends with her and her sisters. Maybe they will treat me nicer.

(Back in third person)

"Hey boomer stop spacing out you dummy" said butch "those sissies will come at any second and when they do I'll pulverize that buttercup" boomer scowls at butch then sighs then positions himself to the left of brick. "Alright boys here they come, get ready for a fight!" Brick says while getting in a battle stance. The girls fly in through the hole the boys made. "Hold it right there rowdyruff boys! Put the mone-...wait weren't you guys robbing the bank?" Brick and Butch laugh. "Please babe" Brick teased "all we want is to destroy you sissies!" Blossom then gets mad "don't call me babe!" Butch them chimes in just itching for a fight "what are ya gonna do about it" buttercup steps in "I'll show you what I'm gonna do!" Buttercup then charges at butch and slams him through the wall of the bank. The two greens then start punching and kicking each other in an all out brawl.

Brick and Blossom circle each other waiting for an opening to attack. Brick then opens with a barrage of fists to blossoms face. Blossom then retaliated by sweeping bricks legs with her foot and lands a devastating punch to his stomach. Brick is sent flying through the wall of the bank as well. With the Reds and greens fighting outside boomer and bubbles are then standing in an empty bank with only each other. Bubbles gets into a fighting stance but then sees that boomer is staring at the ground pondering.

Bubbles then got a confused look on her face "Umm.. Is everything ok boomer?" bubbles said is a soft tone. Boomer looks up at bubbles about to speak but then closes his mouth and continues looking at the ground with a sad face. Bubbles then lowered her guard and walked to him putting her hand on his shoulder. "It's ok boomer. You can tell me, I won't tell anyone I promised" she said with a smile. Boomer's then heart felt warm. No one had ever been this nice to boomer. His brothers always mock his intelligence and the people of Townsville thinks of him as a villain. "You promise you won't tell anyone?" Boomer said shyly. "I cross my heart! Tee hee" she said with a cheerful tone. "Ok I trust you." Boomer started. "The truth is, I don't want to fight you guys and more! I'm tired of my brothers picking on me and I what I really want is a friend the will always be nice to me!" Bubbles was shocked in hearing this. A rowdyruff boy wanting to have friends and not fight? Boomer was also just as surprised after he said that. Bubbles' baby blue eyes widen and a smile gleams across her face excited at the fact that she will make a new friend. "I'll be your friend boomer! I'd love to play with you sometime!" Bubbles says while hugging boomer."R-really? You mean it? Wait what if my brothers find out. They'll kill me if they find out I'm friends with one of the puffs" boomer said worried while still in bubbles' embrace. Bubbles then tightens her spine breaking hug "don't worry boomer! We will meet in secret! Then we will have nothing to worry about! I can sneak past my sisters, I'll make sure of it!" Bubbles said while tightening her embrace. Boomer then struggles to hug back and succeeds. T-thank you bubbles. I'll m-make sure my brothers don't find out either." Boomer said smiling with a tear going down his cheek. "Also bubbles..." bubbles lets go while her face turns red. "Tee hee, sorry boomie!" Boomer's eyes widen. "Did she just call me boomie" boomer thought as his face also turns red. "So you said you were tired of your brothers picking on you?" Bubbles asked. Boomer then explained to Bubbles about how they constantly insult his intelligence. "But how could they do such a thing?"Bubbles said in a sad tone. "You are their brother! Siblings are supposed to care for each other." Boomer looked at bubbles. "I'm sure they care for me, its the constant verbal abuse I get. I can't just tell them to stop. They'll just think I'm a sissie... Its a code us ruffs have... We always have to be tough." Boomer said bubbles gives boomer a gentle smile "Boomie its ok to be tough, but just don't go doing mean things to people. That's bad." Boomer thinks back to all the bad things he and his brothers had done like destroying Townsville and stealing candy. "Ok I promise I won't do anything bad, but I'll have to put on a show for my brothers...and bubbles thanks for being my friend." Boomer then gave bubbles a big smile. Bubbles again give boomer a another spine crushing hug. "B-bubbles! Can't...breath..." Boomer barely gets the words out. Bubbles lets go "oopsy daisy! Haha!" They both laugh.

The fight outside then makes its way back into the bank. Blossom comes down through the ceiling down to the bank floor. Boomer and bubbles look at each other and jumps far away from each other to make it look like they were still fighting. Blossom gets up running her head and turns around to see boomer and bubbles unscathed. Brick flys in to see the same thing. Butch crashing through another bank wall followed by buttercup. "Gah you hit like a girl" butch chuckles. "Still hit harder than you ever could" buttercup says with a condescending look. Grr... I'll show yo-" butch stops mid sentence to see boomer and bubbles with no signs of battle. "Boomer what the heck you doing? Beat that crybaby up!" Butch yells. All four of the puffs and ruffs wait for an answer.

Boomer thinks of an excuse "Umm... I waiting for her to make a move, I don't want to fall into one of her sissie girly traps." Boomer says then face palms himself thinking how stupid that sounded. Bubbles giggles at what she heard. Butch and brick look at each other and shrugs. "Makes sense to me" Brick says while landing next to Boomer. Both blossom and buttercup raise their eyebrows in confusion then fly to bubbles. The ruffs and the puffs are back where they started all lined up. The Reds and greens are both out of breath. "Hey bro both sides are kinda beat. Maybe we should call this one a draw." Boomer suggested to brick. "Speak for yourself, your not even hurt. But i guess we can spare these weak girls for today. Cmon boys lets blow this joint." Brick ordered. As the boys fly off boomer looks back at bubbles and gives her a warm smile. Bubbles smiles back and gives a subtle wave. Both blossom and buttercup saw boomer look back and smile. "Did he just look at us and smile? That's sick, even for a ruff." Buttercup spewed. "Yeah that was weird. Hey bubbles did you really have a trap waiting for boomer? Blossom asked. Bubbles then thinks to herself for an excuse. "Uh...yeah I told him I'd do a bunch of girly stuff to him if he came near me. Like dress him up and put make up on him. Tee hee that would be fun to do" bubbles smiled at the thought of dressing up boomer. Blossom cocked her head to the side "well good job I guess. Let's go home girls. The professor might make us some more lunch." Blossom said while started to fly off. The girls then Head back home.

"Man i wish we could of stayed. I was clobbering that butterbutt" butch said with an angry face. "You call that clobbering? She busted you through that bank twice!" Bricked chuckled at Butch. "Shut it! It was a lucky shot! At Least I did something unlike that idiot boomer." Butch said while looking at Boomer. "I had her right where I wanted her" boomer said half heartedly. "Pffffft yeah you sure did!" Brick said while laughing. Boomer rolled his eyes and headed to their shack.

End of chapter 1

Let me know how you think! Their wasn't much between bubbles and boomer in this chapter. I promise more in the next one. Also I'll put in some more fighting.