Once again, I do not own Vocaloid or any of the characters, I just love to ship these two.
"We're almost to my room, Rin-chan, it's on the very top floor!"
"It might take a little while Miku, that's pretty high up…"
Miku pressed the 50 button in the brightly-colored elevator and it began to rise, the beat of Ievan Polkka playing as the two girls ascended.
"Y-you did really great out there Miku-chan, like always.."
Rin stammered, shakily holding the backpack she carried her things in.
"Aw, thank you Rin! You did really great yourself! I especially loved doing Promise with you, I always look forward to our songs together~"
The compliment reddened the face of the blonde yet again.
"We're almost there, Rin, just a few more floors."
Rin didn't respond, she only further had her blush deepened from looking at Miku. Soon, the ride slowed to a stop, and the elevator doors slowly opened up.
"We're here!"
Rin responded with a shy smile, which was then replaced with an expression of shock as soon as she exited the elevator.
"You own this whole floor?!"
"Mhm, the 50th story condo all for me. I wanted a more modest apartment, but our producers insisted I take this one~"
Miku continued to beam just as bright as she has been the whole night.
"Make yourself at home, Rin-chan! My home is your home after all! I'll be right back for you in a minute, I just have to get into something more comfy, this stage outfit definitely chafes my waist…"
She was gone down the hallway with that, and Rin decided to awkwardly place herself on Miku's fluffy sofa, not moving an inch beyond that. Miku soon came back to Rin, now dressed in a small hoodie, her bright blue tank top, and plain gray shorts. The twin-tailed girl tilted her head at Rin slightly.
"Why are you still in your outfit Rin-chan? That can't be very comfortable to wear all the time."
"N-no I'm okay! I enjoy wearing this, i-it's ok!"
Rin had blurted.
"I'll grab you some of my spare clothes, Rin-chan, don't you worry~"
She returned in almost an instant, giving the flustered girl a cyan colored shirt with "World Is Mine" printed on it, and a pair of white shorts.
"Thank you, M-Miku-chan, I'll be right back."
Rin darted into the bathroom and shut the door. As she was removing her stage uniform, she thought, I keep stammering out there! Miku is growing suspicious of how I've acted toward her lately, I know it! She let out a long sigh, "I wish she loved me like I love her…" she quietly whimpered to herself as she got the rest of her clothes off, moving on to putting the comfier clothes on.
Miku walked by the bathroom at that moment, and she soon shuffled away with a hue of pink emerging from her face. R-Rin loves me..? I've always known that she had loved me, but not like a lover… I have to say something to her soon… Miku's thoughts were now completely flooded with Rin. This could be my chance to tell her I've loved her as well… She trailed off and scurried to her bedroom, sitting on the edge of her bed, lost in thought.
The blonde girl opened the bathroom door in the clothes she borrowed for the night, and proceeded to lay her uniform on the chair just by the bathroom exit.
"Miku? Where are you?"
She called out.
"My bedroom, Rin-chan, just ahead of the bathroom."
Rin entered the pitch black room, a dimly-lit figure sat on the bed, face covered by their hands. The girl had a small panic before flicking the light switch up to reveal Miku sitting alone. Rin slowly approached the girl and joined her on the bed.
"What's wrong Miku-chan? You seemed so happy just a second ago..."
"R-Rin, do you love me..?"
Rin grew a soft blush.
"L-like a friend Miku? O-of course I do!"
"No, Rin-chan, do you love love me?"
Miku was slowly raising her head up as she spoke.
"W-what!? N-no of course not! That would be really weird!"
Rin began to sweat slightly.
"Oh… I guess what you said in the bathroom was to mess with me then.."
Miku started to sink back into her hands slowly, but before she could, a pair of lips attached themselves to her own. Miku widened her eyes as she felt Rin's warm embrace, and the last of her tears dropped. Rin slowly broke the kiss and looked into Miku's eyes softly before the panicked expression returned again.
"S-sorry Miku! I didn't know what came over me! I'm such a weirdo, I'll go…"
Rin got up to leave Miku's apartment, but found she couldn't move. Miku's hand gripped the wrist of Rin's and pulled her back to share another kiss. Miku pushed all her feeling into the soft lip touch, as she wrapped her arms around Rin's waist to pull her in closer. Rin slowly began to shut her eyes as she returned the feeling to Miku, their gentle kiss deepening. They kissed for what seemed like an eternity, neither girl wanted to let go of the one they so dearly loved.
Slowly, the two pairs of lips separated, and both girls stared lovingly into the other's eye.
"I love you too, Rin-chan, my beautiful electric angel~"