Note: **dialogue lifted straight from Season 1 Episode 2** I take no credit for that part.

Playlist: Cake by the Ocean - DNCE

Disclaimer: Sutter owns SOA

"Army green Jeep Wrangler." I repeated for the second time.

Gemma Teller-Morrow gave me a tight smile, "You got it, hunny."

She shuffled through the pile of papers in front of her, searching for my paperwork. While I waited I turned around, peeking through the window into the garage. I spotted the blond heartthrob all the girls went crazy for. The Tellers were famous in Charming and everyone knew who they were. I wasn't too familiar with them, in the sense that I was a year behind Jackson in high school so we never really hung out. The most contact I ever had with him was a nod in a public setting, followed by a 'Hi' or 'Lacey.' I understood why girls all over were obsessed with him, he had that classic bad boy aura, with a little hint of a 'don't take him home to mom' vibe. Not only that, he was blessed with those baby blues, which sent the female population into throes of infatuation. He wasn't really my type tough, nothing against him or his looks, I just wasn't interested in the all American boy scene. I was enough American for one person, thank you very much. What I wanted was something different – say like the cutie bent over beside Jackson, with the shaggy black hair. Now if he would only turn around, then I'd been confident in my assessment. Not that my view wasn't glorious on its own. The way his mechanic's overalls hung close to his body, and shaped around his bottom, was enough to make me not care if his face haggard. I caught a small glimpse of his profile, noticing that he wasn't as young as Jackson, but definitely wasn't old by any means. That was potential right there.

"Found it!" Gemma called.

I was torn away from the window, turning back to Gemma with a slight frown on my face. I hadn't got the chance to see my stud from the front. If his front was anything like his backside, then I would be smitten. Gemma handed me the forms and a pen. I bent down, signing the papers and ripping the white copy for myself. She folded the yellow half of the form and placed it in the folder of jobs finished.

She tossed my keys to me and I grinned, "Thanks Gemma."

She winked, "Anytime baby. You know you're always welcome here."

Gemma had always been particularly nice to me, especially around the time when Jackson and Tara were dating. I was of the impression that she hadn't liked them together and wanted to find someone else for her son and narrowed in on me. I had no idea why she chose me to try and pursue, but it didn't matter all that much. To her disappointment, I wasn't the least bit interested. After realizing it was a lost cause, she'd maintained a friendly demeanour towards me. Always greeting me with a smile and asking about my day. She stretched her hand in the direction of the door, inviting me to exit first. I pulled my sunglasses from the top of my head, placing them in front of my eyes and stepped out of the office into the bright sunshine. Gemma followed me out, set on guiding me over to my car.

"Ma!" Jackson yelled.

Curiosity got the better of me and I turned with Gemma. Both Jackson and the dark haired babe were standing side by side. I checked him out, starting at his shoes. He was wearing plain black Nike's, his mechanic faded blue uniform, he had a few silver rings on his fingers and there was a dark blue bandana tied around his forehead, pushing those luscious locks up but what really called me to him was the identical scars on his cheeks. I tilted my head sideways, admiring the marks on his skin. There was a definite mischievous air around him, and those scars aided to his mystery. I was wrong though, his backside was nothing compared to his front. It blew everything I imagined out of the water. He was downright gorgeous, in all his sweaty working man glory. Phew! Was the sun beating down on just me? Because I was sweating enough for ten people.

"Hey." Jackson nodded, true to every hello I'd gotten from him.

I gave him a brief smile, turning my eyes back to the man beside him. I touched Gemma's forearm, tipping my sunglasses down my nose. Gemma turned to me, an expectant expression on her face.

Without taking my eyes off the scarred man I expressed my gratitude, "Thanks Gemma. I really appreciate it."

I winked at him then pushed my sunglasses back up. I let go of her arm and turned, swinging my hips as I sauntered over to my Jeep. Gemma raised an eyebrow, catching exactly where my gaze had been fixed. I climbed into my car and reversed out, peering into my rear-view, catching my new obsession gazing out after me. I turned out of the compound and turned up the music. I was going to find out everything I could about that man and 'oh boy' did I hope he was single.


His eyes were glued to her backside, watching the way she swung it from side to side as she walked away. Her hair was rolled down her back in thick mouse brown waves. His fingers tightened around the wrench in his hand. He wasn't entirely sure what just happened, but it was fairly obvious she was interested in him. He watched as she reversed out of her parked position and stared after the Jeep, even after it had disappeared. He ground his teeth together, reeling from the experience. Who was she? His thoughts were interrupted by Gemma's voice cutting through.

"Well I'll be damned." Gem huffed, crossing her arms.

Chibs and Jax stared at the woman, waiting for her to elaborate.

She shook her head, "I was operating on the assumption that that woman there was a lesbian."

Chibs spluttered, dropping his wrench and Jackson burst into laughter.

"What gave you that idea?" He managed to get out between breaks of chuckles.

Gemma shrugged, turning around, "I tried to set her up with you. She flat out refused. I'd never seen someone that disinterested in you before." She stalked away, back to the garage office.

Both men were stunned into silence, turning back to the empty parking spot. Chibs caught the thoughtful on his Vice President's face and fathomed this was his chance to ask questions.

"Who was that?" Chibs questioned his VP.

"Hmm?" Jackson turned, pulled from his daydreams, "Oh… her name's Lacey. We went to high school together. She lives on the other side of town. Her folks and the Oswald's are real close."

He gritted his teeth together, that put a minor damper on his mood. "She share those same notions about the Sons?" He asked.

Jackson shrugged, "Not that I know of. Although… she's never really seemed all that interested in us. So it's possible."

He nodded, taking in Jackson's words and considering the look he'd just gotten from the girl. If she was in school with Jax, that would make her ten years younger than him, around thirty. If what Jackson said was true and she wasn't interested in the Sons, why was she even sending him that kind of vibe? The feeling where she was prepared to strip him naked right there in parking lot. Even Gemma caught on to her advances. Not something he was entirely sure he was OK with. He loved the SAMCRO queen but she could be meddlesome in the worst ways. He shook his head, ignoring all his questions knowing that he had more important things to be focussing on, like the Irish for example. They had a shipment coming in soon, and he was expected to mediate the transfer.


I scooped up the dozen or so bags from the checkout. I heaved them off the counter and shuffled towards the doors. Using my shoulder, I shoved the entrance door wide open and burst out onto the street. I squinted, my hands too full to pull my shades down in front of my eyes. I teetered, the bags of groceries heavy but making one trip was easier than multiple trips back and forth. Some called it being stubborn, I called it being resourceful.

I hauled my load down the sidewalk, making my way to my Jeep. As I advanced forward, I noticed two Harley's parked outside of Floyd's. I peered through the window and caught sight of that dark haired man for a second time this week. I stopped in my tracks, admiring his profile through the front window. He had a pair of sunglasses pushed up, resting on his forehead, just touching his hairline. I watched the movement of his mouth, his scars lilting with each word spoken. I bit down on my lip. There was something about this man that excited me. I needed to know more about him. What was his name? How did those scars come to be? Was he as dangerous as he looked?

While I was lost in my own thoughts, the door chimed as it opened. I heard an unfamiliar sounding voice, its tone deep and rough. There was a particular burr to it. My eyes snapped up and I found myself face to face with the man I'd been fantasizing about. I tilted my head, a coy smile on my lips. He wasn't from around here. He was from somewhere far, far away. He blinked, both him and another Son; with a Mohawk, staring back at me.

The younger one nudged my foreigner, "You know her?" He inclined his head in my direction.

I raised one eyebrow, turning my full gaze on the other Son. He was speaking about me like I wasn't there. I was prepared to berate the guy for being inconsiderate but my fingers finally had enough and gave out, causing three bags to fall from my grasp. I jerked forward with the force of the pull and swore. I bent down, dropping the rest of the bags onto the sidewalk, and began grouping the handles back together. As I attempted to hoist them all up together, an extra pair of hands reached for mine, taking more than half the load from me. I stared at those hands, rough with their callouses, adorned with silver and large enough to get a good grip on any body part I imagined. I gazed up, confirming that it was the hunky one helping me out. He waved a hand forward, allowing me to take the lead and followed beside me. I continued to glance at him out of the corner of my eye. He had yet to address me, or say anything at all. We reached my Jeep and I stretched up onto my tiptoes, dropping my bags through the back opening and into the back seat. He leaned over the edge, placing his bags in there as well. The one with the Mohawk kept a decent distance from us, watching everything with curiosity on his face. I placed one hand on the handle of my door, using the other to pull my hair over one shoulder.

With that same hand held up to my forehead, creating a shield over my eyes to keep the sunshine at bay and peered at the man before me, "Thank you."

He gave a short nod of acknowledgment. I pursed my lips into a pout, confused as to why he still hadn't said anything. I knew he wasn't a mute, I'd just heard him speaking. I shrugged to myself with an exaggerated sigh and turned, pulling my door open. I climbed up into the driver's seat, yanking the keys out of my pants pocket and pushed the key into the ignition. As I turned the ignition, the engine coming to life, the dark haired man came up to the door, one hand wrapped around the window pane. I noted the two silver rings donning his index and pinky fingers. In his own silent way, he was seeing me off. My heart rate soared. We were making some kind of progress. Towards what, I didn't know, but at least he was recognizing me. There wasn't an immediate dismissal in his stance and I took it as a chance to try and get something out of him.

I grinned at him, "Can a girl get the name of her good Samaritan?"

I watched as his shoulders quivered with his chuckle, "Chibs. Chibs Telford."

I narrowed my eyes, not catching the first name. Did he say Chips? Damn accent. Instead of making a fool of myself I decided to play it cool.

"Telford." I nodded at him, using his last name.

He tapped the side of my door twice in a farewell and backed away, giving me the room to pull out. I hung one hand out the window and gave a final wave in his direction before turning off in the direction of my house.


"Shit!" Juice swore as the Jeep drove away. "That chick was smoking!" He exclaimed.

Chibs shook his head, unimpressed with the young lad.

"Come on. We have to get back to TM." Chibs clapped the boy on his shoulder, guiding him back to their bikes.

They straddled their Dyna's when Juice spoke again, unable to leave well enough alone, "Do you know her? Think you can set something up for me?"

"Oi! Shut it. We have more important things to be concentrating on." Chibs revved his engine, drowning out any retort Juice may have had.

He kicked the bike into first gear and rolled out from his spot, aiming for the clubhouse. There was no way he was going to admit the tiny spark of jealousy that ran through him at Juice's question. He still had no idea who that woman was, besides her name and who she was associated with. She was just another girl from Charming. He needed to do more research, figure out what kind of game she was playing.


It was late in the afternoon, the sun already setting, as I jogged down the last leg on my route. I had my ear buds in and was jamming to the music, caught in my own little world. I came up to the crosswalk, the light having just turned red. I paused, taking a quick minute to stretch out my legs, doing my best to avoid getting cramps. I planted my hands on my hips, lunging sideways, keeping my muscles spry. Over the sound of my music I heard a loud whistling. I raised an eyebrow, was the music distorting a siren. I popped up, pulling out one earbud and glancing over my shoulder, in the direction of the sound. Down the street, in front of the diner, I saw a group of familiar motorcycles. I bit my tongue, seeing Alexander Trager and my Telford leaning against the diner windows. Trager had his fingers curled under his tongue and was hooting wildly at me. I let out a small chuckle, seeing the lust Trager was sounding, emulated in Telford's expression.

I gave them a wave, before turning back to the front. I ran my hand over my head and through my ponytail. I wound the long locks around my fist and tugged. I glanced down, coming up with the perfect plan to showcase my sex appeal. I pretended to spot my shoelace untied, and bent down forward, keeping my back and legs straight while poking my ass out. I mimicked the movements of tying my laces before flicking my ponytail from one shoulder to the other and peering at the men behind me from my lowered position. Tig's mouth had dropped open and Chibs had his lips pursed. I could see the subtle clench of his jaw, showing his ability to use restraint. Oh the things I pictured for when that restraint was finally cracked.

I lifted up onto my tiptoes before rolling back and popping back into a standing positon. I gazed back over my shoulder again, this time only focussing on Telford. He was crushing the cigarette in his palm. I winked, letting him know I saw him. His face blanked immediately and a coy grin sprawled across my mouth. That was proof enough that he was as affected by me as I was with him. I faced front, seeing the light turn green and picked up my pace, trotting across the street, and around the corner, leaving the one and only Son I'd ever been interested in, left to imagine exactly what I wanted to do with him.


I was walking past the grocery when I watched Donne Winston rush out. Her eyes were red, an obvious sign that she was close to tears. I paused, contemplating if I should approach her. I didn't want to overstep, but I had a somewhat relationship with her. Before I was able to make a decision, Gemma strut out the doors, holding a bag of household items by her index and middle finger. She caught up to Donna, while I pressed into the building wall behind me. I didn't want to interrupt, but felt like I should hang around. Gemma wasn't known for her kindness.

** "What's this?" Donna asked.

"Rest of your groceries." Gemma answered.

Donna shrugged, "Y'know, Opie's out now." There was a pause before she shook her head, "We don't need any more charity… Thanks."

Gemma took the time to hide her displeasure, "It was never charity, Donna. It's what we do; you're family."

Donna stepped up to Gemma, "I have my family back. I don't need yours."

"Look." Gemma started, placing the bag down on the sidewalk, "I know what you went through." She adjusted her purse strap on her shoulder, "Been there. With two husbands." Donna scoffed but Gemma pressed on, "Lose your man, kids lose their dad, you get pissed off and wanna blame the club… but SAMCRO is not the enemy. It's the glue. The one thing that will always be there to pull you through the ugly shit. You gotta stop fighting this Donna, you need us."

Donna swallowed, "I married Opie. I didn't marry the club. You have no idea what I need." She spun around, storming off back to her truck.

"Donna." Gemma called after her and resting her elbow on the front of the pickup, "We're having a little family dinner tonight. You and Ope should come; bring the kids. You might actually have a good time." Donna went to speak but Gemma held up her hand, "Don't say anything else. My Martha Stewart's wearing real thin." On that note, Gemma turned around, "You know where we live." **

I watched as Donna stood speechless in place. I frowned, unsure of whether I should approach her. Gemma had retreated past Donna and was steadily making her way in my direction. Without a second thought, I pushed off the wall, pulling my phone out and feigned searching something.

"Hey Lacey." I heard Gemma greet me.

My heart was pounding and I gazed up, meeting Gemma's smile. There were times when this woman was genuinely warm, and other's where she was made of ice.

"Hey Gemma." I tucked my phone back into my back pocket.

She motioned for me to walk with her and I obliged, not wanting to piss her off after witnessing her pissing match with Donna.

"How're you doing?" She questioned.

I smiled at her, "I'm good. How's everything with you? The family?"

Her smile widened as I acknowledged her husband and son, "They're good. Things are a bit strained right now but Tellers are strong, we'll work it out."

I nodded, remembering the rumours I'd heard about Jackson, "I heard about Jax's son." She frowned but I continued, "Congratulations to you and Clay. You're grandparents now!"

Gemma nodded in appreciation. Everyone was aware of the birth of Jax's son. Charming was a small town, secrets weren't a thing anyone got to keep. Regardless of the tumultuous way the little guy came into this world, I heard that he was doing well and even with low statistics, the doctors still had high hopes. We continued walking until we reached Gemma's Cadillac and she opened her door. She pulled her shades down above her eyes and slipped into the front seat. I stood on the sidewalk, waiting for the proper time to turn away, when Gemma rolled her window down.

"If you aren't busy, we're having a big dinner on Friday night. I know Jax would enjoy seeing you there." Gemma offered.

I laughed at her, "You already know I'm not interested, Gemma."

She shrugged, a smirk on her mouth, "A mother can always try."

She was about to pull away when I realized this would probably be my only chance to ask her questions about the Sons. I held up a hand, motioning for her to stop and I met her at her window.

"What's up?" She eyed me.

Thinking on my toes, I came up with the best excuse to pry some information out of her, "I was just wondering if you could pass my thanks on to the guys who fixed up my Jeep." She raised an eyebrow, "It was Jackson and the – uh – one with the accent." I tried to play aloof, pretending I wasn't snooping for information about the one Son who'd caught my eye.

Gemma gave a short nod, "The Scot… Chibs."

I nodded with a pout of thoughtfulness, "Chibs." I tested out his name for myself, "Yes… pass my thanks along to him and Jax for me. She's running like a beauty now."

Gemma shook her head, a small laugh coming from her, "Come on Friday and let them know yourself."

I raised an eyebrow at her, surprised that she was still trying to set me up with her son. Maybe I should have made my interest in the Scot more of a big deal.

Gemma waved a hand at my facial expression, "I know, I know. You aren't interested. I think I've gotten the memo."

I laughed out loud at her response and she backed out of her spot. I waved her off and she sped off down the road. Scottish. He was Scottish. Now that was something new for Charming. How had I never heard about him before? Maybe he showed up when I was off at law school in Los Angeles. I was going to have to stop off at home for dinner tonight and question my parents; see if they knew any insider scoop on the foreigner member of the Sons of Anarchy.

There was a hierarchy in this town, The Oswalds, the Johnstons (my family) and the Tellers (re: the Sons of Anarchy). If you wanted to get political than you could add in the Hales, but they weren't that big of deal. The rest of us though, we were the oldest and the richest of the bunch, if there was anything needing to be known, you went to one of these three families.