Chapter 2:

After more than a few minutes of nonstop shooting at the freaky-deaky-creepy talking Grimm, team RWBY's ammo was depleted, and the Grimm was none the worse for wear. When it realized the noise of discharging weapons was gone, he stopped running around and peeked out from between its arms.

"Are you done? Please tell me you're done," it asked them with desperation in its voice. The four girls looked at each other. They wanted to destroy the freaky-deaky-creepy Grimm, but they were reluctant to get close to it, and all they had were their melee weapons.

The Grimm dropped his arms and sagged, making a noise that sounded like it was supposed to be a sigh. "Thank you," it said, adding extra emphasis to the 'thank'. "Do you have any idea how many times I've tried to approach a group of humans, only to be SHOT AT?" It had failed to notice that the four girls were not shooting due to lack of ammo instead of due to a desire to hear it out. "Over and over and over again!" It took a step towards them, prompting them to immediately and in unison take several steps back.

"For years, I've watched from the shadows, waiting for the perfect time to introduce myself!" The Grimm turned to face Ruby, pointing at her as it went off on a tangent. "By the way, I saw the way you dealt with that Nevermore several months ago." It drew a finger across its neck. "Very impressive, big fan." The Grimm began to pace back and forth, making wild gestures that only got wilder as went on, its voice becoming more and more dramatic. "Every time! Every time I start to get near someone, they attack me! What have I done to deserve this? Attacking me because of the way I look? That's racist! But," and here its voice took on a fake calm tone, "like a good little Grimm I waited, patiently. 'Your time will come,' I told myself. And finally," It turned to face the four girls, its voice slowly losing the fake calm. "Finally, an opportunity presents itself. I see the chance to show my true colors from the moment I meet someone! I see the chance to be the hero and save somebody! And what thanks do I get? ATTACKED, ONCE AGAIN!" RWBY leaned back, their fear being slowly replaced by utter befuddlement and bemusement. The Grimm paused. "You know what? I'm done! You wanna kill me, kill me. Go on!" It tapped its chest as it closed its eyes.

Ruby started giggling, Weiss, Blake, and Yang looking at her like she'd lost her mind. "You should be an actor!" Ruby said. "You'd be really good."

The Grimm opened its eyes. "You're. . . not running? Or attacking me?"

"Nope! Whatever you are, you're not like normal Grimm? Why should I kill you?" Ruby asked.

The Grimm paused, a strange look on his face. "I don't really know. I've rehearsed this general event many times in my head, but never imagined getting this far."

Ruby walked up to the Grimm, shrugging off Yang's grip on her arm, Yang hissing in her ear, "What are you doing?" Ruby stopped in front of the Grimm, looking up as it towered over her. She stuck out her hand and said "Hi! My name's Ruby! What's yours?"

The Grimm looked down at her hand before carefully grasping it. "Hm. I've never picked out a name for myself. It should be something awe-inspiring! Something that symbolizes my status as better than my brethren, something fitting a heroic Grimm! Yes, you may call me. . . Steve!"

"Nice to meet you Steve!" Ruby answered cheerfully, excitedly shaking Steve's hand, causing his arm to shake from the force Ruby was exerting. "Now let's get back to Beacon!"

"Ruby, there's no way we're taking this beast back with us to the school," Weiss rained on Ruby's parade. Ruby spun around to respond to Weiss, Steve clasping his chest behind her and falling to his knees, shaking his fists at the sky with a silent scream on his face.

"Sure we are! We'll show him to Ozpin!" Ruby replied. She spun around and pointed towards the distance dramatically. "Off to Beacon!" Yang walked up to her sister and spun her around by the shoulder to face the other way.

"Beacon's that way, sis," Yang said. Ruby's face fell as the rest of her team plus Steve walked past her. Before Steve could pass her, she grasped his wrist. "Piggy back ride!" she declared. Steve sighed a long-suffering sigh, realizing he was probably getting in over his head. Regardless, he grasped the young Huntress and put her on his shoulders, following her teammates as she dramatically pointed onward.

AN: Alright, here you go. Take the second plot chapter. I, personally, think it was worth a chuckle or two. As you probably noticed, Steve has a tendency toward melodrama. There will probably be one or two more chapters to settle Steve in to Beacon. After that, this'll basically become a series of one-shots all focused around the idea of Steve the sentient Grimm. If you have an idea for a one-shot, let me know and I'll try to write it!

On a different note, how has this story gotten a much more enthusiastic reaction than Ancient Wonders? That's a story that I am proud of, one that I am putting careful thought into, and Soulless Fiend is a string of silliness. Seriously, in twenty four hours, this gets three reviews, three favorites, and six follows, while it took Ancient Wonders months to get those same numbers. What's up with that?

See you next time! God bless!