Blood, Pain and Forgiveness by Slayzer

Suikoden 3 and everything about it is owned by Konami. I'm just using them and not making any money off this. I did do this for my ego, however.

It was midday in Brass Castle when Chris was awakened, not too gently, by Louis. Malady, it's almost noon, you have to get up! Chris just rolled away, pulling more blankets with her.

Hmmmm... come back in fifteen minuets.

Louis sighed; in all the years he's known her, Chris was never one to sleep in. It was easier to wake Chris when Louis was still a squire and her attendant. Yet, even as a full fledged knight, Louis still felt obligated to wake Chris every morning. A task that became more difficult as the days went by.

Seeing as Chris won't wake easily, Louis decided to have some fun. Malady, Viny del Zexay has been burnt to the ground! Chris just pulled her pillow over her head

Run to Zexen and get my stuff before it burns.... Louis shook his head; he'd have to try something extreme to get Chris out of bed.

Malady, Sir Percival has gotten into your wine room and drank half of everything.

... ... ... ... .... Chris didn't move a muscle.

Oh goddess! Now he's dancing on the roof drunk and naked. Chris still didn't move to get up. Louis would have to pull out everything to wake her now.

Now, Sir Borus has joined Percival on the roof naked as wall. Their dancing has become more of a grin.... Before Louis could finish Chris hit him with a pillow.

Goddess's sake Louis, that's not even funny! I'll never sleep well again, now that you put that vile image in my mind

Louis just shrugged it off. If I didn't get you up, you'd just sleep the day away. I'll leave you to get ready Malady. He then bowed and exited her chambers.

Chris stretched and got out of bed, her sliver hair flowing like a platinum waterfall. Chris was wearing white silk pajamas and just as she pulled on her white lace robe she was stopped by a voice she had not heard in three years. Sprites Chris, I've been here for six hours waiting for you to get out of bed. Chris pulled her robe closed and turned to see Hugo step into the light, out of the shadows, and into the midday sun light.

Hugo the young clan leader of Karaya, and he had not aged one day or grown one inch. He was even still dressed in his earth tone Karayan clothes. Hugo's two tone hair was unusual even for a Karayan and his eyes where like teal lacks of tyrannically.

Chris simple stared, a more then a bit surprised' look plastered on her face. Hugo... I know Karayans have different values, but I'm sure your people just don't sneek into another person's bedroom. Hugo laughed at that, while Chris's face became less surprised and more pissed. What the hell's so funny?

Hugo stopped laughing and nervously scratched the back of his head. With a boyish smile on his face, Hugo answered. Well it's just funny that my mother told me a story, about how something similar happed to her in....well I'm getting off topic here. Would you like to get a drink?

What, dressed like this? Chris pointed to her attire.

Hugo shrugged and started for the door. You're a bit over dressed by Karayan standards, but it doesn't bother me... and we need to talk.

Chris hesitated a moment, then thought ahhh, what the hell.' and followed Hugo outside.

No one will ever believe me, not in a thousand years. Hell, I don't believe what I'm seeing.' That was the bartender's thoughts as Hugo paid for their drinks.

Seeing Lady Chris, that's nothing new. Seeing her with a Karayan boy, that's would be hard to believe. Seeing Chris in her Pj's with a Karaya boy... No, I must be over worked.' The bartender gave Hugo and Chris their drinks, and then went to lay down somewhere.

Hugo, we're getting a lot of odd looks. So, just tell me, what's going on? Hugo took a long pull on his ail before speaking.

Well you said that Kerayans have different values right? Chris nodded.

Well, we have a belief that roughly translates to Human Punishment' in Zexen. The belief is that the wrongs of a human can only be punished by another human. You know where I'm going with this?

You're talking about Lulu, aren't you. Hugo locked eyes with Chris, his soft teal eyes now cold and intense.

Yes, I'm here to fulfill an oath I made to Lulu on his fresh grave. Chris Lightfellow, I'm here to kill you. Hugo said that a bit to loud and some of the bar's patrons where now starting to leave.

Looking away form Hugo and to her drink Chris thought I knew that we would fight over that sooner or later, but I prayed for it to be later.'

Leo, did you hear?! Borus said, while running up to him with Percival not far behind him.

Leo nodded Do you think it's true, that Chris is fighting Hugo in the bar?

Percival rubbed his chin Hhhmmm, I don't know, Lady Chris fighting is one thing, but in her night ware? That, I have too see to believe.

The three knights started for the tavern and, upon entering, saw Chris and Hugo sitting at the bar table and looking into their drinks. Thankfully, they where not dueling to the death.

Borus sighed with relief, Chris was all right. Milady, we heard rumors that Hugo and you where fighting in the bar.

Chris looked up at Borus. ...Hugo did say hed kill me.

Hugo looked up as well. I will kill you, just not today but soon. Hugo sipped his drink then counted. The day after tomorrow actually.

Everyone, including Chris, was looking at Hugo as he pulled out a sheet of paper folded in half and handed it to Chris. Meet me at the place and time written here. Come alone, just you and me, one on one. I'll give you one full day to get your affairs in order.

Hugo got up and headed for the door, but Borus blocked his way. Hold on savage, do you really think were going to let Chris be ambushed alone by your grass fiends looking for Vengeance?

Hugo, who was greatly offended by Borus's idea of a trap, walked up to him. Vengeance? Borus, what you did to my barely protected village while hiding behind your knights; that my friend was and ambush. The fight between me and Chris is divine punishment.

Borus snorted. Ha, how is this divine, you savages don't even have a god?

Hugo and the Swordsman of Rage' where now toe-to-toe. The oath I took that day spoke of more then just to avenge Lulu. I swore I'd kill Chris and give her corpse too the earth spirits and her soul to the wind spirits, so Lulu may find peace in the next world. I swore this on my blade, my honor, and my soul. That was the oath I took on the shallow grave of my best friend.

Chris had had enough of everyone causally talking about her death. Hugo if you always felt this way, why not fight me during to war or just kill me this night when I was asleep? Why did you wait till now?

Hugo cupped his hand behind his head and leaned his back against the wall before answering Chris.

I didn't kill you at night because that'd be cowardly and I couldn't kill you during the war because we needed you, and once I got to know you, it made me think that maybe I was being hot headed when making that oath so soon. Even talking about it today, my mind tells me to forget the whole thing. You know, live and let live. Hugo looked ashamed saying that as if it made him weak.

Chris was confused by Hugo's relocates after all his talk. Then why do you want to go though with it? If you're having second thoughts, you could just forget the whole thing.

Hugo looked as if someone slapped and insulted him when Chris said that.

Why, are you really that stupid!? I can't walk away form this. My heart still tells me to avenge Lulu and I've always listened to my heart. The day after tomorrow... You and me... No one else. Hugo walked out of the tavern and left Brass Castle.

Leo, Percival and Borus just watched Chris, waiting for her to say something... anything. Louis then burst through the door, panting and looking worried. Malady I just heard. Are you all right? Do you need medical help? Is there anything I can do?

Chris unfolded the paper Hugo gave her, she read it to herself and folded it up again. Chris rose to her feet, her face a mask of determination. Louis, get my horse ready. I'll also need three days of supplies, bring them around front. Tell Solome that, until I get back, he's in Command.

Yes Malady, I'll get on that right away. Louis ran out of the door and headed straight for the stables.

Borus was the first to act, walking up to Chris, he wanted her to reconsider. Captain, your not falling for that ruse's tricks are you? It's obviously a trap to weaken the six knights by ambushing you alone.

Chris didn't even look at Borus as she left. I never ran from a fight Borus, and I'm not about to start now.

Chris looked into the full length bedroom mirror and scoffed at the Sliver Maiden' who looked back at her. The Sliver Maiden looked ready to defend Zexen, she and her red orange blouse under polished armor with beautifully braided hair; Chris loathed every part of it. Dressed like this, Chris felt more like a butcher then a maiden. Dose being a knight mean I must be a slave to the beck and call of all of Zexen? To kill, then go home with a smile in a parade. No, I'm not a slave, I chose this life willingly'

Borus entered Chris's room, a look of disgust on his face. Your not actually going to go through with it, are you? Borus had always been overprotective of Chris, but now his actions seemed more contorting as of late.

No, I'm going to Karaya to try and talk Hugo out of this. If that doesn't work, then I'll fight him too the death. This is for Hugo's honor and Lulu's soul, so I'm obliged to show up.

Borus grabbed Chris by her shoulder and roughly shook her a bit. Chris, think for a minute will you? Damn it, he's a savage, Karayan barbarians don't know honor and they don't have souls! They're just mud people for crying out loud! Chris broke free of Borus's grip, then slapped him across his face.

Soulless, Mud people; is that what you really think of them? I believed you Borus, when you said that you didn't kill the women and children in Karaya that day three years ago. Then I heard your confession to Percival in the training room. I know you Borus, and your rages, so if you think I'd be mad at you, you're wrong. So please tell me the truth and I'll forgive you, even if you won't forgive yourself. Borus could not hold Chris's pledging gaze any longer.

Making a sideways glance at Chris, he said Their not human like us, Chris. So, I did nothing wrong. No one in Zexen cares anyway. So why do I need forgiveness?

A tear escaped Chris's velvet eye and ran down her porcine face. This was not the Borus Chris knew, this was not the man she could have forgiven. Something had made Borus hateful and cold. Look well Borus. This is the only tear I'll ever waste on you! With that said, Chris left Borus, Brass Castle, and rode for Karaya.

authors notes

You may be asking yourself why I made this? Or maybe your not, but I'll tell you anyway. I was not happy with how the whole avenge Lulu thing ended. In every other Suikoden there was that fight made on a promise that tied the game together. (Tir vs Teo and Riou vs Jowy) Sadly S3 didn't have the Hugo vs Chris ending I hoped for. It feels unfinished so I made this fic to finish it.

Okay, now I have an idea on where to take this, but I need to see a review or two. I know how it ends in my mind but I made this so you all could enjoy it and, being my first fic, I'd like some feedback to tell me what I did right and what I did wrong.