Time for a blerp! Also, this is just the prologue.

This story takes place post Sullivan and pre boy band nonsense(You know what it is if you've read that far in the manga ;D)

I'm not liking the current arch in the books as of currently, so decided to write my own continuation.



"If you are going to sleep the day away, young master, perhaps you should do so in your bed. Your spine will grow crooked."

Sebastian Michaelis entered his master's favorite study as he pushed a trolley adorned with appealing desserts and a tea set. He continued until he reached the boy's desk where his master currently laid resting on his arms. The boy was faced down, but Sebastian could sense the annoyed expression on his face when he spoke.

"I took a momentary break. There is much to catch up on since my absence."

Sebastian smiled as he looked at the many documents the boy had obligingly signed and he was fairly certain his master wished his name was no longer Ciel Phantomhive at this current moment.

It was true, the two had been gone for many weeks exploring the woods of Germany, per her majesty's request. They had only returned less than a week ago, but still had little time to themselves, what with escorting Miss Sullivan to meet with her majesty, also per her request. The demon could tell his master was feeling the toll of such a laborious week, so he decided it may be for the best to not aggravate him further, especially if the boy didn't even have enough energy to rebuttal, because that was no fun. So instead he cut a larger slice of the cake he had brought for him and poured the boy's tea. However… there was another matter to address. A most intriguing matter.

Sebastian set the cake and tea in front of the boy, and his smile returned to his face as the boy peaked a look at the arrangement.

"A letter came for you today, young master. However it is most compelling."

"Oh?" Ciel sat up straight pulling the morsel closer to him so he could delicately dig in. It was always most amusing to watch the boy with sweets, as Sebastian knew if he were to leave the room that Ciel would all but attack the cake.

"It is addressed to you without an address or seal." He reached into his vest and retrieved a letter within, bowing down to hand it over to the boy. Big blue eyes considered the letter before taking it and reading the front of it.

"How odd." Ciel flipped the envelope over, mild confusion crossing his eyes.

"Any idea my lord?"

"None; however, I plan to find one." Ciel slipped a finger underneath the fold of the paper and ran it down the length of the envelope. Sebastian narrowed his eyes at the movement, annoyed the boy opened it so recklessly, but he found he was more concerned by the expression on the boy's face.

"What…" Ciel breathed more then spoke the words and brought the small thick piece of paper closer to his face. His eyes widened, confliction clear within the blue irises.

"What does this mean…?"

Sebastian was immediately behind him, moving to look at what was affecting his master so. He was surprised to find that Ciel in fact held a photograph of a man who appeared in his early thirties. His own eyes widened when he noticed that the man within the picture held a resemblance to Ciel.

"That is…" Sebastian blinked in shock.

"It's my father."

To be continued.

Just a little taste, I promise the next chapter will follow shortly.

See you next chapter! If your there! :D