It's Over

Chapter 11

The two heroes arrived at the Agreste Mansion and the window where Hawkmoth could see the sky of Paris. Finding a small ledge to sit near the window but not be seen by the villain. Once they were safe on sitting on the ledge, they released their transformations. Adrien catching both Tikki and Plagg and letting the two dive into a bag between the two full of cookies and stinky cheese. The kwami in their own heaven left the heroes to their own thoughts. Adrien aware of how far the drop was with Marinette sitting next to him. She seemed to be okay even blind and a far drop below her. It was clear her days as Ladybug didn't give her a fear of heights. She even seemed content with the wind blowing her hair. It was really amazing how close his lady was still. She was literally behind him every day, next to his side silently supporting him no matter what. Even back when he had told Marinette that he loved Ladybud, asked her for so many favors to win her heart, she went along with it. No matter how painful it was.

Someone like her who saw him as her equal, someone who she wanted to support no matter how long it took him to realize who was behind that mask of just blew him away. Marinette was the smartest girl he knew. Bold, sweet with the temperament to match as well as the heroic side in her. It was a huge bonus for him to be dating her and he wasn't sure how to make her realize that he really did love her. Yes he could say it a million times over but words wouldn't touch how much he loved her. Even after all the years of fighting with her, talking with her both as Marinette and Ladybug. Even when he visited her as Chat at night, he just couldn't have words touch how it felt. She was someone almost untouchable. Like she wasn't real and his imagination. Yet she was really here on this ledge over Paris. Breathing and alive with desires...goals. He was really lucky to have her next to him. He almost screwed up by not doing a single thing.

"Normally Chat Noir flirts with me now a days. What has your mind preoccupied kitty?" Mari asked breaking his thoughts. "Or are you thinking about the past?"

"Most I almost missed out on having you next to me," Adrien said looking at Paris. "...of all the people in Paris that I have met. Both as Chat and Adrien, I never thought I'd want to see one over and over. Then I meet you as Ladybug and I couldn't help but want to know more about you. Now I know about you and I can't help but wonder what went wrong. How to this point."

"Well you had your own problems. Doesn't help that...I cut you off. I cut Alya and Nino off. It just...led to this and now you all know and now I can mend the bridges or at least part of the ones I burnt and then go from there." Marinette said wisely. "After...and I mean after this and that, we can focus on what we need as a coupe. Whether we say as one or not that is."

"Well...I do have something important to ask you," Adrien started as he covered her hand. "If I may ask it of course."

"Could it possibly wait until after this?" Marinette asked, clearly worried about what it could be. "We really need to get our priorities for the main battle tactic and back up tactic set in stone before a possible attack happens."

It wasn't fear that he heard in her tone but worry for what could possibly happen. He didn't blame her for it though. They were at the final battle and with how limited her time was and no clue where the brooch was was risky. There was way too many ways this plan could go wrong. His dad could retaliate. His dad could somehow incapacitate one of them. It was just a lot and he agreed with her to keep his desired question on the back burner. He would ask after they got away with the brooch and Nooroo. Even if it still was bad timing, he would ask or at least wait until they had a moment to relax and hide from his father's large window. It was easy to do that but in a panic one usually ran for a set time until they collapsed. Something he was sure would happen knowing that he was bad luck.

The sound of metal sliding apart got their attention and made Adrien stand and step over Mari, peaking in to see his dad as Hawkmoth corrupting one of the many butterflies in the room. Leaning away and stepping back over Mari. He told her his dad had just sent an akuma out. Helping her stand, both transformed and she smiled as Chat moved around her first. Keeping her behind him as he used his staff to break the glass. With a swift grab around her waist, he jumped through and landed into the room. Keeping her behind him again as Hawkmoth just seemed irritated to see them here. Leaning against the cane with a visible scowl pointed their way.

"You have to come now at all times? I have a very busy schedule you are keeping me from," He grumbles to the two heroes. "Can't this attack wait?"

"No, you have had Nooroo under your thumb long enough," Ladybug stated coldly. "He is meant to make people heroes. Not hurt people or make villains and you know this."

"I would love to keep this chat going My Lady, but we have our own time limit," Chat Noir said to her as a gentle reminder.

"Right, you are giving us the miraculous," She said.

"Try and make me," He shouted, end a blast of magic their way.

Both jumped out of the way and Chat reluctantly ran towards his dad, staff in his hand. Hawkmoth ran at him as well. The cane blocking the attack and making him smirk at the blond. Only to have the cat grin and look away. A yoyo wrapped around the older man's waist and yanked him roughly to the right. Slamming him into a wall and passed Ladybug who eyed him for a quick second to locate the brooch. Before she got a bead on it, he swung his cane at her and made her dodge. Jumping away and groaning as he stood back up and sent another blast of magic at them. The two jumped away and landed far apart. Ready for another attack but not expecting Hawkmoth to be fast.

Ladybug didn't expect it the most. He was close in seconds and sent her flying back into the wall. Doing the same to Chat Noir but having his attack blocked by the cat's staff. A quick glance told Chat they had to hurry this up. The more damage his lady took, the worse it would be for her to make an escape. Tikki was focusing any and all magic on helping her see to expand the time which meant if Ladybug used the lucky charm move then it would lessen the time she had. With how things were going, she might have to and he couldn't have her time be shortened.

"So distracted, do you fear losing Ladybug that much?" Hawkmoth's voice asked making him glare at the villian.

"You knew this ahead of time but what you don't know is that I will do whatever it takes to keep her safe. Even if it means having to hurt you!" He shouted pushing his father back and then away. With a quick run, he uppercutted his dad. Then spun and slammed his staff into his dad's side. Making his dad fly into a wall. "That's for what you did to My Lady!"

Ladybug recovered and looked at Hawkmoth again. Scanning him and smiling when she saw the brooch hidden under the butterfly bowtie. Slowly gettin back onto her wobbling legs, she made her to way to her partner and told him where the brooch was located. With a nod, Chat and Ladybug went to grab it but got blasted away and landed on the floor. Hawkmoth walked over as Chat Noir started to recover and watch as he zeroed in on Ladybug. She was still on the floor and recovering. He guessed she hit her head harder than he did. The cat quickly jumped onto his feet thanks to a big adrenaline rush and kicked his dad away before he could grab his Lady. She stayed on the floor as he kept her under him. Giving her a chance to recover on her time.

If he could just grab the brooch in the next attack or somehow make it easy for Ladybug to grab it. Blocking an attack or maybe fighting his dad one on one to keep his mind off her. Then she could run in and grab it. Tearing it off and ending the battle. He knew she didn't want to fight and from how she was holding back, it was a sign. Ladybug didn't want to fight his dad. It was still a person mad with power. Once they got him free of it, they could run and let him refocus his mind on finding who he was. Adrien hoped it would be the case at least. Focusing on the battle again, he saw Hawkmoth standing and glaring at him. A silent challenge between the two. Before he accepted though, Chat Noir helped Ladybug stand and reclaimed his fallen staff. Once he was back between the two, he whispered his plan to her. She agreed with a nod and stepped back.

He grinned and showed Hawkmoth he was ready. Both ran at one another as Ladybug stayed in her spot. The idea was rushed but he did think of an edition should it not work out. Using the yoyo and its infinite wire as well as Ladybug's amazing skills without the use of her lucky charm. As his staff and the cane hit, Chair Noir put pressure against it. Pushing for dominance as Hawkmoth also pushed for it. This was what he expected and soon, he heard that familiar wire being shot out and moved his leg to have it go through his legs and wrap around Hawkmoth's legs. In a second, Chat Noir saw that his dad figured out what he did. Using the moment, he pushed Gabriel off balance and grabbed the brooch. Pulling it towards him as his dad fell back and releasing the transformation and flinging the brooch and Nooroo towards Ladybug.

Stepping back and over the wire that held his dad's legs together. He turned and ran to his lady's side to see her pull her yoyo wire free with the other hand holding Nooroo close with the kwami holding the brooch tightly. They couldn't waste any time now. The duo ran back to where the window was and saw the metal panel closing in. Chat grabbed his lady by the waist and used the baton with the same hand to send them flying at the window. His ring hand activating cataclysm at his command. Slamming it down onto the center tips of the still closing window, he destroyed the metal panels. Hearing his dad roar and scream as he jumped onto the ledge and then onto another roof. Running along them as fast as he could as a beep could be heard. Ladybug's time was up. They were lucky that it was no and not back in his dad's tower.

Now though, he had to get somewhere safe. The only thing he could think of was Mari's room but he didn't know if his parents were home and landing suddenly in there was wasn't safe. Groaning, he looked around and spotted an open window of an apartment building. Much as he would love to disconcern its safety, he would have to take a risk. The cat jumped in just as Mari's transformation ended. Landing with Marinette in his arm as his faded away too. Both panting as Adrien saw Nooroo keep the brooch in his hands with Marinette holding him close. Tikki and Plagg flew to her purse and found the cheese and cookies to refuel themselves.

"My Lady, are you….okay?" Adrien asked, getting his breathing back to normal while looking around.

She didn't answer him but he wasn't looking her away. Mostly at the room for any signs of entry aside from the window. Only one door and it looked like this was a child's room or at least being converted into one. He hoped the parents to be didn't come in or weren't home. They were in civilian form with a kwami that Marinette refused to let go off.

"Yeah, just...tired. Where are we?" His lady finally spoke up.

"In a child's to be room. I hope the parents aren't home," Adrien said. "Oh right, my question."

"Can it wait?" Mari asked.

" can't. I have to ask now before anything else happens," He said moving so that he was over her. "Will you move in with me?" Her face went from irritated to stunned. "I know. It's rushed. I know that there is a lot you need done but I got the house set up and blind approved. I have a yard for Francis. I can get a car or someone to drive us around until I can drive. I have money left to me by mom and dad in an account that they can't touch anymore. I even have money invested in products that are always used to keep money coming in."

Marinette stared ahead silently. Taking in what she was hearing before speaking at him. Asking him if he was serious but in a very low, clearly nervous tone. Like her mind was trying to process all that was going on, what had happened and now this.

"Just say yes or no My Lady," He said. "I promise you it won't hurt me."

"How can I say no…" She slowly smiled. "When the one I have loved asks me this? Can we let our kwami rest though before I...we go home?"

"Course we can My Lady," Adrien sighed, leaning down and kissing her. "Besides, we need a break too."

Landing on the outskirts of the city, Chat Noir looked to Ladybug as she landed. Nooroo still in her hand and held close to her. She was still very unsteady but once he got her inside. She could rest. Looking to their home and then at her, he got in front of her and held his hand out for her to take. Smiling as she gently accepted his offered hand and then moving to reveal what he had built. The minute she spotted it, he swore she could fly. The smile and stare at the home was enough to make his first night with her the best. It was about as big as it was on the outside and nothing really fancy since Marinette wasn't that kind of woman. Yet from how she looked and how she was taking in the house, he nailed what she liked on the head.

"You...had it built for me?" Marinette asked looking to him.

"Yep, do you like it?" Adrien asked.

"I love it!" She said hugging him with one arm. "It's beautiful."

"If you like the outside this much Princess," He said walking towards the door while taking her hand once again. "Just wait until you are inside."

He lead Ladybug inside and shut the door behind her.

TADA! It is done! Now...onto the next ML story of mine. And for the sequel, I still don't know. Just give me time. Something will come to me.