Author's Note-Please don't shoot me! I know I've been gone for months...and there's no excuse. Here's the last chapter. There will be an epilogue and then a few random deleted scenes. This chapter, towards the end gives a hint of what the random deleted scenes will be.
Also, I have a new story outlined. A friend of mine posted it when I gave her permission to use my idea-only two chapters though-and then deleted all of her stories so I've decided to take back my idea and post casually. I'm student teaching this upcoming semester and graduating so I won't have so much time.
But look for the prologue I post for that sometime this week. It's my first try at a whole supernatural story.
Damon stands in front of his floor length mirror in his room, adjusting his tie and making sure it hangs perfectly around his neck.
"You know, I probably wouldn't have taken this job if I knew about the end of the summer party," Stefan's voice floats from his room, through the open bathroom, and in Damon's room. "I look like a penguin."
"Relax brother," Damon chuckles with an eye roll. "It's one night and then we won't ever have to go back to that place."
"Until next summer," Stefan's head pops through the doorway and his green eyes taunt his brother. "When we both need jobs before college."
Out of the corner of Damon's eye he sees his phone light up. Quickly glancing down at the screen he chucks his phone onto the bed; not bothering to respond.
"Told ya Lockwood sends a lot of texts," Stefan sing songs. "What was it this time? A date to the movies or some shit?"
It's been a few weeks since the weekend party at Caroline's. And since then Mason Lockwood has had some change of heart and is now treating Damon as if they have always been best buds. It started with a text to his party the following week after Caroline's. Then it escalated to inviting him to a barbeque. Of course all their other friends were invited too, but this is the first time that Damon's received a personal invite from Mason.
And then after the barbeque Mason asked Elena if she and Damon wanted to go on a double date with him and a chick named Haley. Damon didn't particularly think that was a good idea, but Elena convinced him that she was rebuilding her friendship with Mason and that they should go.
Later that night, Damon received the best blowjob from his girl.
She made it worth his time.
"Not a date," Damon growls at Stefan's teasing. "Just making sure I'm still helping him hook up speakers in his car this week."
"Oh," Stefan drawls out, "So you're his bitch now."
Flipping Stefan his finger, Damon stuffs his wallet in his pocket before grabbing his phone once more and leaving.
"Damon?" Lily Salvatore's voice calls from the kitchen.
When Damon enters the room he sees his mom busy at work cooking dinner for her and his dad. She has an apron on, hair tied back from her face, and is chopping peppers.
"You off to the staff party?"
"Yah. I'm picking Elena up first though, and I should be going…I'm late."
Damon's had various talks with his father over the years. Some more embarrassing than others. But not once has he had a talk with his mother, however, he can tell by her tone and little smile that she's about to ask him something he probably doesn't want to talk about.
"Hold it mister," she chides lightly. "How late are you going to be?"
"Mom, we've never had a curfew before—"
"That was before Klaus and—"
"I get it," Damon cuts her off; not wanting to talk about Klaus before he's suppose to see his girl. "We'll be home by eleven thirty."
"And she'll be sleeping in her bed tonight." Damon's eyes widen as his mouth dries out. "Yeah," Lily says sarcastically, but it doesn't sound like she's mad. "I heard her sneaking out of your room at four in the morning this morning. Don't let it happen again."
"Yes ma'am."
Damon quickly hugs his mom before bolting out of the room.
The conversation could have been a lot worse he reasons with himself.
Jogging over the front yards that separate him from Elena's house, he rings the doorbell before walking inside. He frowns as the door is unlocked. A part of him was hoping that Elena took his and her mom's word of caution to heart and locked the door.
"Elena?" Damon calls up the stairs.
"Mm-hmm," he hears a feminine mumble coming down the hall.
Slowly taking a step forward, he grins at seeing Elena walking towards him, her hair in a delicate messy bun, a few strands framing her face, and her dress looks as soft as her skin. It's black and form fitting down her torso, a white design on the bodice. The dress flares slightly at her hips so she can walk, and it turns mostly white; showing off her perfect tan skin.
But tucked into her sweetheart neckline is a giant napkin, her hands full with a giant burrito that is already halfway gone.
"You know," Damon steps forward even more, "If you didn't look so damn cute right now I would be scolding you for having your front door unlocked."
Swallowing, Elena says, "Stefan just texted and said you left. I unlocked it before you got here.
"You think you're so clever."
"I don't think it. I know it," she whispers against his lips.
Pressing into Elena, he lets his body slowly cover hers against the wall.
"Mmm, my favorite, hot sauce," he teases while swiping his tongue along her bottom lip.
"Damon," she warns. But he can see the slight glint in her eye. "We don't have time for what you're thinking. The staff party, remember?"
"Right," he plays along but he discreetly slides his finger tips down her bare arm, and takes the food from her. "Oops," he whispers before letting her meal fall to the floor at their feet.
"Damon! You know I like to eat before we go to these things. That's my dinner on the ground."
"I can think of something else you might like to eat instead."
The way her dress fits her body like a glove has his blood running hot. Wearing very minimum makeup, the red lipstick stands out on Elena's face. He just wants to sink his teeth into her plump lips.
"You smell like cherries."
His nose nuzzles the side of her face, leading down to her open neck and he can feel her pulse speed up under his touch. And when he gathers her hands in both of his, raises them above her head, he hears her suck in a breath.
And when Elena's leg wraps around his calf, pushing his pants leg up so he can feel the tip of her heel rubbing his leg he nearly looses it on the spot.
"Tell me to stop and I will," he mumbles against her mouth. "But ask me to keep going and I'll take very good care of you."
"Ten minutes…twenty tops."
Elena giggles as his hands cup her ass, lifts her up, and she automatically wraps her legs around his lean waist.
And Damon doesn't stand a chance the moment she reconnects their lips and grinds her tight little body against his.
"We are so late," Elena mutters as she adjusts her hair one last time in Damon's car. She already spotted Caroline's, Bonnie's, and Stefan's cars in the parking lot. She's sure the others are also at the club. "I can't believe I let you talk me into doing that."
"You loved it," Damon flares his eyes at Elena for emphasis.
She doesn't understand how Damon can be so calm when they're at least an hour late.
"And you'll love it again tonight."
"And who says I'm going home with you," Elena teases just to get a rile out of Damon. And as she sees his hand reach out for her, she jumps out of the car and sticks her tongue out childishly.
Elena can't deny that things have been going so well between them. Once Klaus was out of the picture, they were able to enjoy their summer again.
At first it was hard. She had dated Elijah—Klaus's slightly older brother—they are friends with Rebekah still, and Klaus's parents have money. They were able to put up a fight.
But luckily Giuseppe and his negotiating lawyer skills worked something out with Klaus's parents. They didn't want a scandal, Elena didn't want to draw even more attention to herself, and so they all agreed to handle Klaus's inexcusable behavior and horrendous actions as quietly and swiftly as possible.
Her mother had flown back, practically never leaving Elena's side for a minute, and now four weeks later she's back on a business trip she had to reschedule. This is the first time she's left Elena for more than a night, and the only way she did leave was under the promise that Elena would stay at the Salvatores in their guest bedroom.
Walking hand in hand together into the party, Elena and Damon immediately spot their friends.
They were still receiving stares as they walk around the pool, and Elena isn't sure if it's because the queen is with the king of the two rival schools or if it's because everyone knows Klaus drugged her drink.
"It's about time," Alaric exclaims good heartedly before wrapping his arms around Elena. "And how's my favorite girl doing?"
"Is that not meant to offend us?" Caroline asks sarcastically, motioning between herself, Bonnie, and Rebekah.
But Elena laughs into Alaric's chest and hugs him back.
"Better watch out, Salvatore. I'm gonna steal your girl eventually," Alaric jokes.
"And if that ever happens then you're gonna find yourself a dead man." When Elena is back at his side, Damon whispers into her ear, "Drink?"
"Yes please." And watching him go, Elena blushes when she realizes her friends are watching her. "What? You guys are freaking me out here."
"You just look happy," Caroline explains.
Standing around with her friends, everyone dressed in evening gown attire because the Lockwood parties are never less than formal, Elena spots Mason talking to Damon at the built in drink cart.
"That's something I'm not used to seeing," Elena mumbles.
"It's weird. I'll give you that," Stefan agrees with his own drink in hand. "And you have a little something right here." His thumb sweeps out and swipes across her side neck. "What the…"
"It's hot sauce." Her face is as bright as the sauce she was eating before.
"I don't even want to know."
When Mason and Damon come back over to the group, Caroline and Tyler are already dancing to the soft music playing by the band and Bonnie and Matt are by the food table.
"Hey El," Mason greets.
"Hey. Where's Hayley tonight?"
"Family vacation before school starts again."
The night carries on with laughter, talking and dancing. They have one week left before school officially starts, however, all the guys have started football and have been pretty busy already. Elena and Damon have had to work to make time for each other with their time being divided between the club and Damon's hectic workout routine.
And so having this staff party was just what they needed.
"We'll work on the speakers tomorrow," Damon says while doing some intricate guy shake with Mason.
"I still don't understand how you and him went from hating each other to being best buds," Elena says comically.
Damon wraps his arm around her and pulls her close as they start to walk through the empty club. The only people inside were the servers and entertainment who were busy cleaning up.
"We aren't best buds…we're…civil."
"You're helping him with his car….you don't even do that with Stefan unless he pays you," Elena snorts.
She doesn't question Damon when he leads her down a familiar hallway; however it's not towards the exit of the club. Instead, she watches as Damon opens the boys' locker room/bathroom and checks to see if anyone is inside.
"We have the same friends…play the same sport…it was time we started behaving." Looking back at her, Damon sends her a wink. "Now after you."
"What are we even doing in here?"
But when Damon holds the door open for her she enters anyways.
"Do you remember the day we interviewed here? That was when Lockwood and I got into a fight about you. That was also the day you patched me up. God, I wanted you that day."
Damon is right behind her, talking into her neck as his lips ghost across her bare skin.
Heat scorches Elena's neck, but she doesn't step away from Damon.
"You took care of me even though I didn't deserve it."
"You're too hard on yourself."
Elena knows that Damon has blamed himself every day for a month now. And she's all talked out about it. She's starting to realize that no matter what she says to him, Damon will always blame himself. It's going to just take time and patience for him to realize that Klaus is the only one at fault.
"Come here," she directs softly. They sit on an empty wooden bench in front of the lockers, both with their legs on either side facing each other. She takes his warm hands and cradles them. "Why do I get the feeling that you're not over the whole Klaus thing?"
"And why do I get the feeling that you're over it too easily?" He counters.
"Because I'm choosing to focus on the positives here. I'm choosing to focus on all those summer nights we went skinny dipping. The bonfires we had with our friends. The end of summer party Mason is throwing. And I'm choosing to focus on the thought that Klaus can't hurt anyone right now because he was sent away."
"Yah, but for how long," Damon scoffs.
Giuseppe worked out a deal with Klaus' parents that as long as they kept the media out of it, they would basically agree with whatever their demands were. Apparently, this isn't the first time Klaus has caused trouble for the family. It was just his parents' money that hid it. They had even hid it from their other kids.
And so they agreed that the best place for Klaus would be a juvenile detention facility across the country. A place that specializes in helping kids who have had problems just like Klaus.
Elena chooses to ignore Damon's question and presses a kiss to the inside of his wrist.
"I love you, Damon. And I see a future with you. Do you see a future with me?"
"Yes," he doesn't hesitate. "God, yes."
Elena scoots a little closer and presses his hand against her beating heart. "Then be in this moment with me. Don't keep living in the past."
She presses a tentative kiss to his cheek, corner of his mouth, and then his lips.
"Just you and me?" His fingers slip into her hair, running through the strands until he grips the back of her head.
"Just you and me," Elena promises with a smile.
"I like the sound of that."
Can anyone guess what random deleted scenes I'm going to post in the future? Maybe you'll give me ideas too!
Also, there's only an epilogue left for this story.