Author's Note-So this story is a little different. I thought I would delve into a genre I haven't wrote about before. There is no supernatural things in this-all human. Please let me know if you like this and if I should continue my crazy idea of putting The Vampire Diaries cast in high school.
Bracing his body and letting out a small, annoyed grunt, Damon rolls his eyes at his brother who is currently taking his sweet time trying to grab an apple from the fruit bowl sitting on their table while holding half the weight of six folded tables. Damon is stuck holding the other half as he props the sliding glass door open with his hip.
If he wasn't built from playing football he would have dropped the tables already.
"Seriously Stef?" Damon snarls. "We would have had the tables set up outside and a snack in your mouth by this time already."
Damon is the older of the two, but both boys are going to be seniors that year. Unlike Stefan who doesn't care to be in the spotlight that much, Damon owns North High. He is captain of the football team, winning state the year before because of the touchdown he made. His ice blue eyes attract the attention of the opposite sex, and he's pretty sure that they even attract the same sex who swing that way. His arms fill out his black v-neck that he wears, leading to his built shoulders that flex with every move. His chest is completely devoid of hair, leading down to a chiseled six pack that he worked hard for the previous summers.
With good looks come a big attitude, smart mouth, and cocky personality. He knows that he's king of the school. Every girl wants to be with him, and every guy thinks that he's awesome. People cherish the ground that he walks on and Damon takes full advantage of that. He uses the excuse of working late and practicing hard in order to turn in assignments late. His parents trust him to the point where he drinks nearly every weekend with his brother and their friends. Not to mention, he has been with too many girls to count because they throw themselves at him every party.
Stefan successfully grips an apple with his teeth and nods to Damon to let him know that he can move again.
Although they are related, Stefan is more subtle than Damon. He is built similarly, but he is graced with piercing green eyes and semi wavy brown hair. His attitude is laid back and he'd rather be in the background compared to Damon who uses his charm to smitten everyone.
Just as they are about to pass through the door their mother, Lily Salvatore, enters with seven grocery bags hanging off her wrists with Giuseppe Salvatore not too far behind with his arms full too.
"Really Stefan?" Lily snickers. "You look like the pig we're going to roast later today," she jokes.
Before Stefan can even try to retort Damon has them moving outside to drop the heavy load.
Currently, all four Salvatores are setting up for their annual Memorial Day Party slash end of the school year party. This is the party that takes place at the end of May even though there are still technically two more weeks of school left. However, this party is a big deal because the family's friends all gather together in celebration.
It is even a bigger celebration that year because Damon and Stefan are both going into their senior year of high school along with every other one of their friends.
"Can you believe they're both leaving in a year?" Lily asks Giuseppe as they stand and watch their two boys goofing around the backyard instead of setting up.
Giuseppe chuckles as Stefan squirts Damon with the cold water hose. "I can't believe that we have made it nearly eighteen years in this house with two destructive boys."
Lily and Giuseppe were graced with Damon when he was born back in June of 1998. They loved him so much as a baby that they didn't wait long to start conceiving again. She was pregnant with Stefan five months later and Stefan was born in August of 1999. Instead of separating the boys with schooling, they enrolled Damon at the normal age, however, they had Stefan tested and enrolled him too. Stefan is the youngest student in the senior class, having to wait a whole year before he turns eighteen.
There's a knock on the front door before Lily smiles at the two women who have just entered baring trays of veggies and fruit.
"Thank you Giuseppe," Miranda says the moment he takes the three trays out of her arms.
"On the counter is fine, Elena," Lily guides as Elena listens to the older woman who is practically like a second mother.
If Damon is the king of North High then Elena is the queen of South High. Her naturally tan skin coats her gracious body. She was given good genes, and has stayed in shape due to running track every spring. With long brown hair that flows down her back, her brown doe eyes stand out and make her look like an angel.
She's queen of South High because all the guys can't help but notice just how hot she looks with her small, fit body while the girls all want to be her friend because Elena is the most loyal companion. Although she's one of the nicest people, she is also full of spirit and fun.
"There's just something about this party that just gets me in the mood for summer," Miranda smiles.
"Beer?" Giuseppe asks while taking out three bottles from the fridge and passing one to each mother.
"I heard you have an interview lined up at the Lockwood Resort?" Lily asks Elena. "Stefan mentioned it the other day."
"Yah. I figured I'd make more money there than babysitting this summer."
Elena looks around and wonders where Stefan is. Usually the moment she walks through the door he is down by her side, but he is nowhere to be seen. Briefly hearing that Giuseppe is in a conversation with Miranda about college applications, Elena shifts her attention back to Lily who is saying something about Damon and Stefan.
"Wait? Damon is applying too?" Elena cuts in. Dread starts to fill her stomach the moment she thinks about actually having to work with Damon for the whole summer. And then the anger and disgust settle and she tries to keep herself from cringing in front of Lily. "I thought he was busing at The Grill?"
"All the college students came back for the summer and they don't need that much help for the season. He thought he would be able to just lounge around by the pool all summer but Giuseppe put a stop to that thought right away," Lily whispers as if it's some huge secret.
Elena snorts at the idea of Damon thinking he was going to have an easy summer. Of course the football star thought he could be lazy the whole time while everyone else worked their asses off to save for school.
"Whatever. All I'm saying is that in order to get with Lexi you have to stop whining and stop acting like you have a vagina," Damon is preaching to Stefan as they walk back into the house.
"Language!" Lily and Giuseppe both scold.
Damon turns around to look in front of himself and for the first time notices Miranda. He has the decency to bow his head a little, rub the back of his neck, and blush slightly. "Hey," he mumbles.
"Hello Damon, Stefan," Miranda greets easily. If Lily is like a second mother to Elena, then Miranda is their second mother.
The two families have known each other for twenty years. Ever since Grayson and Miranda moved back to Mystic Falls, rejoined the founding council, they had grown close to Lily and Giuseppe. They had all been close in age, both newlyweds, and both trying to conceive.
A year later, both women announced they were pregnant. Lily with Damon and Miranda with Elena.
Damon strips off his wet t-shirt and throws it in Stefan's face. It's his fault he's soaked in the first place, and so Damon doesn't feel bad when Stefan hisses at him and snaps the shirt back.
"Seriously Damon?" Stefan complains.
Damon just smirks while walking away from the crowded room. He has to get another shirt before more people arrive. They were expecting around one hundred people to be occupying their backyard that evening.
And then as he leaves he does the one thing he doesn't even have to think about. His shoulder collides with Elena's—a gentle nudge that the parents won't really notice as they go back to drinking their beer and preparing food, but a nudge hard enough to irritate the brunette.
"Oops," Damon smirks as his eyes drink her in.
It's fun pushing her buttons and so he gives her a once over with flirty eyes. He knows that Elena cannot stand it and often labels him as a playboy whore, and so he pushes her until she can't stand to be in the same room as him.
They are like water and oil, causing rifts and arguments.
Elena doesn't even have to say anything to get him angry anymore. Instead, all she has to do is stand there in his kitchen wearing a little white dress that shows off her naturally tan skin to irk him.
"Come on Elena," Stefan grabs her hand like the white knight that he is. "You can help me set up the rest of the tables outside."
Damon watches as she and Stefan ease into one another with a comfort of being longtime best friends. He remembers briefly when he used to be able to joke around with Elena like that. They had been close, but not like she and Stefan. No, not at all. His relationship with her was completely different, and now they can't stand to be in the same room as one another.
By now, Elena has mastered the smile that tells people that she is fine. She says the perfect words—has the perfect tone even. She never used to think that she would get used to people, who barely knew her or her family, asking if she is doing okay, or become used to the idea of people telling her that she is lucky to be alive, but after nearly a year she is a master. However, when the third person that day had come over to her just to offer their grievances…again…she is about to lose it.
"Do I really look that pathetic that people feel like they should pity me?" Elena moans as she slips into a spot on the ground in between Bonnie and Caroline.
"Is this a trick question?" Tyler Lockwood asks with a smirk.
"Tyler!" Both girls chide.
"Who was it this time?" Matt asks.
"Mrs. Fell," Elena grumbles, but she's determined not to let the town ruin her good mood.
"They stop eventually," Caroline comforts. She didn't technically lose her father, and she doesn't have any siblings to lose, but she does know what it's like to have her father announce that he's gay and then move far away. "Once something new happens they all focus on that."
"Hey Sexy." Elena feels two arms touch her shoulders, and someone crouching behind her. She rolls her eyes and moves over for Mason Lockwood to sit down. "One of these days you're going to realize you want me, Gilbert."
"When that happens it'll be the day I drop dead," Bonnie jokes.
Elena listens to her friends all bantering and eating food while enjoying the sun's beautiful sunlight. She looks for her mom who is mingling with other parents, all scattered around the Salvatore's backyard.
Over in the corner she sees Lily running around trying to keep all the food stocked, the younger kids are swimming in the pool, Stefan is talking to Lexi (a girl who is one year younger than them all), and then her eyes spot Damon leaning against the garage with his arms caged around Andie Starr.
She can see his arrogant smirk, his cockiness radiating from him. In ways, Mason and Damon are exactly the same. The only difference is that she used to be friends with Damon and now she can't stand him. Also the fact that Mason has had a crush on her since starting high school nearly three years ago while Damon thinks she is a bitch.
"Please tell me he isn't trying to sleep with Starr. That girl is crazy," Alaric Saltzman says while plopping down next to Elena.
"Wouldn't surprise me," Caroline huffs. "He'll sleep with anyone who wears a skirt."
"You're gonna have to get over that Care," Matt says while chuckling at how the blonde is pouting. "You're head cheerleader at North High; he's football captain. You're gonna have to be on prom and homecoming court with him."
"It's not the fact that it's slimy and disgusting, but rather a bad reputation. He's our friend who is a man whore. And I don't want to have to appear on homecoming court this year escorted by some guy who may or may not get herpes from Starr."
"We're lucky we go to South," Mason whispers to Elena. He taps his shoulder with hers and although Elena feels bad in the pit of her stomach—it's obvious Mason wants more with her—but she just doesn't feel that way about him.
"That is a plus," Elena agrees.
Their town is so big that they have two high schools on each side of town. Half the kids go to South High while the other half go to North High. Elena and Damon are both lucky that they go to separate schools so they don't have to put up with one another every day.
"Maybe I'll just transfer to South to be with Bonnie and Elena," Caroline grumbles before smiling down at her phone. "And just confirmed, I was able to track down a DJ for the summer kickoff party in two weeks. You guys better all be coming still," she warns.
"If we didn't show you'd kill us Barbie," Mason jokes and Elena swats his arm. "Ow! You know it's true."
"You don't have to voice it out loud."
Stefan walks over to the group with a serious frown on his face. "What's wrong?" Elena immediately asks.
Stefan gives Elena a look that says that they will talk late, but musters a small smile for the group. Stefan and Elena had always been best friends. There had been rumors for a while that they were dating, but the two quickly killed that rumor by going on dates with other people. Sure, they had gone to a few dances together, but they had never so much as kissed each other. The furthest thing they have done is hugged one another.
"Lexi is moving once school gets out," he decides to say.
"I'm sorry Stefan," Bonnie immediately coos.
"Tough luck man," Tyler adds also.
Just then, Damon walks by with his arm around Andie. Andie is in their class, but she doesn't typically hang out with their group of friends. Elena knows that Andie goes to North High so she hasn't had many opportunities to talk to the girl, however, since Andie is letting Damon touch her says that she isn't a good judge of character.
"I can feel your eyes drilling two holes into my head, Gilbert," Damon growls before turning his smirk towards Stefan. "Dude, it looks like someone shot your puppy."
Elena scoffs at that remark. "Can't you be sympathetic for once and just leave him alone when you see him upset? Or do you constantly need to talk because you love your voice so much?"
"Guys," Matt interrupts. "Maybe now isn't the time."
"Really guys," Caroline agrees.
Damon narrows his eyes while untangling his arm from Andie. "Does it hurt Gilbert?"
"Excuse me?"
"Always having a stick up your ass and thinking that you're better than everyone else?"
Elena stands up and their friends watch cautiously.
"Damon," Alaric warns with a scowl.
"It only flares up when I'm around psychotic, man sluts like you!"
"Well I aim to please," Damon smiles cockily before putting his arm back around Andie and leading her towards his house.
Elena scowls in disgust. She knows he is taking her inside to fuck. She wonders briefly how he can do that knowing that his backyard is filled with all the neighbors and family friends. But she doesn't let her mind wonder for too long before she distracts herself once more by Caroline and talk of the party she is throwing.