Lexa's recovery became Abby's priority to no one's surprise. They all knew whatever Clarke was doing, she would need Lexa's help somehow.

"Why don't you take a rest?" Octavia offered to relieve her of her vigil.

"What are Raven and Monty doing?" Abby asked hoping they hadn't gone after Bellamy as they first intended.

"They're trying to find a way to interface with Lexa's chip," Octavia replied. "Don't ask me how."

Abby didn't but instead showed Octavia what to watch for and gave instructions to get her if any of them changed drastically.

"Go, rest," Octavia said again pushing her out.

"Maybe I should just stay here," Abby said settling into a nearby couch. "That way it'll be quicker if you need me."

Octavia decided to let her knowing that she'd probably not get rest if she left the room. She watched as Abby tried to fall asleep.

"Do you think she's alright?" Abby wondered out loud.

"She's a fighter; she'll be fine," Octavia said hoping for the best.

"I meant Clarke," Abby clarified.

"Me, too," Octavia confirmed.


Clarke could sense her companions' frustration being cooped up in the bunker. She, too, wished they could leave soon having looked in every room that could possibly contain any indication of what made it so important and came up with nothing. She conceded it was just a nuclear shelter with some munitions stored in it to protect those living in it.

"We can't stay here indefinitely," Luna voiced her opinion. "We should try to break through the blockade."

"Do you have a plan?" Bellamy asked overhearing their conversation after his turn as watch.

"How good a shooter are you?" Clarke asked him looking at the rifle in his hands.

"Pretty good," he replied confidently sensing she finally had an escape plan.

"There are fewer drones and people during the day," Clarke said. "We'll make our move then." She noticed the constant pattern and figured that like her, Jaha must have come to the same conclusion that what he was looking for wasn't there and was searching elsewhere.

"How soon can we make our move?" Luna asked.

"We need to wait until the other drones and people are farther away so they can't get back in time to reinforce the blockade," Clarke replied.

"How much time do we have?" Luna asked knowing they were still outnumbered.

"The key is to take out the drones," Clarke said based on the knowledge that without them, the people weren't hostile towards them.

They waited as the blockade thinned out and moved to leave the bunker.

"What about them?" Niylah asked looking back at those still trapped inside.

"We'll come back and cure them," Clarke promised. She knelt down and made the same promise to the boy who was obviously distressed by their impending departure. She was glad when Quark knelt beside her to reinforce her message.

The boy listened as Quark asked him to be brave and watch over the people in the bunker while he and Wanheda made sure it was safe for them to return home.

"We should go now," Bellamy interrupted them.

The group made their way out and Bellamy took aim at the first drone they encountered while the others knocked out their human attackers. They progressed slowly as Bellamy took shots at the remaining drones.

"Don't let that one get away," Luna shouted as one flew higher out of range.

Bellamy aimed and got it just before it was gone so the group felt the worse was over until they noticed that their attackers weren't stopping.

"Why aren't they stopping?" Niylah asked.

"Did we miss one?" Luna asked surveying the sky quickly.

Clarke realized that they waited too long and the programming must have completed making their attackers under full control like the drones. "We're too late, we need to fight back." She pulled out her gun and her companions followed by also arming themselves.

"We're surrounded," Quark stated the obvious as those they've knocked out behind them were regaining their consciousness.

Clarke tried to look for a way out but before the closest attacker could strike a blow, he fell to the ground with an arrow sticking out of his back. Soon they saw a group come charging out and attacking their attackers.

Bolstered by numbers, Clarke's group joined their rescuers in subduing their common adversaries. The two forces worked their way towards each other to form a bigger group.

"I'm glad you came," Clarke said when Roan was next to her. "But how did you know we needed help?"

Roan replied with a quick tilt of his head towards another group of fighters fighting returning attackers. He knew she would recognize who was leading them even at that distance.

Clarke saw Lexa fending off a few warriors with a staff. She worried when one of the attackers struck her staff and broke it in half but was relieved when Lexa used the broken halves as fighting sticks.

Lexa quickly dispatched the remaining attackers before looking up and singling Clarke out among the combatants. She made her way purposely towards Clarke making sure all potential threat was neutralized.

Clarke visually inspected Lexa as she stood before her before hugging her tight. "I'm so glad to see you." She waited for Lexa to reply non-verbally but when she got none, she pulled away to find out what was wrong.

"Are you alright?" Lexa asked before looking around to confirm that her soldiers were setting up a secure perimeter around them. She gave Roan a quick nod before heading towards the bunker with Clarke.

"I'm fine; what about you?" Clarke asked studying her closely worrying that Lexa had come to rescue her before fully recovering herself.

Lexa saw the same concerned look on Clarke that she saw on Abby when she declared that she was going to find Clarke right after she regained consciousness and learned what she was up to from Octavia. "I'm fine, Clarke; didn't I just defend you from your attackers?" She smiled ever so slightly that only Clarke's keen eyes noticed.

"What are they doing?" Bellamy asked watching Lexa's men tie up those they shot only moments ago. His curiosity got the better of him to boldly question Lexa.

"Making sure they are no longer a threat when they wake up," Lexa replied to let Clarke know rather than inform him.

Clarke and Bellamy were both surprised, realizing in hindsight that they didn't get a chance to strike anyone since Lexa's group arrived on scene.

"Abby wanted me to spare as many as I can," Lexa informed Clarke silently not wanting anyone else to hear as people filed out of the bunker and they stood by the door in.

Clarke was pleased not only by Lexa's restraint but that she was still connected with her after all.


Lexa listened as Clarke and Luna brought her up to speed on what they've learned so far. She watched as Bellamy hovered nearby. "Is there anything you would like to add?" she asked him.

"We're wasting time here," he complained. "We should leave immediately and get as far away from here and from them as soon as possible." He saw just how many there were and even with Lexa's soldiers, they were outnumbered.

"And where do you think we can go that the drones can't?" Luna asked him guessing correctly what he was wanting to get away from.

"Here," Lexa declared. "We will be safe here." She confirmed by looking around as her men stood up poles that Raven had rigged up to protect them.

Bellamy left in a huff not waiting for Lexa to explain why. He wasn't about to wait around until he saw Octavia come running towards him. "It's not safe here," he warned catching her by her arm.

"Of course it is," she countered and pulled her arm out of his grasp seeing Lexa ahead and eager to give her an update. "Stay within the perimeter; there are more drones heading our way." She paused and had to warn him in return in case he decided to leave the safe zone.

Lexa noticed Octavia and knew the rest would be along soon. "You disobeyed my order; I told you to wait with the others."

"We saw more drones were headed our way," Octavia explained hoping Lexa would ignore her insubordination. "Besides, Abby was starting to wear me down; she was worried for Clarke and those who're under the drones' control."

"We encountered a group of them while looking for you," Lexa explained to Clarke and Luna. She noticed a boy with pale skin march out last in the arms of a woman. She figured out quickly that Clarke had found Kell's family and got confirmation through a nod from her.

"Are you sure they'll be safe out in the open like that?" Clarke asked worrying what it might do to those susceptible to the drones' influence.

"We've managed to keep the drones away," Lexa assured her that it was a tested solution. "And my men will still keep watch."

Clarke was relieved but wanted to discuss her qualm further with Lexa when a soldier came up to inform them that Abby and her group had arrived.


Clarke was exhausted when she returned to the bunker where Lexa had stayed to rest. She found her going over the papers she had pored over before. "Didn't I ask you to rest?" She moved to run her fingers across Lexa's jacket. It was obviously something she had picked up recently to replace the one she was wearing.

"How can I without you?" Lexa countered pulling her close. "It suits you." She looked with admiration as Clarke wore her outer vestment quite well.

"Luna doesn't think so," Clarke noted sadly starting to take it off to return it to her.

"She doesn't know you like I do," Lexa pointed out stopping her from removing the garment.

"I think she may be right," Clark self-deprecated. "My mom just gave me an earful, too."

Lexa knew she just needed more time to learn and this was just one of those times. "You should rest."

"Only if you join me," Clarke invited leading her to a nearby couch. She snuggled next to Lexa and drifted off to sleep. She heard her speak in Trigedasleng but was too tired to see who she was addressing.


Lexa paced the room trying to determine what was odd about the room. She wondered why the room was askew when the others clearly weren't.

"What are you doing?" Clarke asked having just risen from her restful sleep in days.

"Have you noticed anything about this room?" Lexa asked guessing correctly that Clarke spent the most time in there.

"What do you mean?" Clarke asked looking around realizing she hadn't really paid attention to the room the whole time she was there.

Lexa ran her hand along the wall trying to sense anything different on its smooth surface that might reveal something.

Clarke followed by example but found nothing special either.

Lexa then turned her attention to the shelf opposite them. She began tapping the back until she heard a hollow part. She pried it open to reveal a latch that opened the hidden door. She led the way as they explored where the hallway led. There was a small room to the side but what caught their attention was the rows upon rows of drones in the big chamber before them.

Clarke now knew the importance of the location. She was glad they were the ones to discover it.

"We should destroy them," Lexa declared knowing the danger the drones posed in the wrong hands. She quickly recognized that these were more like the one that attacked her than the ones controlling her people.

Clarke opposed that decision arguing that it wasn't a danger if they kept them inactive and a secret. She also reasoned that it was technology that they couldn't recreate once destroyed. She also thought up many ways they could use it for good.

"Alright," Lexa consented seeing her point. "But we must be certain they stay inoperable and a secret."

Clarke was already thinking of a way to do so with Raven's help. She followed Lexa as they headed back stopping to check what was in the small room.

"What about these?" Lexa asked finding a small arsenal inside.

Clarke lifted what she easily recognized as a bulletproof vest. She immediately offered one to Lexa hoping it would protect her from another gunshot wound.

Lexa refused not knowing its function until Clarke explained it. "There's not enough here for everyone."

"Not everyone will need one," Clarke insisted knowing that Lexa was a prime target. "Besides, you're a bigger target than anyone else."

"You are just as big a target as I am," Lexa pointed out. "And I don't think this will protect us from those armed drones. The important thing is to disable them all."


Clarke found Raven tinkering with one of the perimeter devices. "Is something wrong?"

"Just making sure it works," Raven replied turning it back on quickly.

Clarke began asking more questions about how it all worked and how they could possibly extend its range.

"Well, we'll need a very tall tower and place one of these jammers on it," Raven said. "Of course, we'd also need a way to amplify it to widen its range." She could tell Clarke was hatching up a plan in her head.

Clarke pulled Raven towards the bunker trying to remember where she'd seen a nearby tower that they could use. She wanted to deliver a solution straightaway to ease Lexa's mind as well as hers.

"Are you going to tell me what's going on?" Raven ventured to ask as she studied where Clarke wanted to place the jammer.

"It's probably better you didn't know," Clarke replied vaguely. She saw Lexa join them after she conferred with Luna and Roan about their next move.

"Did you tell her?" Lexa asked silently. She gave her latitude to come up with a plan but thought it prudent to remind her to keep their discovery between them. She got a subtle confirmation and listened as Raven explained how the safe zone could be expanded.

Clarke thanked Raven and watched her head out. She could tell that Lexa had her reservations with the plan.

"If we do this, won't it draw more attention to this place?" Lexa pointed out the flaw to her plan.

"Not if we move out first and draw the drones away," Clarke suggested. She could tell that Lexa was pleased with her foresight in the matter. "It'll just look like we are abandoning this place."

"Then you'd pleased to know that we've decided to leave tomorrow," Lexa revealed what she had just discussed with Luna and Roan.


Lexa gave the leaders of each group specific instructions before turning to Octavia who was leading the last they had formed in order to divide and conquer the drones still hovering above them. Given that everyone was now free from their influence, the drones have been relegated to only monitor them from afar not wanting to test their abilities to disable or destroy them further.

Octavia confirmed with a nod that she was ready to take on her task and watched Lexa head back to the smaller group that included Clarke, Luna, Roan and their respective guards.

"Why are we breaking up the group?" Bellamy asked realizing what was happening. "Doesn't she know there's safety in numbers?"

Lexa overheard and stopped to make sure he wasn't going to deviate from the plan. "Is there a problem?"

"No, not at all," Octavia quickly assured her. "I got this."

"Clarke will need our help," he insisted.

"She does," Lexa agreed. "She needs you to follow her plan for it to work." She noted his surprise and took advantage. "Do you need her to explain it to you?"

Octavia wondered why Clarke didn't tell them herself but figured she was avoiding her mother who may try to dissuade her from her goal of finding the person controlling the drones.

"I'm just worried for her safety," he declared looking at Clarke's hooded figure prepare to leave atop her horse.

"We will protect her," Lexa assured Abby who had just joined them. She saw her approval before heading off to join the riders waiting for her.

Sure enough as the different groups went their separate ways, the drones also divided themselves to follow each group. After riding a ways away, Lexa's group started splitting up into smaller groups as well until a single drone was left following them.

"Is this where we part ways?" the blonde asked keeping her head covered.

"Yes; take care," Lexa said looking up to locate the drone following them. She leaned to one side of her horse and planted a kiss on the other before nudging her horse to go the opposite direction. She heard the drone follow her as she anticipated and sped up to try and lose it through the woods.


Clarke waited for Lexa to return hoping that her plan of deception worked. It was a stab in the dark since they weren't sure if there were more out thee but she was hopeful that there was a limited number of them thus the search for more. She heard someone approach and prepared to fight back.

"Clarke," Lexa called to her directly checking one last time that the area was clear of drones. She was glad to see Clarke emerge from her hiding spot and holding a jammer in her hand.

"Do you think it worked?" Clarke asked wondering if their attempt to draw attention away worked.

"I'm quite certain other drones would be looking elsewhere," Lexa said. "I drew the one that followed me quite far before turning back."

"And whoever was watching is convinced that I'm heading back to Polis?"

"Yes, I think so," Lexa declared. "I made sure it was believable by kissing Niylah before I left her." She reached out her hand to help Clarke onto her horse.

"Wait, what?" Clarke was shocked and pulled her hand away.

"Is it a problem?" Lexa asked innocently. "It's what I would have done if it was really you."

Clarke couldn't argue that and tried hard to hide her displeasure. She got on the horse behind Lexa and tried to focus on the task ahead. She was so preoccupied that she didn't notice they were there until Lexa spoke up.

"Do you want me to come up with you?"

Clarke shook her head and began the climb up the tower without her only to find out at the top that it was a two person operation. She saw Lexa come up behind her and was glad.

"I thought you might need my help," Lexa said quietly. Together they worked to mount the jammer and bring it online. "Is it working?"

"I think so," Clarke said checking their work as best she could. They climbed back down and once on the ground she decided to settle the matter that was bugging her. "I don't want you kissing Niylah again even if she's pretending to be me."

"As you wish," Lexa agreed. "Shall we go now and complete our mission?"