Disclaimer: Nope, still don't own Spike. If I did, do you really think I'd bother to write about him, when I could be doing much more, er, fun things?

Previously: Spike and Erin separate, Erin staying in NYC and Spike going off to find Drusilla.

AN: This is the last chapter. Please leave a review and tell me what you thought of the story!

Hitchhiker's Guide to Vampires

Chapter 7: What Feels Right

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~~ 2 months later ~~

::::BING:::: The microwave beckoned, and Erin hopped up to get the popcorn. She waded through the sea of 5 or so girls sprawled over the living room floor, towards the kitchen.

About a month ago, she'd found an apartment she could afford (with her roommate paying half) and had moved in. It was a nice place, although pretty small. Living room, kitchenette, bathroom, and two bedrooms.

"Alright, we've got 'Dick', 'Zoolander', 'Sugar and Spice', and 'Moulin Rouge'." The blond girl, Sarah, told the rest of the girls as Erin took the popcorn out of the microwave. "Which one do we want to watch first?"

Erin had invited some friends over for an all-girls night. Then again, it was almost always an all-girls night, as only two of them had boyfriends. They had decided on Zoolander, and the movie was just starting when some one knocked on the door.

"I'll get it." Erin offered, as the rest of the girls stayed put with their eyes glued to the screen.

Erin opened the door cautiously, letting in the cool night air, and saw the very last person she expected to see.

He was just like she remembered him. A few inches taller than her, with the bleached-blond hair and pale skin. He was still wearing a completely black outfit, and those brilliant blue eyes stared into hers as a smirk played across his lips.

"Spike?" She asked.

"I found her, you know." He said, leaning casually against the invisible barrier. "I found Dru and everythin' should 'ave been right again. But it wasn't. Whatever we 'ad," he lit a cigarette and inhaled the smoke slowly.

"What we used to 'ave wasn't there anymore. I still care about 'er, but not like I used to. There was something missing, an' I guess Dru knew that, 'cause she left. Right now she's probably makin' it wit' some demon, and frankly, I don' care."

"So you came here?" Erin said, slightly confused.

"It wasn't supposed t' be like that." Spike said, discarding his cigarette. "Now I'm confused and . . . well, you know I hate being confused."

"That I do." Erin said, laughing. "You want to come in?"

Spike pulled back quickly as the barrier vanished beneath him.

"Tryin' t' kill me, luv?" He asked, fondly playing with her fingers.

"Of course I am." Erin said, pulling him inside. "That's why I invited you in."

The door shut loudly behind them, grabbing the attention of the girls sprawled in the living room.

"Everybody." Erin stated. "This is Spike."

"Spike?" Michelle asked. "Isn't that the guy you hitchhiked all the way from Wyoming with?"

"Yep." Erin confirmed.

"Hottttttttt." Sarah stated, looking up and down Spike's body.

"Sarah!" Erin protested, turning red. Spike only looked pleased.

Erin, still holding Spike's hand, led him over to the couch. Due to lack of room, they were forced to sit very close together.

"Which isn't necessarily a bad thing." Erin though as she rested her head against Spike's shoulder. "Not bad at all."

* * *

The movie went on, and it turned out to be pretty funny. The other girls would occasionally glance jealously at Erin, curled up against the bleached vampire.

Spike's attention, however, was focused mainly on Erin, as he ran his fingers lightly through her hair. He inhaled her sweet scent and rested his head on top of hers.

This felt right.

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~~The End~~

AN: Review! Please review! Also, If you liked this story, don't be shy about checking out some of my other ones too. : D