"How many more mountains most we climb untill we are there?" complained a tired and exhuasted Lucy Heartfilia.

"We are at the top Lucy, look there's the village." Replied her excited boyfriend, pionting at a small village in the valley.

"No way, we have to walk all the way down there too? Are you kidding me? We already walked all the way up this stiff mountain for Godsak." Lucy angrily pointed out.

It was her 20 birthday and her boyfriend had decided to take her to a resourt called love valley. But he had also decided on walking there to get some exercise but Lucy knew it was because he hated moving transport. She didn't have te right to complain though. He was only wearing a vest leaving quite the amount of muskle out. every movement he made caused his muskles to flex giving her a very nice view and motivation to keep moving. According to him this was a greate way to bond.

"Come on Lucy it's not all that far. How about I race you there babe?" He said with a smirk. "I'll even give you a head start."

"Really, you are that confident. Remember you have all our lauggages." Lucy remainded him placing her hands on her waist.

"Yep, dont underestimate me. These are nothing." He replied lifting the all the bags above his head with one hand.

"Ok then why don't we make this interesting. The loser gives the winner an hour long massage."" Lucy suggested with a menancing look on her face.

"You're on babe. You've got thirty seconds, dont hurt yourself." Her boyfriend said with a soft look on his face.

"You too babe," Lucy said as she started running but then she stopped and looked at him with a huge smile on her face while saying, "OH AND EAT MY DUST." before taking of again.

Lucy and her boyfriend had been dating for 3 years and Lucy loved him. She really did but it was just like any other relationship. She hadn't got the feeling girls usually talked about. "The one" feeling, the person in which you see yourself beeing with forever. She wanted to be with him and if that is what fait had in store for them she would'nt fight it. But she had never experienced that true love feeling of being on clouds around the person, or having your heart beat everytime he kisses you. Instead she believed that true love was a FAIRY TAIL. Not a fairy tale but a fairy tail, you never know if it exist until you actually see and experience it. Lucy would never admit it but she way lowkey waiting to meet her fairy tail.

Lucy had beating her boyfriend to the village. But she kind of suspected he just let her win. They had just finished eating and it was time to go get a bath. The village was especially known foror their hotspring bathes. It was said that any couple bathing in it would have their realtionship go stonger - if they we ment to be - if not the relationship would wither and die out. Whilst singels bathing would find their lovers within a year. If a singel didn't find their true love maybe they arent looking where they should.

Lucy was surpossed to meet her boyfriend in the mixed bath and was on her way there through the womens dressing rum when she noticed her birthmark. She had a strange birthmark on her hand (A/N- her fairy tail mark) it was pink and very large covering most of her hand. Although the colour usually wasn't very clear, it seamed way more vivid, almost like a tatoo. This birthmark had cost her a lot of trouble when it came to the work area. She was a secretress at a big company and had to do test to prove it wasn't a tatoo, in other to get hired. Even though it caused her distress she still loved it because it gave her a sense of unikness. Before her mom died she had told Lucy to be proud of who she was and of the litle "special mark". Those words hadn't left Lucy even for a day and thus she was proud of it.

Lucy looked at the couples sitting in the spring. On some of them it was clear what mischeif they where up to and it made Lucy blush, but one couple really stood out. They weren't even trying to be discreet and the guy was openly exploring his girl. Trying to ignor them Lucy looked arounde for her boyfriend. They where some stones blocking her view hapharzadly so she tried to fing him by his hair color. But looking around made her once again catch the "exploring" guys attention. He looked her straight in the eye with a smirk on his face as he groped his girlfriend. He clearly wanted her to see his actions. Whispering something to his girlfriend who immediately looked up to Lucy with a very embarrassed face. Lucy could nearly see the steam radiating of her cheeks the way she was blushing.

Finally spotting her boyfriend Lucy quickly made her way there after recieving an apologetic look from the girl and a confident smirk from the boy.

"OMG, you wont belive what just happen." Lucy exclaimed still chocked to her boyfriend.

"Well you just saw a couple having fun?" Her boyfriend asked cooly. "Everybody is doing it, some just more discreetly than others"

"Bu..but are'nt they… well shy or something? Sex is ment to be private." Lucy argued on.

"When very body does it, it becomes less embarassing… I guess." He replied unsure of his answer. "Well how about that massage? Come here." he said changing the topic as he patted the space between his thighs. Lucy blushed but complied.

After the bath bath the couple headed out to the main event of the evening, the festival. Walking around the place was fun and Lucy had had alot to drink which was paying of at the moment. She needed to go to the womens room but there wasn't any at that part of the festival area. Deciding to go to the bushes Lucy handed a huge teddybear her boyfriend had gotten for her to him while she entered the dark bush. Finishing her "need" Lucy was about to leave when three guys popped out from behind the woods.

"Ohhhhh what do we have here." One of the thug looking guys said

"Hey pretty girl, why don't you play with us for a while." Another one continued.

"No thanks, I have a boyfriend." Lucy quickly replied as she turned to leave. one of the guys grabbed her kimono stopping her from leaving.

"No, your boyfriend will just have to wait." Being really scared Lucy screamed as loud as she could. Turning around and hitting him in his crotch she ran as fast as she could. But she didn't make it very far before she got caught by the other two guys, holding her down as the one she hit slowly made his way over to them.

"You bitch, this cock you hit is gonna penetrate you so deep you might brake." He roughly yelled at her.

Taken back by the rough language Lucy could see he wasn't playing. Her heart beat acceleerated as so did the pulsations of her birthmark.

"How about you put your broken dick up your ass instead, dirtbag." Lucy's boyfriend said upon his arrival to the scene. Relieved at his arrival Lucy could feel herself calming down. He didn't look it but he was a very good fighter. As one of the guys launged at him he quickly knocked him out. Causing the other guys to both attack him at the same time. The movements were too fast for Lucy to register but one the one that was surpossedly knocked out got up launging at lucy's boyfriend with a large stick.

"STING WATCH OUT!" Lucy screamed at her boyfriend. Sting was able to dodge the attack but got hit in the stomach by another guy, loosing his strenght. Two of the guys held him down while the " crotch" guy went after Lucy.

"Now then, where were we?" he said grabbing onto Lucy's clothes and reapping them apart.

Lucy could feel her heartbeat quicken and the pulsating feeling on her birthmark return. This time it was overwhelming. The mark on her hand felt like it was on fire and Lucy could feel herself... changing or transforming. Looking at her hand now turning into claws and her clothes becoming to small for her body tearing away. Lucy couldn't feel anything but rage. She noticed the teror in the eyes of the guy infront of her and it gave her… joy. Lucy's mind went blank.

A/N Did anybody figure out that Natsu wasn't Lucy's boyfriend? Or did anybody figure out that the boyfriend was Sting? pls review your thoughts. It'll be fun to know how many people could figure it out. Also this is a NALU fic you'll have to stay tuned to find out what Lucy is and how is it connected to NATSU DRAGNEEL.