Red: Finally the last chapter.

Kite: Stop blabbering and get on with the chapter.

Red: someone's moody today but I should get on with the story.

It was finally Saturday. Kite woke up and went downstairs for breakfast, he noticed that Hart wasn't there but figured that he might just be tired. A few hours past but there were still no sign of Hart so Kite went to go see if Hart was feeling well. When he reached Hart's room he knocked on the door but there was no answer. He knocked again but only got silence as a response so he opened the door and went in. Hart wasn't there; his eyes began frantically scanning the room until it fell on a chest of drawers. He saw a blank card and letter; it was addressed to him, it said:

Kite Tenjo,

We have your brother if you want to see him again then go to the location that the card shows to you. If you choose to go then finding us will be a difficult task as we are in a specific location this poem will be your only clue to finding us:

On a hilltop high

A fortress resides

Made of rock and clay

Though dull it may seem

It reigns supreme

And through centuries it does not decay

I hope that helps because it's your only hope of ever seeing your brother again.

The letter wasn't signed. As soon as he read it, he ran to his room, grabbed his duel gazer and dialed as fast as he could.

"Hey Kite what's up." Yuma greeted as a holographic picture of him appeared in front of Kite

"Yuma can you contact Astral for me?"

"Ok what for?"

"I'll tell you later and can you ask him to bring the ship? And call Shark as well. Ok. Thanks. Bye" He hung up before Yuma could answer. He then ran to his lab and analysed the card but got no results. A few minutes later Yuma arrived with Shark and Tori.

"Hey Kite. We're here." Yuma stated

"So what's this all about?" Shark asked impatiently.

"Is everything ok?" Tori asked in a worried tone.

"If you stop talking then I'll tell you" Kite said then waited for silence before he continued "to cut a long story short Hart's been kidnapped"

"WHAT!" Shark, Tori and Yuma exclaimed

"Yuma where's Astral?"

"Uhhh…He said he'd be here by now" Yuma replied

"Yes and I'm here" Astral said "Kite tell me all you know about this."

"This morning I woke up and Hart didn't come to breakfast so I went to his room and found these" Kite said showing them the letter and card. They all read the letter and were confused by it.

"Kite can I see the card?" Astral asked and Kite handed over the card. He examined it and said "I am going to analyse the card in the different dimension airship once I get the co-ordinates I'll come back." And then Astral floated into Yuma's key.

"Kite I get why you called Yuma but why am I here?" Shark asked.

"Simple they're expecting me and not you" Kite replied

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"My plan is that we go in groups so if they try anything on us we can send in back up to get the mission completed"

Then Shark smirked "so in other words if you fail, we come in and save your butts"

"If you want to put it that way then yes but we're also going to need people researching. I have I feeling that they're not from this planet and that this won't be the last time we meet."

"Kite" Astral said coming out of the key "I have the Coordinates but I'm not sure your going to like what you hear"

"Well it doesn't matter if I like it or not because Hart's in danger so spill." Kite stated

"It's Sargasso"

"What! Are you sure it's Sargasso. I thought that place was destroyed"

"Yes I tripled checked to see if the results were accurate but I got the same thing over and over again and I think that everyone should set out tonight and grab some supplies because we might be gone for a while"

"Okay but is anyone else coming" Tori asked

"Yeah you said there'd be three groups," Yuma stated

"There will be. You, Shark and me will be the leaders of the teams. I'll go save Hart, Shark's the back up and Yuma you can do the research," Kite said

"Why me?" whined Yuma

"Don't think of it as research but as exploring, spying and taping the bad guys," Tori said enthusiastically

"Yeah what she said and I forgot to mention there will be only three people in each group. No more no less" Kite announced

"Yes sir" The three said and went off to look for members to join their groups.

With Hart

Hart had woken up an hour ago but pretended that he was still knocked out by doing this he was blindfolded but managed to gather some information on his capturers as he had listened to their conversation.

It seemed like the guy who had kidnapped him last night was working for someone else as he kept referring to this person as master also he had found out who the kidnapper was. He would have recognised that voice anywhere, it was Heartland and he was yet again working for some villainous character who they had yet to find out about. He knew another thing. He was in a place called Sargasso, he had over heard them mentioning it in their conversation and he remembered Kite telling him something about it. Just then Hart heard another voice join the conversation but Heartland also called him master. What was going on here.

Kite. How he missed his big brother, but he knew Kite was coming for him. And Kite would always find him.

With shark

Tori had asked Shark if she could join his group as Yuma had already called Trey and Bronk and asked them to be in his group. He said yes as coolly as possible but in the inside his heart was thumping and he just about managed to hide his blush. He could only think of one other person that would be useful to his team. Quattro. So he asked him to join his group to which Quattro eagerly agreed to. then he decided to head home, pack some supplies and tell everyone that he'd be gone for a while.

When he reached his house he was greeted by Rio so he decided to tell her his news first.

"Reginald can I come too?" She asked

"Sorry Rio I already have three people in my group" Shark replied

But Rio wasn't going to lose that let go that easily. If Shark wasn't going to let her in his group she'd go for the next best thing. She ran to her room and grabbed he duel gazer, she scrolled down her contacts list until she came to Kite. The sent him a message which read:

Kite meet me at our secret place A.S.A.P.

Then she got dressed and went out of the house.

With Kite

He had raced to his and Rio's secret place as soon as he got the message. When he reached there he saw Rio staring at the lights so he crept behind her silently.

"You are terrible at trying to scare someone you know?" Rio said not turning around.

"How did you know I was here?" He asked as he came beside her.

"I have a sixth sense. Anyway I called you here because I want in."


"Shark told me about what happened to Hart and I wanna help"

"No way it's too dangerous"

"Kite I've been killed and brought back to life, I think that qualifies for a more dangerous situation than this plus I've already been to Sargasso"

"Still I don't want you getting hurt"

"Kite I know you want to protect me and I want to be there for you if anything happens like if Sargasso gets sealed off again"

"But-" He was cut of when Rio gave him puppy eyes and said "pleeeeeeeeaaaaaase"

"Fine be ready by tonight. It's in the same place as last time"

"Thanks Kite but I'm ready now," she said motioning to the purse she had with her.

"You sure you're not going to need anything else"

"You'd be surprised as to how much I have already"

"Ok then let's go now considering we have half an hour left until we leave for Sargasso"

They both ran to Kite's house where Kite had everything packed so they just waited for everyone else to get there. Yuma, Bronk and Tori were the first to come.

"Rio I thought I told you, my group is full" Shark said when he arrived.

"I'm not in your group Reginald I'm in Kite's"

"What you just asked him with out my permission"

"I don't need your permission to do anything"

"Will you two just quit arguing" Tori said getting impatient then Nistro and Dextra arrived.

"Kite I thought you said three people in each group." Shark stated seeing too many people there.

"Dextra' s flying the ship and guarding it while we're gone but Nistro is in my group"

"Then why is Quinton and Quattro here" Yuma said upon seeing the Arclights arrival.

"Quattro's with me" Shark explained

"And Chris is staying here and monitoring where we go, if we are lost or captured by reading our heat signatures."

"How's he gonna do that?" Yuma asked

"I will be giving you each these badges and which will allow me to see your location and I can transfer this information to Dextra who can give it to you as your badges allow you to communicate to each other" said Quinton holding up a black circular badge. He handed them out then everyone boarded the airship and left for Sargasso. It had completely changed from before, now it had beautiful meadows covered with flowers and forests, which grew tall trees they also saw a castle and figured that it was where Hart was. When they arrived Kite gave instructions to everyone.

"My group will head to the castle and Yuma's group you can do some investigating and Shark your group will stay here for now"

"Yes sir!" everybody said then they spilt up.

With Hart

Hart's Kidnappers analysed him until someone said

"He has the powers but we can't access them. She must have locked them away but even if we had his powers it wouldn't make that much of a difference as it's only a little amount."

"Heartland" The guys who was clearly in charge called.

"Yes sir" Heartland said

"Bring me the other Tenjo maybe he could be of some use to me as for this Tenjo…don't destroy him yet I want to have him see his brother suffer"

With Kite and Rio

Fireballs from every direction were attacking Nistro, Rio and Kite. Nistro had been lucky enough to find shelter but Kite and Rio were still being shot at. One fireball was about to hit Rio but Kite jumped in the way to save her as a result he got knocked unconscious. Then a figure dressed in black came out of a portal and dragged Kite away. All of it happened so fast that Rio couldn't do anything so when it ended she just cried at being so helpless. A few minutes later Shark came to join them as Quinton had informed them of Kite's disappearance. They continued walking to the castle with Nistro walking ahead with Tori and Quattro and the twins were further back.

Shark took one look at Rio then spoke "You like him don't you?"

Rio was caught by surprise as he spoke these words but she didn't deny it. "Yes and now he's gone. I promised I'd be there for him but I couldn't do anything," she cried harder.

"Don't worry Kite can take care of himself. I'm sure he's just fine" but on the inside he was thinking 'Kite owes me a duel after this'

With Kite and Hart

They analysed Kite and ended up with the same results but he woke up before they could torture him. He ended up beating all the guys up and escaping with a sleeping Hart. He ran as fast as he could so that if Hart's kidnappers woke up then they wouldn't be able to catch him. After a few minutes he spotted Nistro, Rio and Shark and then made his way back to the airship with them. Yuma and the others had already arrived before them so he gave Dextra orders to start the ship. He told everyone what had happened when he was captured until they landed.

They bid farewell to each other until only Kite, Rio, Tori and Shark remained.

"Hey Kite" Shark said

"Yes" Kite replied.

"I challenged you to a duel"


"I found out about your little secret courtesy of Rio"

Then Kite new what he was talking about but Tori was confused but realisation dawned upon her so she questioned Rio as the boys dueled.

"Rio is Kite-"She stated but got interrupted by Rio.


"And he-"


"So this-"


There was a second of silence but then Tori squealed and hugged Rio "I knew it. I'm so happy for you"

The duel then ended and Kite was the victor, Shark was glad only Rio and Tori were watching.

"Reginald, Tori" Rio started "I want you to promise me something"

"What do you want us to promise?" Tori asked

"Please don't tell anyone that Kite and I are dating."

"I promise" Tori replied then they all stared at Shark waiting for his answer

"Whatever" They all smiled and went home happy apart from Shark who was grumpy about losing.

The end

I'm sorry for the terrible chapter but I'm really tired. Anyway I can say that there will be a sequel but I haven't decided the name for it but it will be a while before I write it. I would like to thank all those who read, favourited, reviewed and followed my fic. I'll try to do my next fanfic as soon as possible but bye 'til then.