Disclaimer: I do not own Digimon. My cousin made Takulemon and all her forms I made her tamer Ikkaru(Ikki/Karu)

Author's Note: this is just a cute little fluff I put together. Reviews will be appreciated.


It hasn't been all that long since the Digimon ex-emperor joined us on our quest. What had been a really long time is when we relaxed for a few minutes and had fun. So that's what we all decided to do stop and smell the roses. Cody, Yolie, Ken, and Davis decided to make camp while TK and I looked for some wood. Who am I you may ask I am Kari and I have the crest of light. I still look back on those days with a mixture of fear and happiness. Getting back to the story we all decided to just rest and have fun with our digimon as if we were normal kids. That all changed when Tekulemon and Ikkaru came into our lives. I look around to the little pinkett following me with Lobomon who is Tekulemon's in-training stage. She and the little wolf like Digimon are soo cute together. I'm getting way ahead of myself maybe I should start from the beginning when we meet Tekulemon as Vlkmon. It all started two weeks ago and just like today we all decided to take the day off in the digiworld. It had started as any other day not filled with chaos and worry…


Me and TK decided to take Gatomon and Patomon to a small field with a light Forrest spread. Patomon wanted to play and just enjoy the day that's when Gatomon suggested tag. On three Patomon became it and we scattered as he happily chased us. Little did we know that a digi egg was hiding in the grass. Boy did I find it the hard way when I tripped over it. TK, Gatomon, and Patomon quickly came over to see if I was okay. I told them I was fine then looked in the grass to see what I tripped on. I was sure surprised to see a digital golden egg with pink stars on it. I remembered blinking in surprise.

"How'd that get there?", Gatomon meowed.

" Gee I wonder if it is okay.", Patomon says worriedly. I look at him and smile he's so sweet.

"I don't know Gatomon. I'm sure the egg is okay Patomon." TK says calmly. I pick up the egg and look it over and nodded to him.

"It's okay.", I say then my eyes widen when it moves a little. I hold it tighter.

" Whoa easy little guy!", TK says reaching out and gently rubbs the egg. That's when the most unexpected thing happened the egg hatched. In my arms I held a small little head with wolf ears. What threw me off is the eyes one is gold the other pink.

"Momma!", the Digimon we soon learned is Vlkmon said to me then turns to TK "Dadda!", Vlmon says to him.

"Well TK it looks like we are Parents.", I say to him after exchanging a grin.

" Looks like we are Kari." TK says. "Let's go show her off.", He says with a grin. The priceless reaction we got out of the others is something I will never forget. Cody just nodded , I swear Yolie muttered " About time.", Ken congratulated us, and Davis went from screaming and crying to asking a million questions. I actually expected that from him it was the look on his face that was utterly priceless making me wish TK had been holding Vlkmon so I could snap a picture with my camera.