Yo guess who's back? It's your boi SKINNY PENIS!





"A-A-Ah F-Fuck M-e," Said Issei falling to the ground.

"If you want someone to blame for your death, then blame the god who put that sacred gear in you," said Raynare in a cold and heartless voice before flapping her wings and flying away.

"Ha ha ha, Am….. I really….. going to ….die here?" questioned Issei," I...wish ….things ….were different..I wish ..I could ...see my ….friends..and family...one …..last…..time…." Issei's breath was heavy with exhaustion. His blood seemed endless as it poured out of his wound. It was only a matter of time until Issei passed out and breathed his last breath. OR WAS IT?!HMMMMMM?

A red circle appeared a few feet away from Issei and out came the Crimson Ruin Princess.

"Hmm well shit. I might've been a little too late," said Rias walking over to Issei's body and knelling," I felt the presence of a Fallen here but It seems as if she's already killed her target. However, you must've had a strong sacred gear or some kind of strength for her to kill you.I don't have much time but I might as well revive you as one of my pawns."

Rias then summoned a circle and pulled out all 8 of her pawn pieces before placing one on Issei's chest.

"Hmm? Not enough?" said Rias as she continued to place 3 more pieces on top of Issei's chest until Issei's body accepted the pieces, "Finally, you better be worth those 4 pieces my cute servant."

And like that Rias teleported herself and Issei away

( watch?v=cYNQJyZ2DQs)

"SMOKE SMOKE WEED EVERYDAY, SMOKE SMOKE SMOKE WEED EVERYDAYYYYY, SMOKE SMOKE SMOKE WEED EVERYDAYYYY, SMOKE WE-," Issei groaned as he slammed his hand on top of his alarm clock to turn off Snoop Dogg's voice and proceeded to climb out of his bed.

"You have an interesting choice of alarm clocks,Issei," said an anonymous voice from his bed

"I didn't choose it my old man d- WAIT WHAT THE FUCK!" screamed Issei as he was now fully awake and turned around to see a fully naked Rias on his bed giving him a view of her EVERYTHING.

"WHAT IS IT MY BOY!?" said Issei's father as e broke down his door carrying a weird canister in his left hand," I BROUGHT THE THOT REPELLENT! WHAT'S THE DANGerrrrrrr!" Issei's father then saw Rias on his bed and slowly backed out of Issei's room and closing his door.

"HONEY! Issei's finally become a man!" yelled Issei's father as he went to go talk to his spouse.

"W-what just...happened?" questioned Rias, as she was flabbergasted at what had just occurred.

"Nevermind that. What is really important is why are you in my bed naked!" yelled Issei as he was oblivious to what had happened until he remembered what had happened the night before," Wait what happened to the hole in my stomach and what about Yuuma? What happened last night?"

"Ookay…" said Rias though she was still curious as what just happened, " Well to be blunt, You died last night and Yuuma Amano was actually a Fallen Angel who killed you. And to answer the first question I like to sleep naked." said Rias as she laid out on Issei's bed placing her head on her hand.

"But if Yuuma killed me last night, then how am I still alive?" questioned Issei still confused on the whole situation.

"That's because I reincarnated you as a devil and my servant," said Rias nonchalantly getting out of the bed and stretching," but more importantly we will be late for school if we don't get ready."

"Oh shit! I completely forgot!" yelled Issei as he started to dress and prepare for school.

"So tell me more about this devil and servant thing that you talked about this morning," said Issei as Rias and him were walking to school.

"Well do you know the game chess?" asked Rias.

"Uh kinda," said Issei," I used to play it with my dad when I was younger but I forgot all about it now."

(I really don't know how to explain this part so I'ma just leave it here that Rias explained about the evil piece system and Devils to Issei)

"Wow so I'm a pawn, a low class devil, and your my King?" asked Issei.

"Correct," replied Rias

"And I also have this thing called a sacred gear inside me from God," said Issei," This is a lot to take in Rias-senpai."

"Just take your time Issei, and come to the old abandoned school house after school. There I'll go more in-depth about everything," said Rias as they reached the school gates.

"Okay I'll see you later than Rias senpai," said Issei as they both split off to their classes.

As Issei walks to his class in deep thought, Murayama and Katase stop to talk to Issei only to be ignored by the teen as he was too deep in thought.

"What do you think is up with Issei today?" asked Katase as she was curious to what could have Issei in such deep thought.

"Hmm I don't know maybe he just has a lot on his mind right now," replied Murayama," we probably shouldn't disturb him today Katase."

"Yeah you're probably right," said Katase in a dejected

School was over just as quickly as it started for Issei as he was lost in his thoughts throughout the whole day

"Issei Hyoudou?" said an anonymous voice breaking Issei out of his thoughts.

"Ah I'm sorry Yumi," replied Issei

Yumi Kiba the younger sister of Yuuto Kiba, also part of the 4 great onee-sama's along side with Rias Gremory, Akeno Himejima, and Koneko Toujou. She was a second year just like Issei. She had long overflowing blonde hair and grey eyes and was only a few inches shorter than Issei.

"Ah it's fine Hyoudou-san, Rias-Buchou asked me to take you to the occult-research club," replied Yumi in her calm and angelic voice.

"Then shall we go? We don't want to keep Rias-senpai waiting do we?" said Issei," and you dont have to address me as Hyoudou-san you can just call me Issei," said Issei as he stood up from his desk and followed Yumi to their walk was boring and uninteresting but to the other students it was solid gold and good gossip material.

As they reached the doors of the building Yumi turned around.

"Are you ready Issei?What lies behind this door will change your life forever," said Yumi a little sad.

"Hmm I'm not sure but we'll never know what'll happen if i don't take the first step do we?" said Issei in a hopefully voice

"Okay then Issei, If you say so," said Yumi in a more joyfully voice and opening Issei's future…..

Well I hope this chapter is enough to satisfy you guys for now. I'm going to take another 2 years off until i update again!