Death: Heya guyss! Hope chu are enjoying this fic! Thank you sooo much for the support, favs, follows, and reviews! I always apprieciate such wonderful feedback from fans! This chapter is actually VERY GORY, so be warned! But for those who love that kinda stuff you will not be disapointed becuase my my did I put my time and effort into making that splendor! XD Sorry for the delay with this one, after this I will be sure to be uploading more frequently from now on!

Oh, and before I get some raging reviews, ADRIEN/CHAT NOIR IS NOT GOING TO DIE! Rest assured that there is no actual murder in this fic!

He bolted as fast as his feline limbs could propel. The impulse from his limbs ripped the dark emerald blades from their covets and scattered the late night's dew among the soil while the others clung to the fibers of his pelt as he surged towards the chain linked fence. Swift limbs scissored through the fresh grass, his figure nothing but an abyssal blur under the cover of darkness. Ligaments and tendons ebbed and bent to their full potential, amplifying the propulsion of every stride. Chat Noir continued to speed across the large yard like a phantom in the night, and wove his slender frame around the snapping of gristly jowls, dodging the flashes of white ivories just inches behind his tail. The cacophony of barks began their crescendo, resonating to summon more hounds to the mission as the bites, snaps, and growls inched closer and closer, trampling his trail in the tall grass, their breath on his heels.

Approaching the chain linked fence, Chat dug his back claws into the soft, rich soil, craned his haunches and leaped onto the strong iron mesh, five feet above the voracious maws. But, at the beginning of his escalade towards the top, cuspate incisors closed around the length of his tail. He yowled, the pain that rocketed up across his spine halted his escape. He whipped his head around to come face to face with a doberman. Ferocious beaded eyes pierced into his facade, unnerving him all the more as those yellow orbs raised the hackles across his back. The beast wasted no time in tearing him down off the fence, slamming him down against the ground by the length of his tattered tail. Once down, there was no way out for the little cat.

They assaulted him, teeth tearing into his flesh while claws ravaged his fur and skin. He struggled to dodge their savage, snapping maws, but they pounded him with heavy kicks and steps, trampling him under foot. In the fray, he could but only make out nine shadowed canine figures, their menacing white teeth stark against their darkened pelts and shimmering eyes.

A single maw captured his left hind leg, the cuspate fangs piercing through the meat of his thigh and and shredding through the fibers as it pulled back. Chat Noir's nerves screamed as they were being ravaged, sliced and wrenched from their networks while the rest of his tissue were being chewed to shambles. With his wires in a fray, they electrocuted his brain, the signals so dizzying that his conscious began to fade, muting the violent blurry fires.

Another pair of jowls had latched themselves onto his right arm, vicious ivories once more buried themselves into his sinews. His waning conscious could barley decipher the gnashing, the riving of his tissues, the singing of his nerves and the cries his aching body moaned. Everything was slowing around him as black umbrage blurred the fringes of his vision, creeping ever closer to dim his pupils as he felt more and more of his lifeblood bleed from his stores in what could fill vials. And in what he could only decipher to be a sickening crack ascending from his right fore limb, his world finally went black.

"Save me, Marinette…"

. . .

"Ooh! Are you going to be taking the late shift tonight, Marinette?"

"Yeah, I'm so sorry I won't be able to make it to your dinner party tonight, Rose. Hah… And I'm sure your cooking will be no less than delicious as always right?" Marinette sighed, stroking Rose's tawny, homesick little rabbit cradled in her arms before gently lowering it into its comfy abode in her friend's carrying crate.

"No worries, Marinette. You always work so hard, it motives me everyday to come up with new recipes for the restaurant I own! I'll be sure to save you the chef's specialities!" The blond, pixie cut petite assured, sliding the crate off the counter by the handle and holding it at her side before placing her credit card atop the surface of the perch.

"Oh, Rose really you don't have to do that," Marinette pleaded embarrassingly, blushing as she slid the card across the register and pecked at the keyboard log beneath her fingertips.

"Nonsense! You really helped Macaroon recover from his case of the snuffles. It's the least I can do!" Rose was always like this. She was the kind, energetic bundle of fluff, flowers, and innocence since she knew since freshman year and despite all her experience and qualifications, Marinette still couldn't say no to those baby blue eyes.

"Oh… Okay, Rose," Marinate relented with a heavy sigh as she returned the card, which only contributed to the radiant expression on the blonde's face.

"Yay! I won't disappoint you!" She exclaimed, trotting off with her beloved, ginger bunny while waving her goodbyes.

"Say high to Juleka for me!" Marinette added as she too waved her old friend a farewell.

Marinette shortly afterward had retreated to her duties back inside the hospital, softly switching off the lights in the operating rooms, pharmaceutical storage, and the sleeping chambers of the pets. The facility was a small, quaint emergency animal hospital and clinic, the two sides of opposing wings and specialties. She was aware of a few nurses that were still holding down the night shift with her, occasionally on break or tending to the animals at this time due to the deserted patient counter, but for now, the lone veterinarian roamed the halls alone, looking to the clock for company as it read 9:00pm.

"Just four more hours to go until home, huh?" A sigh escaped her curved lips as she continued down the hall towards her sleepy, overnight patients in waiting.

For the first hour, Marinette performed the routine bandage changes for many of the wounded patients, making sure to examine the crevices of their stitches or tissues of their healing wounds for any signs of infection before rewrapping them in fresh white gauze once more. With no emergency surgeries at the moment, Marinette used her time on the clock to do several routine checks in the kennel room to make sure her coworkers' patients were on track to a safe and speedy way to recover. The raven haired wonder was just in the middle of rewrapping the arm of a wounded chihuahua pup just as barking had sounded right outside the backyard door to her left. Thinking nothing of it, she simply shrugged and carried on with her patient. Then, the barks intensified, growing into a wild cacophony of hostile growls, yelps, and howls.

"Keep it down you guys," She shushed through the door. The big dogs in question were all going through rehabilitation in addition to being rescues the facility had been fostering at the mean time for an animal shelter. They were usually so calm and quiet, Marinette couldn't help but wonder what was outside. Swiftly finishing her session with the dreary and tired lap dog, the vet was just as happy to return him to his warm and fuzzy bed just as she was to be finally finished with the night's sweep. However, it also seemed like the perfect time for the hellish pandemonium outside to explode in a disarray of shrieks and yowls. Marinette's eyes widened as the alert, alarmed barking had morphed into a vicious uproar of snarls and the sound of succor-like snapping jowls. Not sparing a second to waste, Marinette dashed to the door, her hand cocking over the knob of the handle as she turned it and and swung open the frame.

"Hey! What's going on here? Daisy! Dillion! Paris!" She shouted. Her eyes rapidly adjusting to the night's murk with the aid of an automatic overhead light above the oak frame. She witnessed all ten of the rescues coagulating at an area near the fence post, cornering whatever they had found and taking turns at snapping, biting, and gnashing at whatever their discovery was. Marinette hurriedly scampered out the back door towards the canines, the grip of her right hand coiled tight around a five inch long, silver dog whistle. She held it to her lips and blasted a gust of air from her own breath straight through metallic body of the whistle. While inaudible to her ears, the announcement, it seemed was made loud and clear among the canines whom froze dead in their findings and whipped their heads around to her, their ears respectfully docked, forward, and eyes guilty with their tails tucked between their stilts.

"Back-back you guys. What were you getting at?" She dismissed them, the dogs promptly returning to their shelters and beds as they trotted past her, occasionally requesting her to give them a goodnight pet on the head as they scampered off to their sleep. Horror struck her face when the obscurity of muzzles and fur receded, the veil of the night exposed what lay in front of the corner's crevice.

"Chat? Chat?!" The clamor trembling as they tumbled from her lips in a quaking echo while she hastened towards the cat. It was a marvel that even despite the desecration, she could still identify the disheveled heap of tousled black fur and shredded flesh as her precious feline rescue.

Crashing onto her knees beside the cat, she immediately fished for the small flashlight in her alabaster coat pocket. She ignited the torch with the flick of a button, focusing the cone of light on the grievances of his wounds. She held her breath her hand cast the beam over the gruesome, swollen laceration across his ribs, the gnashed slashes contorted by the gaping punctures that scourged his pelt, the fresh blood that oozed from the openings shimmering under the synthetic spotlight. The soft wisps of steam that misted above the warm caverns of his lesions pricked her at her tear ducts for the sacred crystalline liquid and succeeded; Their triumph was the single droplet that quenched young grass roots beneath her quaking feet.

The beacon slowly transversed down to what was left of his right arm; A mauled, splintered stake of bone, laundering a sheet of mangled flesh embedded with cuspate, ossein shards. Marinette angled the torch away, now concentrating the beam atop his left hind leg. A grotesque, raw stub void of its sister lower half below the kneecap. Bluebell eyes could almost rewind to a grisly scene of the violent tugging that caused the sickening pop of the joint as it was severed from the patellar hinge of his knee. The gaping, open socket still moist from the congealed, vitreous fluid stared at her, as if imbrued eyes would sprout from such lurid bereft. Marinette's chest began to, seize her breath ragged from the panicked contractions her torso was succumbing to as a quaking hand traveled upwards towards the closed lids of the feline. The veterinarian angled the luminescence to follow the course of her fingertips, gentle limbs slowly pried open the soft, obsidian lids of the cat, her respiration in suspension as the glare was casted over the pupil. Her reprieve tumbled out of her maw in one gargantuan exhale, her breath relaxing as relief washed across her limbs. Shrugging her lab coat off her shoulders, she gently blanketed the alabaster cloth over the Chat, lifting his limp body off the ground wrapped in the gauze of her fabrics, cradled by her warm embrace.

Bursting through the back door, she bolted to the PA of the recover room, jabbing the red button with her thumb and leaning in to the speaker.

"Calling all medical staff to to operating room thirteen! I repeat, this an emergency surgery, the patient is in need of immediate attention, all medical staff to the operating room, please!" She hoped, prayed to to every being out there in her mind that someone, anyone in the building would be there as she rushed to the designated operating room

"Marinette? I heard your announcement, what's the emergency?" Mylene inquired, the vet tech cocking her head as she rushed to prepare the sanitized surgical tools.

"Oh, thank god it's you Mylene! I thought everyone had gone home by now." Marinette sighed, expelling a hefty exhale from her mouth before gently laying Chat on the operating table. "He's an adult cat that had recently mauled on by out large rescue dogs in the back." Blue bell eyes darted to and fro the equipment, her fingertips as swift as a crane, snatching metallic scalpels, saws, and saws like river minnows plucked from the soft currents of a stream and placing them upon the covered, stainless steel top. Mylene joined her, flicking on the observation light and angling it to spotlight the degree of horrification that had been done to the feline.

"Hah… prepare yourself, Mylene. It's gonna be a long night…"

Death: Hope chu all have enjoyed that descriptive gory masterpiece! XD I always love a good review escpecially in response to my chapters! Lemme know what you guys think! Next chapter will be out soon so stay tuned!