I do not own InuYasha or my beloved Sesshy-kun

Thank you everyone for waiting I know it's been awhile and I will try my best to have the next chapter up as soon as I can. I hope you all are enjoying the story so far and please let me know what you think of each chapter it really helps me get a feel on how I'm doing so far. Thanks again.

Question for A Question

Sesshomaru stepped in the room following the young Miko. He looked around and couldn't help but notice the decor.
It would seem she doesn't know how this room works yet, so this is the natural her.
He smiled lightly and Kagome noticed this.
" Why are you smiling?" She looked with her head to the side
"Are we starting your little game?" he said coyly
"Will you keep answering my questions with questions and not answers" She said with a smirk
Sesshomaru thought for a moment, he could easily do just that but had a feeling that she would in turn do the same she was a stubborn one and took joy in toying with him. He looked to her and said "if this is in fact the start of the game you want to play then This One shall answer the questions you have that This One deems appropriate to answer." "Ok, one you don't have to talk like that all the time around 'This One' for 'This One' truly doesn't care for it at all." She spoke in a mocking tone. "relax a little I know you may have forgotten but your still a kid for now you should get to enjoy while it last. At least that's what my mom says" She climbed on top of her foot stool near the fire place and began to hang off the side upside down. "As long as we're together you can always be yourself around me I don't mind." He watched her climb on the stool and watched as she truly acted like a cat trying to find the perfect position to suit her comfort. When she said he could be himself it sent shock through him.
What did she mean, everyone knew who he was and what it meant for him to always act a certain way.

To embody the next Lord of the West it is the way I have always been taught without question.

He was Prince surly she could not be asking him to act unbecoming. "and two" he stated as his eyes never left her being. "and two" again she tilted her head to the side in confusion and curiosity. Sesshomaru rolled his eyes at her not realizing he had and she thought it was cute if not rude. "You said one If you said this the there is reason to believe that you had another point to make, did you not?" Kagome thought for a minute she then giggled and rolled over onto her stomach to sit up all the way and look him directly in the eye. "Two you will answer any question I ask unless I can honestly tell it makes you uncomfortable, and before you ask why making that your third questions. It's because if I left it up to your choice of questions you find appropriate I might never get any of the answers I'm looking for. You seem like someone who is good at not answering questions." She said with a smile "and three yes this is the start of the game so answer my two questions already because it's still my turn." She shook her finger at him waiting for him to answer.

Oh she good at this
stop it I will not be bested by her if we are to play this game I shall learn more about her.

"Fine This Sesshomaru will indeed answer your questions, the smile was because you don't know how the room works.
"What do you mean how the room works" Again her head went to the side.
So when she is confused or curious she leans her head to the side I like that. I shall keep that in mind.
"The room is enchanted with a spell so that it will suit the mood or true nature of the person on it." "But what does that have to do with..." Kagome was cut off as Sesshomaru put his finger in the air. "It is This Ones turn" She pouted but let him go. He smirked at her and continued "How did you get here?"
So He only wants to answer the exact question well two can play at this game.
"I fell down a well" She looked at him with a confident look on her face that she half answered his question the same way he had done hers.
He shook his head at her confident smirk
She really is a stubborn one, she will never make anything easy for me I can see this becoming a habit.
"my turn what did you mean about the room"
"This room is enchanted by magic, as is the whole palace, but this room always goes by the mood or nature of the one who is mostly in it to ensure that you are always comfortable. Going by your nature is mostly a default for when you aren't experiencing any intense emotion it's most likely the way the room will always look unless you decide to change it. So based on that This Sesshomaru could tell that you are not feeling threatened anymore because the room shows the true you." "Now why did you come here" Before she even realized she was Kagome answered the question. "Well I'm not sure I can give you the kind of answer you want because I'm not sure myself but I think it's because you called me here" Sesshomaru s eyes grew wide in shock I called her here, she came to me "I know that sounds crazy but I was at my family's shrine and I heard the sounds of a puppy that sounded so sad and hurt that needed it someone and I just had to come to it, but from what I remember that puppy is you so that would mean you called me here." She looked into his eyes and could see the sadness she heard in his call the first time but she could also see he was trying so hard to hide it.

Why does he hide his sadness its ok to be sad sometimes.

Remember who he is Kagome he is a Prince just because being carefree is ok for you does not mean he has that luxury
But he's still a kid just like me that's not fair.
It may not be fair but it has to be. Those around him demand great things and hold him to higher standards than anyone else in the lands he's what you would call the product of fine breeding.
No wonder he's so sad I wish I could help.
What would you do
I'm not sure but I have to try something

She looked up and noticed he was drifting off "What were you thinking about?" Before he realized what he was doing he answered her question "This Sesshomaru is trying to figure out how you could have come for me when you don't even know me, but again you didn't actually come for me you came to the call of my beast." He said in an angered tone.

Why are you getting mad with her she has done nothing wrong.
Because it is you she likes not me, she defended you, came to your aid, when she saw me she was scared. She doesn't like me it is YOU she cares for. If that is what you think you are foolish and you don't deserve her because you know that isn't the truth. She came to OUR aid we were not separate yet. Also we are the same person and she acknowledges this.
Because she realizes that it was YOU which summoned her here. If she didn't accept us she would have said I came here for the puppy not acknowledging that you were in fact what she came for, but she does and that makeans all the difference so do not treat her that way or you will loose her and I won't allow that.

With that Sesshomarus eyes grew at that realization Kagome giggled slightly Sesshomaru lifted his eyebrow to gaze at her. "What is it you find amusing now" "You didn't say This Sesshomaru or This One towards the end of the sentence you even showed me emotions, real emotions not just a slight smile because you have the upper hand, but I think that means you're comfortable somehow." She giggled again as she saw him lift his eye brow again.
So he does that when he's confused or curious about something it's cute I'll have to remember that. "
"Look I'm not sure why you called me but you did, even though it was a puppy that called first it is half of who you are. I have this other half too I'm not sure how but were different and the same, we are one. So if I like one part of you and not the other then I don't deserve to know you because I wouldn't accept all of you, but I do, I may have meet one first but I want to know both of you, and if you promise not to act like Mr. Kiddie Prince when your around me then maybe we can be friends since it seems like I was meant for you, so what do you say wanna be mine." There was a long pause she had a blushed smile on her face as she stared back at him waiting for an answer. Her eyes were closed in the smile for a second so she couldn't see the completely stuck look on his face.

Sesshomaru's Head
What is it with this Mr. Kiddie Prince is she trying to utterly annoy me to no end first shes all nice and caring, sweet even and I like that but I mean honestly how hard is it to call me by my name and another thing she wants me to be myself how does she not know this is my real self she accepts both of us she barely knows us and I'm hers how can she just...wait...wait...what did...I'm hers...
Oh So you finally heard what she said it's about time you did
I'm hers...She wants me to be hers... but I want her to be Mine...so she is Mines now…..if so then she is mine forever I don't want anyone else to play with her.
If you continue to think like that I will take over.
But she wants this...
I don't think she knows how she said it and...
You are my beast how can you be rational right now where was this when you went off on farther
Because you still don't know the way you want her I know what you think you want but the way you are about to try and take her is not the right way for what you want right now because believe me I want that too but you are still too young to take her the way your trying to so until it is time for that moment I will and can be 'rational' as you put it but that means you will have to learn your role in us and he may be alpha but he is still another male and even that thought sends me into a rage she is OURS to dominate but not by force she will be ours willingly.
But Why if we want the same thing right now I see no reason to stop and wait.
This is why you are still a pup you will learn with time the ways of this life and when the time really comes to take her that way you can only hope to stop me if your strong enough or I will be the first to have her.
He spoke with a virile growel at the thought of having to wait ... but I will help you this time

Why is he just standing there with this weird look on his face all I wanted to know was did he want to be my friend
is that what you asked him?
Her beast knowing full well what she said and what affect this had on the young Prince
Yes I said that...

Kagome replayed her exact words in her head and began to blush furiously this in turn caused the room around her to start to change the calm star wall began to change into a whirlpool resembling a galaxy the blossoms on the tree began to burst open into the most beautiful pinks and reds as the petals began to fall like they were blowing in the wind.

I said I belong to him...why did I say that...I said I wanted him to be Mine...but...but why.
Because you do and when the time comes if you still wish it he just might be you and I both see him fit for what he will be some day your being knows even if you do not….. but for now I will help you...

Both their eyes began to bleed Sesshomaru's red and Kagome's saphire but still showed some of the natural color.
"Who are you" Kagomes voice was one with her beast just as Sesshomaru's was earlier that night talking to his parents. "We could ask you the same thing" Shi smirked slightly. "Since we are still playing this ridiculous game we shall answer, you know of course know the young Prince, but I am Shi." "Well Shi I am Seikatsu but you may call me Sei and I'm sure you know of Kagome already" Shi nodded as he spoke it would seem Kagome has caused a problem with her little slip of the tongue. Or perhaps this was your doing?" "If that is your question then the answer is no I had no hand in this you know as well as I that she meant to be friends." Sei moved closer to him and purred in his ear "If you think the two of you can handle This Sei and Kagome then in due time we shall see." She stepped away slyly "you're a little minx and soon you will be ours to conquer and then" He stepped forward to stand tall and dominating over her "You WILL submit to This Shi and Sesshomaru, but agreed all in due time." He stepped back as both beast retreated with parting words.


Both their eyes turned back to normal as they stood there blushing both hearing everything that happened between there beast but not being able to stop it.

What do I say to him now
what do I say to her now

Let him answer the question
Answer her question

Kagome looked at him waiting for the answer to her question.
He looked at her and happened to glance away and look around the room finally noticing the shift of everything. Slowly it began to go back to normal but whenever he looked at her it would stop mid change.
"Do you fear this Sesshomaru?"
"Huh...what...I...umm...n...Hey wait you still didn't answer my question." "Yes I will be your friend" She released a breath she didn't realize she was holding. "No I do not fear you but I do have some more questions for you." "Hmmmm Like what" She smiled at him finally and he realized he liked when she smiled and wanted to always see a smile on her face. He raised his eyebrow again and she answered his unspoken question "I find the question interesting you have giving me no reason to fear you yet you feel the need to ask" "So where are we and what happened"
So she really doesn't remember what happened.
We are at This...hmmm you are at my father's home in the Western Lands. You were bought here after you passed out from overusing both your powers. This will be your place to stay while you are here."
Kagome took her time processing everything that was said to her trying hard to remember what happened , and sat down on the rug. She fell back trying to remember every little thing and her dreams began to return to her as she laid back staring at the night sky. He watched her, studying her every move, the way she laid on the rug her white and black hair looked beautiful against it. "What troubles you?" He could feel the mild mix of emotions flowing from her. She looked at the Prince before her and finally let her guard down. She was no longer feisty or playful she was letting the gravity of everything hit her. "It's a lot" Again she glanced up at the night sky "It's still late and I've kept you up if that was your last question I guess that was mine, so your free to go" Sesshomaru looked down into the sapphire grey eyes that pleading with him, as if begging him to stay. Without a second thought he laid down next to her their hair mixing together as they turn to face each other. "You are in a foreign land with no clue how to get back tell me all that troubles you and I will try to make you feel better." Kagomes eyes glittered with unshed tears as she watch the sunny gold orbs staring back at her with a smile she whipped her face and told him of all she could remember. She spoke of the dreams she had and how she's not sure who her family back home is to her. She was going to tell him of the young man as well but her beast advised against it. She told him about her home and little brother. By that time Sesshomaru told her about himself as well all that it meant to be who he was and how trapped he felt. He couldn't believe he told her these things, but for the rest of the night they talked to each other about everything that had happened and anything else that came to mind.

By morning they both found themselves fast asleep holding hands and that is just how Kasumi found them in the morning. She was worried about her pup and went to check on her only to find the scene before her. Taisho arrived right behind his mate to see what she saw.
If all goes well they will be inseparable forever I will wake her so we may speak with her.
Kasumi looked to her sleeping cub and pup once more.
Very well
Taisho established a link with their son;
I will have our pup prepare for breakfast.

He looked to him knowing he was up when they came into the room.
Did you hear that son get up and get ready for the day and I would love to know why you are in here in the first place.

Taisho stared at his son as he watch his eyes open and look to his angel sleeping next to him. Without so much as a look to his parents he brushed the loose strands of hair from her face and rose to leave as he began to let go her hand she stirred and held tighter. Her eyes began to open to see her Prince standing above her. She did not acknowledge his parents once again and simple gave him a look asking where he was going. "Miko you will release This Sesshomaru at once." The shocked look in her eyes was more than he could take at the moment without so much as a word he looked from her to his farther. At that point she turned and acknowledged the others in the room. Upon seeing the Lord from before her body tenses for a second before Sesshomaru squeezed her hand gently to calm her. The passing glance between them was like a full conversation and in a matter of seconds she released his hand and stood up. Another glance and she bowed to the Lord and Lady of the West. "Good Morning Lord Taisho and Lady Kasumi please excuse my rudeness yesterday day I was not aware of who you were at the time. Thank you so much for saving me."
Once again this little cub was full of surprises and each one better than the last. With one motion Sesshomaru moved to exist the room "She awoke in the middle of the night and couldn't get back to sleep This Sesshomaru stayed with her for the time being." After that was said he didn't wait for a response he mealy left to get ready.
Kagome watched with a slight sadness as her Prince left.
I will see you at breakfast Kagome so pay attention to what they have to say.
With that she smiled and returned her focus on the two in front of her. She then began to look at the Lord for the first time his Long dark silver hair was in a high ponytail. His deep golden eyes reminded her somewhat of her Prince. He had One Indigo strip on either side of his face and he truly looked strong. His posture and everything about him spoke of confidence.
"I really tried to fight you huh"... what she didn't realize was she said that aloud. This made the Lord and Lady both laugh. "You did indeed my little cub but you did so without hesitation or fear of what would happen and I couldn't be more proud." Kagome looked to the Lady as she spoke something about her made Kagome calm down she felt safe with her and even the Lord no longer bothered her she felt protected at this moment. "What do you want with me" She asked them both. "You will come to my study after breakfast there we will discuss all you know. So for now bathe and get dressed." At those parting words that gave no room for argument the Lord took his leave.
Kagome turned to the Lady "Is he really that mad at me" "And why do you think that little one" "Because he just seems mad and that doesn't really suit him" She crossed her arms as if thinking hard about it. "One day you will come to understand this moment but until that day arrives you will bathe and get dressed as your Lord has asked. I will get Moko to assist you." "Please Milady I am not a baby I can bath and dress myself" "As you wish my cub she will simply lay out your clothes and wait to show you to the family dining area." "Thank you Lady Kasumi" Kagome replied with a bow "no need to be so formal dear." "but I'm not sure what else to call you." "Fair enough my cub when you think of something that suits you let me know." "Ok. but I have two more questions." "Oh and what might they be." Kasumi truly loved this little one even at her age she was so curious, polite, and feisty she was everything she could ask for in a daughter. "Ummmm well, where's the bath at." "oh how silly of me I never did have the chance to show you around the room or the palace, Well then the bath is right through here." Kasumi walked to the other side of the bed opposite the fire place to two doors. "This door leads to the balcony and this door leads to the spring."
When Kasumi opened the door Kagomes eyes grew incredibly wide at what she was a tall waterfall surrounded by lush grass and big stones for meditation. again there was no roof and Kagome could see the sunrise shine in. off to the side were four hot springs. and a small door that lead to the adjoining balcony. Along the wall was all the bathing supply she could ask for given the time. there were plenty of soaps and small jars of what looked to be bubble bath. Kagome raced to the potions wanting to have one in her bath." careful my dear these are very strong potions." " Potions?" Kagome looked to her with confusion. "Why would you have potions in the bathroom." "Well dear to help with many things our healers are the best in the lands so when they make their potions they help us feel better." "So what do they do Milady." "Kasumi picked up a few well this blue one is used for healing, this red one is to help your Kekki, this one..." Kasumi picked up a purple vile and couldn't help the small blush on her face. "This one shouldn't be in here my cub." "but what is it used for" "well dear let's just say it's used to help two people know each other better." "what like become best friends." "Something like that but it's only for older people." "I guess, so tell me more." "Ok one more and then you really must get ready for breakfast it's not polite to keep the Lord waiting." "Ok one more." Kagome had a frown on her face but still smiled as the Lady pulled one more Vile off the self. " Hmmmm let's see ah this one helps with Memories." "how does it do that." "Well if you really want to remember something you can use this while you mediate, but you have to focus on the thing you really want to remember otherwise it can be dangerous and may trigger some unhappy memories as well. that's also why you don't need that much of it this is a very powerful potion and is not to be taken lightly. Am I understood my little one." "Yes mam do not play with the potions." "very well, what did you think they were anyway?" Kasumi couldn't help but wonder given hoe fast she ran to them "Well back where I come from we have this thing called bubble bath it comes in many awesome smells and colors but when you pour it in the bath it fill the tub with bubbles, everywhere, and it makes the bath so much fun. and...and..." Kagome suddenly became really sad..." Kasumi could feel the sudden pain her cub had. she bent down and picked her up holding her tight in a mothers embrace. " What troubles you little one you can tell me." Kagome held tight to the Lady of the West and felt her warmth through her whole body.

This feels so familiar but why.
Suddenly flashes of her dream played in her head "I love you my dear and I'll always be with you."
Mama she reminds me of my REAL mama.
"Am I ever going to go home mama?" Kasumi's heart kept out of her body.
She...She...called me mama she really IS my pup."
"Do not cry my little cub one day you will and as soon as breakfast is over we will talk about it, but while you are here I will protect you with my life so no harm will ever befall you. Do you understand." "Yes I do...Ummmm...Milady."
With sadness in her voice at her words she responded.
She must not realize what she called me just now. huh...oh well...one step at a time I guess.
"What is it." "can I get down now I have to get ready." "Of course dear now remember what I said and be quick about it." "yes mam"

With that Kasumi made her exist and summed Moko.
"Good morning Milady how can I be of assistance." "My little cub that I'm sure you're aware of by now is bathing. She wishes to bathe on her own but see to it she is still fine and lay out her clothes. As of today you will be her personal attendant as well as mine for the remainder of her time here. Do you think you can manage this." "Of course Milady it would be my honor." "I would expect nothing less from you my dear now see to it she is down in a timely fashion for breakfast she is already going to be late." "Yes Milady" "Oh...and one more thing she can be a handful my dear and I'm sure you'll find her very interesting...but needless to say I expect the utmost discretion from you is this clear Moko." "Yes Lady Kasumi of course...if that is all I will take my leave." "Yes that is all"

Moko walked into the young girls' room hearing immediately that she was playing around in the tub and not getting ready. In one swift motion Moko found a kimono for her straightened up the room and proceeded to the bathing area to get the little one. She knocked on the door but there was no answer only continues splashing. Moko then let herself in to find A young tiger cub swimming in the small river near the waterfall. "Excuse me shoujo but it is time for you to bathe and get dressed the Lord and Lady await you." Kagome stopped splashing around long enough to look up at Moko she realized then and there that she looked much like herself and found her interesting. At the same moment Moko locked eyes with Kagome and understood her mistresses' strange behavior the other day as well as why she entrusted her specifically with this task.

She truly is sent from the heavens.

"Shoujo if you would please allow my assistant we might not be as late to get you to breakfast." "My name is Kagome and before I agree to anything who are you." Moko was stunned never had it mattered before who she was it was implied that she was a servant, this girl was truly strange. "My name is Moko Kagome-sama" "-sama I'm no -sama Moko chan." "what would you like me to call you shoujo" "why can't you just call me Kagome." "I am but your personal servant Kagome-chan I could never." "huh you too huh is everyone here so formal...ugh doesn't that get tiring were in a bath, who is ever formal in a bath anyway." Moko had a slight smile on her face

She is wise beyond her years this little one could tear this castle apart in no time I like her.

"Well Kagome chan how about when it's just us you call me whatever you like." "hmmmm I think I'll call you Moko neesan, since you look like me." Moko eyes grew wide

To be so young and innocent again.

"Very well my hime if that is what you wish. Now please allow me to bath you quickly so we can get down to breakfast."
After a quick wash they moved back to the room where Kagome saw a beautiful kimono laying on the bed. It was all white with a black inner layer, the design had four jagged claw marks with black showing in the rips and on the back were a set of blue tiger eyes. After she put it on she set at the dresser so Moko could do her hair. How would you like your hair today shoumai. At those words her face literally up. "Can I have it with two buns." "If that is what you wish but we must hurry." Once they were done Kagome followed closely behind Moko as they made their way down the step to the first floor of the West wing and then through the doors Kagome saw for the first time the Grand entrance as they swiftly made their way to the south wing. About three doors down the hall Kagome was lead to a door which lead to what seemed to be an outdoor greenhouse. "Lady Kagome is here My Lord" Moko said as Kagome was paying no attention to them as she gazed around at the beautiful room around her. It showed a bright blue sky above her and flowers as fare as she could see the only other thing being two twin trees that sat right behind the Lord to shade the table. "Kagome you may take a seat" The Lord spoke as he caught her gaze. With a slight blush she sat next to Kasumi on her left, across the table from Sesshomaru, and at the head Was the Lord. In mere moments the food was served. Kagome looked at everyone as they looked at her and she waited. After many moments she spoke. "Ummmm excuse me Milord but is it not a custom here for you to start our meal." All three set of eyes were on her and with a smile Taisho nodded his head and took the first bite and everyone began breakfast.

Shoumai - little sister

Shoujo- young lady

hime- princess

Neesan- older sister