Chapter 4: Fears and Monsters

Alucard landed lightly floating onto the ground. This place, Thriller Bark, has already interested once that skeleton pirate explained to him and that pirate crew what it was.

He thought back to that crew and still chuckled at their reactions to him being a vampire. "They were so anxious to get rid of me." Alucard commented on the Straw Hats' disapproval of him with the exception of the captain.

"No matter I need to get back to England, but I have no idea where the hell I'm at?" Alucard questioned as he looked around...the strange forest... he could've sworn he saw a tree with... a stitched face on it.

Out of nowhere he heard a mysterious laugh, rather a familiar one, a "Yohohoho" one to be accurate. The skeleton pirate! He's here! Alucard thought with much joy. He turned to see with his 'Third-Eye', he could see Brook coming in from a far distance. He was running...on water...he didn't bother questioning that as he was amused that Brook came.

"What fun! My amusement will never end!" Alucard shouted and laughed manically never before.

In a few minutes or so, Brook reached the island and hummed his song. He cheered "Yes, I'm here!"

He walked a few steps, only then to stop. He felt something was off, Thriller Bark was a scary, no doubt about it but this time there was just something and he couldn't point his finger on it. He needed to accomplish getting his shadow back from Ryuuma. Thinking back to the pirates that gave him good food and sympathy, he wondered do they already left yet though based on their captain's attitude he probably would want to come here.

Avoiding the thought for now as he wanted to get his goal accomplished first, getting his shadow back. His instincts warned of a strange malevolent darkness that was lurking in the forest, Brook mustering his bravery decided to walk further into the forest as he sensed an enemy was nearby.

As he walked further and further, keeping his guard, Brook noticed in the pitch darkness, red eyes opened all towards him and piercing his bravery with nothing more than a look in the red eyes. He felt like screaming as his survival instinct was warning or rather forcing him to flee from this threat. However, in a fight or flight mode, Brook chose flight mode.

Paralyzed by the stare given to him and feared this threat, little to no comfort Brook watched as the threat moved closer and closer and closer...

Silence spoke for both Brook and the entity approaching him as it was an emerging, powerful, pitch black darkness. Brook then fell on his knees, but didn't move at all. The figure mingled by the dark, as if he was born in it, molded by it, and uses it to his advantage.

Red eyes as ferocious as the Devil himself, he could give a zombie a run for their money in scare contest, Brook thought.

As the threat walked closer to Brook, the more Brook sweated and feared for another death. It was all-for-nothing at this point. He was going to die.

The first noticeable piece Brook noticed was the toothy smirk, like a sea king hunting its prey in the ocean.

He cringed at the presence and tried to get away but Brook was paralyzed by fear, his legs wouldn't move.

"No..." he muttered in fear.

"GET AWAY FROM ME!" Brook screamed.

An adrenaline rush occurred into Brook and so he ran as fast he could past the dark nightmare.

Alucard looked at this and smirked. "Well, he sure knows how to make an entertaining night."

As he walked further, he noticed two walls on each side and then there it was... a three headed dog almost as if it was Cerebus from the Greek mythos.

He then noticed the stitches on it and wondered who in the hell would create something like this. Someone was creating monsters... Alucard felt insulted that someone could give up being a human and into a monster but now this...this made everything inside fume with rage.

The three headed dog growled like any typical predator however as soon Alucard growled back at it, the dog was intimidated and went on its way.

Alucard walked and walked and walked until there was no end, he was going to find the man responsible for that abomination of a dog.

A staircase was nearby and Alucard simply leaped over it to get ahead.

After doing that, he walked some more until a carriage came by.

"Walking in this forest alone is simply insanity, of course if it is alright with you, would like to come with me in my cart to the mansion?" A strange bat creature said from the tree.

"And you are?" Alucard asked

"I go by Hilton." Hildon introduces himself.

Alucard glared at him and stated "I don't need to go to some mansion in order to handle this forest. I can just take a walk at this nice night time."

Hildon was confused, this guy couldn't be serious right now.

Before Hildon could say anything, Alucard simply went on his way.

The forest was indeed a dark place, he liked it actually. It reminded him of his old days of being Count Dracula.

Creatures or whatever started to pop out such as a tree with a human face, a lion with human face, etc.

Alucard mocked such creations. He started to pop his guns and began his bloodlust massacre...

(Meanwhile with the Straw Hats)

"Well that was weird," commented Franky.

"Even more so than our idiot captain deciding to get a skeleton and a vampire on this ship." Sanji bluntly remarked while smoking a cigarette.

Luffy was trying to get to the island of Thriller Bark which the Weakling Trio objected to as that happened Franky introduced the Solider Dock System and all the channels by presenting Mini Merry II.

Everyone was proud to see it and Nami, Chopper, and Usopp were riding it around for fun as Luffy was itching and impatiently wanting to ride it.

Robin pondered to herself and her thoughts on Alucard. The feelings surrounding him were surreal, nobody made her feel the way he did. Although she felt the less scared by him, deep down she felt intimidation from him, and she hasn't felt that feeling in a long time.

Nami, Usopp, and Chopper came back with the Mini-Merry II to the Sunny while Luffy cheered, excited to give it a ride.

Usopp and Chopper quickly lunged onto Franky, pushing him on the ground, and giving him a huge hug.

"Thank you, Franky!" They said.

Franky, feeling complimented, "Thanks, bros. Now... get off of me!"

Usopp and Chopper did so in a swift motion. They both bowed and said "Sorry."

Nami stared at the ships they brought with them. She especially only looked at Alucard's ship.

"Does anyone wonder what that vampire did to this ship?" Nami asked everyone.

"What do you mean?" Robin asked back.

"The damage on this ship is burnt and there's no one on the ship, however..." she paused. "It's looks as if it was only recently burnt, unlike Brook's which is much older."

"Now that I think about it, it does look recent. And boy did he do a lot of damage." Franky commented.

"He also said he was fighting people known as Nazis. Perhaps that's what was happening here on this ship. He was fighting those Nazis." Zoro pointed out.

"If anything, we might have to worry about those guys, later on. He may not be the only to cross from his universe." Sanji remarked.

"Who cares about that stuff! I want to ride the Mini-Merry!" Luffy said impatiently.

Zoro, Usopp, Franky, and Sanji yelled at him "Stop being so selfish!"

"Huh, what is that?" Chopper asked, gesturing something ahead of them.

"It's a big spider web!" Usopp yelled with fear in his voice.

Hey guys! I know all of you wanted the next chapter so badly and I apologize for taking so long. I originally wanted this chapter to include the entirety of the Thriller Bark Arc but I haven't had the time to do that so this chapter only ended off where I just left off last time I worked on it. Next chapter should include the entirety of the Thriller Bark Arc.