Chapter 1 : Instincts & Heretics.

"The Human shall beware the Nosferatu lest he be devoured. The Nosferatu shall beware the Human for their souls can burn brighter than the sun itself."

Foreword: This takes place primarily during the OVA series' timeline with some room for discrepancies.

Timeline: After the "Bonnie & Clyde" Incident and before/during the first encounter with Alexander Anderson.

It will primarily focus on the POV of an OC who will get involved with Hellsing's operations.

There will be blood, violence, gore, some foul language and religious themes, if you cannot stand these then I'm confused as to why you're even looking at Hellsing fanfics yet alone having an interest in Hellsing itself.


POV - Ray Zenji : Occupation : Freelance Vampire Hunter : Beliefs : Roman Catholicism : Ethnic : 50% Hispanic, 25% Portuguese, various others including Scottish & Aztec : Nationality : United States of America. : Age : 23.

Location : London Outskirts

Sighing as he looked at the estranged Church on this hill, just like another incident that was horribly covered up (To his opinion) a person of the night was using the cover as a priest.

He was dressed in a black trenchcoat with a dragon-skin vest underneath, far better then Kevlar. His black cargo pants were also layered with kevlar for protection with it being interwoven to avoid too much drain in mobility. A black belt was around his waist and resting on the left was a katana with a white rattlesnake pattern for the sheath and grip with black wrappings. The blade itself was sitting in a sheath filled with Holy Water whilst the blade itself was made of stainless steel and thus would not rust, it was well maintained and sharper than a guillotine. Concealed in his coat was a M1911A1 Colt .45 with silver rounds instead of conventional lead rounds, each clip held 7 rounds.

He sighed and opened the doors to the church casually, around his neck was a scapular, five in fact (Red, Blue, Green, White and Brown) interwoven along a red cord along with a silver crucifix and a silver immaculate medal, since this was a catholic church the "Priest" at the other end of the interior did not seem surprised and said "Welcome so-"

Ray interrupted him, saying "Shut up. I'm not here for your consul, rather to cleanse this place of your stink. You've been popping up all over the place but mostly here in the United Kingdom."

The priest looked at him, his eyes stark red and he formed a grin that was malevolent in intent and then said "So, you know? Let me guess, those pathetic humans from hellsing sent you to deal with me?"

Ray shrugged and said "So they do exist. I'm a freelancer kid, I've killed enough of your kind to get my own reputation in the United States but I decided heading to the source would be better. Enough banter, talking with a false priest is getting on my nerves."

Ray drew his pistol and the Vampire grinned and waved his arms out as if daring him to shoot, Ray fired two rounds at his shoulders as if toying with the vampire, the silver rounds ripped through the Vampire and actually injured him, the Vampire shouted something about turning him into a ghoul though Ray had ignored it as the Vampire charged at him.

Drawing and slashing with one fluid motion using his Katana, both the blessed steel and the holy water drawn out with it cut clean though the vampire before it turned to ash.

Ray sheathed his blade and bent over to pick up his pistol which he dropped to more quickly use his blade and placed it in his trenchcoat with the safety turned back on. Turning around Ray noticed a shifting shadow above him and barely dodged to avoid being impaled by a decorative spear.

The vampire looked at him, long brown hair and a casual outfit, probably someone the vampire priest turned and she confirmed it when she said "So my Master couldn't beat a human, how pathetic. Tell me boy, are you a virgin?"

Ray sighed and replied "Looking to turn me are you? Fine, I'll admit that I am, not that it'll make any difference."

The Draculina smiled with her fangs in open view and Ray quickly drew his gun and fired though the vampiress was too fast to keep his aim.

Ray holstered his pistol after expending the magazine and rather than reload he positioned himself to draw and slash, doing his best to keep an eye on his agile prey.

Immediately however the Vampiress noticed his tactic and vaulted the decorative spear at Ray, impaling him through the liver. Ray bit his lip to suck in the pain and charged at the now unarmed Vampiress, if this was his last hunt he would make damn sure his prey did not escape or survive.

Drawing and slashing the Vampiress evaded the first strike though the scattered holy water burned her left arm and charged at Ray who quickly shifted to a defensive stance though he was slowing in his movements due to the blood loss and the toxins in the liver mixing with the rest of his system.

Managing to block her pounce he avoided being bit though he was no longer strong enough to push her off. He did have a last resort and as he was about to dig into his jacket regardless of the fact that it would leave him vulnerable, suddenly the vampiress' head was blown clean off, the shell that went through and overpenetrated, blasting a hole in the back of the church as well.

Ray sighed as the corpse turned into ash and he sheathed his blade and looked at the decorative spear that was going through his lower abdomen and muttered a curse word before pushing the spear through further until it was out the other end and then walked to one of the pews and sat down as a blonde woman entered with a large 20mm rifle over her shoulder, her eyes were a shining blue color and her yellow uniform gave away her affiliation, Hellsing.

He had heard the rumors upon entering the UK, rumors of monsters dying and media outlets receiving either government pressure or even hush money and of course like with this hunt, from the mouths of his prey.

Ray reached into his pocket and pulled out a pure leaf Cigar and set it in his mouth and grabbed a match though decided not to light it and put the match away and merely bit into the cigar before saying "Shit, is this really the end?" and looking at the approaching woman before looking at the cross adorning the back of the church, gracefully spared the stray shot that tore through the vampiress' head like a needle popping an overfilled water balloon.

The woman noticed his injury and rushed over shouting "We need an ambulance now! Hang on!" Ray chuckled a bit and replied "Don't bother, my liver is probably shredded beyond all repair." He then pointed down and the woman looked on in horror, there was a pool of blood that was getting larger, pouring from his torn abdomen. Something else stirred in her as she gripped her hands, Ray noticed this and his eyes widened before he relaxed and said "Hey, you don't indulge yourself do you." The woman looked at him with surprise, his eyes however were not filled with hate or fear but rather peace as he continued to speak, saying "I've known good vampires as well as the rogues. Not all of them indulge themselves the way these people do. I can tell because you have, the same eyes..." He was losing consciousness, unable to finish what he wanted to say.

As he closed his eyes, the last sight he had were tears running down her eyes which had turned red.

A voice, calm and soft asked him the same question the second target asked him.

He barely managed to nod his head once before losing the strength to act any further, almost immediately after however, a sudden though not massive jolt of pain filled his neck. He had lost too much blood to open his eyes and to be honest his body was in shock, he wasn't feeling anything around the shredded abdomen and the rest of his senses were dulled.

Sleep overcame him, but instead of being before the Lord he had a dream of that woman, a simple one with her looking at him with her red eyes and grinning, her fangs showing themselves. Another figure that he had never seen before made itself known behind her, as if her superior in some way.

He was clad in fancy clothes with mostly red colors and dyes. He wore some kind of sunglasses and a fedora, his black hair was moderately long (Excessively long considering the person was male.)

A grin made itself known from the figure before it faded, the woman's image soon after that.

The following night.

Ray woke and immediately grabbed his abdomen which was no longer torn asunder. The area looked slightly dim and that of a basement or dungeon. Looking at a mirror near his bed he noticed his dark brown eyes had turned red, he immediately checked his teeth, running his finger along them and noticed fangs. He then sighed and moved to the edge of the bed, he was dressed simply, implying his old clothes were elsewhere and he surveyed the room, noticing his tools of the trade on a table near his bed.

His sword was sheathed, his Colt .45 was also there, unloaded but there in addition to the C4 package wrapped in silver chains (though his detonator was missing)

He could overhear voices across the room and beyond it's door which was saying something for his change since he was hearing impaired beforehand. It then hit him that the woman who killed his second target had turned him. He knew he was turned but did not remember who until now that his senses were restored.

He focused his hearing making out a conversation between probably four people. Two voices were feminine and two were masculine, one was deeper than the others.

"You're lucky he didn't turn into a ghoul Seras." said the deeper male voice, one of the female voices replied "It wasn't luck. He told me the answer to the question. I couldn't just let him die!" the other female voice then said "I understand losing your entire squad that day was harsh, but could you consider the possibility that you lost control."

He had heard enough and sat up before heading to the door and opened it.

Four people were there.

An elderly man with a monocle as well as what appeared to be a butler's uniform, Ray's enhanced eyesight made out wires wrapped around his gloves and fingers though they were not protruding. He had a calm and polite demeanor.

A woman in her 20s most likely, light blonde hair opposed to the other woman's brighter orange hinted blonde hair. She wore glasses and was dressed in a suit, her hair went down to her waistline and she was smoking a cigar.

The woman who saved him before, based on the conversation she was likely Seras. Her hair was an orange like blonde in a short yet oddly styled manner.

The tall man from his dream, he was grinning as if he were amused at this situation. Ray could sense a dark and foreboding aura from him as well, he was most definitely a vampire, one unlike any he's faced before.

Their conversation had been interrupted by his presence and he politely introduced himself, saying "My name is Ray Zenji, thank you for your hospitality and for saving my life."

This polite introduction seemed to catch Seras off-guard whilst the others didn't seem to care. The other woman spoke, saying "Sir Integra Fairbrook Wingates Hellsing. The woman who kept you alive is Seras Victoria."

Seras nodded and was seemingly in an embarrassed mood based on her facial expression though it was directed at herself, likely because Integra had chewed her out over turning him into the very thing he hunts down.

The older man made a slight aristocratic bow and said "I am Walter C. Dornez and I am the butler of the Hellsing family. I have watched over this mansion for the better part of my life."

The larger man chuckled slightly and faded through the walls, not introducing himself.

Seras then said "Don't mind him, he does that often. That was Alucard, my master." Ray rose an eyebrow and said "I see, then we are both servant vampires at this point. I do have the mental tic to use that word to define you but I will choose not to. So, this is the infamous Hellsing Organization?"

Integra looked at him and crossed her arms, saying "How do you know about us. As far as the public is concerned this is merely a private estate." Ray sighed and said "From the mouths of sinners I suppose. Every Vampire I've put down here in the UK assumed I was with Hellsing."

Integra replied "I see, I've had time to do a brief background check on you, if you wouldn't mind me reciting it?"

Ray shook his head and said "Go ahead, I don't have much to hide and the few things I do have to hide you probably haven't uncovered.

Integra resumed speaking after hearing his answer, saying "Raymond Zenji, age 23, born in the West Coast of the United States in March, you survived cancer when you were 6 and you have since then been free of the disease. Your activities were mostly online gaming and some writing on a site dedicated to fan fiction though all official records ceased last year in the month of march and you were declared a Missing Person. The FBI and other law enforcement agencies have ceased their searches. It seems you've had quite a list of celebrity friends as well. You are currently here under the alias Ray Smith and your travel visa is due for renewal in six weeks."

Ray grinned slightly and said "Like I said, you haven't uncovered any of the things I genuinely wish to hide. The way I see things Integra is that we have a common enemy, seeing as I'm now a person of the night it would be best for me to remain here as you have two vampires in your organization so I'll assume you can provide for our unique tastes without putting others in danger."

Integra nodded and said "Yes we do have the means to accommodate you. I would like to ask however how you came to become a Vampire Hunter, your equipment was specialized for vampire hunting, except for your sword."

Ray replied "I had my blade blessed by a Bishop in San Francisco and I fill the sheath with Holy Water prior to a hunt, the weapon is stainless steel so it will never rust." Seras looked at the blade sitting on the table behind Ray and said "I have to ask, it seems unusual that you would have a Japanese Sword, where did you get it?" Ray shrugged and said "My father bought it for me at some sale when we were on vacation once. I had a whole set with two smaller swords but I kept those at home."

Seras kept looking at it for a moment whilst Integra said "I take it then that you are Catholic?" Ray nodded and said "Yes I am, is that going to be a problem?"

Integra shook her head slightly and replied "Actually that is what I would have asked you concerning Hellsing. We are primarily a Protestant organization, we have been at odds with the secret division of the Vatican, Iscariot, for some time. They view us as heretics and enemies though we do have an agreement to respect eachother's jurisdictions, the United Kingdom is under our authority and thus they tend to stay out of the country."

Ray sighed and said "Iscariot huh? I've encountered one of their numbers before and thus I learned about their organization. For a while I believed I could join them until I had a 'disagreement' with the woman who I met back then. You needn't worry about my faith, Iscariot is filled with fanatical heretics as far as I'm concerned, Jesus teaches the way of peace and forgiveness. The wrath of God is God's alone to dispense, we mere humans have no right or authority to claim it as a justification. As far as my opinion of Protestants goes, I have no hostility towards you, sure you have some things wrong but It's not my place to judge, our disagreements aside I'll just let God deal with you though if I have the opportunity I will correct you. All men and women can be saved, we are all sinners, even firebrands such as me."

Both Integra and Walter were surprised at his response whilst Seras didn't seem to have a strong opinion either way though she did listen closely. Integra grinned and said "I see, I think I may actually look forward to the next time I have to talk with those Vatican pigs." Ray frowned and said "I would appreciate it if you did not insult my faith. I will admit, people are people, they can become corrupted, this goes too as well with those in the Vatican's Section XIII, they are however not true representatives of the faith. I do prefer to call them hypocrites most of the time."

Integra nodded and said "I see, I'll try not to offend you too much then."

Ray decided to take that answer and nodded as he turned to look at Seras for a moment before saying "Well I don't suppose it would be too much to ask for some food, real food that is."

"Oh? I thought you were aware of Vampires. You didn't know you cannot eat human food once turned?" said a deep voice coming from the wall, apparently Alucard had not left earshot range as he made himself known once more, phasing through the wall into sight.

Ray sighed and said "I am aware that human food tastes bitter to a vampire's tongue but I've always had a thing for bitter foods anyway. I can still eat it and digest it, it might not sustain me but it's not gonna kill me either."

Alucard replied, grin still on his face "I see, I suppose trying to hold onto your humanity passed onto you from the Police Girl when she turned you. If you want to reach your true potential, to become a true vampire then you must discard all sympathy, all mercy and all of your humanity."

Ray sighed and replied "If it wasn't for the obvious level of power you're projecting I'd be tempted to put you down for that speech. My body may have changed Alucard but my soul remains what it is. Perhaps you should keep that in mind."

Alucard chuckled a bit before again disappearing into the wall, amused by Ray's response.

Seras sighed and said "He's always saying things like that."

Time passes

Ray blew on the soup a bit before taking a bite, indeed it was bitter despite being chicken soup without too much salt. Ray experimented with various spices, pepper, salt, basil and others before finally making it taste enjoyable, close to what it should normally taste like. He pondered for a moment what it may actually taste like with that much pepper and salt thrust into it, it would probably make him vomit if his taste buds were human though once he had properly spiced it he dug in without hesitation, repeating similar experiments with other foods. He found drinks unaffected (mostly) by his new nature though he did admit he no longer felt as much strength to alcohol as before though it still did have an effect, if only a quarter of what it once was.

After finishing his meal he noticed Seras in her yellow uniform (he also noticed that it wasn't preferable for agile combat or durability, it was horribly inefficient though he had seen worse in some of the anime he had seen, he almost laughed at the thought of schoolgirls with short skimpy skirts fighting demons. That kind of attire in the real world would only serve to get you killed, devoured or ghosted (a term he used for being turned into a ghoul)) and got up and stretched, she was outfitted with her 20mm and Alucard walked in as well, saying "So, ready for your first day of hunting your own kind?"

Ray sighed and made a simple shooing motion with his hand, saying "It's not the first time I've fought vampires. I assume you two have a mission and you're going to drag me along with it. If so, where's the poor bastard we're after?"

Alucard replied "Northern Ireland, and do remember you are in the police girl's service, you can fight your nature only for so long before it overcomes you."

Ray ignored the comment on his nature and headed to his room, noticing his bed was replaced with a coffin which irritated him, he brushed it off and geared up with his black trenchcoat (now repaired from the gash inflicted upon it by the vampire at the church), dragon skin armor, additional kevlar to protect his lower abdomen which was exposed last time as well as his sword and gun. He grabbed a bottle of holy water and filled the scabbard to the brim before sheathing the blade and resting it on his left hipside before walking out, he was outfitted with three magazines for his pistol (which was also fully loaded, making a total of 4 including the loaded mag.)

Two nights later, Northern Ireland.

The mansion was infested with ghouls though their target had yet to be identified. Alucard was showing exceptional, nay, masterful use of his .454 Casull handgun, never missing. Seras had barged in whilst Alucard was reloading and used her 20mm to assault the ghouls ahead of her, she moved fluidly and with an animalistic ferocity that Ray was probably sure she wasn't even aware of.

Alucard was watching his protege tear the ghouls ahead apart whilst Ray joined it, making precision headshots with his M1911A1 as Alucard reloaded and began opening up on the ghouls again.

Not long was it that the floor had been cleared. Alucard seemed proud of his protege's primal combat instincts and his face seemed basking until what appeared to be a Bayonet impaled her throat, several others darted at her though none pierced her vitals.

Both Ray and Alucard shifted their attention to another individual, a large man probably slighter taller if not the same height as Alucard himself, he had blonde hair and his skin was a dark tone, he was holding two bayonets in a cross like formation reciting something from the bible as he menacingly walked up to the trio.

Ray sighed as he said "Let me guess, based on your weapons and appearance you must be Father Alexander Anderson of Iscariot."

Anderson stopped his menacing approach but maintained his crossed swords pose as he said "Oh, you seem familiar, have we met before?" Ray shook his head and said "I haven't had the pleasure, however you may have heard of me from a colleague, Yumie Takagi, we ended up hunting the same group of midians that were plaguing the small town of Weaverville in California a few months ago."

Anderson grinned and said "I see, now it makes sense, you must be the dancing shadow she spoke of. Tell me then why you are with these two of Hellsing. Furthermore they are vampires, shouldn't you be unleashing God's divine wrath upon them right now?"

Ray shook his head as his eyes changed tone from dark brown to crimson red as he said "They are also hunting down vampires, we share common interests. I suppose Takagi must not have informed you of my beliefs. Your organization, Iscariot goes too far, you have no right to claim to be instruments of God's wrath. That is something only the Lord may dispense. We are merely humans, fighting an alien enemy that is just as diverse as the rest of us. Sadly yes most of them are bloodsucking scumbags but not all of them are like that. Besides I owe Seras for saving my life, helping her take out the trash is the least I could do."

Anderson frowned slightly and said "I see, so you've abandoned your humanity just to live a little longer. This I cannot abide, nor would the Lord either. Prepare to die with the rest of them!"

Ray sighed and drew his blade as Anderson made a charge though before Ray could act further Alucard charged in and began barraging at Anderson with his Casull, his face painted with a larger grin than normal, he was enjoying this fight as Anderson slashed with one bayonet from above and thrust the second at Alucard's abdomen (His upper slash deflected by Alucard's Casull.).

Seras looked onward and was motionless, partly due to having many blessed bayonets piercing her and also her instinctive devotion to her Master.

Ray sheathed his blade and walked over to Seras and bent over, pulling the bayonets from her one by one despite the burning sensation (and actual third degree burns) the bayonets inflicted upon his hands.

After less than a minute he removed the offending armaments as Seras rubbed her throat. She brought her 30mm to bare and took a shot at Anderson. The 20mm ripped right through his chest and he fell back, seemingly dead. Ray focused his eyesight and noticed Anderson was still breathing, whether Alucard was aware of this or not he didn't project but Seras had assumed he was down. Alucard holstered his casull and turned to walk towards Seras, saying "Well, with this over we can finish hunting the trash that made these ghouls."

"Oh, I already dealt with him." said Anderson.

Seras and Alucard refocused their attention on the should-be dead man whilst Alucard also said "I see, so you're a regenerator."

Anderson stood up as his wound healed quickly and said "That's right, thanks to the miracles of both God and Science I've become the one being who can slay your kind with ease. I am an instrument of his most divine and just wrath! Let me show you!"

Anderson charged at Alucard and was seemingly winning this fight as Alucard opened fire to little effect.

Seras tried to open fire again but Anderson threw a bayonet, disarming her of the 20mm and quickly filled the area with pages of the bible staked into the walls. Ray felt what could best be described as a electrical feel from them as they formed for a moment, a surge of yellow electric like energy before the visual energy faded but not the actual energy. Ray assumed correctly it was some type of anti-midian barrier and he helped Seras up, saying "Looks like we're not getting out of here without a fight. Let Alucard handle the clos-"

Just as Ray was about to finish speaking Anderson had pinned Alucard to a windowed wall and swiftly decapitated him and pierced his heart with one of the bayonets, Alucard's head dropped to the ground and rolled aross the hallway, stopping at Seras' feet as Anderson began yelling, saying "This was Hellsing's trump card? Their Ace in the Hole? The legendary Alucard? What a joke! He fell way too easily, I can barely believe it, how has Hellsing stayed alive with this piece of trash as their strongest weapon?"

Ray took advantage of Anderson's rant and immediately tackled the petrified Seras and darted down the hallway, avoiding getting too close to the edges of the barrier. Anderson turned around and grinned before shouting "Run all you like! I'll find you! It's time for you to join your master in hell!"

Seras was screaming, Ray didn't pay attention as to what she was screaming, something along the lines of put me down and other things about her master, Alucard. Ray felt stupid, having overestimated Alucard's aura or perhaps he underestimated Anderson, regardless it was now life or death and he dropped Seras and then kicked open the door to the roof only to notice more pages flutter around and form a barrier at the edges of the building's roof, there was no escape.

Ray grabbed Seras' hand as she was about to stumble back down the stairs and he flung her across the roof hoping to toss her out of harms way before the barrier closed in though alas, it was too late as she hit the barrier and bounced back against the ground, she was still awake and managed to sit up but she was not standing, still petrified by what had occurred and shocked at Ray's newfound agility.

Ray shut the door behind him and prepared himself in the center of the roof between the door and Seras and begun drawing his sword and entering a formal stance, his eyes glaring red and he was grating his teeth slightly, fangs protruding out as the door was sliced to pieces and Anderson walked a short distance from the now destroyed door, his blades crossed again and a sadistic smile across his face.

"Any last words?"

Ray grinned and said "Yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I shall fear no evil, for thou art with me."

Anderson paused for a moment before saying "So you were a Catholic before all this, why not just accept death, allow me to free you from this curse. I can sense you still believe in the Lord our God."

Ray replied "I can't do that, I refuse to simply lie down and die. Furthermore I'm not going to let you kill my Master so easily, crap, I said it. Regardless Father Anderson, this is a duel I will not back away from, I'm interested in seeing the difference in our swordsmanship, despite our disagreements Takagi did teach me a few things about how to wield a Katana."

Anderson nodded and said "Ask and ye shall receive."

To be continued...