AN: I genuinely meant to post this at least a week ago, but what can I say. Overwatch is a hell of a drug. Hopefully, you don't feel cheated as this is pretty short and contains no White Rose. This one is for all the Bumblebee lovers ;)
Summary: Bumblebee fluff and slight sexiness amidst the residue of White Rose's sins.
Contains: Nothing too graphic (I intend to change that one day though, Their sex must be explosive)
"Oh God," Yang whispered in horror as her gaze settled on the scene of crime. She dropped to her knees like a log upon the fur-covered carpet, palms resting on ground. Her body began shaking as a heartwrenching cry ripped out of her throat, "You maniacs! You ruined it!" She pounded her fist against the floor, then dramatically threw her head back and gazed unseeingly at the ceiling with wide teary eyes, "Damn you! Damn you all to hell!"
"Yang…" sighed the raven haired girl standing at Yang's side. Her hand grabbed her blonde girlfriend's shoulder and yanked her up. "Don't be so overdramatic."
"But Blake," the blonde whined, "Look at it! How does that even happen?!"
The cat Faunus glanced towards the central couch, whistling to herself as her amber eyes traced several thin long rips into the soft material.
She was honestly impressed. When she and Yang had decided to lend their dorm mates a place to ease their frustrations, she had half expected the offer to be rejected. Instead, here she was, staring at the proof that the other half of team RWBY was the exact opposite of the word 'innocent'. If the antics she had overheard one week ago had hinted that the pair was getting adventurous, the damage upon the piece of furniture and the thick scent of certain bodily fluids in the air were a testament of not one, but several rounds of rough, definitely-not-vanilla sex.
"We underestimated them," she concluded, crossing her arms and stroking her thumb on her chin. She smirked at Yang, "You baby sister and her girlfriend are growing up and their hormones are through the roof. They might just turn out more perverted than we are."
"Ugh, don't say that." Yang whined, massaging her temple, "I thought it would be fun, but I didn't expect them to be that…advanced… Fuck, Blake, I don't wanna think about my sister going further than a sixty-nine."
Blake rolled her eyes.
"That's what happens when you tease her about it all the time."
"I guess you're right… Karma is a cruel, cruel bitch."
"You should've seen it coming. She's your sister after all."
"Okay, okay, Kitty-cat, I get the point." Yang grumbled as she edged closer to run her hand over the rips. They weren't deep or anything and, quite frankly, Yang didn't particularly care about the state of the couch. The implications of that were what really made her wince. As soon as Ruby and Weiss had returned to their dorm, hand in hand and giggling like mad, seemingly unaware of their own adorableness, Yang had realized just how serious their relationship was. She was happy for her, of course. Weiss could be a wonderful girl if she was in the mood and Yang had genuinely learned to love the heiress like a second little sister. That only made her feelings on the younger couple's deviant activities more conflicting.
"You okay, babe?"
"I guess," Yang sighed, "She's grown up now… They're both grown up."
"Weiss is our age." Blake chuckled teasingly.
"And she was for the most part a sheltered brat that's super easy to tease." Yang returned the laugh, "Don't ever tell her I said this, but she isn't the pinnacle of emotional maturity either and she's really bad at hiding it. Now that I think about it, Ruby is perfect for her."
Blake hooked her arms around Yang's neck.
"It is pretty sweet, isn't it? Growing up together, experiencing their first love, fucking like bunnies…"
"And people complain I'm terrible." Yang complained, "I was promised a nice and supportive girlfriend. What went wrong?"
"Maybe you have a way of influencing the women in your life." Blake replied impishly, leaning in to plant a brief kiss upon Yang's full lips. Well, it would have been brief if Blake hadn't enjoyed it a bit too much and deepened it until redness creeped onto their faces.
When they separated, Yang shook her head with a good natured smile, combing a hand through the unruly blonde mane spilling down her shoulders, "I gotta admit, Weiss' manicurist does a solid job. She can probably cut through a Beowulf's jugular and her nails would still look fabulous."
"I feel pity for Ruby's back."
"Low blow, Blake. Low blow. At least humor me when I try and change the topic."
Blake kept the grin, but her response was definitely laced with a tint of seriousness as she spoke, simultaneously delivering a comforting pat on Yang's back, "Everybody grows up at some point. Even someone like Ruby eventually does. You'll get used to it, babe." The grin inevitably widened, "It might seem harder when she grows taller and stronger than you and starts giving you nuggies instead, but you'll scrape by."
"As if," Yang exclaimed, puffing her chest up cockily, no trace of the gloominess from a few moments ago, "She may have dad's genes, but she's still more Rose than Xiao Long. There's no room for two beefcakes on this team."
She gulped when a sneaky palm rested on her bare stomach, fingertips tracing the well-defined patches of firm muscle. Blake's yellow eyes were roaming over her body, predatorily drinking in the rare sight of a flustered Yang. It was at times like this that the brawler realized just how bestial Blake looked when she was excited, her Faunus heritage more obvious than ever – eyes narrowing to slits, cat ears flattening underneath her bow, upper lip curling up to reveal her sharp, inhumanly canines, the sound of a deep purr rumbling in her chest.
It made Yang weak in the knees.
"I can never have enough beef, Yang." The raven haired girl husked sultrily.
Yang was torn between commenting on the terrible pun and turning into a human-sized tomato. She settled on the latter.
"H-Holy shit, Blake! Now? Right now? Here?!" She stammered, stomach tightening as Blake's hand slipped under the waistband of her shorts to tease her rapidly dampening underwear.
"Right now. Right here." Blake growled as she pushed the blonde on the couch and straddled her hips, grinding her own heated center against Yang's washboard abs. A moan tore through the heavy air as the thought of getting off on that sensation alone crossed her mind.
"B-But Ruby and Weiss already-" Yang's protest was cut short when Blake's teeth lightly bit into her neck, a hot tongue teasing the shuddering skin, raising a line of electrifying goosebumps across her spine.
Suddenly it dawned to her just how strong the scent of sex must be to the Faunus' sensitive senses, how suffocating. And while Yang was slightly hesitant to let it arouse her, Blake had no such reservations.
She wanted sex and she would get it. When Blake was in the mood for a rough fuck, Yang couldn't help, but let her own need consume every fiber of her being.
So she did what was sensible.
She grabbed Blake's ass and pulled her closer until their lips were meshed together in a savage, bruising kiss.
At the end of the day, they were no more different in that aspect than Ruby and Weiss. Just two horny young women lost in their passion for each other...
"I guess we just covered our weekly bondage session. Kinda out of the blue, but I ain't complaining." Yang murmured once her breathing had calmed down, eyes still half-lidded as she lay on the couch, naked and pleasantly numb.
An equally nude Blake was nuzzling her bare breasts, rubbing her nose and cheeks against the flushed skin. She would release a giggle every time a particularly powerful torrent of her purrs caused the firm orbs to jiggle. She wore a dopey smile, satisfied and delirious after several rounds of sex (as per usual, considering both girls' remarkable stamina).
"Mhmm…" She hummed, fuzzy ears twitching to tickle Yang's collar.
"Hahaha! N-no, Blake, stoooooopp!" Yang giggled, wiggling underneath the cuddly cat girl. Her hands were cuffed behind her back, preventing her from fighting against the onslaught of tickles. "C-c'mon! Hahaha! We should get back to the d-doooormmm! Haha!"
Blake was relentless. Her deceptively strong arms kept the blonde pinned to the couch as the fluffy appendages atop her head fluttered against the sensitive skin, teasing until Yang was gasping for breath, throat sore from laughing. Only then did Blake finally pushed her face away. She gazed down at her girlfriend with a triumphant spark inside her amber eyes.
"Have I ever told you how good you look tied up, breathless and thoroughly fucked?"
Yang snorted.
"All the time, Kitty-cat. You're lucky I let you be on top so often."
"You and I both know you love submitting for me, babe. No need to make excuses."
Yang chose to ignore the undeniable fact. Blake had always harbored some poorly concealed sadistic urges and Yang was more than willing to indulge her. Sex without a little bit of pain wasn't as fun. Not that she would swallow her pride and straight up admit it, of course. Blake occasionally needed to be reminded that Yang could be just as dominant. Occasionally.
Even if it wouldn't be today. Her hands were beginning fall asleep.
"Come on, Blake, help me up. We should get back before Ruby and Weiss get bored and start banging. Again." She whined, pushing up her bottom lip to form what she hoped was a convincing pout.
Blake groaned in displeasure, but stood up anyways, accidently knocking down some of the various sex toys scattered around their naked forms (shame she didn't get the chance to use those anal beads).
As much as she loved cuddling with Yang after a good hour or two of sex, she was aware that they still needed to have a talk with the younger couple about sharing this special room. Ruby and Weiss had all but pushed past them on their way to the bathroom back in the dorm, faces crimson with embarrassment. Yang couldn't even get a joke or a pun out before Weiss had given her one the most threatening death glares Blake had had the misfortune of witnessing. The young lovebirds had locked themselves inside without as much as a sign that they would be coming out any time soon. And after noticing the matching savage hickeys on their necks, Blake and Yang just had to go and inspect their private spot for any damage. Those two were proving to be way kinkier than first anticipated.
"Should we mention all of this stuff?" Blake wondered, waving her hand at the pile of dildos, restraints, ball gags and Dust knows what else. How the hell did some of that even fit in the small drawlers?
"For shits and giggles? Sure, wouldn't want to miss out on Weiss' reaction to that one. Hopefully, she doesn't murder me." Yang laughed as she sat up, cracking her neck to ease some of the tension there, "We're not sharing though. If they want to use toys too, Weiss can probably buy a set for every day of the week… Diamond-encrusted, of course."
"This room is on its way to become a sex dungeon, it seems." Blake sighed.
"Don't pretend you're sad about it, perv. The action in most of those books you read probably revolves around sex dungeons and people in full latex suits."
"You read my books?" Blake smirked.
"I was just specula—Ah, fuck you, Kitty-cat." Yang groaned with a roll of her lilac eyes, "Uncuff me and let's get dressed."
"Okay, okay… Let me just find the… keys…" Blake trailed off, eyes widening in sudden realization.
"What? Blake, you okay? What's going on?"
"I… Uhhh… Remember how Coco gave us a pair of cuffs from her own collection? Because we didn't have the keys for ours."
"What? Oh fuck, Blake, don't tell me…"
"I cuffed you with the old ones."
"…Want me to go find some soap?"
"Worst. Dominatrix. Ever."
AN: Funnily enough, I never actively shipped Bumblebee, but the more I got into this and the previous bonus, the more enjoyed writing their interactions. I'm really considering writing something longer for them in the (distant?) future as a separate story/one-shot (much more BDSM oriented than my White Rose chapters, of course ;)
Anyways, this is gonna be the last chapter that is fully dedicated to them for a while. I'm gonna start working on the next White Rose chapter soon. Hopefully, upcoming exams don't slow down my progress too much. Until next time, fellow pervs :)