Thank you, My Turnabout

Chapter 1

Miles Edgeworth often met and spoke on the phone with Phoenix Wright after the latter man's disbarment.

It was one month after he had lost his badge and they would meet in Miles' favorite coffee shop.

Miles was already sitting on their usual spot near the window, watching the people outside passing by. When he spotted Phoenix, he gave the man a nod with his head.

They ordered the drinks and Phoenix started talking to the man sitting opposite. Miles saw that Phoenix was acting nervous, something he did not see often when meeting him, even in court. They had not seen each other for two weeks, since Edgeworth was the last two weeks in Germany for an Interpol case.

'Edgeworth, you have followed my last case. S-so you remember the defendant, right?' Phoenix began.

'Yes, of course. I am trying to help you to regain your badge. I have read the casefile thoroughly,' Miles began. 'If I remember correctly, the defendant's name was Zak Gramarye.' Phoenix nodded in reply.

'Yes, that is correct.'

'What about him, has he returned?' Miles asked him, taking a sip of his tea. Even though it was a coffee shop, Miles always ordered tea since he was very fond of the citrus flavor there.

'N-no...,' Phoenix stuttered. Miles raised one eyebrow, waiting for an explanation. 'You remember her daughter? She was also named in the casefile. S-she was the one handing me that evidence.'

'Yes, I remember. What was her name again?' Miles asked Phoenix.


'So, what about her?' Miles asked. Phoenix played with the ear of his coffee cup with his fingers.

There was a silence and Miles was not sure what it meant. He had been feeling uncomfortable ever since he saw Phoenix's nervous face this afternoon.

'Listen Edgeworth, I do not know if you will approve of this, but please let me speak my mind.' Phoenix looked Miles right in the eyes, what made the other man even more uncomfortable.

'Yes, go on.'

'Her father asked me... Trucy asked me as well... since Trucy has no other relatives...,' Phoenix slowly began. He was vague and he knew that.

'What did they ask you, Wright?' Phoenix looked worriedly into the prosecutor's eyes.

'Z-zak Gramarye asked me to take care of his daughter in the time he would be gone. This is now a month ago and the child care institutions now want to bring her to an orphanage.' Phoenix now looked at the half empty cup of coffee before him.

'But I have this promise with him that I would take care of his daughter. I have had her two weeks in my care and as Trucy have said herself, the chances of him coming back are nihil. He has officially said goodbye to her before the final trial.'

Miles nodded, he was quite sure he understood the main point of this conversation.

'Trucy now asked this myself, she said Zak said she could trust me... and now she wants me to be her -as she says it- 'daddy'. I do not know what to do, Miles.' His first name slipped out on accident. They had been so close since the trial that even Miles did not seem to notice.

'So, your main point. She has been living with you two weeks now. Now she wants you to adopt her, as her father has said the same and convinced her that you would take care of her,' Miles summarized.

Phoenix nodded in response.

'You did not tell me that she was living with you the last two weeks while I was away.'

'I thought it was better to tell you in person when you would be back, but I did not see it coming that she would actually ask me to a-ad- you know what I mean..'

Miles began unconsciously to play with the ear of his cup as well.

'What should I do, Edgeworth?' Phoenix looked desperate and hopeful towards the other side of the table.

'As much as I would like to help you with this, I think I can't. It is about your life. I do not know what you want. Also, I do not know this Trucy myself.' Phoenix sighed and realized Miles' words were true. He kind of wanted Miles to help him decide, but it was about his life, not the prosecutors'.

'Since you are not employed at the moment, it might be quite difficult financially. However, you are likely the only one she has now.' Miles shortly remembered the period when he was new in the Von Karma estate.

Again, Phoenix nodded.

'So, what do you want?' Miles asked him.

'I do not know if it is wise and appropriate, but-,' Phoenix began.

'It is not about getting my or anyone's approval, only your own. You decide what is best.'

Phoenix swallowed.

'I think I should a-adopt her. She has no one.'

'Have you thought about the financial situation?' Miles asked.

'I hope that I can find another job soon. I do not think I can ever be a lawyer again. Even if I prove my innocence and I am allowed to stand in the courtroom again, my name is been dragged through the mud and no one will forget the case.'

'I am busy with looking into the case. But you must do as well, you must prove your innocence. Where is your spirit of proving the innocence of the innocent, Wright?' Miles looked at him, only wanting Wright to do one thing: put all his effort into regaining his badge.

'I will work beside my investigation. I must earn money to live, you know.' Miles understood and looked at his cup. 'T-tell me if you need anything,' he said while his eyes went back to the man's face.

Phoenix did not want to rely too much on Miles but nevertheless he answered with a: 'Yes, thank you Edgeworth.'

'I advise you to think about it for a few days. If you decide to sign the papers, inform me. I know they can be difficult about unemployment when adopting. I can look into it.'

Yes, Phoenix knew he relied too much on the man in the red suit. But currently he had no other choice.

'I owe you, Edgeworth. Yes, I will inform you.' Phoenix looked relieved and Miles showed him a little smile, something he did not do often.

Preview Chapter 2:

Miles now meets Trucy for the first time after Phoenix was able to sign the adoption papers. He is impressed by the girl. A cute meeting between the Wright family and Miles Edgeworth.