Chang'e was lying awake in her own bed, watching the beautiful balcony sparkle under the moonlight she was so fond of. They were sealed up with magic from Erlang Shen, sealing it tightly to avoid any more visits from Loki. Her rabbit companion was completely off to the side, sleeping in his bed that he very much preferred. It was to avoid the weight of Change's body if she ever became restless.

The dancer watched the new glass doors for a little while longer before simply sighing and moving to stand. Her fingers moved to run through her hair, fixing the curling strands before she walked over to the curtains. Yes, the moonlight was nice, but even she needed sleep from the milky light.

Despite herself, she couldn't help but eye the landscape, as per usual. It was gorgeous with its tall mountains and rolling hills that took up miles and miles of the view. From here, she could see the Conquest fires, purged to signify that there was nothing to take. Humans slept and giants snored as the night went on, proving that everyone was obtaining rest.

Except for one.

A shimmer of movement behind her made her tense up, immediately eyeing the glass even more intensely than before. Wanting to make sure that it wasn't Loki, she spun around on her bare heels, allowing her nightgown to spin around her like her silks. Her room simply spoke to her with the usual colors of deep blues and purple pastels. Not a person was in sight as her door remained closed.

Chang'e sighed, letting her eyes drink in the bedroom before she turned around. Immediately, she was face-to-face with a muscled chest, clad in leather armor and decorated with Norse runes. Her head snapped up just in time to see those poison green eyes before they were syncing their glow of amusement into the velvet voice.

"Hello again, Princess."

She took several steps back, just barely feeling the edges of his fingertips grace the tip of her chin. With the steps of a panther, he matched her steps with a skip, arms folded behind his back. His speed and grace was a little surprising, though she should have expected as much.

Chang'e took a few more steps back and was rewarded with the man suddenly taking two steps to properly brush the tip of his nose against hers. As she moved to lean away out of precaution, she found her feet and knees unable to move as they were up against the mattress, causing her to lose her balance and fall right onto it.

"Oh, don't be such a frightened rabbit. The wolf isn't here to bite. He's just here to watch his prey." The woman put her hands up in front of her chest defensively, hoping to ward him off. She didn't want to hurt him, but she didn't know if he would strike her at all. Closing her eyes tightly, she turned her head away, not wanting to see her fate in his blades.

Her eyes flew open as she felt his breath by her ear, fanning over her neck. There was lust in his breath but there was also a sense of wanting to overwhelm her. He was a cunning man, so he surely wouldn't do this out of sheer pleasure. What did he want from her?

Keeping her eyes away from his form, she jerked when his gloved hand gently took ahold of her chin. His gentle touch shocked her, causing her to freeze temporarily and comply to his wishes.

"I don't want to hurt you. I just want a little something more." His second hand cupped the back of her head and she could feel his thumb slowly drawing imaginary circles into her scalp.

She realized what he wanted. This was why he kept trying to sidle up to her in unnatural ways. Keeping eye contact, the female gently settled a hand on his own that still held her chin, and she quickly became overwhelmed of the hungry and moderately firm mouth on her own. His hands quickly found hers, knitting his fingers through hers and gently pushing them into the mattress. Seconds later, she felt his tongue slip past her lips, causing a breathless gasp to filter through mouths.

He was clearly skilled at this. Loki's gentle touches and firm kisses caused her imagination and thoughts to die as she simply fell into his touch, submitting herself until he pulled away.

"I…would love to stay, Princess." Loki swallowed, his green eyes holding conflict, lust and a deep desire Chang'e could tell he was trying to restrain. "But I can't. It's a shame." He quickly kissed her on the mouth once more and she responded with as much passion as before until he pulled away. "Also, tell Erlang Sheng that his barriers are not as good as he thinks.~" With a bow and a wink being casted her way, the male disappeared.

It took Chang'e a while to even get him out of her head as she attempted sleep.