Finally the end of this story has arrived. I wanted to write more chapters at the beginning, but I didn't want to make you readers wait months for a new one every time, so I decided to end it in one chapter. It is exactly as I wanted this story to end from the beginning, just more rushed than expected.

I hope you will like it nonetheless.

-English is not my first language.

Merlin's pregnancy continued without major problems. The children actively kicked, especially when Arthur was close, always ready to pay them attention.

But Arthur paid attention not only to his children, but also to Merlin. Arthur was always around Merlin, never leaving him out of his sight. He kissed him and whispered in his ear how much he loved him every day. But obviously his favorite way to show it was by making love.

There was nothing that excited Arthur more than to penetrate his beloved when he was so full with his children. His inside was so tight and constantly hot and wet, wrapping his member like a warm blanket. Arthur always had to use all his self-control not to come too soon.

The blond already knew that he was addicted and that he didn't want to give up that pleasure. He would make Merlin pregnant constantly after the birth. He hanged to the idea while he pushed inside Merlin repeatedly.


But eventually the day arrived and Merlin went into labor.

For Arthur it was a moment of pure joy to know that his little ones were on their way and that soon Merlin would become a vampire and creature of the darkness, since no one could hope to remain good and innocent after caring vampires into their wombs, giving birth to them and after drinking human blood for months. But at the same time Arthur was frustrated because for a vampire it was forbidden to assist to the birth of his children for two reasons in particular.

The first was that the expected blood loss could trigger a hunger too strong for the vampire to control and Arthur could kill Merlin and the children in a moment of blindness. The second reason was that Merlin's maternal instincts, accentuated by the awakening in his inner vampire, would be at their maximum and his protective attitude towards his children may lead him to kill all those he perceived as a threat. And the prince of darkness was a threat more than real, even though he was the father of his children.

These instincts would last a few hours after birth, so Arthur wasn't allowed to see his family for a while.

The thought frustrated him immensely and you could see it from the way he walked back and forth in front of his throne, knowing that Merlin was in their bedroom giving birth to their children.


Merlin was in pain. He was experiencing the greatest pain of his life. It was as if his stomach was about to split and his behind was on fire.

He was hurt, but above all scared. Never in his life would he have imagined himself in this situation. And he was doing it alone.

With him there was no one else except the human slave that Arthur had left to help him, since his instincts would have rejected anyone who was a threat to his children.

However, eager to finally see his children, he braced himself and pushed, again and again. Sweat was dripping from his forehead, his face was red and twisted with pain. He couldn't take it anymore.

"Come on, Master Merlin, it's almost done" The human encouraged him - Merlin thought his name was Daegal or something.

Merlin wanted to tell them to fuck off, but a very strong contraction only made him scream, but at the same time he felt the need to push like never before. And that was exactly what he did.

As he pushed, he screamed fiercely with his mouth wide open and he felt his fangs lengthen, but before he could contemplate this phenomenon, he felt a sudden relief, followed by a child's cry.

He looked between his legs and saw his son, crying red. Daegal stepped forward to take the baby, probably to clean him, but Merlin wouldn't let him.

"Don't you dare touch my son, you dirty human!" He screamed in a voice so dark it seemed to come directly from hell.

The servant took a step back and bowed, "Forgive me, Master"

Merlin ignored him in order to take care of the child who stopped crying as soon as Merlin picked him up. "Oh, look at you, my love, you are so precious" He cooed.

Then Merlin grimaced in pain and laid his son gently next to him on the bed and pushed again with all his strength. Soon Merlin laid his other two children beside their brother.

In total they were two males and one female. The firstborn and the female were blond like Arthur, while the second male and the youngest had hair as black as Merlin's.

Merlin found them all beautiful. They were the love of his life. "I love you so much," he said as he nuzzled their little faces, and his children responded by cooing towards their mother, seeking protection, love, warmth and probably food.

Instincts took over and Merlin took all three children and gently pushed them towards his neck. The blondes immediately began to suck their mother's blood, after a slight bite with their tiny fangs, but the brunet did not do the same.

Merlin frowned, "What is it, my love? Aren't you hungry?"

It was strange. The other two were ravenous. Merlin took a drop of his blood from his neck with his thumb and pushed his finger into the baby's mouth, who may have had only trouble using his teeth, but the boy rejected it and began to make distress noises.

Merlin was very confused and, after settling the two blondes back next to him on the bed, he began to smell his youngest son. After a moment, he understood and his heart broke. "Oh no"

The child was not a vampire. He was human, more precisely, he was a Hunter.

"Oh Hell" Daegel's voice sounded in the silent room.

Merlin raised his head from his son's to look at the slave, whose eyes were wide with horror. It was obvious that he too had understood the nature of the child.

"Master Arthur must be informed immediately!"

Daegal ran to the door but before he could open it, Merlin jumped inhumanly from the bed, completely ignoring his weak body after giving birth. After pushing the boy against the wall, he moved his neck to the side and sucked all his blood. In a few seconds, he let go and Daegal's lifeless body fell to the ground with a thud and Merlin looked at him without feeling anything for the human. He was a threat to his baby. Therefore he had to go.

Completely ignoring the fact that he had just killed an innocent boy in a brutal and monstrous manner, he returned to his children's bed.

He had to do something. He had no doubt that Arthur would kill the child as soon as he found out he was their enemy. Merlin couldn't allow it.

"Do not worry, my love. I'll protect you." Merlin whispered as he stroked his baby's small head.

He quickly thought of a plan and put the two blond babies in the middle of the bed, surrounding them with cushions so they wouldn't fall. "I'll be back soon, darlings"

He kissed their foreheads. Then he took the younger one and left the room.

He used his new powers as a vampire, partener of the prince of darkness and formidable former Hunter, to move undisturbed around the castle, until he reached the dungeons and opened the cell containing the person he was looking for.

"Hello, Gwaine"

His friend's head snapped up in surprise. Merlin was shocked at how much he had changed. He had torn clothes, dirty and long hair and beard, and he had lost a lot of weight. Merlin also noticed the dried blood on his wrists and Merlin immediately recognized that smell. It was the same blood that Arthur had forced him to drink in recent months.

Merlin closed his eyes in disgust and sadness for a second, before refocusing on Gwaine, who had meanwhile risen from the floor of the cell despite the restrictions of the chains.

"Merlin, is it really you? What are you doing here?"

"Gwaine, I don't have much time to explain. But I have to get you out of here"

With one hand, he easily destroyed the chains that imprisoned Gwaine. He could feel Gwaine's incredulous, penetrating gaze.

"Have you become one of them, uh, little bird?" Gwaine asked, sadness in his voice.

Merlin couldn't deny it, considering that his eyes were red and his fangs were clearly visible.

Gwaine snorted and his eyes became shiny. "This is not fair. It wasn't supposed to end like this"

"Life is unfair, but nevertheless we must live it as best as we can"

"Did you come here to kill me, Merlin?"

"No, I came to give you what's left of my humanity" Merlin showed him the bundle he had in his arms. "This is my son. Unlike his brother and sister, he is a Hunter. He's not safe here"

Gwaine understood immediately. He knew that Arthur and now Merlin would kill the child given his nature. "I'm surprised that now that you're a vampire you haven't killed him yet"

"This is why I don't have time. My humanity is fading fast, and soon I'll be just a monster, capable of killing my own son. So I'm begging you, take him away from here. Take him away from me. Keep him safe." Merlin said with tears in his eyes.

Gwaine nodded, his heart full of sadness but also of determination. He could see what this was costing Merlin. "Where do you want me to go?"

"I don't know, but don't tell me. Too risky. The less I know the better it is"

"And his name?"

"That too should remain a secret"

Merlin looked down at his baby and smiled sweetly as he stroked his cheek. At that moment the child opened his eyes for the first time, Merlin's eyes, and father and son looked at each other for the first and last time, worshiping each other.

"I love you so much, my dear, my beloved, my heart, my life ... forgive me for this, but it is the last thing I can do as your father. Please don't forget me"

With a last kiss on the forehead and eyes full of tears, Merlin passed the child to Gwaine.

"Go! Please, Gwaine, go!"

Gwaine cradled the child close to him and kissed Merlin on the lips. It was a goodbye.

"Goodbye, little bird"

That said, Gwaine ran away.


Slowly and with a broken heart, Merlin returned to his room. He lay down beside his children who immediately demanded food and attention. Merlin gave them both. Then he closed his eyes and fell asleep.

When he woke up, he would be a real vampire.


Arthur only managed to stay away for about three hours after the birth before breaking into the bedroom, anxious to see his family.

Obviously the first thing he saw was the corpse of the slave on the ground and this confused and frightened him.


The sweet voice of his beloved turned him away from the body and made him turn toward the bed, where Merlin had risen and was walking towards him. Arthur immediately noticed that Merlin was no longer human. But a vampire.


Merlin joined him and took his face in his hands. The two men sniffed and rubbed against each other.

"Mate?" Merlin whispered, recognizing his creator and partner, father of his children. Now that he was a vampire, he felt pure joy and love in Arthur's presence.

Arthur smiled brightly, "Yes. Finally you belong to me. We'll be together forever. "

They kissed passionately, but Arthur had to ask.

"Merlin, what happened?" Pointing to the body.

Merlin's eyes filled with sadness. "I'm sorry, Arthur"

Arthur was immediately alarmed. "Has something happened to the children?"

"I tried to stop them"


"Daegal..." he pointed to the body, "... and Gwaine"


Merlin nodded. "They were allies. They tried to take the children and kill them. I was too weak. I only managed to kill Daegal and save two of our three children. Gwaine managed to escape with the third. Our poor child, so handsome with black hair and blue eyes." Merlin cried on Arthur's shoulder, praying that the blond would believe him.

Arthur was panting, furious. How had that foolish human dared to kidnap his son?

Immediately he ordered all his creatures to look for Gwaine, and bring his son back.

"I'm so sorry, Arthur. I hope you can forgive me." Merlin said timidly.

Arthur stroked his cheek, "Oh my love. There is nothing to forgive. Considering your condition and the fact that you were alone, you have been great at being able to save most of our children and yourself. It's my fault. I should have protected you better"

They kissed gently for a few more seconds, then Arthur spoke. "Do not worry. We will find our son and Gwaine will pay dearly. Even if he's not with us, we should give him a name, so it's like he's always close. I wanted to call one of our children as my maker, and since he also has his features, I think it would be nice to call him Mordred. What do you say?"

Merlin couldn't breathe, but nodded.

Arthur smiled, "But for now, show me my other children"

Merlin smiled at him and led him to the bed, where the little ones were trying to push each other. But as soon as they sensed their father, they simultaneously turned towards him, stretching their arms to touch him.

"Here you are at last" Arthur's smile was immense as he raised the children in his arms, kissing their small faces. "I couldn't wait to meet you. You are beautiful"

Merlin nodded, "They are"

Arthur looked at him and Merlin swore that his eyes were wet. "Merlin, thank you. You gave me the greatest gift of all"

Merlin smiled at him and accepted Arthur's hug. The children laughed, squished between their bodies.

While he returned the hug, Merlin looked out of the window and for the last time prayed that Gwaine and Mordred were far away and safe.


Gwaine was running in the forest, now far from the castle. His plan was to recover as much money and hunter tools as possible and then leave the continent, where he would raise the child safely, and plan his revenge on Arthur.

At one point he heard the sound of broken branches behind him and immediately turned around, protecting the child with his body.

The one who came out of the bush surprised Gwaine. "Percival?"

Percival was the werewolf that was ordered by Arthur to guard Gwaine and constantly rape him. What the prince of darkness did not know, however, was that during those abuses, Gwaine and Percival fell in love, and Percival had been looking for a way to free Gwaine for months.

"I won't let you go without me." Percival said. "You are mine"

"I'm going away, Percy. And I'm not alone." Gwaine pointed to the child.

Percival nodded, understanding the situation. "The prince is looking for you. I will protect you and the child. You are my pack now. Let's go"

Percival took the hand of a shocked but grateful Gwaine and the two continued the journey.

"What shall we call him?" Percival asked.

Gwaine looked at the child, so similar to Merlin and all that was left of his humanity. "Emrys. His name is Emrys. And he will be the greatest and most powerful Hunter the world has ever known"


The years passed and the world was now under the control of Arthur Pendragon, Prince of Darkness, and his Consort, Merlin.

The two vampires reigned the land of the living with an iron fist, spreading darkness in every corner of the earth with their children. After Morgan and Ygraine, their firstborns, the two had an army of children by now, nightmares for human beings.

Merlin was looking at the death around him, after another human slaughter. From the top of a cliff, he watched as his children fed voraciously on the few survivors of the war.

"It's a beautiful scene, don't you think?" Arthur said from behind him.

Merlin turned and immediately kissed his husband, his love. "Magnificent"

"I told you I would put the world at your feet. My love for you is that great"

Merlin smiled happily. "I love you too. And I have a gift for you as well." He took Arthur's hand and placed it on his belly, which was swelling.

Arthur's eyes widened, happy. "Another?"

Merlin nodded, "Another. Let's repopulate this world"

Merlin kissed him with ferocity, full of love for his husband and their children. However he hadn't forgotten the child he had sent away.

A child who was now a man, a Hunter, ready to take revenge and defeat his father, and to save his mother from the darkness.