I am so sorry to everyone who reads this story.

I had no intention of leaving you hanging so long. It's just one thing lead to another and before I knew it, a year had passed. Everyone who has left a review thank you so much! Those who haven't… well I can't say shame on you because I'm just as bad.

Disclaimer: I don't own Korra or Naruto…I can't believe how long it's been since they both ended.


Chapter Five

Sitting in her window sill after she had 'gone to bed, Korra mulled over what she had seen while meditating earlier in the day. After Naruto had walked off, Korra had sat down with Tenzin and described, to the best of her ability, what she had seen. He had been very skeptical though because according to the records, even the most skilled and spiritual monks had never been able to sense the things she had. While she had convinced him due to corresponding accounts with what little information there was, he was at a loss on how she had achieved such a level so easily and chalked it up to, as Naruto had said, an Avatar thing, but still wished to investigate it further. Especially how Naruto knew of it when Tenzin, a monk trained in spiritual matters, didn't.

Gazing out at the water proved little distraction to her active mind, she just couldn't stop thinking about what she saw. Scanning the horizon, Korra looked for something, anything to distract her from her thoughts. Finally, her eyes settled on the Pro-bending Arena, its floodlights lighting up the sky, and an idea sparked into her mind. It certainly would distract her and besides, she could use the pick-me up with her little progress in Airbending. It just didn't click. Maybe a breather would help?

Sitting on a nearby roof decked out in his ops gear, Naruto waited for a guard to move away from Korra's window. He was going to do some diagnostics on her to make sure her body could handle the nature chakra before heading out to continue his self-given mission. Not long after the session with Korra the amount of people watching him at all times, as far as they thought, doubled. Which was a little sad since they already had two people on the job. Did they really have that many people sitting around off-duty that they could spare them? The number of people watching him didn't matter though, they still had no chance against his stealth skills.

Standing up as the guard began to move away, Naruto watched as Korra herself softly hopped out her window to the ground. Smirking in amusement Naruto watched as she stealthily, for everyone else, made her way to a nearby cliff and jumped into the water, using Waterbending to have the water meet her in the air and reduce noise. She was sneaking out, and he had a pretty good guess as to where she was going.

Still smirking Naruto Body Flickered to the cove from the night before and disappeared in a yellow flash.


Naruto appeared next to a tri pronged kunai imbedded on the top of the tower of the Arena, closet to Air Temple Island. He had placed it there and many others all over the city as a part of the previous night's activities. Stepping off the edge of the tower he fell to the Arena roof. Using wind chakra, he slowed his decent at the last minute and landed softly.

Easily manipulating some chakra, he performed the Jutsu he had at one time been widely known for. An identical shadow clone warped into existence in front of Naruto.

"Watch the Avatar. Memorize everything and only intervene if you absolutely have to." Naruto said to the clone in his deeper Biju chakra altered voice. The clone nodded in understanding and Body Flickered to a spot better positioned for observing Korra's likely route. Naruto himself disappeared in another yellow flash to proceed with his mission.

The clone waited patiently until Korra popped her head above the bay's surface. Looking up she spotted an open window and Waterbent herself up to it. The clone lost sight of her as she entered so it moved to follow her. Using chakra to lightly cling to the wall he slid down it to the window and flipped inside landing softly. Seeing the narrow corridors, the clone unhooked the cloak and let it drop to the ground in a heap. Stepping out of the ring of cloth, it disappeared in a quiet puff of smoke. The cloak would have only made it harder to stay hidden in these tight spaces.

Quietly moving forward the clone followed Korra's unique scent. Kurama's Chakra gave Naruto, even his clones, a nose superior to a Polar Bear Dog, so she was easy to follow. Peeking around a corner, the clone spotted Korra enter a gym as another person walked down the corridor. The young man was wearing the outfit of a pro bender so he must have been one of tonight's competitors. The clone heard, from inside the gym, Korra apparently get found out by the gym manager. The competitor apparently hearing her plight, decided to come to her aid, trying his luck. After he entered to diffuse the situation, the clone moved forward once more.

Stopping in front of the gym entrance the clone watched as the young man bailed Korra out as he implied that they were together to the manager. Korra quickly shot down the implication though. Asking her to follow him, the duo turned to leave the gym. Thinking quickly, the clone jumped straight up and laid flat against the ceiling, sticking to it using chakra along his arms, legs and back. After they passed underneath him, the clone dropped to the ground quietly and followed them.

After walking down the corridor and making a few turns they stopped in front of a door. Opening it the Competitor allowed Korra to enter first with the words, "What do you think? Best seats in the house Huh." He was trying to impress Korra.

"Wow!" Korra said as she saw the actual arena. "Unbelievable! This place is even more amazing then I imagined." Korra said in awe.

"Name's Bolin by the way."

"Korra." She replied absently.

Bolin's two teammates entered just then, leaving the door open. Perfect!

The clone, which had been sticking to the ceiling since Bolin and Korra stopped at the door, released his hold after the two pro-benders entered and moved to the doorway. It wasn't safe to stay out in the open though so he silently entered the room when everyone's backs were turned and jumped up to the ceiling once more. If there was one thing he had learned in all his sneaking around it was that people rarely looked up unless they felt they had a reason to, one he wouldn't give to them with his practically nonexistent presence.

"Psst, Bolin." one of Bolin's teammates whispered to him.

Turning to him and walking toward him he curtly asked, "Yah?"

"I told you. You have to stop bringing your crazy fan girls in here before the matches. Get her out of here." Bolin's teammate said as he finished strapping on his uniform's padding.

"Aww come on Mako! Alright look, I kind of promised her she could stay but man I got a good feeling there's something special about her. I know it!" Turning from the now named Mako, Bolin grabbed Korra, who was still staring out at the arena, and pulled her over to Mako. "Come on I want you to meet my brother, Mako." Bolin said to Korra presenting his brother to her.

"Mako! Wow! I...I heard you play on the radio!" Korra said excitedly, holding her hand out to shake.

"Come on Bolin we're up." Mako said blowing Korra off.

"Or I could meet him later." Korra said dejectedly lowering her hand.

"Yah, sorry about that. My brother just gets real, focused before a match." Placing his padded helmet on his head Bolin said, "OK, I gotta go. Wish me luck! Not that I'll need it." before he rushed over to the ramp that took the competitors to the ring.

Laughing a little Korra responded with, "Good Luck! Knock em out!" she finished with a thrust of her fist.

The clone just observed from the admittedly unique view, even getting into the match a little.


Meanwhile the real Naruto was sitting in a warehouse that use to be a major illegal merchandise distributer. Sitting on a stool, his cloak pooled around it, surrounded by bodies, Naruto cleaned the last of his throwing knives with a shirt before putting them away. The shirt's previous owner didn't need it anymore considering his head was sitting three feet from his body.

Naruto had been sniffing out all the criminal hideouts since he had arrived in Republic City. The First night he had hit a human trafficking ring. Tonight, he had hit a series of illegal distributers. He always offers people a chance to surrender before the slaughter begins. Sometimes his reputation precedes him and people do, but there are always those who don't believe it and fight. With them he is ruthless. If out of fear some try to surrender he does allow it, but if they try to trick him with a ruse, they end up without a head.

Standing up, Naruto walked over to the five bound survivors who stared up at him fearfully. He had demolished them without even trying. Reaching into his cloak he pulled out a piece of paper, crouched down, and handed it to the closest one.

"Be truthful and cooperative with the cops and you might get a reduced sentence." he growled.

The paper contained a note written in an unremarkable scrawl.

I serve the people you fail to.

Turning from the men who were practically pissing themselves, Naruto walked out of the warehouse and Body Flickered to a nearby rooftop. Not a minute too soon either because as soon as he disappeared Police Sato-Mobiles screeched down the street and ground to a halt in front of the warehouse. Some unmarked cops had been staking out the warehouse when he arrived. They hadn't seen him but the sounds of fighting had apparently gotten them to call backup.

This had been the last one out of four warehouses. It took him only one night to do what takes weeks of planning and preparation for the cops. With the hits he'd been doing, the criminals were going to recognize his MO and start to shut down. They'd rather take a dip in profits then get wiped out, because everywhere the Demon Fox went, crime disappeared.

Turning from the scene, Naruto moved away from the edge and flashed back to the cove on Air Temple Island. After appearing Naruto reached down and plucked the kunai up, stowing it away. It paid to retrieve it each night. He didn't need someone on a walk finding it randomly. Exiting the cove Naruto's clone appeared in front of him kneeling. Nodding his head to it, Naruto noted its lack of a cloak before allowing the clone to dispel. Processing the information, he grinned beneath his masks.



Korra had been enraptured by the match, and after it she had enthusiastically voiced her excitement.

"Yes!" Bolin cried out, jumping for joy at their victory. "One more win and we're in the championship tournament." He finished with a snap of his fingers.

Taking his helmet off Bolin tried to be smooth, "So. Whadya think Korra? Bolins got some moves huh."

"What did I think?" Korra said grabbing Bolin's uniform and pulling him to her face, "What did I think? That was amazing!" Korra said excitedly, giving Bolin a hard push.

Just then Bolin's team came walking back along the ramp to the booth. "You did more harm than good out there!" Mako berated his teammate. You almost cost us the match!"

"We won, didn't we?" The third member of the team said dismissively as he took his helmet off.

"Barely!" Mako retorted angrily.

"Get off my case pal." The third member said before throwing his helmet down and storming out of the booth.

"Useless." Mako said as the door closed.

"You guys were incredible out there!" Korra praised the brothers excitedly. "Especially you Mr. hat trick."

"Oh, you're still here." Mako dismissed in a dull voice.

"Oh, you're still a jerk." Korra retorted, sobering up.

"OOHH ha ha ha." Bolin laughed, trying to lighten the mood.

"Anyway. I've been immersed in bending my entire life but I never learned how to move like that! It's like there's a whole new style here! Think you could show me a few tricks?"

"Absolutely!" Bolin declared.

"Right now?" Mako remarked as he took his uniform off. "Come on Bolin."

Speaking just to Korra Bolin said, "Just ignore him. Yeah I could show you the basics." He said before getting a little confused. "I'm just not sure how my Earthbending will translate to your Waterbending. But we'll figure it out."

"Won't be a problem. I'm actually an Earthbender." Korra said, crossing her arms and getting smug.

Blinking for a moment Bolin tried to fix the situation. "I'm sorry. No. No. I didn't mean to assume. Cuz you know I was just figuring…with your water tribe get up…that you are…a water tribe…gal."

Looking rather smug Korra said, "No your right. I'm a Waterbender, and a Firebender."

Holding his hand to his chin, "Hmm I'm really confused right now."

"You're the Avatar and I'm an idiot." Mako stated from the background.

"Both are true." Korra agreed.

Gaining a look, "No way." Bolin said in disbelief. Turning to Mako, Bolin said, "The Avatar." While pointing at her.


Afterwards the three of them went to the gym and Bolin showed Korra how to do pro-bending Earthbending. She was a natural picking up the style almost instantly. When she left for the night and came back to the island the clone flashed back to Air Temple Island and made sure Korra got back in her room before coming back to the cove to wait to be dismissed. That was thirty minutes ago.



Sneaking back to the temple, he made his way to Korra's room. He still needed to do a checkup. Peering inside he found Naga and Korra asleep. Careful not to wake either Naruto moved over to her sleeping form and lightly ran a diagnostic jutsu, reading into her entire biology. This was actually the first time he had ever done this to an Avatar.

Inside her he found Raava, connected to her Spiritual energy and paying attention to him. His next discovery made his brow raise. Korra was producing her own chakra. It wasn't very much yet and not having an energy network adapted for chakra meant she would never work jutsu like a shinobi, but maybe if he taught her his method of chakra molding, she could still use some jutsu, and shinobi tricks. Overall, the evidence provided by her body suggested that it was her interaction with the nature chakra that started the production of her own. Beyond that he found nothing out of place.

Finishing up Naruto crept out of the room and back to his own. If Naruto had any say in it, Korra was going to be the first jutsu wielding Avatar ever.



Again, I'm sorry for the long wait.

Buynocke OUT!