Toothless soared in front of the rest of the dragon riders, leading them to the spot where the Night Fury call had come from. Astrid filed in behind Toothless on Stormfly, and behind her soared Fishlegs, Meatlug, Snotlout, Hookfang, and Ruffnut and Tuffnut on Barf and Belch.

"I don't see anything!" complained Tuffnut. "This was a stupid idea! Maybe Toothless just thought he heard something! I think I hear stuff all the time, you know! Hear myself talking? I think I hear that!"

"Can you please shut up!?" snapped Snotlout.

"Wait, you mean to tell me I'M TALKING!?"

"It'd be easier if we'd just left them behind!" said Snotlout, jabbing his thumb at the twins. "I mean, seriously! Why do we bring the twins with us anyway? All they do is blow stuff up!"

"Um, guys," said Fishlegs nervously, lowering his spyglass from his eye, "by the looks of things, we're going to need to blow stuff up." He passed the spyglass to Astrid, who took it and raised it to her eye.

She instantly gasped and lowered it again. "Berserker ships!" she shouted.

"What? WHERE!?" shouted Tuffnut, looking around excitedly.

"Right in front of us!" said Astrid, pointing wildly, stowing the spyglass away in Stormfly's saddlebag and drawing her axe in its place. "That must be where Stoick and Hiccup are!"

"Oooh!" said Tuffnut. "So Toothless wasn't just hearing stuff, okay!" He pulled out his spear, and beside him, Ruffnut did the same. Fishlegs and Snotlout drew their swords.

"Are you guys ready?" Astrid asked.

"OH SWEET LOKI, YES!" shouted the twins, throwing their hands into the air.

"Let's pummel Dagur's deranged behind!" said Snotlout in agreement.

"And of course I'm in on it," said Fishlegs, albeit a bit nervously.

"Perfect!" said Astrid, grinning. "Let's go with the element of surprise, shall we? Everyone, single-file formation! Head for the water!"


Parry. Swing. Clang! Clash!

Dagur bared against Hiccup's sword, and Hiccup bared against his opponent's axe in response. Dagur clenched his teeth and hissed through them like a venomous snake.

"You'll pay for all the times you crossed me," Dagur threatened. "You will pay."

"Ohhhhh," Hiccup said, nodding, "yeah. Riiiigghht. I'm sure that'll be really humiliating when we escape, alive."

Dagur pulled back his axe and poised to strike again; but just as he did, a large, hot fireball knocked the weapon right out of Dagur's grip.

"WHAT!?" Dagur shouted, looking down stupidly at his empty hand, and then, he looked back up at the sky with question.

"Yeaha!" cheered Snotlout. "Snotlout, Snotlout, oy, oy, oy!"

"Snotlout!" Hiccup called. "For once in my life, I think I'm actually happy to see you!"

"Of course you are!" said Snotlout pridefully. "I am awesome!"

The twins, mounted on Barf and Belch, took their dragon to one of Dagur's other armada ships; Barf released flammable gas around the ship's deck, and one spark from Belch was all it took to light it. The entire ship's hull was blown to bits, and the warship began sinking pathetically into the water's depths, sail and mast set ablaze.

Ruffnut and Tuffnut stared at it, dumbfounded for a moment. Then, they punched the air and cheered, "YESSSSSS!"

Meanwhile, Fishlegs and Meatlug soared towards another Berserker ship. "Lava blast, Meatlug!" Fishlegs prompted, and Meatlug instantly spewed lava onto the decks of Dagur's ship. The lava quickly sank through the deck of the ship, and then, through the lower deck of the ship; water filled the ship, and the soldiers leapt overboard.

"Good girl, Meatlug!" applauded Fishlegs, and Meatlug beamed with pride.

"Stormfly, spine shot!" Astrid shouted, and Stormfly flicked her tail; one of the dragon's expertly aimed spines pinned a Berserker to the mast of the ship by his leather armor, and Stoick knocked the Berserker out with little to no trouble.

Toothless, meantime, soared and landed on the ship where Dagur and Hiccup were immersed in battle. Toothless knocked Dagur back with his sweeping tail, just as Hiccup bashed the flat of his sword against another Berserker's head, knocking him unconscious.

"Toothless!" Hiccup said, and he raced towards his dragon. "Come on, let's go help the others!"

He mounted Toothless, but just as he did, Dagur leapt to his feet, crossbow clutched in his grip.

"If I were you, brother," said Dagur, grinning, "I wouldn't make a move!"

This could have been the end, if it hadn't been for another blast of fire that knocked Dagur off his feet once again.

"YEAH!" shouted a voice from above. "Go Gustav, go Gustav!"

Gustav and Berk's A-Team soared into action. Gothi and her Gronckle backed up Fishlegs and Meatlug while Mulch and Bucket on their Zippleback went to help the twins, who were having way too much fun with the explosions.

"Die, ships, die, ships, die, ships!" Tuffnut chanted, and when the ship flat-out exploded, he cheered, "YES! SHIP DEAD! SHIP DEAD! Whoohoo!"

With the A-Team also came Skullcrusher, who landed on the decks beside Stoick and allowed his rider to mount. Stoick and Skullcrusher shot into the sky with the rest of the dragon riders easily, leaving behind unconscious Berserkers in his wake.

"Son!" Stoick called down to Hiccup. "Come on! Let's go!"

Hiccup was just about to head away, when he looked back at the mast of the ship, and got an idea. "Toothless, fire at the mast," he said, and Toothless sucked in a deep breath and did so. The plasma blast exploded at the bottom of the mast, and just like it had when the Berserkers first attacked Berk, the entire mast toppled over like a falling tree.

Toothless spread his wings and soared off, just as Dagur stood up, dazed and disoriented. "What did I miss?" Dagur asked stupidly, and then, the mast of the ship crashed down onto the decks. Dagur fell over indignantly, and the ship instantly began taking on water.

Dagur's armada was a mess. Which was good for the dragon riders.

"YEAH!" Hiccup said in triumph, throwing his hands into the air, looking down at the destruction with victory. "We did it! Good call, gang!"

"Look at all that destruction!" said Ruffnut, awed. "It's almost too much for me!"

"I promised myself I wouldn't cry," sniffed Tuffnut, wiping his eyes. "Stupid smoke, makes my eyes all watery…"

"We did it!" said Snotlout. "I can't believe we actually did it!"

"Now let's head back to Berk," said Hiccup, and he, along with the other dragons, turned and shot off.

"Come on, A-Team!" Gustav said, motioning to the members of the auxiliary team to follow him. "Let's go home!"

All the dragons soared back home with their riders mounted victoriously on their backs.

In the ocean below, Dagur clung to a piece of driftwood, watching the dragon riders leave. He raised his fist weakly and punched the air. "You're a cheater, Hiccup!" Dagur accused. "And I will have my revenge! I will have my revenge!"

Hiccup studied the arrowhead of a Berserker arrow intently back in his room on Berk. Toothless slept on his stone slab, tail curled around himself, and Hiccup sat at his desk, examining the arrowhead with the light of a dying candle.

Stoick walked up the steps and paused, taking a moment to see just what Hiccup was studying so carefully before speaking. "What do you have there, Hiccup?"

"A Berserker arrowhead," said Hiccup, raising the arrowhead to the light. "Weird...there's dragon root impregnated on it. Dragon hunters are the only ones I've seen use dragon root on their arrows before…"

He paused.

"Dagur's still in league with the hunters," said Hiccup, looking up at his father. "That's why he attacked. Viggo must be making him attack us alone so we get under the impression that he is alone."

"Are you sure, son?" said Stoick. "Maybe the arrow was left over from when they were allies."

"No, they would have used those arrows up already," said Hiccup, and he sounded so confident that no one would be tempted to argue. "The Berserkers don't make their own weapons, and dragon root wears off eventually. This…" He smelled the arrowhead; it reeked heavily of dragon root. "Oh yeah, this is definitely fresh."

"Then that explains their otherwise inexplicable attack," said Stoick.

"Exactly," said Hiccup. "They're trying to throw us off. Just the sort of thing Viggo would do. He's a master of deception. Nothing is as it seems with that guy."

"Aye," said Stoick, nodding. "I'm glad I know you can handle yourself should you need to go against him. I know you don't like fighting, Hiccup, but now that I taught you at least the basics of what I know...I feel better."

"I understand," said Hiccup, smiling. "I'm sure if I'd been in your place, I would've done the same thing."

Stoick nodded. "Well, goodnight, Hiccup," he said. "Night, Toothless."

Toothless growled briefly, eyes still closed, in response. Stoick then turned and started back down the stairs.

"Hey, Dad?" Hiccup said, and Stoick paused, turning back around to face him. Hiccup smiled. "We could still swordfight every now and then," Hiccup said, "you know, just for the sake of it."

Stoick smiled. "I'd like that, Hiccup," he said. "Goodnight."

"Goodnight, Dad."

Viggo rapped on the bars of Heather's prison cell, and Heather instantly jerked her head up to look at him, glaring lowly. Viggo smiled pleasantly.

"Hello, my dear," he said. "I have come to discuss something with you, Heather, and I hope we can see eye to eye about things."

"I'm not interesting in anything you have to say, Viggo," Heather snarled, teeth clenched. "We will never see eye to eye, and I'm glad we don't. I'd never want to be able to see eye to eye with someone like you."

"You might think differently," said Viggo, "once you hear what I have to say. I have no doubt that Dagur confided in you the secret plans I prohibited him to speak of to anyone?"

Heather didn't let her face betray it. "My brother-"

"Yes," said Viggo, nodding, "I know he told you. He told you he would tell you everything, as soon as he discovered the extent of my plan...but unfortunately, Heather, I have no intentions to ever tell Dagur the extension of my plan."

"What?" said Heather blatantly.

"No," said Viggo, "but however, I have every means to tell you the extension of my plan. For you see, I could not do it without you...or Dagur."

Heather narrowed her eyes. "What do you want from us?" she growled.

"Before I explain," said Viggo, "I must warn you, Heather, that if you breathe a word to your brother, I will kill him, and let you live to feel the pain of your brother's death. Think about this, Heather."

Heather swallowed thickly, but didn't let her fear show. "What. Do. You. Want?" she demanded.

Viggo smiled. "Oh, I have a special job for you, my dear," said Viggo, "and if you succeed, I will not harm your brother. Fail, however…" He examined the hilt of his dagger - the same dagger he had used to stab Hiccup, all that time ago. "...And I fear what happens to your dear brother," said Viggo. "Do we have a deal?"

Heather's glare darkened.

But she didn't have the choice.

Author's Notes:

Weeeeeel, that's a wrap, ladies and gentlemen! I hope you guys enjoyed this little piece! And now we get on to the season finales! Yay! :D I hope you guys enjoy those two, too, they're going to be fun…:)

You guys probably noticed that I didn't do shout-outs in the beginning of this chapter, and that was because I felt a headache coming on, and so I'm going to go guzzle down some herbal tea and coffee and drain the headache out before it begins! :D


Anyways, let me know what you think of this fic, and I'll see you all in "Doomsday Part 1". :D See you later! Love you! :D

