~ Random. Yes! Random. Random moment of Zuki who will lead to Suki worried about Zuko ~
It's quite shooooort. *Yack! That's way we called it's drabble*
Brytte Mystere:
"... it's ZUKO. He's always kept secrets, and he's always been conflicted, and he ALWAYS has kept that conflict close to his chest ... "
- Well, we knew that. That's him. That's Zuko.
"Well, while you guys figure that out, i'm gonna try to get us to Zuko. If we could just talk to him ..." Suki takes over the wheel.
"What, you think some polite conversation can convince him not to turn evil?!" Toph said sarcastically
"I don't know" Suki said softly. "He just seems so ... so lonely" She is looking out – gazed toward Zuko from the distance.
To-be-honest, Sokka was surprised. Serious! Not because what Suki had said about Zuko. No ... But, the way she said that it's full of emotions and feelings. He can feel it. And he can tell himself that she really worried about him. That Suki worried about Zuko. And the way she look at him? What's with that gaze? He felt uncomfortable. He is jealous.
You can feel that? Should I continue this all? Share what's in your mind!