I wasn't sure if you would like my Gabby FanFiction since I'm not THE GABBY EFFECT, but I'm glad you like it.
The Gabby Effect has asked me to help her with her FF, so expect those stories to be updated as well.
Here's the next chapter. Hope you like where I'll be taking this short FF of mine.

Chapter 2

The cracking open of another bottle of beer brought everyone out of their silent thoughts.

"Haven't you had enough?" McGee said to Tony, who was already taking a long drink.

Swallowing the cold beer, Tony grimaced and belched up a loud careless burp.

"If she's not going to get drunk, someone might as well get shit-faced tonight." Tony replied taking another quick drink. "A few more of these babies my mission will be complete."

McGee shook his head as he looked over at their quiet group friends.

"If he shows up tonight with an apology, I'm not accepting." Tony broke the silence again.

"Why would he apologize to you, Tony? It's Abby he… hurt." McGee trailed off.

Flopping down onto Dr. Mallards couch Tony looked over at Carol who was walking up with a bottle of beer in each hand.

"We all know who he hurt McGee, we were all there. I got my swagg on and put on my prettiest shiniest shoes on, just for this day… just for this fucking fucked up day he ruined. This was her day you know? Her day to be happy and that little shit fucks it up for her. Who does that? Who waits until the big day and drop a pile of sh-"

"Tony." Ducky warned as he looked over the man getting drunk on his couch.

"What Duck? Come on, I'm just saying what everyone is thinking right now." Tony said as he helped Carol on the couch next to him. "Is one for me?" He asked her.

"Their both mine, I have some serious catching up to do." Carol said as she sat beside her babbling friend.

"Good girl." Tony replied as he finished off his bottle.

Walking by DiNozzo, Leon took the empty bottle from his agent.

"Thanks Director, I'll have another please." Tony mumbled.

"No." Leon sternly replied as he dropped the bottle into the trash bin.

Tony chuckled. "Just one more?"

Leon glared at Tony.

"That looks like a Gibbs glare, which usually means one of two things. One 'I'm Leroy Jethro Gibbs and you better do as your told because I'm a badass marine with mad skills' or 'fuck no,' which is it Director?" Tony asked.

"I'm not Gibbs." Leon replied.

"I like that." Tony chuckled. "Point taken."

Carol quietly handed over one of her beers to DiNozzo, who eagerly took it.

"You are a beautiful person Carol and I love you." DiNozzo smiled at her.

"Just shut up and drink Tony." Carol said as she started her own mission of drinking the night away.

The room fell silent again as their thoughts went to the girl they all cared about. That is when Palmer said what they were all afraid to ask.

"I wonder how is she doing?" He quietly said to himself.

Ducky glanced at the window behind him and took in a breath, afraid to even wonder what heartbreak he would see behind the closed drapes.

"Maybe I should go check." Jimmy said as he handed his daughter off to his wife.

"I wouldn't." McGee told him.

Ignoring Tim, Palmer headed over the window behind the couch Carol and Tony were getting wasted on.

"Am I the only one who hates this guy right now?" Tony asked his group of friends.

"No, you're not." Leon quietly replied.

"Good because I'm way too drunk to kick his ass right now." Tony slurred.

"Gibbs…" Palmer quietly mumbled.

"What?" Tony asked looking over Jimmy.

"Gibbs." Jimmy breathed again.

"Oh, shit. If Gibbs ever finds out about this that fucker better be well out of sniper range. Although, I think boss man would rather go marine on that little shit." DiNozzo ranted.

"No… I mean, G-Gibbs." Jimmy said a bit louder as he continued to stare out the window.

Ducky turned around and peeked through the drapes behind him. "Oh…" was all he could say.

"What?" McGee asked, scared that something might be wrong outside. Anxious he hurried to Jimmy's side who was now rendered speechless.

"What, what's going on?" Tony asked as he turned around and knelt on the couch to see what everyone was looking at, while Carol stood up next to him to see.

Moving drapes aside Tony narrowed his eyes, attempting to focus his blurred vision.

Carol had taken a drink before looking, which was a mistake because as soon as she saw what everyone was staring at she spat her beer right back out.

Half sprayed by beer Tony chuckled. "Forget about kicking that little shits ass, leave it to the gunny to show up and kiss that girl the way a woman should be kissed on her wedding night."

Wiping beer from her mouth Carol laughed and gave a hi-five to Tony. "Amen brother."

"Uh- g-guys I don't think we should be looking." Jimmy nervously rambled off.

"I agree." Ducky managed to say as he took a second look just to make sure he was not seeing things.

Looking away from the window McGee took a breath. "Shouldn't she be devastated?"

"If she was, she ain't no more!" Carol happily replied.

Laughing, Tony looked at Carol. "Oorah!"

"I'll drink to that." Carol laughed.

Outside in the pouring rain, the sudden chill from the wind brought the two lonely lovers back from the place where their kiss at taken them. Drenched in the down pour, nothing else mattered, not even the cold rain that splashed on their skin.

"Your dress is ruined." He smiled at her.

Giggling she looked down at her dress. "It's okay, it only took me six months to save up for it."

"Six months?" He asked.

"Pathetic huh?" She smiled up at him.

He simply smiled at her through the rain before taking her hand and walking her off the dance floor.

"Their coming!" Carol screeched as she quickly turned around.

Everyone moved away from the window.

"Act like we didn't see anything." Jimmy blurted out as he flopped down next to his wife.

"Sure, act like we never saw two of our best friends kissing in the rain for the first time." Tony chuckled. "Yeah, were gonna play this off well."

Taking a drink Carol looked over at Tony. "That was pretty hot though."

"Has no one ever kissed you in the rain, Carol?" Tony smiled at her.

"Not like that." She replied nodding to the window behind them. "I felt sorry for Abby, now I'm just jealous."

"What, you want to be the one being kissed by Leroy Jethro Gibbs in the rain?" Tony teased.

"Fuck yeah!" Carol bluntly replied, that made Leon chuckle.

"Speaking of which, shouldn't they be here by now?" Jimmy asked as he watched the back door.

Shutting his car door, he looked over the girl in her ruin wedding dress and hair a complete mess.

"Where do you-"

Was all got out before her lips were pressed hard against his. Drawn into the sweet ecstasy that her lips brought him to, he let her take charge of this kiss. These familiar lips haunted his dreams and kept him awake on long lonely nights. These lips brought back regret into his heart. It wasn't the kiss he was regretting, but the thought of denying himself such love for so long made him regret the stupid careless decision he made years ago.

"Anywhere you want." She whispered against his lips.

In the darkness of his truck he looked into those eyes that were wanting more than just kisses they held at bay for so long. They demanded the kind of love he knew he was incapable of denying, especially from her.

Licking the taste of her kiss from his lips, he turned the key in the ignition. He knew where he would take her, the last place he loved her like the way she wanted him to love her tonight. A place they would be alone, far from the city lights, and more importantly out of cell coverage. Tonight, love would not be denied or interrupted by pointless phone calls from concerned friends.

Stealing a kiss from her one more time he shifted the gear into reverse.

Heartbreak forgotten, Abby turned on the radio and kicked off her Stilettos. Picking up her shoes off the floor of his truck, she rolled down the window and before her marine took her away from heartbreak one last time, she tossed her shoes out the window. The groom who broke heart had bought her those shoes and tonight he could have them back. Stilettos hitting the pavement, the girl in the truck smiled at the gunny behind the wheel as she turned up the radio in his truck.

The sudden flash of lightning illuminated a figure that was standing on the road watching the taillights of a truck disappear around the bend in the road. In the pouring rain and gusting wind the man in the shadows approached the shoes that were discarded in the street. Picking them up he looked back to the now dark road where the truck had gone down.

He was here to say sorry and to mend her broken heart, but now he stood alone in the rain as his barefooted bride took off with a marine. In the darkness, he glanced over at the dance floor and saw what she had done to her bouquet. Saw the pain and anger behind the rose petals on the dance floor. Suddenly, that's when he saw it. Laying there glimmering under the white lights and surrounded by dead roses, the ring he gave her.

Quietly he walked over to it and picked it up. Angry and heartbroken he clinched his hand around the diamond ring she did not want anymore and the Stilettos she had tossed out the window. Rage taking over, he disappeared into the darkness along with the things she did not care about. He had broken her heart and now he could not handle the bitter fact that someone else just might show her what true love really felt like.

Getting back into his car he gripped the steering and sore that he would not be the only one feeling like shit tonight. Even if it took him all night he knew that wherever he would find the gunny, he would make him pay.

To be continued…