AN: Hermione's naive in this story. Not with classwork or anything but her body.
It was odd, this never-ending heat burning within Hermione's loins. Coming and going as it pleased and at the most inopportune times of the night, it was a nuisance she found herself quarreling with more and more frequently.
Sometimes she'd wake drenched in sweat and breathing like a mounted stallion on a fox hunt yet no terror course through her veins, no monster lie lingering within her dreams. No, the feeling that overwhelmed her was anything but fright. Embers of blazing flames that once licked her inner thighs still smoldered.
But the heat was unlike anything the young girl ever felt. It was would suddenly flare to life causing a small gush of liquid heat to saturate her knickers.
Nobody knew it of course and nobody would ever know but for all Hermione's intelligence the brilliant girl knew very little about herself. Well, to be more specific she knew little to nothing about the feminine body. Her mother passed away when she was but a girl and her father, bless his soul, only had as much knowledge as she did on the subject. So she pretended or merely kept quiet about it even though questions burned in her mind were constant.
Oh, she tried mind you to research the matter only to slam the book closed with her face flushed crimson. Never again-she vowed. Yet the questions still remained. Why did this keep occurring? Why did it-dare she say it-feel pleasurable?
When it first occurred, she panicked thinking that she'd urinated the bed, she hastily yanked the covers back and pushed her nightgown up-nothing. Well, nothing colored, overly wet, or smelly that is so she knew it wasn't urine which was a small but nevertheless welcome relief. Yet despite the fact her bottom sheet remained dry her knickers were completely soaked. Puzzled by the abnormality she hesitantly drawled the saturated material down only to find once again-nothing.
Ever inquisitive, sight did little to quell Hermione's curiosity so she enlisted another sense for the duty. Touch. Timid as a mouse, she brought a hand to the ran her finger through the wet material her anxiety rose once more when she found a strange sticky clear fluid.
And so it begun. The ruined pairs of knickers, countless sleepless nights, the non-stop fretting on whether she was going mad or not. It was an endless cycle and one that was beginning to take a major toll on the bright girl.
"Now when transforming such a large creature one must use a bit of caution or the results can be disastrous. For instance; Isobel Blackstone a fifth year student in the year eighteen hundred and sixty two attempted to in a moment of brazen," Hermione's eyelids sagged as Morpheus beckoned her into his sweet embrace.
She was slipping.
"Ms. Granger!"
The girl snapped to attention so quickly she nearly fell out of her desk causing all the students in the room to burst out into laughter. Chocolate eyes snapped to fiery emeralds and Hermione gave the peeved woman a sheepish smile. "Yes, Professor?"
"You will remain with me after class. Is that understood?" She demanded in that sharp Scottish/British accent that never failed to make the girl shiver.
Hermione hung her head in shame as the others in the classroom giggled and made Ooo noises. "Yes, Professor."
The Transfiguration professor gave her a curt nod before striding back to her desk and commencing with the lesson.
All the while, Hermione was wishing to whatever deity there was above for a rock to appear so she'll have something to crawl under.
The sound of the clock chiming caused Hermione to startle. Her stomach flipped flopped whilst her heart began to pound. She'd never been in trouble like this before. Not by herself at least usually the boys were included.
Once the entire class was empty asides for the two witches, Minerva strode over to Hermione and stood in front of her with clasped hands lain against her torso. "Care to tell me, Ms. Granger, just why were you sleeping in my class?"
Chocolate eyes seemed to find the swirling wood pattern along the desk's surface very interesting that moment."I'm sorry, Professor, I was studying last night and lost track of time."
"Look at me when you're speaking, Ms. Granger." The Transfiguration professor snapped causing the girl to wince.
Hermione reluctantly lifted her gaze only to wince when her eyes locked onto hardened emeralds. "It's not like you to lie, Ms. Granger, so why don't you do us both a favor and just tell me the truth."
An intense moment passed until finally Hermione relented.
"The truth is professor is that I've been having trouble sleeping." She admitted which was partially truth but still the truth nevertheless.
Minerva leaned forward and her nostrils flaring a bit as her pupils dilated. "Oh? Is it night terrors?"
"No, Professor, I-I well you see," The girl pinkened to a near Weasley red. "I um I think something's wrong with me."
Minerva face softened a bit in something akin to concern. "What is it? Are you alright? Shall I owl Madam Pomfrey?"
Hermione's eyes widened. She didn't want anybody to know she was a freak of some sort. "No!" She called out with a little too much force. "I mean no, Professor. That won't be necessary. I've just been a little bit more..energetic during the night is all. Must have something to do with the time turner or some deal. May I go now?" The brunette babbled out wanting nothing more than to crawl into a hole at that moment.
Minerva's face had hardened into disbelief and she crossed her arms over her chest. "No you may not." She stated then peered down at the girl over a pair of half moon shaped glasses. "Do you take me for a fool, Ms. Granger?"
"I uh no professor." Hermione uncharacteristically sputtered.
"Then why do you keep lying to me?"
Hermione opened and closed her mouth like a guppy. She very well couldn't tell the woman the reason for the lies nor the late nights, could she? God, no. Hermione would rather die than admit what goes on in her bed at night to anyone. She was already an outcast here; a mudblood egghead with only two friends who if she thought about it long enough would admit that they only kept her around mainly due to the scores on her papers.
She didn't need to add onto the fact that her knickers were being ruined nightly by some unknown occurrence.
"Very well, Ms. Granger," Minerva's voice snapped her out of the self loathing cloud. "if you won't tell me then I shall find out for myself." The older witch declared and Hermione's heart dropped. No.
"Professor, that, you-A hand being held up stopped her. "That's enough, Ms. Granger. You had your chance to tell me the truth now I'll just have to find out for myself.
"But Professor, you-I said that's enough, Ms. Granger now you may leave." Hermione snapped her lips shut and nodded as she stood up and begun to gather up her things.
It wasn't until she was halfway down the hall that her brain finally decided to jump start. What on earth was she going to do? She couldn't let McGonagall find out about her condition or the woman would think she was a freak of some sort. Hermione's face contorted in aghast at the mere though of it. No that couldn't/wouldn't happened. She must think of something quickly to hide it or else she wind up losing everything.